Drama, Film, and Mass Communication homework help

This is a paper that focuses on the implications of hyperinflation on other areas of the economy. The paper also provides information on the layout and marking scheme of the paper.,The implications of hyperinflation on other areas of the economy,Please give your answers to both of the following two questions in a short essay format.,Critically discuss the implications of hyperinflation on other areas of the economy, drawing on your knowledge of macroeconomic theory and supporting your answer with examples., ,Critically discuss how ,high levels of volatility, in exchange rates can impact international trade over a long term period (over 3 years).,Layout, Firstly, no need to give an introduction and a conclusion in the short essay., Secondly, use any graphs/figures, please label them clearly and reference the source of the data., Thirdly, the length of the answer for each question should 1,000 words. The combined answers within the document should not exceed 2,000 words (Times New Roman, 12 font print, 1.5 spacing), excluding references. Fourthly, references should be provided in the Harvard format.,Marking Scheme, Data Sources – Clear and correct use of data and analysis (20 marks), Content – Clear outline and critical discussion of issues surrounding these trends (60 marks), Layout – Structure (logical format with paragraphing), appropriate use of language with minimal spelling mistakes etc., as few direct quotes from sources as possible and correct referencing (20 marks),Outcomes,Avoid giving an introduction and a conclusion in the short essay., Additionally, ensure you use any graphs/figures, please label them clearly and reference the source of the data., Subsequently, its is mandatory for the paper to be 1,000 words. The combined answers within the document should not exceed 2,000 words (Times New Roman, 12 font print, 1.5 spacing), excluding references.,References should be provided in the Harvard format.,Marking Criteria, Clear and correct use of data and analysis (20 marks), Clear outline and critical discussion of issues surrounding these trends (60 marks), Structure (logical format with paragraphing), appropriate use of language with minimal spelling mistakes etc., as few direct quotes from sources as possible and also correct referencing (20 marks),Attachments,Click Here To Download,

Health Sciences homework help

This paper focuses on Personality and Parapsychology. Your research reaction paper should include a summary and discussion of the research article including the following areas:,Personality and Parapsychology- Your research reaction paper,Your research reaction paper should include a summary and discussion of the research article including the following areas:, ,Topic area., ,Hypothesis., ,Method., ,Major results and findings., ,Summary (the entire summary section as described below should only take two to three pages):,Topic area:, Firstly, In one or two sentences, identify the general topic area of your paper.,Hypothesis,: Secondly, You may use the, verbatim hypothesis, directly from the study you are critiquing. Thirdly, The hypothesis is generally only a couple of sentences long.,Method,: Fourthly, Provide a summary of the research method utilized in your study; this summary should be several sentences in length.,Also, Identify the type of research, the subject population, number of subjects, methods or tests used and other relevant information.,Results and Discussion:, Additionally, Summarize (in less than 10 sentences) the findings of the research study.,You do not have to go into great detail, just report the conclusions drawn by the study.,Critique (should take approximately two to three pages):,This is your opportunity to critically evaluate the research study. You will want to discuss the appropriateness of the research methods utilized, the applicability of the subject population, the utility of the assessment measures, conclusions drawn, etc., Basically, you are evaluating the quality of the research design and the conclusions. Your task it to demonstrate that you are a critical consumer of psychological information.,Relationship of the study to personality theory (approximately two to three pages):, Discuss the relationship of this study to theories identified in class. Often, the research study will not directly address its relationship to theory; it is your task to draw these types of conclusions.,Critically evaluate what the results of this study contribute to the field of personality theory.,Relationship of the study to your own life and personality development (approximately two pages):,Lastly, Discuss the relevance of the study to your own life and personality; highlight areas that it either particularly applies or is not relevant.,Attachments,Click Here To Download,

