Law homework help

Review the table titled “What Is an Acquirer’s Risk in an All-Cash Deal?” in the Harvard Business Review article, “Stock or Cash?: The Trade-Offs for Buyers and Sellers in Mergers and Acquisitions.” Assume that the acquirer is smaller than the target. What does the table indicate given this assumption?

Sociology homework help

assigned article for critique is: Hunsacker, S., Chen, H., Maughan, D., & Heaston, S. (2015). Factors that influence the development of compassion fatigue, burnout, and compassion satisfaction in emergency department nurses.

Education homework help

Maslow’s Hierarchy Of NeedsMaslow’s theory relates motivation to a hierarchy of needs. At the bottom are essential physiological needs such as air, food, shelter and clothing. As individuals satisfy one level of need, their motivations change as they aspire to reach the higher order needs. Therefore, to motivate an individual Maslow suggests that it is necessary to know where within the hierarchy each employee is placed so that these factors can be taken into account.  The following illustration states the levels of needs and explains each need as well. The Maslow hierarchy of needs is way to determine motivation within the workplace as a manager, your personal lives, and other life situations.  The reason Maslow’s theory is so powerful, is because of its truths about the standard needs of the human race, which increase as the basic needs are met.As a manager, it can be difficult to motivate a group of people in the same way.  We discussed in class various compensation motivators, which were different based on the type of career.  Understanding Maslow’s theory and the people you manage will give you a better understanding for what will motivate the individual rather than the group. Case Study:  You are managing a team of 3 individuals in an office setting. The daily schedule is from 8 to 7 on Mondays and 8 to 5 Tuesday through Friday, with every 3rd Saturday mandatory.  The team is beginning to get restless in their daily duties.  Productivity is down, despite your efforts to bring breakfast in on Mondays and buy lunch on the Saturdays.  Here are the profiles of the individuals you manage:-         Marty: A 32 year old, father of 2 boys [10 & 6] that play sports year round and a daughter [2 ½].   His wife currently works for an advertising firm as the VP of Customer Relations, where she makes a 6-figure income.  Marty has been employed for 7 years with the company.  He earns $42,000 a year, has full benefits, and 3 weeks of vacation a year.-         Shania: A 24 year old, recent college graduate, with an MBA in Strategic Management.  She is single with no children and resides in Maine away from her family [live in Missouri].  She studied in Berlin, returning home for a week before going to Maine for graduate school & career.  She earns an entry-level salary of $31,250 a year, receives full benefits, and has 2 weeks vacation.-         Karl: A 43 year old, widowed father of 2 adult children.  His son lives 20 minutes away, while his married daughter moved to another state 9 hours away.  Karl has been with the company for 25 years, starting his career directly out of high school.  He receives a salary of $63,900 a year, has full benefits, his own office, and accrues 6 weeks of vacation.  Ownership has given you 4 options to use as motivation.  Each one of them can only be utilized once, so the individuals will have different rewards.  –         A 7-day vacation of anywhere in the world (vacation & time off paid) & a 2% salary increase, & unlimited use of the company’s box for indoor football games.-         A 3-day vacation in the lower 48 states, a 1% salary increase, 3% profit-sharing, 1.5% performance bonus, and a $250 monthly expense account.-         A salary increase of 5%, clothing allowance, gas card, & an additional 2 weeks of vacation-         6 days paid vacation, 3% pay increase, 2% profit-sharing, stock options, an unlimited gas card, $250 monthly expense account, & tickets to any indoor football games in the company’s box.Choose which team member receives which motivating incentive.  Explain in detail why that motivator was selected for the individual.  Lastly, do you feel 1 motivation package would be sufficient to offer all the team members?Directions/Grading: A minimum of 500 words with a maximum of 750 (5% deduction if short or over).  No more than 5 grammar errors (5% reduction if more).  Be specific on why you distributed them the way you did (5% deduction if not specific).

Computer Science homework help

Some organizations refuse to conduct a risk analysis on their projects. They state it is not needed because the organization has already decided to fund the project. Give two concerns about risk management the employee’s statement made at these companies?

Psychology homework help

Chapters 14-17 have practice questions and then a comprehensive Test that has two attempts on it. You will have access to the class portal to complete all assignments. Assignments are due Sunday night at 11:59 ET nothing later.

Anthropology homework help

Before commencing, please note that this business combination contains a “bargain purchase”. The “Investment in Little” account will be recorded at the fair value of the net assets acquired. When the “Non-controlling interest” account is created it, too, will be created at the proportionate share of the fair value of the net assets of Little Co.On 1/1/01 Big acquired 70% of Little Co.’s voting stock for $280,000. The remaining 30% of Little’s voting stock had a market value of $120,000. Little had a book value of $420,000 on that date, with all assets and liabilities having a book value equal to fair value. Little’s owners’ equity section was comprised of $100,000 of common stock and $320,000 of retained earnings. Little’s stock was undervalued relative to the fair value of their net assets due to a general panic in the stock market.Required for 6-3:1. Record the purchase of Big’s investment in Little2. Prepare the elimination entry for consolidation at date of acquisition.

Mathematics homework help

Regression Analysis: C2 versus C1 The regression equation isC2 = 2.92 + 1.25 C1P1.635 1.78 0.1180.4787 2.61 0.035R-Sq(adj) = 42.1%Analysis of VarianceP1 37.500 37.500 6.82 0.0355.5000.500 0.08 0.7886.3338 76.000d. Does the data fit the linear model? (Test for lack of fit use ? = 0.05)

Social Work homework help

Need an argumentative essay on The WARN Act and Notice of Termination. Needs to be 2 pages. Please no plagiarism.Download file to see previous pages… Ultimately, a criminal indictment was filed by the DOJ. At first, the indictment was sealed, meaning private, and Arthur Andersen continued a vigorous defense. There was some negative publicity and some rather minor business losses. however, the indictment was later unsealed and Arthur Andersen experienced mass client defections and staggering financial losses. At is in this case is a decision by Arthur Andersen to send a notice of termination to 560 employees.In response to these layoffs, many employees joined a class action in Federal District Court in which they alleged that Arthur Andersen violated the WARN Act. The purpose of this Act is to compel certain large employers to provide advance notice to employees, 60 days in this case, when the company plans plant closings or mass layoffs. The plaintiffs, therefore, argued that because the notice provisions of the WARN Act were not complied with, a fact not in dispute, that they were entitled to back pay and other damages. Arthur Andersen conceded the lack of a 60 notice, but argued that they were innocent by virtue of an exception to the WARN Act. More specifically, they argued that they were not required to comply with the notice provisions because they made the decision to lay off employees based on events which were not reasonably foreseeable.

Political Science homework help

A candidate receives 60% of the N votes in an election, where N is very large, like a million.Compute the probability that he leads after a count of the first 100 votes.An airline knows from past experience that 95% of passengers who buy tickets will not miss a given flight. The planes for this flight have 200 seats and the airline decides to sell 210 tickets.Use a Poisson approximation to compute the probability that more than 200 people would show up for the flight. If the airline wants to make sure that this kind of over-booking does not happen for more than 10% of the flights, how many tickets should they sell (at most)?1. A candidate receives 60% of the N votes in an election, where N is very large, like amillion. Compute the probability that he leads after a count of the first 100 votes.Solution: binomdist…