Education homework help

With the current trends in health care, to include rising health care costs, your employer has received a lot of information and needs your help in making sense of it all.   This is the information they have so far:,With the current trends in health care, to include rising health care costs,With the current trends in health care, to include rising health care costs, your employer has received a lot of information and needs your help in making sense of it all.   This is the information they have so far:,There are four types of plans: Major medical, qualified health plans, catastrophic plans, and gap (short-term) plans., The have some familiarity with the major medical plans: health maintenance organizations (HMO), ,preferred provider organizations (PPO),, exclusive provider organization (EPO), point-of-service plans (POS), and high-deductible plans (HDHP)., …..but this is where it ends and the confusion starts. They thought (1) Major medical and qualified health plans were the same thing; and, (2) Catastrophic plans were only for those organizations that are self-insured. Or maybe it is for when there is a tornado or something. More puzzling to them is why they would even need to consider gap insurance.,You will prepare a 3-5 page paper in APA format (does not include title page, abstract, or references), where you help bring some clarity to the topic of health insurance so they can make the appropriate decisions for the employees and organization alike.,Submission Instructions:, IMPORTANT!!  Submit your work as an MS WORD ATTACHMENT in either a .doc, docx, or .rtf format., Please support your ideas, arguments, and opinions with independent research, include at least three (3) supporting references or sources (NOT Wikipedia, unknown, or anonymous sources), format your work in proper APA format, include a cover page, an abstract, a reference section, and in addition a minimum of 3 FULL pages of written content, but no more than 5. Finally, Double space all work, and cite all listed references properly in text in accordance with the 6th edition of the APA manual. Please pull sources from ProQuest if possible.  Must use MS WORD,Attachments,Click Here To Download,

Gender Studies homework help

This is a paper that is focusing on the Gabriel what would you do with freedom movie analysis. The paper also provides additional instructions to use in this assignment.,The Gabriel what would you do with freedom movie analysis,Watch the two videos and complete the assignment below., In this scene, the legislature is considering a vote regarding a levy to pay the American army to fight the British.  In essence, before the colonies declared their independence as a whole, each state was voting on whether or not join the “Rebellion.”  ,Benjamin Martin, (played by Mel Gibson), a hero of the French and Indian War and someone whom everyone respects, gives the reasoning for his vote.  Pay attention to all the speeches in this short clip.  Does any of it sound familiar?,VIDEO #1,In this scene, Gabriel (played by Heath Ledger) has just entered town, where he is confronted by corpses hanging from a tree – a warning to those who would help in the fight against the British.  The townspeople are gathered at the local church and are challenged by a young woman to stop talking – and start acting on their beliefs., VIDEO #2, (If you choose to watch the remainder of the movie, pay attention to phrases that include “principles.”  Or the scene where one man asks another, “What would you do with freedom?”  And near the end of the movie, ask yourself – do the ends justify the means?),For this Assignment:, Create an essay of at least 5 paragraphs (1) Firstly, summarize the two scenes (separately) (10 points), (2) Secondly, as you watch these two scenes, pay attention to the idea of “principles” as it relates to freedom. Answer: What role do you think “principles” played in each of the scenes? (15 points), (3) Thirdly, compare espousing principles/ideals to actually acting upon them. (10 points), (4) Answer: Fourthly, what beliefs/principles/ideals are you willing to act upon – and how? What would you be willing to risk to act upon those beliefs/principles/ideals? (10 points), (5) Lastly, include an introduction (2.5 points) and a conclusion (2.5 points),Attachments,Click Here To Download,

