good vs evil in to kill a mockingbird

How does Atticus show good and evil? – Atticus’ character represents the existence of good in ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ and he’s the balancing the evil with his benevolence. An example of his true values, is the fact that Atticus ‘chose ‘ to support and believe Tom Robinson in the rape case, although coloured men are looked down upon.

What is the evil in To Kill a Mockingbird? – Bob Ewell’s Evil In To Kill A Mockingbird In the part two of the book, Tom Robinson, a black man is accused of raping a white woman, Mayella Ewell. The social norm of this time was to respect whites, and treat blacks differing. Therefore, it was a sin for Tom to disrespect Mayella.

What are the 3 main themes of To Kill a Mockingbird? –

Who is the most evil character in To Kill a Mockingbird? – In To Kill a Mockingbird there are many examples of evil involving Bob Ewell. Bob Ewell, the main antagonist, is described by Scout at the beginning of the story as a disgraceful human who abuses not…show more content…

What does Scout learn about good and evil? – She learns that the world outside her home is not as loving and accepting as her family. There are many recurring themes and messages in the story, including racism, the conflict and juxtaposition between good and evil, and courage, which will be discussed in the following essay.

Why is good vs evil important? – The concept of good and evil exists in every culture. They are necessary social forces influencing how humankind decides to interact with itself.

How does good and evil coexist in To Kill a Mockingbird? – The novel shows how good and evil can coexist even in the same person. As Atticus said: “Mr. Cunningham’s basically a good man,… he just has his blind spots along with the rest of us.” People don’t have to be completely good, or completely evil, everyone has aspects of both, and the bad doesn’t have to define a person.

How does the novel To Kill a Mockingbird describe the theme of good and evil? – One of the most important themes in To Kill a Mockingbird is the conflict between good and evil. The writer deals with the idea of good and evil by highlighting the transition of Jem and Scout from the perspective of innocence. They believe that people are good because they do not realize the evil side of human nature.

How does To Kill a Mockingbird interpret the coexistence of good and evil? – Atticus understands that, rather than being simply creatures of good or creatures of evil, most people have both good and bad qualities. The important thing is to appreciate the good qualities and understand the bad qualities by treating others with sympathy and trying to see life from their perspective.

Is Boo Radley black? – Boo Radley is a white individual who never left his house because of the ways society viewed him. Tom Robinson was a black man who got framed of a crime that he did not do.

What does Boo Radley symbolize? – Symbolically, Boo represents both Scout’s childish understanding of the lives of people around her, and also the genuine risks and dangers that face children as they grow up in the world. As a ghost-like figure, Boo also symbolizes aspects of the town’s past, such as intolerance, inequality, and slavery.

What are 5 themes in To Kill a Mockingbird? –

Who killed Mayella Ewell? – Bob called In the sheriff and Tom was accused of raping and beating Mayella. The sheriff testified at Tom’s trial that when he arrived at the Ewell’s shack, Mayella showed signs of having been beaten. Despite all of the signs showing that the father, Bob Ewell, beaten Mayella, Tom Robinson is still found guilty.

Why is Bob Ewell a villain? – He is a vile, racist, and cruel man who is shown in the film to have an extreme hatred and disrespect for black people. He is also the irresponsible and selfish leader of the Ewell family, who seeks to become a hero in the eyes of Maycomb County by incriminating Tom Robinson and having him thrown in jail.

How does Bob Ewell represent evil? – Bob Ewell might as well be the total opposite of Atticus when it comes to parenting because he lacks the respect that parents should have towards their children. Mr. Ewell disrespects his children in many different ways. In the novel, Bob Ewell blames his daughters sexual abuse on an innocent black man.

what is the relationship between romeo and juliet?

What are the main relationships in Romeo and Juliet? – Different Types of Love Romantic Love: Romeo and Juliet. Parental Love: Lord and Lady Capulet for Juliet – Lord and Lady Montague for Romeo – Nurse for Juliet. Friendship: Romeo and Benvolio – Romeo and Mercutio – Romeo and Friar Laurence – Nurse and Juliet. Love of Family Honor: Tybalt, Mercutio, or Romeo.

Why is Romeo and Juliet’s relationship so important? – The main characteristic of this relationship is pure love. When the lovers meet at the Capulet ball they fall in love instantly. Juliet immediately wishes to marry Romeo. She tells her nurse, “”if he be married/My grave is like to be my wedding bed”.