Art, Music, and Creative Writing homework help

In this research paper, you will examine a current policy area of your choice (either at the federal level or in California), recommend a specific public policy (this will be your thesis statement), and then argue for the adoption of that policy.,You will examine a current policy area of your choice,In this research paper, you will examine a current policy area of your choice (either at the federal level or in California), recommend a specific public policy (this will be your thesis statement), and then ,argue, for the adoption of that policy.,What you need to include in your paper;, The paper prompt is intentionally broad, as it is designed to have you research a policy topic that (1) you find interesting and (2) is current.,The paper should include a minimum of seven sources beyond sources assigned in this class., You will need to look at more than seven sources to craft your argument. This minimum refers to the number of citations that you actually end up using in the paper., The seven sources must be scholarly and reputable., These can be scholarly articles or books, government documents, or data sources., Depending on the topic, these may be newspaper articles, documentaries, or podcasts., However, your goal is to present the most convincing evidence possible, so relying exclusively on these sources is not a good idea. You should aim to use a majority of scholarly sources., These sources cannot be dictionaries, encyclopedias, or blogs.,Some sources to use;,https://calmatters.org/explainers/california-gun-laws-policy-explained/?gclid=CjwKCAjwqJ_1BRBZEiwAv73uwAXO-ISJZSPrquR2Z770uWzPmXAiRY1lp32-3xkPmY2DSoFYXtZLpxoCaNkQAvD_BwE, , , ,https://calmatters.org/explainers/california-gun-laws-policy-explained/?gclid=CjwKCAjwqJ_1BRBZEiwAv73uwAXO-ISJZSPrquR2Z770uWzPmXAiRY1lp32-3xkPmY2DSoFYXtZLpxoCaNkQAvD_BwE, , , ,http://www.invisiblechildren.org/2019/09/17/arming-teachersshooting-students-advocating-for-less-violence-and-a-more-civil-society/?gclid=CjwKCAjwqJ_1BRBZEiwAv73uwM83QPNcPYU0GVkD0RpDhGHSHT6vmi8eZ6xepNnw44s0JmawKkGBmhoC5XUQAvD_BwE, , , ,https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5801608/, , , Please use these another 3 from your own to have 7 total sources, but the policy of sources on your is very important.(Excluding the title page and bibliography),Firstly, Use 12 pt. font.,Secondly, Have 1 inch margins.,Thirdly, Include page numbers.,Fourthly, Include parenthetical (in-text) citations for both quoted and paraphrased materials.,Further, Include a bibliography with the following properties:,Also, The bibliography is on its own page at the end of the document,Additionally, The word “Bibliography” or “References” or “Sources” or “Works Cited” is centered at the top.,Lastly, The sources are alphabetized by the author’s last name,Attachments,Click Here To Download,

Art, Music, and Creative Writing homework help

This is an assignment that focuses on the movie Crash analysis on multicultural psychology and importance. The assignment also provides guidelines to follow in writing the paper.,The movie Crash analysis on multicultural psychology and importance,“CRASH” FINAL PAPER:, We’ll view the movie “Crash” during the semester, and by the end will have entire semester’s worth of knowledge about multicultural psychology and why it’s important to learn, as well as how to apply those concepts to this important film. For this paper, you will explore the movie through the lens of your own culture and will include a discussion of each of the following topics in relation to the movie, each in its own distinct section (indicated by an APA-formatted heading):, 1. Bi-culturality, 2. Social power, 3. Race and ethnicity, 4. Gender and sexuality, 5. Religion,The “Crash” Final Paper is worth 10% of your final course grade and serves in place of a Final Exam.,Here are some general guidelines to my expectations for the “Crash” Final Paper:, · Firstly, your paper should begin with an APA-formatted title page: title, your name, a title for the paper, and the semester., · Secondly, you must have at least four (4) references, two of which must come from scholarly, ,peer-reviewed sources,, to back up points you make in the paper. These references will be placed at the end of the paper in a separate section titled “References,” and must be created using APA-format.,· Thirdly, please take the time to use a spell-check and grammar-check. Grammar and spelling do, count. Be careful. Proofread., · Fourthly, given the nature of the assignment, this paper should be no less than six (6) pages, double-spaced, in Times New Roman font, one inch margins.  You will also have a title page and a References page, for no less than eight (8) pages., · Lastly, type your paper in MS Word or Google Docs and Save As .doc, docx, or .rtf; then attach to the Final Paper Dropbox.  Do not paste your paper into the message field – this must be an MS Word compatible attachment.,Attachments,Click Here To Download,

