Religious Studies homework help
How do you write 38% as a fraction in simplest form? I still haven’t mastered this skill yet and would like to learn how to do this. My daughter really needs some help in math.
How do you write 38% as a fraction in simplest form? I still haven’t mastered this skill yet and would like to learn how to do this. My daughter really needs some help in math.
Case: Property Purchase Strategy.Case Problem 1 PROPERTY PURCHASE STRATEGYGlenn Foreman, president of Ocean view Development Corporation, is considering submitting a bid to purchase property that will be sold by sealed bid at a county tax foreclosure:Glenn’s initial judgment is to submit a bid of $5 million. Based on his experience, Glenn estimates that a bid of $5 million will have a 0.2 probability of being the highest bid and securing the property for Oceanview. The current date is June 1. Sealed bids for the property must be submitted by August 15. The winning bid will be announced on September 1.If Oceanview submits the highest bid and obtains the property, the firm plans to build and sell a complex of luxury condominiums. However, a complicating factor is that the property is currently zoned for single-family residences only. Glenn believes that a referendum could be placed on the voting ballot in time for the November election. Passage of the referendum would change the zoning of the property and permit construction of the condominiums. The sealed-bid procedure requires the bid to be submitted with a certified check for 10% of the amount bid. If the bid is rejected, the deposit is refunded. If the bid is accepted, the deposit is the down payment for the property. However, if the bid is accepted and the bidder does not follow through with the purchase and meet the remainder of the financial obligation within six months, the deposit will be forfeited. In this case, the county will offer the property to the next highest bidder.To determine whether Oceanview should submit the $5 million bid, Glenn conducted some preliminary analysis. This preliminary work provided an assessment of 0.3 for the probability that the referendum for a zoning change will be approved and resulted in the following estimates of the costs and revenues that will be incurred if the condominiums are built. REVENUE AND COST EXTIMATESREVENUE FROM CONDOMINIUM SALES$ 15 MILLIONCOSTPROPERTY$ 5 MILLION.CONSTRUCTION EXPENSES$ 8 MILLION.If Oceanview obtains the property and the zoning change is rejected in November, Glenn believes that the best option would be for the firm not to complete the purchase of the property. In this case, Ocean view would forfeit the 10% deposit that accompanied the bid.Because the likelihood that the zoning referendum will be approved is such an important factor in the decision process, Glenn has suggested that the firm hire a market research service to conduct a survey of voters. The survey would provide a better estimate of the likelihood that the referendum for a zoning change would be approved. The market research firm that Oceanview Development has worked with in the past has agreed to do the study for $15,000.The results of the study will be available August 1, so that Oceanview will have this information before the August 15 bid deadline. The results of the survey will be either a prediction that the zoning change will be approved or a prediction that the zoning change will be rejected. After considering the record of the market research service in previous studies conducted for Oceanview, Glenn has developed the following probability estimates concerning the accuracy of the market research information.P(A |s1) = 0.9P(A |s2) = 0.2p(N | s1) = 0.1P(N |s2) = 0.8whereA = prediction of zoning change approvalN = prediction that zoning change will not be approveds1 = the zoning change is approved by the voterss2 = the zoning change is rejected by the votersManagerial ReportPerform an analysis of the problem facing the Oceanview Development Corporation, and prepare a report that summarizes your findings and recommendations. Include the following items in your report:1.A decision tree that shows the logical sequence of the decision problem2. A recommendation regarding what Oceanview should do if the market research information is not available3A decision strategy that Oceanview should follow if the market research is conducted4. A recommendation as to whether Oceanview should employ the market research firm, along with the value of the information provided by the market research firmInclude the details of your analysis as an appendix to your report.And also a spreadsheet report of this case
A 45-year-old patient reports a recent onset of unilateral shoulder pain which is described as diffuse and is associated with weakness of the shoulder but no loss of passive range of motion. What does the provider suspect as the cause of these symptoms?
Write an original, qualitative, social research question. Write the question in the format, “How does (your identified topic) impact (your identified social group
Based on the social research question that you framed, answer the following questions:
What factors did you have to consider when writing your question?
Who is your target audience?
Did you envision any trouble attaining data for this subject?