What is the relationship between Romeo and Juliet and their parents? – Romeo and Juliet is a tragic love story written by William Shakespeare following the events of two “enemies” who fall in love. Romeo and Juliet have a poor relationship with their parents because they do not make an effort to be in their children’s lives and tend to neglect their children’s welfare.

What was wrong with Romeo and Juliet’s relationship? – tragic deaths of Romeo and Juliet are the family feud between Capulet and Montague, and the lack of communication between the major characters. These flaws eventually bring a blindness that causes problems after problems. Also, these deficiencies are Shakespeare’s scheme to make this play fascinating and moving.

Does Romeo and Juliet sleep together? – Do Romeo and Juliet have sex? At the beginning of Act III, scene v, Romeo and Juliet are together in Juliet’s bed just before dawn, having spent the night with each other and feeling reluctant to separate.

Who did Romeo love before Juliet? – Before Romeo meets Juliet, he loves Rosaline, Capulet’s niece and Juliet’s cousin.

Does Romeo actually love Juliet? – In William Shakespeare’s, The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, Romeo and Juliet are not truly in love because they automatically fall ‘in love’ after seeing each other once, they decide to get married a few hours after they meet and they are too immature to actually know what love is .

Are Romeo and Juliet really in love or is it just infatuation? – In the tragic play Romeo and Juliet, the two “lovers” only thought they were in love. But, the affection between Romeo and Juliet was not genuine, rather it was lustful.

Who is stronger Romeo or Juliet? – Throughout the play, Shakespeare’s depicted Juliet as a much stronger character than Romeo through her personality and actions displayed.

Did Romeo and Juliet have a child? – › wiki › Juliet

How did Romeo convince Juliet of his love? – Meanwhile, Romeo has approached Juliet and touched her hand. In a dialogue laced with religious metaphors that figure Juliet as a saint and Romeo as a pilgrim who wishes to erase his sin, he tries to convince her to kiss him, since it is only through her kiss that he might be absolved.

What is Romeo and his parents relationship like? – What is the Relationship between Romeo and Juliet parents? Well Romeo’s relationship with his parents is they care for him very deeply. His mother was very relieved when he was not at the quarreled in the market.

Why did Romeo and Juliet’s relationship fail? – The family feud in the story means that nearly everything that happens in Verona ends in violence. This means that Romeo and Juliet had no chance of a successful marriage if they told their families about their love for one another. They are going against convention and against their families’ wishes.

why are adolescents less susceptible to respiratory ailments?

What is the last part of the adolescent body to be fully formed? – c. fully developed women have some natural biological defenses against STIs. The last part(s) of the adolescent body to be fully formed is (are) the: feet.

What are early maturing girls are more likely to experience quizlet? – Early maturing girls tend to have a more negative body image than their on-time or late-maturing peers, are more likely to be depressed, to show a drop in school performance, and to engage in acting-out behavior such as smoking cigarettes and abusing alcohol and drugs, as well as early sexual activity.

In what way does weight affect puberty? – In both animals and humans, the age of puberty appears to be related more to body weight than to chronologic age. Undernutrition and low body fat, or an altered ratio of lean mass to body fat, seem to delay the adolescent spurt and to retard the onset of menarche.

What is one of the main differences between the limbic system and the prefrontal cortex quizlet? – What is one of the MAIN differences between the limbic system and the prefrontal cortex? The prefrontal cortex is more developmentally constrained, maturing gradually.

Is 20 still a teenager? – The word “teenager” is often associated with adolescence. Most neurologists consider the brain still developing into the persons early, or mid-20s. A person begins their teenage life when they become 13 years old, and ends when they become 20 years old.

What changes happen during adolescence? – Adolescence is a time for growth spurts and puberty changes. An adolescent may grow several inches in several months followed by a period of very slow growth, then have another growth spurt. Changes with puberty (sexual maturation) may happen gradually or several signs may become visible at the same time.

Why might late maturing girls end up having few emotional problems in the long run of adolescence compared to their earlier maturing counterparts quizlet? – In fact, late- maturing girls may end up with fewer emotional problems. The reason? Late- maturing girls are more apt to fit the societal ideal of a slender, ” leggy” body type than early maturers, who tend to look heavier in comparison .

How does an early maturing boy and an early maturing girl differ? – Early puberty is much more common in girls than in boys. Girls who mature early can have a lower self-image and higher rates of depression, anxiety and disordered eating. Boys who mature early can have a higher self-image and be more popular with their peers.

