Political Science homework help

Political Science homework help. This paperwork of BSHS 442 Week 1 Discussion Questions and Summary comprises: DQ1: Compare and Contrast the role of an advocate with the role of a mediator. DQ2: Identify a client that could use assistance in advocating. Consider the sources of power identified in your reading. What are your client

Political Science homework help

Art, Music, and Creative Writing homework help

Art, Music, and Creative Writing homework help. NSG 5003 South University Advanced PathophysiologyI have an 84 in the class. Do you have any study guide information from the NEW online final exam. I didn’t do well on the midterm and it was a new test as well. I want to pass and any help will be appreciate. We can’t use notes or anything. Thanks

Art, Music, and Creative Writing homework help

Social Work homework help

Social Work homework help. 1.    Consider the following mixture going into a water-gas shift reactor to make hydrogen for the hydrogen economy. CO, 630; H2O, 1130; CO2, 189; H2, 63 kmol/h. The gas is at 1 atm and 500 K. Use MATLAB and at least three iterations manually to compute the specific volume using(a) ideal gas law(b) Redlich-Kwong equation of state(c) Redlich-Kwong-Soave equation of state.The acentric factors for the RK-Soave method are: CO, 0.049; water, 0.344; CO2,0.225; Hydrogen, ?0.22.Where did you get the other data you needed? How do the three answers compare? Is the gas ideal or not? Comment. Then redo the calculations for a pressure of 200 atm and comment on the results.2.    Barron (1985) lists the specific volume of nitrogen at 5 MPa and 150 K as 0.116 m3/kmol. The gas constant in these units is 8317 Pa m3/kmol K.(a) Use the Redlich-Kwong equation of state to calculate the specific volume and compare with this value. The critical constants for nitrogen are 126.2 K and 3.4 MPa.(b) Do the same thing with the Redlich-Kwong-Soave equation of state. The acentric factor for nitrogen is 0.040. Is this molecule symmetric or asymmetric? Is the Soave version necessary?(c) Barron (1985) gives the Dieterici equation of state for high pressures.p(v ? b) exp(a/vRT) = RT For nitrogen, a = 1.754 • 105 Pa m6/kmol2; b = 0.04182 m3/kmol. Compute the specific volume from this equation of state and compare with parts (a) and (b).

Social Work homework help

Social Work homework help

Social Work homework help. 1.    Consider the following mixture going into a water-gas shift reactor to make hydrogen for the hydrogen economy. CO, 630; H2O, 1130; CO2, 189; H2, 63 kmol/h. The gas is at 1 atm and 500 K. Use MATLAB and at least three iterations manually to compute the specific volume using(a) ideal gas law(b) Redlich-Kwong equation of state(c) Redlich-Kwong-Soave equation of state.The acentric factors for the RK-Soave method are: CO, 0.049; water, 0.344; CO2,0.225; Hydrogen, ?0.22.Where did you get the other data you needed? How do the three answers compare? Is the gas ideal or not? Comment. Then redo the calculations for a pressure of 200 atm and comment on the results.2.    Barron (1985) lists the specific volume of nitrogen at 5 MPa and 150 K as 0.116 m3/kmol. The gas constant in these units is 8317 Pa m3/kmol K.(a) Use the Redlich-Kwong equation of state to calculate the specific volume and compare with this value. The critical constants for nitrogen are 126.2 K and 3.4 MPa.(b) Do the same thing with the Redlich-Kwong-Soave equation of state. The acentric factor for nitrogen is 0.040. Is this molecule symmetric or asymmetric? Is the Soave version necessary?(c) Barron (1985) gives the Dieterici equation of state for high pressures.p(v ? b) exp(a/vRT) = RT For nitrogen, a = 1.754 • 105 Pa m6/kmol2; b = 0.04182 m3/kmol. Compute the specific volume from this equation of state and compare with parts (a) and (b).

