what is the purpose of discipline in the military

Why is discipline important in military? – Discipline is a specific form of instruction which develops self control, character, and efficiency. Discipline is the most important in order to ensure the efficiency of any armed forces organization. The level of discipline directly affects a soldier’s conduct and it affects every aspect of the military life.

What is the purpose of discipline in the military quizlet? – What is the purpose of discipline in the military? bring about an efficient military organization.

What does discipline mean in the military? – Discipline or “military discipline” as it is often referred, is defined as the state of order and obedience among personnel in a military organization and is characterized by the men’s prompt and willing responsiveness to orders and understanding compliance to regulation.

What is the purpose of discipline? – The purpose of disciplinary action is to correct, not to punish, work related behavior. Each employee is expected to maintain standards of performance and conduct as outlined by the immediate supervisor and to comply with applicable policies, procedures and laws.

What is the importance of discipline and why it is necessary in military or police? – Importance Of Military Discipline While discipline in military is rewarded as it is a sign of respect and duty, misconduct on the other hand is punishable. When discipline is lacking in an army personnel, it not only affects their own performance but also the team as a whole.

Why discipline is very important in our organization as AFP? – Discipline demands correct performance of duty. The need for discipline is best inculcated in an individual by appealing to his sense of reason. In instances where appeal to reason fails, the use of punishment is effective in causing the recalcitrant individual to conform to and appreciate the need of for discipline.

What is the purpose of discipline in the military Navy? – Military Discipline is a state of order and obedience existing within a command. It involves the ready subordination of the will of the individual for the good of the group.

Which of the following is the definition of discipline quizlet? – Terms in this set (36) Discipline is training for controlled behavior.

What is Article 92 UCMJ? – Article 92 defines disobeying a direct order as three types of offenses – violations or failures to obey lawful general orders or regulations, failures to obey other lawful orders, and dereliction of duty.

What is military discipline example? – Examples of Military Discipline Respect the rank of others. Follow orders. Place the good of the unit above the needs of your own. Always give 100%.

How does the military build discipline? – After joining the Military you are taught, through external motivation, personal discipline. Military training instructors look to impose on you rules and limitations that help lead you towards being more disciplined and being able to react quickly.

What is military discipline essay? – Military Discipline is a state of order and obedience existing within a command. Self discipline in the military is where soldiers do the 4 rights without being told, even in the absence of the commander. Discipline is created within a unit by instilling a sense of confidence and responsibility in each individual.

What is the main purpose of disciplinary procedure? – The aim of a disciplinary procedure is to encourage and maintain standards of conduct and ensure consistent and fair treatment for all. It should allow the employer to seek an informal resolution, where appropriate, but allow for more formal proceedings should the circumstances justify disciplinary action.

What are the advantages of discipline? – › parenting › 11-long-term-ben…

What are the 3 types of discipline? – The three types of discipline are preventative, supportive, and corrective discipline. PREVENTATIVE discipline is about establishing expectations, guidelines, and classroom rules for behavior during the first days of lessons in order to proactively prevent disruptions.

Are military people disciplined? – In the military, only the self-disciplined officers progress to the senior ranks. That’s because military discipline is rare even among many officers. To succeed, you must follow the old advice from General Patton: “The only type of discipline is perfect discipline.”

How can I be disciplined like the military? – Do the little things: A great way to cultivate the habit of being disciplined is to focus on doing the little things you know you should do such as making your bed before you leave the house, keeping your environment clean, keep your car clean, take the garbage out and pick up after yourself.

What is the meaning of military courtesy and discipline? – MILITARY COURTESY AND DISCIPLINE MILITARY COURTESY-are the acts of politeness, civility and respect that personnel in the military organization accord to one another. MILITARY DISCIPLINE-is a state of order and obedience among personnel in military organization.

Why is discipline important in the British Army? – Discipline is vital in our line of work; it means that orders are carried out and everyone is confident that they will not be let down by their teammates. Self-discipline is the best form of discipline – doing your job without being told.

what taste of freedom did women enjoy in world war ii?