Law homework help

This is a paper that focuses on the Approval of the Prospectus for the DNP Practice Project. The paper also identifies the  focus of the project in the program.,Approval of the Prospectus for the DNP Practice Project,Instructions for Approval of the Prospectus for the DNP Practice Project,Your scholarly project, called the DNP Project, is part of your ,Clinical Scholarship Portfolio (CSP),.  It is a major project focusing on quality improvement to influence population or organizational/systems processes and outcomes.  See examples of completed DNP Projects posted on Canvas at DNP Post-Master’s Student Information site – CSP folder.,You identify the focus of your DNP Project early in the program (first semester) so that you can tailor course assignments around your project.  Your advisor is the key person with whom you will work to help narrow and shape the focus of the DNP Project.  Plan to meet regularly in person or with technology (e.g. telephone, email, Skype or other media), and set up meetings with your advisor on an ongoing basis (every week for the first semester and bi-weekly after that for the duration of the program – until the DNP Project is complete).,Task,Your first task is to prepare the prospectus for your DNP Project. The prospectus takes considerable time to prepare.  Prepare your prospectus according to the instruction provided., Center your first and last name in bold at the top of the first page of the prospectus.  Address each of the headings listed for the prospectus (e.g. title through expected outcomes) at the left margin followed by a colon; start the content after the colon.  A reference list in not counted in the 1-3 page prospectus,Your advisor must approve your completed DNP Project Prospectus by May 1st of the second semester of the DNP program. Additionally, your advisor indicates approval by signing the form and you also sign the form.  Your signature indicates your commitment to complete the project. Also,  your understanding that if you have a major change in the focus of your DNP Project, you will submit a new prospectus for approval by your advisor.,Attachments,Click Here To Download,

Drama, Film, and Mass Communication homework help

This is a paper that focuses on the Facial recognition in humans and technology. The paper also requires writing a magazine article for psychology audience.,Facial recognition in humans and technology,Perception Article: Facial recognition in humans and technology, 1. Instructions, You are required to write a magazine article that will be published in a psychology magazine designed for general audiences (that is, anyone who is interested in reading about psychology). Capitalising on the interest in facial recognition technologies, the magazine editor has asked for a piece that explains how facial recognition works in humans. While the context of the piece is technology, the focus should remain on human facial recognition. There are many cues and processes that humans (and technologies) use to recognise faces, and the article does not need to address all of them., The purposes of this task are to:,Consolidate your knowledge of ,neurophysiological mechanisms, of perception, Apply theoretical concepts to real-world ideas, Communicate academic research and complex ideas to a general audience,The article must include the following:,An engaging title, Context around the use of facial recognition technology, Identification and explanation of similarities and/or differences between how humans and technologies recognise faces, Identification and explanation of a facial recognition task that technology finds difficult that humans are capable of doing, Explanation of neural areas that relate to facial recognition, Appropriate reference to academic literature, Design appropriate to your choice of presentation. This does not need to be extensive. It is possible to do well in this criterion without using images, colour, or complicated layouts. However, it should look different to a document of plain text.,The article may include the following:,Explanation of one of the processes that technology uses to recognise faces (that is unique to technology), Secondly, an argument to whether or not technology should be advanced by using knowledge about human recognition, Thirdly, an opinion on whether technologies are better or worse, or could be better or worse, than human abilities, Fourthly, identification and explanation of situations in which human recognition and/or technological recognition fail, Additionally, relevant images with captions, Lastly, information presented in textboxes or sidebars,Attachments,Click Here To Download,

Economics homework help

Spend at least 15 minutes in prayer reflecting on your current spiritual state, asking God to show you at least one spiritual practice that would fit your current schedule and that would help you move forward in your spiritual journey.,15 minutes in prayer reflecting on your current spiritual state,Firstly, Review the document on Spiritual disciplines (attached).,Secondly, Spend at least 15 minutes in prayer reflecting on your current spiritual state, asking God to show you at least one spiritual practice that would fit your current schedule and that would help you move forward in your spiritual journey.,Thirdly, Decide on a plan and turn in a one-page proposal that flows specifically from your narrative and self-assessment.,Fourthly, Describe your experiences with at least two of the disciplines. Include a rationale for why that spiritual practice, is appropriate to your life, at this time and description of what you will do. When? Where? What resources will you need? Be as specific as possible.,Further, The expectation is to spend at least 60 minutes per week engaging in your spiritual discipline activity. Describe specifically what you will do, when you will do it and where (if appropriate). This could be 15 minutes sessions – four day per week, three 20 minutes sessions, or 10 minutes sessions six times per week.,Additionally, I suggest that if you are not sure where to start, that a good place to begin is with Studying or Reading. You can choose a Book of the Bible. Just simply set aside your “time allotment” each day or times of the week and simply begin to read. If you are unfamiliar with the Bible, a great place to begin with the Book of John or Mark or Paul’s letter to the Philippians.,Finally, If you wish to combine two of the disciples, that is fine. Just specify this in your proposal. You may want to consider 10 minutes of Bible ready with 5 minutes of prayer and 5 minutes of silence/solitude.,Lastly, Use this 20 minutes “plan” for 3 times a week and you have your 60 minutes/week for the assignment!,Attachments,Click Here To Download,

