socrates vs sophists

How was Socrates different from the Sophists? – The main differences between the Sophist and Socrates were their views on absolute truth. “The sophist believed that there was no absolute truth and that truth was what one believed it to be (Porter 1).” Sophists were not teachers of truth but teachers of thought.

How did Socrates feel about Sophists? – Plato depicts Socrates as refuting some sophists in several of his dialogues, depicting sophists in an unflattering light. It is unclear how accurate or fair Plato’s representation of them may be; however, Protagoras and Prodicus are portrayed in a largely positive light in Protagoras.

Why did Socrates disagree with the Sophists? – Socrates disagreed with the Sophists because the Sophists believed that their students should use their time to improve themselves. Socrates believed that an absolute truth existed within each each person. Socrates invented the Socratic Method.

What is the difference between Sophists and philosophers? – The Sophist then was the kind of teacher of whom we normally think in a college or university—a lecturer, an imparter of wisdom, the man with the answers. The philosopher, on the other hand, is a lover of wisdom, or a searcher for knowledge.

Why Socrates is a sophist? – To an outsider, perhaps it would appear that Socrates was just another sophist, asking endless questions to make fools of others, seeking fame, and winning an argument at all costs. Perhaps, he even started out that way, first learning with sophists and only later going his own way.

What was wrong with Sophists? – Plato further stated that the Sophists were wrong because they did not support justice. Therefore, they were “incapable of justice”. Plato further criticized the type of rhetoric art taught by the Sophists. He argued that they were “knacks” rather than “the true art”.

What did Socrates and the sophists have in common? – Both were interested in communication, arguments, and the technique of persuasion. They both widely influenced the people around them and helped raise important questions that remain unanswered to this day.

What is the disagreement between the sophists and the philosophers? – The sophists were much more concerned about how than about why. The philosophers have always been more cautious. They have wanted to help people reflect not just on how to attain their goals, but on why they are pursuing certain aims rather than others, and what, perhaps, might be best to seek, and again, why.

What did Socrates believe in philosophy? – Philosophy. Socrates believed that philosophy should achieve practical results for the greater well-being of society. He attempted to establish an ethical system based on human reason rather than theological doctrine. Socrates pointed out that human choice was motivated by the desire for happiness.

Who were the Sophists and what did they believe? – The Sophists held no values other than winning and succeeding. They were not true believers in the myths of the Greeks but would use references and quotations from the tales for their own purposes. They were secular atheists, relativists and cynical about religious beliefs and all traditions.

Whats the definition of Sophists? – Definition of sophist 1 : philosopher. 2 capitalized : any of a class of ancient Greek teachers of rhetoric, philosophy, and the art of successful living prominent about the middle of the fifth century b.c. for their adroit subtle and allegedly often specious reasoning. 3 : a captious or fallacious reasoner.

Who were the Sophists and what did they do? – Sophist, any of certain Greek lecturers, writers, and teachers in the 5th and 4th centuries bce, most of whom traveled about the Greek-speaking world giving instruction in a wide range of subjects in return for fees.

What did the Sophists teach? – Arguing that ‘man is the measure of all things’, the Sophists were skeptical about the existence of the gods and taught a variety of subjects, including mathematics, grammar, physics, political philosophy, ancient history, music, and astronomy.

discourse community essay

What is a discourse community essay? – A discourse community essay discusses a specific social group that represents people who share similar aims or interests.

What does discourse community means? – What is a discourse community? Collection of people or groups that work towards a common goal through communication. This group develops a process for communication, a unique vocabulary of jargon, and a power structure tied to the source of their community.

What is a discourse community and why are they important? – A discourse community is a group of people who share a set of discourses, understood as basic values and assumptions, and ways of communicating about those goals. Linguist John Swales defined discourse communities as “groups that have goals or purposes, and use communication to achieve these goals.”