What new will you bring to the already existing pool of knowledge
Discussion board501#4″On what basis shall we allocate resources to Program A instead of Program B, is the perennial statement in public sector budgeting. Identify and discuss at least five attempts, found in the budgeting literature, used to answer V.O. Keys famous budgeting question. In your professional judgment, which type of budgeting system is most appropriate for public administration? Why do you feel this way?Discussion board#5Informed decision-making is an important aspect for working in the government. According to Milakovich and Gordon, provide some examples of how information technology can be used to assist bureaucrats in decision-making?Discussion board520#4Chapter 7 Case Study – SocializationShould Criminal Justice Managers be concerned with the personal aspects of employees lives?Will this concern necessarily translate into effective leadership in that organization?
In this file MGT 434 Week 4 Discussion Questions 1 you will find answers on this task: “Describe the range of testing that is allowed in the workplace. What are some of the limitations of workplace testing? What are some of the limitations of preemployment testing? What are some of the potential pitfalls for management? What might management do to avoid the pitfalls?”
university of phoenix Practice Set 3Practice Set 31. Let x be a continuous random variable. What is the probability that x assumes a single value, such as a (use numerical value)?2. Thefollowingarethethreemaincharacteristicsofanormaldistribution.A. Thetotalareaunderanormalcurveequals _____.B. Anormalcurveis___________aboutthemean.Consequently,50%ofthetotalareaunderanormaldistributioncurveliesontheleftsideofthe mean,and50%liesontherightsideofthemean.C. Fill in the blank. Thetailsofanormaldistributioncurveextendindefinitelyinbothdirectionswithouttouchingorcrossingthehorizontalaxis.Althoughanormalcurvenevermeetsthe________axis,beyondthe pointsrepresentedby µ – 3? to µ+ 3? itbecomessoclosetothisaxisthattheareaunderthecurve beyondthesepointsinbothdirectionsisveryclosetozero.3. For the standard normal distribution, find the area within one standard deviation of the mean that is, the area between ? ? ? and ? + ?. Round to four decimal places.4. Find the area under the standard normal curve. Round to four decimal places.a) between z = 0 and z = 1.95b) between z = 0 and z = ?2.05c) between z = 1.15 and z = 2.37d) from z = ?1.53 to z = ?2.88e) from z = ?1.67 to z = 2.245. Theprobabilitydistributionofthepopulationdataiscalledthe (1) ________.Table7.2inthe textprovidesanexampleofit.Theprobabilitydistributionofasamplestatisticiscalledits (2) _________.Table7.5inthetextprovidesanexampleit.A. Probability distributionB. Population distributionC. Normal distributionD. Sampling distribution6. ___________isthedifferencebetweenthevalueofthesamplestatisticandthevalueofthecorrespondingpopulationparameter,assumingthatthesampleisrandomandnonon-samplingerrorhasbeenmade.Example71inthetextdisplayssamplingerror.Samplingerroroccursonlyinsamplesurveys.7. Consider the following population of 10 numbers. 20 25 13 19 9 15 11 7 17 30a) Find the population mean. Round to two decimal places.b) Rich selected one sample of nine numbers from this population. The sample included the numbers 20, 25, 13, 9, 15, 11, 7, 17, and 30. Calculate sampling error for this sample. Round to decimal places.8. Fill in the blank. TheFdistributionis________andskewedtotheright.TheFdistributionhastwo numbersofdegreesoffreedom:dfforthenumeratoranddfforthedenominator.TheunitsofanFdistribution,denotedbyF,arenonnegative.9. Find the critical value of F for the following. Round to two decimal places.a) df = (3, 3) and area in the right tail = .05b) df = (3, 10) and area in the right tail = .05c) df = (3, 30) and area in the right tail = .0510. The following ANOVA table, based on information obtained for three samples selected from three independent populations that are normally distributed with equal variances, has a few missing values.a) Find the missing values and complete the ANOVA table. Round to four decimal places.b) Using ? = .01, what is your conclusion for the test with the null hypothesis that the means of the three populations are all equal against the alternative hypothesis that the means of the three populations are not all equal?Reject H0. Conclude that the means of the three populations are equal.Reject H0. Conclude that the means of the three populations are not equal.Do not reject H0. Conclude that the means of the three populations are equal.Do not reject H0. Conclude that the means are of the three populations are not equal.
Create a powerpoint presentation about the topic in hand.Include APA format, abstract, summary, and conclusion. Add more references and citationAlso create a transcript in a word document about the topic.Topic : Business with global supply chain often encounter workplace sustainability issues and problems with its overseas suppliers. Identify and discuss some of these possible issues and describe what companies do resolve them.
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