Mathematics homework help

This paper focuses on Teens and the Media. There was a lot of pressure on teens while we were growing up. Nowadays, it seems like there are so much more pressures. There are also a lot of influences, other than adolescents’ peer group.,Teens and the Media-there was a lot of pressure on teens while we,Teens and the Media (20 points), There was a lot of pressure on teens while we were growing up. Nowadays, it seems like there are so much more pressures. There are also a lot of influences, other than adolescents’ ,peer group,. For this activity, you are to interview two individuals about their opinions of the media nowadays, particularly its influence on adolescents (youths between the ages of 13 and 17). The two individuals can be two young adults, one young adult and one middle-aged adult, or two middle-aged adults. If you use two young adults, it would be helpful to interview individuals of different genders or ethnicities., Ask your participants the following questions:,– Were they influenced by television shows when they were adolescents? If so, ask them to elaborate with a specific example. If one or both were not, ask him, her, or them why he, she, or they believe that he, she, or they were not influenced.,– Do they believe that adolescents are influenced by shows like Teen Mom?,– Why do they believe that shows like Teen Mom have or do not have an impact on adolescents nowadays?,– Do they believe that adolescents are more influenced by shows like Teen Mom than they were influenced by television shows as adolescents?,– What environmental influences had an effect on their behaviours as adolescents? Are these influences different for adolescents nowadays, and why or why not?,In a 2 to 3 page (double-spaced) essay, include the following components in your paper, along with your participants’ answers to the questions listed above:,1) Describe your participants (e.g., age, gender). (2 points),2) Compare and contrast your interviewees’ responses. (8 points),3) Discuss environmental influences on their behaviours as adolescents. (6 points),4) Describe ways to improve adolescents’ development. (4 points),Attachments,Click Here To Download,

Engineering homework help

Professional development needs to be worthy of teachers’ valuable time. Creating the sessions to be engaging, applicable, and provide ideas and materials they can take back to their classrooms can ensure this worth.,Professional development needs to be worthy of teachers’ valuable time,Professional development needs to be worthy of teachers’ valuable time. Creating the sessions to be engaging, applicable, and provide ideas and materials they can take back to their classrooms can ensure this worth. Whenever possible, you should design sessions that allow participants the opportunity to practice what they are learning or create their own materials during the professional development session.,Create a 10-15 slide digital presentation, for the, professional development session you have outlined in Topic 1. The presentation should serve to inform and work with teachers on making data-driven, student-centered, instructional decisions based on state and district academic standards.,Your presentation should include the following:,At least 2-3 learning objectives to be mastered by teachers during the PD.,Agenda for the session that includes time allocations for each agenda item.,Activities aligned to the school vision and mission that are descriptive enough so each activity can be visualized., Techniques for incorporating state and district standards into content-based learning materials and strategies, while still maintaining quality, engaging instruction.,Accountability plan to ensure that participants make data-driven, student-centered instructional decisions and implement in their classroom what was presented in the session.,Incorporate Gagné’s 9 Events of Instruction into your presentation and describe how you have done so in the presenter’s notes., Title slide, presenter’s notes, and reference slide.,Support the content of your presentation and research in making curricular and instructional decisions with at least 3-5 scholarly resources.,In addition, create an evaluation to hand out at the end of the PD. The evaluation should allow the participants the opportunity to provide feedback on the effectiveness of the session. Further, briefly describe how they will use the information they learned., Include 5-6 questions with at least one open-ended item. At the end of the evaluation describe how you will administer this to participants, whether it is by pencil/paper, Survey Monkey, anonymously or not, etc.,Attachments,Click Here To Download,