What is a discourse community examples? – › intro

How do you write a discourse essay? – › blog › discourse-analysis

Why is discourse community important in writing? – Thomas Deans defines discourse community (abbreviated here as “DC”) as “a group of people unified by patterns of language use, shared assumptions, common knowledge, and parallel habits of interpretation.” Researchers commonly use discourse community to help them identify the contexts which shape writing, and to …

How do you identify a discourse community? – A discourse community has a threshold level of members with a suitable degree of relevant content and discoursal expertise. In a discourse community, members often come into the community as novices and “leave by death or other less involuntary ways” (Swales 27).

Why is interaction important in a discourse community? – Essentially, a discourse community would not exist without interactions between individuals, the writing that they produce, and the beliefs that they have about other members of the community.

What discourse means? – Definition of discourse (Entry 1 of 2) 1 : verbal interchange of ideas especially : conversation. 2a : formal and orderly and usually extended expression of thought on a subject. b : connected speech or writing.

Is student a discourse community? – A discourse community is a group of people who have something in common, and because of that shared aspect, have a shared type of communication. College students are part of a discourse community. They share many aspects of their life with the people around them.

Is a school a discourse community? – School is a discourse community which requires a high school diploma or a GED diploma in order to join. Speaking with respect to professors has always been required, but with friends it is not always necessary unless you are in class.

What are examples of discourse? – An example of discourse is a professor meeting with a student to discuss a book. A formal, lengthy treatment of a subject, either written or spoken. Discourse is defined as to talk about a subject. An example of discourse is two politicians talking about current events.

What are different types of discourse communities? – › asp

Is family a discourse community? – Family as discourse draws on a social scientific approach that emphasizes the importance of language and meaning in understanding social lives. This focus on meanings and their implications may thus be theorized as creating ‘family’ and (variable) family identities.

Is social media a discourse community? – by Kristofer Brozio • May 20, 2020. A social network of participants that shares the same set of communicative purpose can be defined as a discourse community. These days, social networking sights are also serving the purpose of turning into discourse communities.

How is a discourse community different from other groups? – A discourse community has a threshold level of members with a suitable degree of relevant content and discoursal expertise. In a discourse community, members often come into the community as novices and “leave by death or other less involuntary ways” (Swales 27).

How does Swales define a discourse community? – Linguist John Swales defined discourse communities as “groups that have goals and purposes, and use communication to achieve their goals.”{1}

Is the gym a discourse community? – Johns describes a discourse community as “focusing on text and language, which are the genres and lexis that allow members maintain their goals, regulate membership, and communicate effectively.” This is definitely applicable to the gym community because people are required to learn the lexis to help develop their …

anne hathaway wife of shakespeare

Is Anne Hathaway named after Shakespeare’s wife? – Hathaway’s parents named her after an illustrious predecessor. The first notable Anne Hathaway was born in Stratford-upon-Avon, England, and is remembered as the wife of that town’s most famous sometimes-resident, William Shakespeare.

What happened to Anne Hathaway Shakespeare’s wife? – Anne outlived her husband and remained in their house until her death on 6th August 1623. William and Anne are both buried in the graveyard at the Church of the Holy Trinity in Stratford-upon-Avon, England.

Did Shakespeare and Anne Hathaway live together? – Anne Hathaway, wife of Shakespeare, was the eldest of the eight children of a farmer, Richard Hathaway. They lived in a big farmhouse, called Hewland Farm in the village of Shottery, one mile from Stratford.

What did Shakespeare say to Anne Hathaway? – One of Shakespeare’s sonnets, number 145, has been claimed to make reference to Anne Hathaway: the words ‘hate away’ may be a pun (in Elizabethan pronunciation) on ‘Hathaway’.

What was Shakespeare’s last words? – O happy dagger! This is thy sheath; there rust, and let me die. ‘

Did Shakespeare have an unhappy marriage? – Some historians believe that the marriage was an unhappy one and the couple was forced together by the pregnancy. Although there is no evidence to support this, some historians go as far as to suggest that Shakespeare left for London to escape the day-to-day pressures of his unhappy marriage.

Does Shakespeare have any living descendants? – Shakespeare’s four grandchildren all died without heirs, so there are no direct descendants of his line today.

Why did Shakespeare marry quickly? – It is highly probable that the couple were rushed into marriage because Anne was pregnant. This speculation appears to be confirmed by a baptismal record for their first child, Susanna, who was born just six months after their wedding. Three years later Anne gave birth to the twins Hamnet and Judith.

