>Accounting homework help

The Carter Cleaning Company cases are a written homework assignment where you’ll apply HR Management concepts to a small business in need of sound HR practices.  Your responses should demonstrate that you can correctly identify and apply relevant concepts we study in class.  Think of this assignment as the quality of your advice that you’ll give to Jennifer.


  1. Carefully read the Carter Cleaning Company Cases for all of the chapters in Unit 2 (2, 13, 14), making note of the pertinent information and issues.  For each question below, identify the relevant HR Management concept from the chapter.
  2. Using this concept, construct a thorough and unique response to the questions.  Be sure to provide support in order to justify your response.   You can use examples from class discussion, your work experience, and the case details.
  3. Submit your assignment on or before the due date.

Your work is evaluated according to the rubric here in this assignment.

Case Questions:

  1. Discuss the problems/issues at hand at Carter Cleaning for this unit.
  2. What’s wrong with Jack’s attitude toward equal employment?  Explain both his attitudes and the problems with them.
  3. What does Jennifer need to do in order to make sure Carter Cleaning is compliant with EEO regulations?
  4. Carter Cleaning is not currently a union environment.  Could that change if the workers wanted to organize?  Why would they?  What would you do to head off any employees who want to unionize?
  5. List 5 unsafe conditions and 5 unsafe acts that you are likely to see in a dry cleaning store. If you were Jennifer, what would you do to reduce/prevent unsafe conditions?  Unsafe acts? How would you motivate employees to wear safety goggles?

>Literature homework help

For this blurb, focus on one aspect of the Poe’s “The Fall of the House of Usher.”  You may focus on a theme you identified, a character, the setting, or any other literary aspect.  How does the literary aspect you chose connect back to literary characteristics from 1820-1865 AMERICAN LITERATURE 1820–1865 PERIOD INTRODUCTION OVERVIEW?  Identify at least three passages from the story to support your claim.  Be sure to properly cite the passages in MLA format.

>Article writing homework help

mark any passages (2-5 lines or more) that you find interesting. Perhaps these passages exemplify Homer’s storytelling techniques or stylistic quirks. Or they deviate from the usual Homeric narrative model. In a blog post of 400-500 words, analyze the passage you’ve chosen by relating the details with broader themes in the work as a whole.