Who among the following will be most dissatisfied with body image? – While body image concerns affect both boys and girls, there is research to suggest that girls are more likely to be dissatisfied with their appearance and their weight than boys (24,25). In our survey, 46% of girls reported that their body image causes them to worry ‘often’ or ‘always’ compared to 25% of boys.

Do overweight girls get periods early? – Previous studies found that girls with obesity start puberty and experience their first menstrual period earlier than girls with normal weight.

How do I know if my daughter is getting her first period? – Typically, a girl gets her period about 2 years after her breasts start to develop. Another sign is vaginal discharge fluid (sort of like mucus) that a girl might see or feel on her underwear. This discharge usually begins about 6 months to a year before a girl gets her first period.

Do females gain weight before their first period? – Most girls grow fastest about six months before they start their first period (menarche). You’ll probably gain weight in puberty — most girls do. You may notice more body fat along the upper arms, thighs, and upper back. Your hips will grow rounder and wider; your waist will become narrower.

What is a difference between the limbic system in teenage brains and in adult brains quizlet? – The limbic system, which drives emotions, intensifies at puberty, but the prefrontal cortex, which controls impulses, does not mature until the 20s. This mismatch makes teens prone to risk taking but also allows them to adapt readily to their environment.

What levels increase during puberty causing adolescents to become angry or upset quicker? – Cortisol levels rise at puberty, making teenagers quicker to become angry or upset. Then those emotions increase levels of various hormones.

What part of the brain does not reach full maturation until individuals are in their mid 20s? – The fact that brain development is not complete until near the age of 25 years refers specifically to the development of the prefrontal cortex.

how is john proctor a tragic hero

How is John Proctor a tragic hero examples? – At the end of the play, John will suffer the inevitable consequences of his flaws. He comes to realize that his fate is his own fault. John Proctor’s mistakes, relatable hamartia, along with realizing he is the cause of his own death by a lapse in judgement, characterizes him as the tragic hero in The Crucible.

What is John Proctor tragic flaw? – Honest, upright, and blunt-spoken, Proctor is a good man, but one with a secret, fatal flaw. His lust for Abigail Williams led to their affair (which occurs before the play begins), and created Abigail’s jealousy of his wife, Elizabeth, which sets the entire witch hysteria in motion.

How is John Proctor a hero in The Crucible? – A hero is anybody who is willing to go above themselves to help another person, even if helping that person means sacrificing their own life. In the book The Crucible character John Proctor does just that; he sacrifices his own life for the greater good, he also had to face humiliation but he dealt with it well.

What is John Proctor’s tragic downfall as the hero of the play? – John Proctor as the Tragic Hero of The Crucible Proctor’s flaw is his lust for Abigail Williams that throughout the play leads to jealousy and hysteria and in the end results to his own death.

How is John a tragic hero brave new world? – John was heroic in that he was his “own person” and did not conform to any society. What makes him tragic is his flaws – being naïve and ignorant to a set society. These flaws lead to his downfall and his eventual death.

How is Proctor a modern tragic hero? – John Proctor, the protagonist of The Crucible, qualifies as a tragic hero because he has a tragic flaw, is ethically superior to the other characters in the play, and struggles to find peace with himself in midst of the lies and chaos during this play.

Why isn’t John Proctor a tragic hero? – Ever prideful, superior to others, and above the law he tricks himself that he had redemption in the end and perhaps he even tricked you. Without a true change in character and a realization of his hubris Proctor failed to have an anagnorisis, therefore he does not classify as a tragic hero.

Do you consider John Proctor to be the tragic hero in The Crucible does he have a tragic flaw? – John Proctor: A Tragic Hero In The Crucible By Arthur Miller John Proctor’s tragic flaw is that he is impulsive. Proctor regrets what he had done with Abigail Williams and cannot forgive himself of his sins. This tragic flaw follows John Proctor throughout the entire play.

Who is the tragic hero in The Crucible quizlet? – John Proctor is the tragic hero in “The Crucible.”

What makes a tragic hero? – A tragic hero is a character in a dramatic tragedy who has virtuous and sympathetic traits but ultimately meets with suffering or defeat. Something tragic is sadly disastrous, such as the untimely death of a loved one. A hero is someone who has accomplished special achievements and is viewed as a role model for others.

What are the characteristics of a tragic hero? –

Why is John Proctor important in The Crucible? – John Proctor was an extremely important character in The Crucible. The story would not have had a plot of conflict without him. He changed through his character developing, through his decision making, and through the conflicts and obstacles. John Proctor was a cheater, but changed to the Salem Hero.