How did ww2 affect women’s rights? – Women’s roles continued to expand in the postwar era. Women who remained in the workplace were usually demoted. But after their selfless efforts during World War II, men could no longer claim superiority over women. Women had enjoyed and even thrived on a taste of financial and personal freedom—and many wanted more.

What was the women’s role in World War 2? – During WWII women worked in factories producing munitions, building ships, aeroplanes, in the auxiliary services as air-raid wardens, fire officers and evacuation officers, as drivers of fire engines, trains and trams, as conductors and as nurses.

How did the war advance the rights of woman? – During the Second World War, women proved that they could do “men’s” work, and do it well. With men away to serve in the military and demands for war material increasing, manufacturing jobs opened up to women and upped their earning power. Yet women’s employment was only encouraged as long as the war was on.

How did life during wartime encourage an expansion of women’s rights? – How did life during wartime encourage an expansion of women’s rights? War work gave women a new sense of pride and confidence. They had challenged the idea that women could not handle demanding and dangerous jobs.

How did WWI change women’s role in society? – When America entered the Great War, the number of women in the workforce increased. Their employment opportunities expanded beyond traditional women’s professions, such as teaching and domestic work, and women were now employed in clerical positions, sales, and garment and textile factories.

How did women’s lives change after the war? – The war had provided women with a range of newfound freedoms and opportunities. But as men returned home from military service, circumstances changed. Women left the workforce– voluntarily and begrudgingly – in massive numbers. Marriage rates increased, as did birthrates, within a few years.

How did the war change women’s lives? – When America entered the Great War, the number of women in the workforce increased. Their employment opportunities expanded beyond traditional women’s professions, such as teaching and domestic work, and women were now employed in clerical positions, sales, and garment and textile factories.

What were women’s roles after ww2? – After the war, women were still employed as secretaries, waitresses, or in other clerical jobs, what we often call the “pink collar” work force. Those jobs were not as well paid, and they were not as enjoyable or challenging, but women did take those jobs because they either wanted or needed to keep working.

How did women’s roles change in British society during the two world wars? – With thousands of men away serving in the armed forces, British women took on a variety of jobs during the Second World War. They also played a vital role on the home front, running households and fighting a daily battle of rationing, recycling, reusing, and cultivating food in allotments and gardens.

how to be a good american examples

What are the traits of a good American? – › 2017/08/22 › top-5-traits-the-ideal-…

What’s a good American? – Being an good American means being able to speak your mind or anything really and being able in a way be a leader for people or even for yourselves. Just being a good citizen, being helpful around and be kind to people in need of help. Giving back or just give someone who needs our help when they need it the most.

What America means to me examples? – To me, being an American citizen is being free. Being an American means that you can make your own decisions about where you want to live, where you would like to work, who you’d like to marry etc. It means being brave, being proud of this Country, and being confident that we will succeed.

What makes someone an American? – Americans are the citizens and nationals of the United States of America. Although direct citizens and nationals make up the majority of Americans, many dual citizens, expatriates, and permanent residents could also legally claim American nationality.

What are examples of American culture? – › isso › files › pdf › AmericanValues

What is a typical American? – A typical American (adjective and noun) is the American you would expect to find in size, weight, shape, behavior, etc. You would probably figure out which qualities were being referenced based on the context.

How is Good American doing? – The Good American denim line According to CNBC, that company has a current valuation of $1.6 billion. Good American experienced one of the most successful denim brand launches in apparel history. Fashionista reported that the company sold $1 million in clothing on its first day of the product release.

What is the USA most known for? – Well known for its history, its film industry, its music industry and its dozens of unique and historic monuments, the United States is one of the greatest cultural, political and economic powers in the world. Some key information about the US : Capital : Washington. Population : 330 252 859 millions.