Did Anne Hathaway write Shakespeare’s plays? – Rowlands proposes that Anne wrote the plays and William passed them on as his own works, adding another candidate to the authorship debate. Passionate about writing since her childhood days and described as having “a way with words”, she wrote in secret as her mother dismissed women’s writing as the devil’s work.

What is the famous line from Hamlet? – “Brevity is the soul of wit.” “There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.” “Something is rotten in the state of Denmark.” “Alas, poor Yorick, I knew him Horatio.”

What is Anne Hathaway’s real name? – Anne Jacqueline Hathaway

Is hamlet named after Hamnet? – Hamnet is named after William Shakespeare’s only son, who died aged 11 in 1596; a few years later, Shakespeare wrote Hamlet. According to Shakespeare scholar Stephen Greenblatt, the names Hamnet and Hamlet were entirely interchangeable at the time, and O’Farrell is interested in determining the connection.

Did Anne Hathaway write Shakespeare’s plays? – Rowlands proposes that Anne wrote the plays and William passed them on as his own works, adding another candidate to the authorship debate. Passionate about writing since her childhood days and described as having “a way with words”, she wrote in secret as her mother dismissed women’s writing as the devil’s work.

bullying essay

How do you write a bullying essay? – › blog › bullying-essay

What is a good hook for a bullying essay? – The role of family members in the life of the bullied person. Risks for standing up for the one who is being bullied. Describing the episode of bullying from your life. Things you would do if someone tried to bully you.

What is the study of bullying? – Bullying research has traditionally been dominated by largescale cohort studies focusing on the personality traits of bullies and victims. These studies focus on bullying prevalence, risk and protective factors, and negative outcomes.

What is the purpose of anti-bullying act? – Republic Act 10627, or the Anti-Bullying Act (the “Act”), aims to protect children enrolled in kindergarten, elementary, and secondary schools and learning centers (collectively, “Schools”) from being bullied. It requires Schools to adopt policies to address the existence of bullying in their respective institutions.

How do I write an essay? – › writing-your-essay

Do anti bullying laws work? – Emerging evidence indicates that anti-bullying laws and policies can be effective in reducing bullying among school-aged youth. The research is clear that “zero tolerance” policies are not effective in reducing bullying. Additional research is needed to study which policies and laws are effective in reducing bullying.

How do you write a hook? – › articles › tips-for-writing-a…

What is the importance of bullying research? – Bullying surveys help administrators and decision-makers: “Know what’s going on. Adults underestimate the rates of bullying because kids rarely report it and it often happens when adults aren’t around. Assessing bullying through anonymous surveys can provide a clear picture of what is going on.

What is the best research title about bullying? – › ideas › bullying-essay-topics

What is the theory of cyberbullying? – (2008) defined cyberbullying as an “aggressive intentional act carried out by a group or individual, using electronic forms of contact, repeatedly and over time against a victim who cannot easily defend him or herself” (p. 376).

Does anti-bullying mean? – Anti-bullying refers to laws, policies, organizations, and movements aimed at stopping or preventing bullying. Bullying is a situation where a person, called a bully, verbally or physically threatens or assaults a person, causing the person to feel a real or perceived power imbalance.

What is the anti-bullying policy? – The aim of the anti-bullying policy is to ensure that pupils learn in a supportive, caring and safe environment without fear of being bullied. Bullying is anti-social behaviour and affects everyone; it is unacceptable.

Who started anti-bullying? – › wiki › Anti-Bullying_Day

How do you write a hook? – › articles › tips-for-writing-a…

What is an expository essay? – What is an expository essay? The expository essay is a genre of essay that requires the student to investigate an idea, evaluate evidence, expound on the idea, and set forth an argument concerning that idea in a clear and concise manner.

black men and public space summary

What is the purpose of Black Men and Public Space essay? – Brent Staples ‘Black Men And Public Space’ The authors purpose is to inform the reader that his experiences of being stereotyped is to show the reader his point of view when it comes to these types of situations. Staples writes in a formal tone for an intelligent or free minded person.