What does John Proctor learn at the end of the play? – At the end of the play, Proctor refuses to slander himself by allowing the court to nail his false confession to the church door. This action further exemplifies Proctor’s integrity. Proctor knows that he will damn himself, yet again, if he agrees to confess.

how does friar laurence contribute to the catastrophe in romeo and juliet? check all that apply.

How does Friar Laurence contribute to the catastrophic in Romeo and Juliet? – He marries Romeo and Juliet in secret. In Act V, scene ii of Romeo and Juliet, what role does Friar John play in the catastrophe? He fails to deliver an important letter to Romeo.

How does Friar Laurence actions affect the lives of Romeo and Juliet? – Friar Lawrence causes the deaths of Romeo and Juliet by marrying them too quickly, advancing with his plan too quickly, and running away instead of helping Juliet.

What role does Friar Lawrence have in the tragedy? – Friar Laurence is a friar who plays the part of a wise adviser to Romeo and Juliet, along with aiding in major plot developments. Alone, he foreshadows the later, tragic events of the play with his soliloquy about plants and their similarities to humans.

How did Friar Lawrence influence Juliet? – He has a great impact on the lives of Romeo and Juliet, in a very bad way. In Romeo and Juliet, Friar Lawrence redefines what it means to be a priest. His posthaste making of decisions, bad advice, and selfish and lazy qualities ultimately cause the deaths of Romeo and Juliet.

What role does Friar John play in the catastrophe? – In Act V, scene ii of Romeo and Juliet, what role does Friar John play in the catastrophe? He fails to deliver an important letter to Romeo.

How does Friar Laurence fail Juliet? – Friar Laurence’s decisions such as, choosing to abandon Juliet in the Capulet tomb, failing to emphasize the importance of his letter to Friar John, giving Juliet a sleeping potion, and marrying Romeo and Juliet proved to be fatal, as they lead to the deaths of Romeo and Juliet.

How is Friar Lawrence guilty? – Friar Lawrence is guilty for the death of Romeo and Juliet is because he gave Juliet the potion, he knew how Romeo would react the way he did, and he had left Juliet by herself when she found out Romeo was dead.

Why is Friar Lawrence irresponsible? – Friar Lawrence’s irresponsible nature involved: hiding the marriage from the feuding families, advising Juliet to fake her death, along with abandoning suicidal Juliet when she needed guidance and adult supervision. All of these poor decisions resulted to the suicide of Romeo and Juliet.

Who or what does Friar Laurence blame for the terrible events that have occurred? – Friar Laurence blames fortune for the deaths of Paris and Romeo, calling their deaths the “lamentable chance” (line 146) of an “unkind hour” (line 145).

What does Friar Laurence offer after the deaths of Romeo and Juliet? – The Friar gives her a potion that will make her appear as if she is dead and tells her that he and Romeo will be waiting for her when she wakes up in her family’s tomb.

Who’s responsible for Romeo and Juliet’s death? – In the play Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare, the three characters to blame for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet are Romeo’s and Juliet’s parents, Juliet’s Maid, and Mercutio.

What did Friar Lawrence give Juliet? – Friar Lawrence gives her the sleeping potion. Juliet returns home, where she finds Capulet and Lady Capulet preparing for the wedding. She surprises her parents by repenting her disobedience and cheerfully agreeing to marry Paris.

martin luther king jr impact on society essay

How did Martin Luther King Jr impact society? – MLK helped bring about the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965. Each of these bills helped African Americans access civil rights across the country. King’s speeches and writings allow us to continue learning from his beliefs and practices today.

How Martin Luther King changed the world essay? – Martin Luther King Jr changed the world by ending segregation, so people of all races will be equal. During his trip to equality, he risked his life and hosted protests and boycotts to gain freedom and equality for all African Americans. Because of his actions, everyone in America is welcome and treated the same.

Why is Martin Luther King important today? – He was famous for using nonviolent resistance to overcome injustice, and he never got tired of trying to end segregation laws (laws that prevented blacks from entering certain places, such as restaurants, hotels, and public schools).

How did the speech I Have a Dream impact the world? – The March on Washington and King’s speech are widely considered turning points in the Civil Rights Movement, shifting the demand and demonstrations for racial equality that had mostly occurred in the South to a national stage.

Why was Martin Luther King important essay? – Martin Luther King was a great man who dedicated his whole life for his community. Also, he was an active leader and a great spokesperson that not only served his people but also humanity. It was due to his contribution that the African-American got their civil rights.