Who started Good American? – The clothing brand, co-founded by Khloe Kardashian, launched in 2016 and earned $1 million in its first day of sales. Since then, celebrities such as Lizzo have been seen sporting Good American jeans, bodysuits, swimsuits and more, and the brand was recently included on Refinery29’s list for best plus-size jeans.

How do you start off an essay in America? – The “hook” is the first sentence of your essay introduction. It should lead the reader into your essay, giving a sense of why it’s interesting. To write a good hook, avoid overly broad statements or long, dense sentences. Try to start with something clear, concise and catchy that will spark your reader’s curiosity.

What does it mean to be American project? – A new project encourages students to explore their identities and share the stories of what makes them unique — and uniquely American.

What is an American paper? – American Paper and Provisions is a leading source and supply company for businesses in the foodservice industry.

What are very American things? – › story › 101-most-american-things

What are our American values? – Americans value independence and self-determination, placing importance on the role of the individual in shaping his or her own identity and destiny through one’s choices, abilities, and efforts.

What makes up American culture? – American culture includes both conservative and liberal elements, scientific and religious competitiveness, political structures, risk taking and free expression, materialist and moral elements.

What is the most important characteristic of America? – Independence. One of the main American values is independence. Independence is sometimes referred to as individualism. Americans are very proud of being self-reliant, or being able to take care of themselves.

What is the American mentality? – The American way of life or the American way refers to the American nationalist ethos that adheres to the principle of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. At the center of the American way is the belief in an American Dream that is claimed to be achievable by any American through hard work.

What are some characteristic traits? – › character-trait-exa…

What are some culturally valued traits? – › what-is-cultural-traits

which of the following could be used to build suspense in a story?

Which could be used to build suspense in a story? – A writer creates suspense through a controlled release of information to readers that raises key questions and makes readers eager, but terrified, to find out what happens. Sometimes, a writer builds suspense through dramatic irony—giving readers more information than the main character has.

How does the structure of the story create suspense? – Suspense is driven even if the stakes are only imagined. After all, the story is told in past tense, informing the reader that Junior has lived to tell his story. This pattern of perceived danger, reaction, and resolution occurs throughout the text, creating an overall structure that fuels the suspense of the story.

How might an author build suspense at the exposition stage of the plot? – In the exposition, the author introduces the setting and the characters and also reveals the story’s conflict. The rising action is the part of the story that introduces obstacles/complications and builds suspense.

What effect does suspense typically have on a reader? – Suspense tends to get the reader or audience to feel and ask themselves… Excitement, surprise, anticipation, or anxiety; it makes them ask, “what’s going to happen now or next?”

What are the 4 ways to create suspense? – › writing-techniques › build-sus…

What are 5 ways to create suspense? – › whats-new › 5-simple-ste…

How do you create suspense examples? – Examples of Suspense: An author builds suspense by having two teenagers enter an old, eerie house on Halloween night. The author adds to the suspense when the teenagers hear a strange creaking noise from upstairs in the house. An author can build suspense through what they allow the readers to know.

What is suspense of a story? – Suspense is a state of mental uncertainty, anxiety, being undecided, or being doubtful. In a dramatic work, suspense is the anticipation of the outcome of a plot or of the solution to an uncertainty, puzzle, or mystery, particularly as it affects a character for whom one has sympathy.

Which part of plot creates tension and suspense? – Function of Rising Action The rising action creates tension or suspense and lets the audience get to know the main characters better.

What are the 3 types of suspense? – › what-is-suspense

How does the author build suspense in button button? – Matheson uses dialogue, foreshadows, symbolism, and pacing to connect to his readers and show that there are no perfect relationships. The author uses pacing throughout the story to help the reader connect to the story.

When the author builds interest or suspense it is called? – Foreshadowing in fiction creates an atmosphere of suspense in a story, so that the readers are interested and want to know more. This literary device is generally used to build anticipation in the minds of readers about what might happen next, thus adding dramatic tension to a story.