What is the thesis of just walk on by Black Men and Public Space? – Summary Of Just Walk On By Black Men And Public Space Staples reveals how people are prejudice against appearance, despite the importance of individuality of people and being impartial regardless of someone ‘s skin or looks.

What is the main idea of just walk on by? – The message that Brent Staples is trying to convey to the audience in his essay Just Walk On By, is that as a society we have positive and negative preconceived thoughts of other people who are of either the same or different race and gender.

What does it mean to alter Public Space? – Altering public space is changing how a person, place, or thing makes you feel. It can be negative but it also can be positive. Some positive ways altering public space can be a friendly smile walking into a room, beautiful new constructions, and planting trees to better the environment.

What is Brent Staples claim in Black Men and Public Space? – A victim of racial profiling, Staples asserts that first impressions as well as racial stereotypes are inaccurate. Through the usage of pathos, ethos, and logos, Staples convinces the audience that as a result of misleading snap judgments and stereotypes, black men are unfairly perceived as threats.

Who is the audience of Black Men and Public Space? – The audience is both the black men who are victims to stereotypes and also people who use stereotypes towards black men & fear them for no reason.

What is Staples’s thesis in this essay? – Staples’s implied thesis is that black men are overwhelmingly perceived as a threat in public spaces on the basis of their race.

What argument point or message is Staples expressing? – Staples effectively persuades his readers to believe that not all black men are harmful and to stop fueling racism. He also convinces his readers to feel sympathetic towards black men. I have been on both sides of this situation by being the one causing fear and the one falling victim to prejudice.

What is Brent Staples thesis? – Brent staples show in his thesis that, racism still exists in this world, even though we would like to think we are all equal. Stereotypes of race and sex can influence how people treat you. Brent… Words 637 – Pages 3.

What is Staples trying to accomplish with his first sentence? – Staples is trying to draw the reader in by alarming them. His opening sentence implies that something much more sinister is going on. The rest of the paragraph brings light to the irony in this sentence; he did not see her as a victim at all, but she felt fear that she could become one.

What rhetorical devices are used in Black Men in public spaces? – Through the use of different rhetorical devices, Brent Staples is able to demonstrate his realization of his “ability to alter public space in ugly ways” simply because of his race and stature in his essay, “Black Men and Public Space.” Staples uses the rhetorical techniques ethos, logos, and pathos in order to get on …

Why does Staples characterize the woman he encounters in paragraph 1 as a victim? – Explanation. He refers to her as a victim with a sense of irony; he had no intention of harming her, but his presence alone “hurt” her in that it caused her enough fear to run away.

What does staples mean when he says he has the power to alter public space? – Staples explains “The ability to alter public space in ugly ways” shows people discriminating towards him. People in his surroundings’ sees him as a bad influence because of his black. He is mistreated in many ways from people thinking he is a mugger and a rapist. Many people tend to misjudge him because he is black.

How does Staples discover his ability to alter public space? – He further demonstrates his “ability to alter public space” when just crossing “in front of a car stopped at a traffic light.” He hears the “thunk” of the driver locking their car regardless of them being “black, white, male, or female.” Staples understands the world is dangerous and people have the right to fear those …

How did staples alter public space? – Through his anger and frustration, he learned to alter himself in public spaces by making others around him feel less threatened. Not always would it work, such as the occasional double glances he’d get from the person in front of him or a click when walking past someone in their car.

What is the irony in just walk on by? – Irony. ” Women are particularly vulnerable to street violence, and young black males are drastically overrepresented among the perpetrators of that violence” (Staples 363).

What is the tone of just walk on by? – Staples describes some personal experiences where he was misjudge or thought of as a criminal because of his skin color. His essay is driven by emotions and anger. Brent changes his tone of writing from being sarcastic to bitter and than polite.

How does Staples describe himself in paragraph 1? – 1) Staples describes himself as a dangerous and suspicious looking man, but in reality he is a He says that he is a man who wouldn harm a soul. People often view him a rapist or a robber and sometimes a murderer.