Why is Martin Luther King inspirational? – He was a staunch believer in the Civil Rights Movement. He stood up for his beliefs – often at great risk to his life and to his reputation. By his bold actions, and by using his God-given preaching talents to lead and to inspire, he motivated hundreds of thousands of others to take action.

alice in wonderland vs through the looking glass

How are Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass connected? – Written as a sequel to Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, Through the Looking-Glass describes Alice’s further adventures as she moves through a mirror into another unreal world of illogical behaviour, this one dominated by chessboards and chess pieces.

Does Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland include Through the Looking Glass? – Lewis Carroll’s most famous works are Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (published in 1865) and the sequel Alice Through the Looking-Glass, which contains the classic nonsense poem The Jabberwocky (published in 1872).

Whats the difference between Alice in Wonderland and Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland? – The conflict in the book, “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland,” is that Alice can’t get home, but the conflict in the movie, “Alice in Wonderland,” is that Alice is on trial for something she didn’t do and when she grew she insulted the Queen.

Should you watch Alice in Wonderland before Through the Looking Glass? – The long-awaited sequel to 2010’s Alice In Wonderland is almost here, but since it’s been six whole years since director Tim Burton’s first Alice offering, you might just want to re-watch the original before going to see the sequel, Alice Through The Looking Glass.

What mental disorder does Alice in Wonderland have? – zooming at some topics of this novel, we come up to understand that Little Alice suffers from Hallucinations and Personality Disorders, the White Rabbit from General Anxiety Disorder “I’m late”, the Cheshire Cat is schizophrenic, as he disappears and reappears distorting reality around him and subsequently driving …

Is Alice in Wonderland about drugs? – The book and various films have all been interpreted as making reference to drug abuse, with Alice drinking potions, eating mushrooms and hallucinating as if she were on LSD, all while the world around her changes frighteningly and her mood and perceptions are hugely altered.

Is Alice Through the Looking Glass a sequel? – Alice Through the Looking Glass (2016), directed by James Bobin, is a sequel to the Tim-Burton-directed Disney reboot Alice in Wonderland (2010).

Is Tim Burton’s Alice in Wonderland a sequel? – Alice Through the Looking Glass

Is Alice Through the Looking Glass a sequel book? – Through The Looking Glass – also known as Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There or Alice Through the Looking Glass – is the 1871 sequel to Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, written by Lewis Carroll.

What drug was the author of Alice in Wonderland on? – The idea of eating a mushroom or drinking from a bottle that causes one to feel altered in some way parallels drug experience as well. In Carroll’s time five out of six families used opium habitually (Wohl 34-35) Infant mortality was an extremely common result of use of the narcotic.

Why was Alice in Wonderland banned? – Alice in Wonderland was banned in China’s Hunan province by the Governor as far back as 1931. The primary reason for the ban was because the censor general believed attribution of animals acting like humans with the same complexity was an “insult”.

What is the main message of Alice in Wonderland? – The most obvious theme that can be found in Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland is the theme of growing up. Lewis Carroll adored the unprejudiced and innocent way young children approach the world.

What order should you watch Alice in Wonderland? –

Was Alice Through the Looking Glass a flop? – But when news broke of domestic abuse charges filed against star Johnny Depp — just days before “Alice” opened in theaters — the timing couldn’t have been worse. The film brought in an estimated $28.1 million through Sunday, making it an all out bomb.

Which Alice in Wonderland movie is better? – Which one did it better? The two most famous movie interpretations of Alice In Wonderland are both by Disney: The animated one released in 1951, and the one directed by Tim Burton in 2010. Both films do an excellent job of depicting the oddities of Wonderland, taking viewers on a visually stunning journey.

what is the purpose of dialogue in a narrative essay

What is the purpose of dialogue in a narrative? – A capable writer uses dialogue to drive a story’s plot forward, to bring the reader closer to its climax and, ultimately its conclusion. Dialogue can also help charge scenes with emotion, heightening tension between characters or building suspense ahead of a key event or turning point in the plot.

What is the importance of dialogue in narrative essay? – The dialogue helps to reveal each person’s real personality and voice to give the story realism. At the same time, the characters are allowed to speak for themselves without the author intruding too much. The dialogue also conveys the characters’ emotions and shows how people interact with one another.

What is dialogue in a narrative? – Dialogue is the written conversation between two characters or more within a narrative. This could be found in a book, play, film or any other type of story format. If we want to include dialogue in our story, we have to use certain rules.

What is the purpose of including dialogues direct? – The use of direct dialogue allows for a new perspective—a new voice—to add credibility to the author’s writing.