Languages homework help

Thesis: Tesla is not only changing the car industry but is also changing the world with their continued developments in technology.,Tesla is not only changing the car industry but is also changing the world,Thesis: Tesla is not only changing the car industry but is also changing the world with their continued developments in technology.,A Brief History on Tesla, EV-1 drew much attention and inspires.,Tesla was founded on July 1st, 2003, by a group of engineers.,Martin Eberhard and Marc Tarpenning (Founders).,Ian Wright was the third employee, joining a few months later.,Elon Musk invests 6.5 million in 2004.,Tesla Motors signed a production contract on July 11, 2005, with Group Lotus to produce “gliders”.,While constructing the Tesla Roadster, the company went over budget and fell into massive debt.,Elon Musk takes control in 2008, saves the company.,What makes Tesla cars so unique?,Design is very sleek and futuristic.,No fuel storage for faster 0 to 60 times.,There is a very large battery pack, which contains the energy storage cells as well as a cooling system and some electronic controls.,17-inch display screen for the control panel. Essentially a built-in Ipad.,Uses electric motors that have two moving parts and single-speed “transmissions” that have no gears.,○       ,Tesla autopilot vs Nissan autopilot,Nissan ProPilot’s 2.0 is more optimized with new self-driving features.,Allowing the car to maintain running on a single lane alone. Its systems allow the car to stay inside the lane and keep a safe distance from nearby vehicles.,Model 3 has had much backlash recently for some mistakes with its autopilot.,Would do risky maneuvers such as mindlessly overtaking some cars and merging into lanes unsafely.,Consumer Reports reported Cadillac’s autopilot system as number one and Tesla as number two and Nissan ProPilot number three.,○     Other Tesla technologies and what they plan to bring later this year,In 2016 Tesla acquired SolarCity,They offer different energy solutions such as solar panels and longer-lasting tesla batteries.,A government-funded collaboration,Tesla announced electric semi-trucks that we should see sometime either late 2020 or early 2021.,Along with the release of High-performance batteries and MegaCharger Stations.,An updated autopilot software will also release and fix major concerns.,Attachments,Click Here To Download,

Religious Studies homework help

This is a paper that focuses on the The International Monetary Fund (IMF) in Crisis assignment. The paper also provides various aspects that the student is to address in the paper.,The International Monetary Fund (IMF) in Crisis assignment,This final project is based on the following Harvard Business Case Study Series: Abdelal, R., & Moss, D. (2011). The international monetary fund in crisis. Retrieved from:, ,, (Links to an external site.), (Spreadsheet Supplement (Links to an external site.)),The International Monetary Fund (IMF) in Crisis assignment,Assume you are hired as senior financial management analyst to perform organization autopsy on the IMF.  Your report must be based on the above case and other scholarly material or journals to support your analysis. To write an effective report, your team must read the case in its entirety. After reading and analyzing the case, each team is as part of the final project to address the following:,Firstly, write a one-page summary of the case., Secondly, what is the case against the IMF as an international lender of last resort?, Thirdly, what integration did the IMF promote?, Fourthly, why did the exchange rate system break down in 1970?, Why was the IMF powerless to influence the U.S policy making during the 2008 financial crisis?,Then, develop a strategic finance plan or a financial rescue package for economic growth/development project in a country of your choosing. Model your rescue package to the country in accordance with Exhibit 3, page 17 of the case., Copy and update Exhibit 2 on page 17 of the case, and write a three-paragraph bio of the current managing director of the IMF., Analyze the global financial markets and the factors that affect them., Examine regulatory issues affecting foreign investments and foreign exchange., Study Exhibit 6 on page 19, and discuss why some countries are overrepresented and others are underrepresented in IMF voting.,Your written paper should meet the following requirements:,Be 8 to 10 pages in length, plus exhibits or illustrations., Support your project with 8 to 10 peer-reviewed articles/professional journals in addition to the textbook., Include a title page, introduction, conclusion, and references page., ,Attachments,Click Here To Download,