Social Work homework help

Economics homework help

Economics homework help. Describe the basic industries of America’s Industrial Revolution and explain what made the men who controlled them so successful. Select one industry to argue your point (such as the petroleum industry). Were the men who dominated this industry “robber barons,” as some suggested, or simply good businessmen? Explain your answer.

Economics homework help

Economics homework help

Economics homework help. Describe the basic industries of America’s Industrial Revolution and explain what made the men who controlled them so successful. Select one industry to argue your point (such as the petroleum industry). Were the men who dominated this industry “robber barons,” as some suggested, or simply good businessmen? Explain your answer.

Economics homework help

Health Sciences homework help

Health Sciences homework help. Why should an organization try to be socially responsible? Find and provide the citation to an article on the internet that demonstrates good corporate social responsibility. What important points should we learn from the article? How would you convince a Board of Directors to spend money to improve the corporate social responsibility of its organization when it reduces earnings per share?

Health Sciences homework help

Sociology homework help

Sociology homework help. What are multiple specific advantages and disadvantages that American entrepreneurs have in the global marketplace? How can these advantages be exploited to maximize value-creation and increase long-term competitiveness and success? How can these disadvantages be addressed and minimized in order to help entrepreneurs be more competitive and better positioned in the global marketplace?

Sociology homework help

Political Science homework help

Political Science homework help. Write a 5 page essay on The creation of Israel and Jewish/Palestinean relations at that time.Download file to see previous pages… Both sides are to blame for the various injustices that have occurred as both countries have committed crimes against humanity (Caplan, 2006). The terrorist attacks being made by the Palestinians are totally irrational and unjustified even though they have genuine grievances against the Israelites. Their homeland was forcefully taken away from them without their consent and this is what has made the two sides to be consistently at war. This paper explores the relationship between the Jews and the Palestinians before and after the creation of the state of Israel. The increase in Jewish Immigration and Arab Opposition Bleier (1999) asserts that 40,000 Jews escaping the post revolutionary chaos of Russia arrived in Palestine between the year 1919 and 1923. These initial immigrants known as the pioneers, (halutzim) were very well trained professionals with the ability to settle anywhere in the world and set up a self sufficient economy. They were skilled and were in search of a peaceful settlement as they were running away from persecution in Russia. The Arabs began rioting in the year 1920 and 1921 in opposition to the continued rise in Jewish immigrations and the terms of the British mandate. This mandate created a Jewish agency that was to be in charge of the Jewish migration into Palestine which was still under the British rule at the time. It was also in charge of the land purchases from the Arabs, distribution of entry permits to new entrants, ran schools, hospitals and later on formed a militia (Haganah). From the year 1920 the Jewish National Council (JNC) was the main institution charged with the management of affairs in the Jewish community under the mandate. It acted as the government of the Jews in Palestine and was responsible for relations with the Arabs and negotiations with the British. The Arab riots faced a very strong resistance from the British who through appealing to the terms of the British mandate rejected any moves that would give the Arabs majority control over the Palestinian government. However, Britain agreed to check on the number of immigrants through the introduction of quotas. There were exceptions for the rich Jews who could easily settle and for the professionals whose skills were valuable to the Palestinian government as this restriction didn’t apply to them. The failure of the British government to protect the Jews and the increase on attacks on certain Jewish settlements by the Arabs led to the formation of the Hagana which was to be in charge of defending the Jewish settlements (Dershowitz, 2005). From this point on things were never the same as it triggered the war between the Arabs and the Jews that is still being fought to date. Both sides are fighting for their own unique reasons and this has led to gross violation of human rights as both sides have committed injustices. The number of Jews stood at 90,000 by the year 1923 and increased to 82,000 between 1924 and 1929. This increment was caused by the new United States Immigration Policy which blocked the Jews out and anti-Semitism in Hungary and Poland. This group of Jews had nowhere else to go apart from Palestine as they were running away from persecution at home. The Arab opposition didn’t reduce the number of immigrants because the increment in the persecution of European Jews left them with no choice but to ran for their safety and the only place for them was Palestine.

Political Science homework help