What are 3 purposes of dialogue? –

Does narrative writing need dialogue? – Dialogue is a crucial aspect of nearly every narrative. Dialogue makes the story dynamic, enlivens the characters, and moves the action along unobtrusively. However, the guidelines governing how to arrange and punctuate dialogue can be confusing.

What do we gain from dialogue? – Conversations affirm you: An encouraging word can affirm others in ways you’ll never know. People need others to pick them up when the world is beating them down, and remind them of their value. 12. Conversations give you a new perspective: Each one of us is a variety of personality & experience.

How does dialogue help with characterization? – The Power of Revealing Dialogue Powerful dialogue can reveal: A character’s thoughts and feelings through his or her tone of voice and the way the words are spoken. How a character interacts with others based on his or her responses and how much or how often he or she speaks.

What point of view is a dialogue? – Another aspect of writing that seems to go hand in hand with dialogue is point of view (POV). There are several types of POVs, including: Third person limited (where the reader only knows the thoughts and feelings of one character, told via third person narrator)

How do you describe dialogue? –

How does dialogue move a story forward? – Dialogue is a useful tool for developing your characters and moving your plot forward. Dialogue can help you establish the backstory, and it can reveal important plot details that the reader may not know about yet. Dialogue is great for ratcheting up the tension between characters. Dialogue can also establish the mood.

imagery in sinners in the hands of an angry god

How does imagery contribute to the mood in Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God? – -Imagery helps a reader to form a mental picture of an experience and consequently understand feelings and emotions. -This insight into the experience creates the mood. Edwards expands upon the image of people being held by the hand of God. -Here, he uses figurative language to create a mental picture.

What is the major example of imagery in Edwards sermon? – Edwards also uses several other examples of imagery. He states, “The God that holds you over the pit of hell, much as one holds a spider, or some loathsome insect over the fire, abhors you, and is dreadfully provoked:” (paragraph 8, Edwards 154).

What is the most powerful image of Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God? – In “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God,” the most powerful image Edwards employs likens humans to spiders that are dangled by God over a fire. This not only has the effect of frightening us, it shows us how repulsive we are to God. This image, therefore, raises both fear and humility.

Which image is used throughout Sinners in the Hands? – Which statement best explains why Edwards repeats the image of fire throughout “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God”? Based on “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God,” which best describes Edwards’s feelings toward his congregation?

Why does Edwards use imagery? – In “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God,” Jonathan Edwards created the emotion of fear by using imagery and figurative language to persuade his audience. He used imagery and figurative language so the wrath of God is more fearsome and gave you a mental picture of hell in your head.

What is Edwards tone or attitude toward his audience and what effect does this attitude have on his listeners? – Tone comes from Edwards anger and disapproval of people and their sins. Ignites the fear in the audience with phrases such as “wrath of God.” The tone turns from condemnation to hopeful as he says its not to late to repent your sins. Edwards’ intended his sermon, a speech, be heard rather than read.

What image does Edwards use on preaching about God’s wrath? – what image does edwards use when preaching about god’s wrath? what effect does this image have on the reader or listener? c. it conveys fear and urgency.

What is an example of repetition in Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God? – 1) Repetition Example: On Eternal Damnation: “The wrath of God burns against them, their damnation does not slumber; the pit is prepared, the fire is made ready, the furnace is now hot, ready to receive them; the flames do now rage and glow.”

What is a metaphor in Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God? – 5) This metaphor compares God holding back his wrath with a floodgate holding back a river. If God decides to “let himself go,” his wrath would be as devastating as a flood resulting from the opening of a dam.

Which statement best explains why Edwards repeats the image of fire throughout Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God? – Which statement best explains why Edwards repeats the image of fire throughout “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God”? He wants to increase his audience’s fear of hell.

Which of the following quotes is an example of a hyperbole from Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God? – Hyperbole: “You are ten thousand times more abominable in his eyes, than the most hateful venomous serpent in our eyes.”

Which image is used throughout Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God to provoke fear in the audience Serpentsinsectsarrowso fire? – Which statement best explains why Edwards repeats the image of fire throughout “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God”? He wants to increase his audience’s fear of hell.

Which statement best describes the significance of the arrows? – Which statement best describes the significance of the arrows? They represent the twins that the woman will bear. neither twin could die because they were immortal gods.

Which best describes the central idea of this excerpt the crisis? – Which best describes the central idea of this excerpt? Paine’s opinion is that God will not allow the colonists to be conquered because they have tried so hard to avoid war. Read the excerpt from The Crisis, Number I.