Business homework help

This is a paper that focuses on the typical models in the Operations Research field for supply chain. The paper also provides a list of models to select for the assignment.,Typical models in the Operations Research field for supply chain,There are a number of typical models in the Operations Research field which can be applied to a wide range of supply chain problems. In other words, by learning a typical model various problems in supply chain optimisation domain can be addressed.,Please note that the basis of all proposed problems is the methods that you have learned in this course; however, none of them has been directly taught. The reason behind the design of this assignment is that there are hundreds of problem variations with the same structure in the real business world. Therefore, by learning the linear programming, students should be able to formulate a solution for problems which have similar structure to a typical problem. Students are required to research one of the proposed topics and address the assignment requirements accordingly.,Step 1: Identify and Solve a Typical Problem, Select one of the following typical models:, Vehicle Routing Problems (VRP), Machine Scheduling Problem, Job Shop Scheduling, Flow Shop Scheduling, Pickup and Delivery, Christmas Lunch Problem, Knapsack Problem, Newsvendor Problem, Travelling Thief Problem, Eight Queens Problem • Hamiltonian Path Problem,1.1. Background:, •      Firstly, provide a detailed explanation of the selected problem.,1.2. Model, •      Secondly, provide typical mathematical model of the selected problem and clearly explain different aspects of the model (e.g. decision variable, objective function, constraints, etc.),1.3. Solving an Example, •      Thirdly, develop a mathematical model for a workable and reasonable size of the problem., – For many typical problems, when size of the problem increases, it becomes ,NP-Hard,. In other words, your computer will not be able to solve it mathematically. Therefore, ‘workable and reasonable size’ here means that size of the selected problem should not be too small or too large., •      Solve the problem in Excel and transfer your solution to Word., •      Interpret the findings and discuss.,Attachments,Click Here To Download,

Physics homework help

This is a paper that focuses on the combating in-group or out-group bias application paper. The paper also explains the concepts of these two groups and concepts.,The combating in-group or out-group bias application paper,Application Paper #3: Combating In-Group/Out-Group Bias, Describe to me a situation that you are currently involved with that demonstrates in-group/out-group characteristics. Think about each of your environments. (i.e., school, work, family, athletics, and church) and find a situation where strong in-group and out-group tendencies are present. Then answer each of the following questions:,-Explain the concepts of in-group and out-group bias, explain out-group homogeneity and in-group favoritism. Tell me how your situation is relevant to each of these concepts., -Explain what biases you are perceiving and experiencing in this situation. Also, what you believe someone in the “out-group” may be perceiving and experiencing. Explain the positive and/or negative aspects of these biases., -Use theory and research from Chapter 13 and previous chapters. Design an intervention for yourself (and others) to change your way of thinking about this situation. Propose some ideas to combat these biases in your current situation. You may use other interventions we have read about as the basis for your ideas, just make sure you give credit to the intervention you are using.,The combating in-group or out-group bias application paper,Make use of 3 concepts or theories from past chapters throughout your write-up. I would like to see you pulling together research and theory from our past chapters as you work to understand your biases. Also, why they exist, how they persist and how to counteract them. Chapter 13 brings together many concepts from past chapters. You may find the following concepts useful when trying to explain your biases or perhaps think of an intervention: Fundamental Attribution Error, Schemas, Priming and Accessibility. Additionally, Belief Perseverance, Bias Blind Spot, ,Social Comparison Theory,, Social Tuning, Cognitive Dissonance Theory, Explicit and Implicit Attitudes, Persuasion Techniques, Injunctive and Descriptive Norms. Lastly, look into Conformity, Normative Social Influence, Deindividuation, Social Roles, Propinquity Effect, Mere Exposure Effect, Ben Franklin Effect, Social Cognitive Learning Theory and many, many more.,Attachments,Click Here To Download,

Law homework help

The purpose of this assignment is to synthesize and apply the knowledge you gained in class into a well-written research paper. For this assignment, you will conduct research and write a paper containing the two elements: Part I: Choose one of the listed topics;,Synthesize and apply the knowledge you gained in class,The purpose of this assignment is to synthesize and apply the knowledge you gained in class into a well-written research paper. For this assignment, you will conduct research and write a paper containing the two elements: Part I: Choose one of the listed topics, Firstly, Implementing change on a nursing unit (Student must incorporate an example and a change theory),Secondly,  Leadership traits for successfully managing in the clinical arena.,Thirdly, ,Quality improvement in the, nursing unit or system,Fourthly, Mentorship in nursing,Further, Preceptor programs for nursing leaders,Also, Solving incivility in the work place, how can a nurse manager help? (conflict resolution),Additionally, Legal Issues within the nursing unit,Moreover, Promotion of ethical behaviors within the nursing unit (student must create a plan and implementation strategy),Also, Nursing Unit Strategic Planning,Finally, Compare and contrast the following new roles for the changing health care arena:,Lastly, Nurse Navigators, Clinical Nurse Leaders, and Leaders in Patient-Centered Care, ,Part II: Evaluate how the topic applies to 2 of the following course competencies.,Integrate concepts related to leadership into the professional nursing role.,Analyze the philosophy, goals, and organizational structure of a healthcare system in relationship to the delivery of quality healthcare.,Compare selected theories of leadership, management, and organizations in relation to healthcare agencies.,Identify how collaborative leadership styles might be utilized in various community agencies to enhance the role of the nurse leader.,Examine change theory, change management, conflict resolution, and strategies to promote innovation.,Explain principles of continuous quality improvement (CQI) and the process of quality planning, improvement, and control.,Discuss the management process and its impact on the delivery of optimal healthcare.,Analyze how accountability, advocacy, and collaboration augment the management of care.,Describe the meaning of teamwork in respect to the health care team,Identify the essential components of a business plan,Analyze various organization structure/management theories as they relate to nursing practice,Attachments,Click Here To Download,