When did Brent Staples write just walk on by? – In 1986, he published the essay, “Just Walk on By” in Ms. magazine, a piece that would eventually be required reading for college courses throughout the country.

stalemate definition ww1

What is a stalemate war? – Stalemate describes a condition in war in which neither side can change the front lines dramatically no matter how hard it tries. WWII never reached stalemate in Europe. The opponents alternated offensive and defensive campaigns but were almost always moving. World War I epitomized stalemate.

Why did stalemate happen in ww1? – A stalemate developed on the Western Front for four main reasons, one being that the Schlieffen plan failed, another reason was that the French were unable to defeat the Germans completely at the Battle of the Marne, another reasons was the “race to the Channel” and the last reason was that defending positions was far …

Who had a stalemate in ww1? – WWI: Month-by-Month Timeline (1915–16) At the start of 1915, World War I had settled into the stalemate of trench warfare on the Western Front. The German command switched their focus to the Eastern Front while defending their occupied territory on the Western Front.

Why is it called a stalemate? – Etymology. The first recorded use of stalemate is from 1765. It is a compounding of Middle English stale and mate (meaning checkmate).

How does stalemate work? – What Is a Stalemate? A stalemate is a special type of draw in the game of chess that occurs when the chess player who has to move cannot make any legal moves to a safe square but is also not in check. Stalemate typically ends the game with a draw—a scenario in which there is no way for either player to win the game.

Why did trench warfare lead to a stalemate? – However the trenches were not very sanitary and had many diseases and issues. The soilders didn’t have a lot of food and clean water. Trechwarfare led to a stalemate because both sides lost too many soilders and any further action would just lead to more and more problems and deadlier consequences.

Why did the war in Europe became a stalemate? – Why did the war in Europe become a stalemate? The war in Europe became a stalemate because both sides were equally matched. They both had new technology and used trench warfare. This led to an undecisive victory.

What was the result of the stalemate in the war in Europe in 1916? – What was a result of the stalemate in the war in Europe in 1916? It became clear that the nations that lasted the longest would win. Which best describes military strategy during World War I?

How was the ww1 stalemate broken? – The stalemate was broken in March 1918, when the Germans launched an all out offensive for the first time in just under 4 years. They began again a war of movement, which then, in turn, ended with an armistice in November that year.

When was the stalemate on the Western Front ww1? – In 1917, Germany adopted a defensive strategy on the Western Front to counter the growing strength of the Allies. Despite launching several offensives, and suffering heavy casualties, the Allies achieved mixed results.

What were two causes of the stalemate in the West? – What were two causes of stalemate in the west? Germany developed them to prevent munitions and food from reaching Britain’s ports. Germany chose not to risk the loss of its ships and kept all but the U-boats in port when the war came. Wilson ran for reelection on the slogan “He kept us out of war.”

How was the stalemate broken in ww1? – The stalemate was broken in March 1918, when the Germans launched an all out offensive for the first time in just under 4 years. They began again a war of movement, which then, in turn, ended with an armistice in November that year.

Why did the war in Europe became a stalemate? – Why did the war in Europe become a stalemate? The war in Europe became a stalemate because both sides were equally matched. They both had new technology and used trench warfare. This led to an undecisive victory.

Why did trench warfare lead to a stalemate? – However the trenches were not very sanitary and had many diseases and issues. The soilders didn’t have a lot of food and clean water. Trechwarfare led to a stalemate because both sides lost too many soilders and any further action would just lead to more and more problems and deadlier consequences.

What was the result of the stalemate in the war in Europe in 1916? – What was a result of the stalemate in the war in Europe in 1916? It became clear that the nations that lasted the longest would win. Which best describes military strategy during World War I?

traditional research

What are some examples of traditional research? – More traditional research methods involve either face-to-face or verbal conversations in real-time such as : Qualitative focus groups or group discussions; enable topic discussion, exploration and idea generation, sharing, building and challenging.

Which research is known as traditional research? – At a similar time, the law had entered the academic field in Europe and doctrinal research picked up pace as it became a popular tool of academic legal research. (Tiwary 2020) This is the reason why doctrinal research is also known as traditional research.

