Art, Music, and Creative Writing homework help

Art, Music, and Creative Writing homework help. A runner wants to run 12 7km. She knows that her running pace is 8.0 mi /h. How many minutes must she run

Art, Music, and Creative Writing homework help

Art, Music, and Creative Writing homework help

Art, Music, and Creative Writing homework help. A runner wants to run 12 7km. She knows that her running pace is 8.0 mi /h. How many minutes must she run

Art, Music, and Creative Writing homework help

Drama, Film, and Mass Communication homework help

Drama, Film, and Mass Communication homework help. Write 3 page essay on the topic Midterm creative response.Hearing the news as a family we were filed with mixed emotions as we were placed in the balance between joy for victory and fear of the unknown. Not only was the event a surprise as the ending of the war was almost instantaneous after the bombings. One thing that mainly stood out to us was that the Japanese had been defeated a long time ago, however still continued to fight. The American troops had gained control of the majority of the Japanese waters. In addition, the Japanese army had lost many troops and was experiencing financial difficulties which further increased the element of surprise when the news came that the war was over. The first question was why, after the Japanese continued to fight in such a compromising position, they decided to quit after just two bombings. We had heard some information on the nuclear bomb. however, we were not completely aware of the extent of damage it can cause.Upon hearing the news that the war was over, the primary emotion that was present among members of the community was joy and relief that the war had ended. We celebrated together with our neighbors as the conflict was long and scarred with destruction, death and terror. Many of our neighbors including our family were waiting for the return of our relatives. However, we often engaged in some concerning discussions on the sides. I was all too careful in such encounters as opinions may differ, and change the jovial atmosphere that was in the community. One question that we mainly discussed in small but close company was whether the use of nuclear weapons was justified. To a certain extent, I would say yes, the use of the atomic bomb was justified. Without the intention of using this term too loosely, all is fair in love and war. The Japanese had previously misrepresented themselves, which led to the deaths of numerous America citizens. In addition, I feel Truman was running out of options as the Japanese were refusing to surrender. During

Drama, Film, and Mass Communication homework help

Business homework help

Business homework help. In 2-3 pages Estate Planning A. In terms of minimizing tax liability, how would estate planning differ from a partnership to a corporation? B. For estate planning purposes, what are the advantages of setting your business up as a corporation versus a partnership? Defend your response. C. Describe Target Corporation’s succession plan and whether or not it aligns with the company’s vision. D. Based on your responses, what estate planning strategy would be most effective in minimizing tax liability? Why? 2. Trusts A. Draw a conclusion about the purpose for Amazon Corporation’s trust based on the research of the company. B. Why would a small business owner want to set up a trust and how could it be used for estate planning purposes? C. Evaluate the similarities and differences between trusts and corporations. In an attempt to protect income, which would be most suitable for a company? Please note that I need an original paper with sources cited and in APA format. The majority of the paper should be original content.

Business homework help

Biology homework help

Biology homework help. The (incomplete) data below were collected in southern Florida between 1968 and 1972 to test a hypothesis that massive injection of silver iodide into cumulus clouds can lead to increased rainfall.Rainfall (acre-feet) from unseeded days (n = 26)1202.6, 830.1, … 4.9, 1.0Rainfall (acre-feet) from seeded days (n = 26)2745.6, 1697.1, … 7.7, 4.1On each of 52 days that were deemed suitable for cloud seeding, a random mechanism was used to decide whether to seed the target cloud on that day or to leave it unseeded as a control. An airplane flew through the cloud in both cases since the pilot and the experimenters were themselves unaware of whether on any particular day the seeding mechanism in the plane was loaded or not. Precipitation was measured as the total rain volume falling from the cloud base following the airplane run, as measured by radar.(a) Is this study an observational study or a randomized experiment? Explain your answer.(b) Who are the subjects in this case?(c) What is the explanatory variable in this case? What is the response variable? Identify each as being qualitative or quantitative.(d) What are the “treatments” in this case?(e) Why were the pilots and the experimenters blinded?

Biology homework help

Biology homework help

Biology homework help. The (incomplete) data below were collected in southern Florida between 1968 and 1972 to test a hypothesis that massive injection of silver iodide into cumulus clouds can lead to increased rainfall.Rainfall (acre-feet) from unseeded days (n = 26)1202.6, 830.1, … 4.9, 1.0Rainfall (acre-feet) from seeded days (n = 26)2745.6, 1697.1, … 7.7, 4.1On each of 52 days that were deemed suitable for cloud seeding, a random mechanism was used to decide whether to seed the target cloud on that day or to leave it unseeded as a control. An airplane flew through the cloud in both cases since the pilot and the experimenters were themselves unaware of whether on any particular day the seeding mechanism in the plane was loaded or not. Precipitation was measured as the total rain volume falling from the cloud base following the airplane run, as measured by radar.(a) Is this study an observational study or a randomized experiment? Explain your answer.(b) Who are the subjects in this case?(c) What is the explanatory variable in this case? What is the response variable? Identify each as being qualitative or quantitative.(d) What are the “treatments” in this case?(e) Why were the pilots and the experimenters blinded?

Biology homework help

Biology homework help

Biology homework help. The (incomplete) data below were collected in southern Florida between 1968 and 1972 to test a hypothesis that massive injection of silver iodide into cumulus clouds can lead to increased rainfall.Rainfall (acre-feet) from unseeded days (n = 26)1202.6, 830.1, … 4.9, 1.0Rainfall (acre-feet) from seeded days (n = 26)2745.6, 1697.1, … 7.7, 4.1On each of 52 days that were deemed suitable for cloud seeding, a random mechanism was used to decide whether to seed the target cloud on that day or to leave it unseeded as a control. An airplane flew through the cloud in both cases since the pilot and the experimenters were themselves unaware of whether on any particular day the seeding mechanism in the plane was loaded or not. Precipitation was measured as the total rain volume falling from the cloud base following the airplane run, as measured by radar.(a) Is this study an observational study or a randomized experiment? Explain your answer.(b) Who are the subjects in this case?(c) What is the explanatory variable in this case? What is the response variable? Identify each as being qualitative or quantitative.(d) What are the “treatments” in this case?(e) Why were the pilots and the experimenters blinded?

Biology homework help

Drama, Film, and Mass Communication homework help

Drama, Film, and Mass Communication homework help. According to the U.S. Department of Labor, the average American has had how many jobs before the age of 32? a. four b. at least eight c. three or fewer d. one or two

Drama, Film, and Mass Communication homework help

Drama, Film, and Mass Communication homework help

Drama, Film, and Mass Communication homework help. According to the U.S. Department of Labor, the average American has had how many jobs before the age of 32? a. four b. at least eight c. three or fewer d. one or two

Drama, Film, and Mass Communication homework help