International Development homework help

Psychology: High pressure work place can lead to feeling of anxiety and illicit drug use. Research paper on different jobs like nursing, ceo, police officers. Graph charts showing % of drug use.,Psychology: High pressure work place can lead to feeling of anxiety and illicit drug use,Psychology: High pressure work place can lead to feeling of anxiety and illicit drug use.,Research paper on different jobs like nursing, ceo, police officers. Graph charts showing % of drug use. ,How these jobs lead to that., This is is a research paper where you read professional literature and write about the opinions of experts) on your chosen topic. Students will need to use APA format.,Students will submit a completed 5 – 7 page paper electronically through Drop-box. Your cover page, abstract and reference page are additional pages. You will include a minimum of 6 Outside Professional References.,More details;,What To Do if Your Workplace is Anxiety-Inducing, There are so many aspects a job that can cause anxiety: having tight deadlines, trying to harmonize a work/life balance, dealing with office gossip and politics, meeting your supervisor’s expectations… the list goes on.,Thanks to all this, most people who work will experience some anxiety at some point. But what do you do if your workplace makes you feel that way on a regular basis? When you dread stepping foot into the office day after day. Occasionally, when something about your job makes anxiety your norm. When you have an ,anxiety disorder, and work constantly triggers your symptoms.,Depending on your situation, it might be helpful to evaluate whether your job is right for you. But if you aren’t able or don’t want to change jobs, there are ways to manage workplace anxiety.,Practice Self-Awareness,Before you can improve your situation, it’s important to understand what exactly is creating your anxious feelings or worsening the symptoms of your condition. Even if the root of your anxiety is something you can’t change, like having more work than you can handle, knowing the cause can help you figure out next steps. It’s a lot harder to reach a destination without a map.,Attachments,Click Here To Download,

Biology homework help

This is a paper that focuses on the American Indian film and popular culture analysis. The paper provides a brief story relating to the question.,The American Indian film and popular culture analysis,E‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍thnic Studies 143, – American Indians, Film and popular Culture Regarded as a classic in ,Native American literature, and published in 1974, Winter in the Blood is a novel by James Welch who integrates aspects of Blackfeet and Gros Ventre identity into the story. In writing the novel, Welch used a variety of storytelling strategies, one of which was to tell the story from the perspective of the main character. However, in doing so, the name of the protagonist is never reveal. Second, the structure of the novel is based on memories and thoughts as interconnected and overlapping stories.,However, at times, the memories and thoughts revealed by the protagonist appear to be disconnected. Basing on these factors, how the story reveals something about the protagonist’s state of the mind. Released in 2014, Winter in the Blood the film is based on Welch’s novel published three decades earlier. While the film follows certain aspects of the story, some parts or components are a change. For example, the main character in the film is Virgil Fir‌‌‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‍‍‌‌‌‍st Raise rather than being a character whose name is never reveal. In addition to differences and similarities between the film and the book, as a reader, you form some of your own impressions and connections while reading the novel.,While we do see the world through the eyes of the main character in the film, the visual aspect of the film on some level are an extension of the story or reveal some interpretations. Write a paper comparing the book and the film: What is the story about? What is the purpose of the story? What are some important similarities? Also, what are some important dis-similarities? Why is it important to highlight the dis-similarities? Focus your analysis from the vantage point of the main character. In your discussion, draw conclusions about what we learn about Indians from the novel and the film.,Attachments,Click Here To Download,