What are the parts of traditional research? – › research-paper › parts-of-a…

What is traditional experimental research? – A traditional experiment may involve the comparison of a control group to an experimental group who receives a treatment (i.e., a variable is manipulated). When done correctly, experimental designs can provide evidence for cause and effect.

How is traditional research different from action research? – Traditional research is a means to an end – the conclusion. They start with a theory, statistical analysis is critical and the researcher does not insert herself into the research. Action research is often practiced by teachers who remain in the middle of the research process.

Is a traditional research qualitative or quantitative? – Traditional research methods consist of implementing quantitative and qualitative research. Quantitative research utilizes statistical analysis by breaking down components of observation that are compared to other elements (Bergman, M. M., 2008).

What are traditional qualitative research methods? – The three most common qualitative methods, explained in detail in their respective modules, are participant observation, in-depth interviews, and focus groups. Each method is particularly suited for obtaining a specific type of data.

What is traditional format? – 1. Instructional delivery format, which is onground, face-to-face, at the flagship campus. Learn more in: A Case Study of Instructional Delivery Formats.

What is the traditional outline? – A traditional outline starts with enumerating all the main points of an essay, and then comes listing of all the sub-topics of those ideas and evidence which back up the idea or sub-topic.

What is non traditional research work? – In ERA some research outputs do not take the form of published books, book chapters, journal articles or conference publications. These are referred to as non-traditional research outputs (NTROs). Examples of NTROs include: original creative works. live performance of creative works.

What is experimental research examples? – Experimental research examples are different, depending on the type of experimental research design that is being considered. The most basic example of experimental research is laboratory experiments, which may differ in nature depending on the subject of research.

What is the difference between copar and traditional research? – While traditional research studies usually culminate in a written report of findings, and PAR projects often do as well, a primary objective of participatory action research is to effect change in a community, organization, or program or to improve the practice and effectiveness of individuals and teams.

What are examples of action research? – › chapter › chapt1

What are traditional qualitative research methods? – The three most common qualitative methods, explained in detail in their respective modules, are participant observation, in-depth interviews, and focus groups. Each method is particularly suited for obtaining a specific type of data.


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salvation by langston hughes

What is the main idea of Salvation by Langston Hughes? – The main point of “Salvation” is to show the readers Hughes experience of being saved. Being saved is supposed to be a great time where you except Christ into your life, but it was quite the opposite for Hughes.

What is the thesis in Salvation by Langston Hughes? – Hughes is a young lad who misunderstood the salvation process thus making him question whether he received salvation. He argues that he never literally saw Jesus Christ in the process of getting salvation; thus, he never received salvation.

Why does Langston cry in Salvation? – Answer: That night Langston cries because he lied and deceived everybody; this shows that he is a good person. He didn’t want to disappoint the adults. He knows he lied because he pretended to accept that metaphor when he did not even understand it.

Why does the narrator lie at the end of salvation? – Hughes is fooling himself: he may think that he was saved from sin when he was a boy, but his lie in church shows that he did not want to be saved. Although the boy wants to be saved, in the end, he only pretends to be saved “to save further trouble.”

Why does Hughes cry that night? – He cried because he couldn’t bear to tell his Aunt that he had lied, that he had deceived everybody in the church, that he hadn’t seen Jesus, and that now he didn’t believe in Jesus.

When was salvation by Langston Hughes written? – ‘Salvation’, by Langston Hughes is part of an autobiographical work written in 1940. The author narrates a story centering on a revival gathering that happened in his childhood.

Why does Westley get up to be saved? – Why does Westley get up to be saved? He has seen Jesus. He is inspired by the prayers and songs of the congregation.

Why does Hughes cry on the night of his being saved what makes the story of his being saved so ironic? – He cried because he couldn’t bear to tell his Aunt that he had lied, that he had deceived everybody in the church, that he hadn’t seen Jesus, and that now he didn’t believe in Jesus. Salvation: What was Hughes’s attitude toward his experience when it first happened?

Who wrote the story Salvation? – “Salvation” was written by Langston Hughes. The essay recounts the story of Hughes’s loss of faith. Hughes, who is “going on thirteen” at the time, attends a church revival with his Auntie Reed (1).