What is suspense used for? – Suspense ensures the reader will have enough interest to continue reading throughout the piece. If the author has done his job, suspense will continue to increase up until the climax, or the final confrontation and turning point. There are many techniques authors can use to create this build up of suspense.

How would you describe suspense? – 1 : the state of being suspended : suspension. 2a : mental uncertainty : anxiety. b : pleasant excitement as to a decision or outcome a novel of suspense. 3 : the state or character of being undecided or doubtful : indecisiveness.

How do you build tension? – › story-tension

What are the 3 types of suspense? – › what-is-suspense

What are the five elements of suspense? – › writing › genre-b…

How do you create suspense examples? – Examples of Suspense: An author builds suspense by having two teenagers enter an old, eerie house on Halloween night. The author adds to the suspense when the teenagers hear a strange creaking noise from upstairs in the house. An author can build suspense through what they allow the readers to know.

What are examples of suspense? – An example of suspense is wondering when the killer will strike while watching a horror movie. The condition of being suspended; cessation for a time. The pleasurable emotion of anticipation and excitement regarding the outcome or climax of a book, film etc.

what is the tone of the declaration of independence

What is Jefferson’s tone in the Declaration? – Because he is talking to Congress, Jefferson uses a very civilized and professional tone in The Declaration of Independence. His tone connects to his use of ethos. Due to his professional tone, his audience more likely trusts and believes his statements.

What is the tone of the final section of the Declaration of Independence? – Even the final paragraph, where independence is officially declared, is very formal, and includes a reminder of the kinds of things the colonies will be able to do as an independent nation, like “establish Commerce” (46).

What is the style of the Declaration of Independence? – Matlack, who was an assistant to the Secretary of the Second Continental Congress, set to work with parchment, ink, and quill to transcribe the document using a patrician style called English round hand or Copperplate.

What is the theme of the Declaration of Independence? – The Declaration of Independence included these three major ideas: People have certain Inalienable Rights including Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness. All Men are created equal. Individuals have a civic duty to defend these rights for themselves and others.

Who is the audience of the Declaration of Independence? – The Declaration of Independence was designed for multiple audiences: the King, the colonists, and the world. It was also designed to multitask. Its goals were to rally the troops, win foreign allies, and to announce the creation of a new country.

Which two phrases contribute to the accusatory tone of the excerpt the Declaration of Independence? – Which two phrases contribute to the accusatory tone of the excerpt the Declaration of Independence? Look for critical words such as “destructive ” “oppressions ” and “injury.” In addition think about the “tyrant” that Jefferson mentions in the second paragraph.

What’s the purpose of the Declaration? – The primary purpose of the declaration was to assist the Second Continental Congress in obtaining aid from foreign countries. The document also clearly outlines the history of abuses the colonists had suffered under British rule since the end of the French and Indian war in 1763.

What is the Declaration of Independence in simple words? – The Declaration of Independence is a document that officially records the proclamation that the United States is an independent country from Great Britain.

What are the three main arguments in the Declaration of Independence? – The Declaration of Independence states three basic ideas: (1) God made all men equal and gave them the rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; (2) the main business of government is to protect these rights; (3) if a government tries to withhold these rights, the people are free to revolt and to set up a …

Is independent a theme? – The Independent is a simple & clean and well organized theme for MAGAZINE, BLOG and VIDEO websites. Designed with a modern & minimal style. This theme is very flexible, easy for customizing, extensive Theme Options and well documented, approaches for Magazine, Personal, News, Blog WordPress Theme with many features.

What are the two themes of the Declaration of United States Independence? – Philosophically, the Declaration stressed two themes: individual rights and the right of revolution. These ideas became widely held by Americans and spread internationally as well, influencing in particular the French Revolution.

Why the Declaration of Independence is important? – The importance of the Declaration of Independence can hardly be overstated. It established for the first time in world history a new nation based on the First Principles of the rule of law, unalienable rights, limited government, the Social Compact, equality, and the right to alter or abolish oppressive government.

What self evident truths does the Jefferson identify? – The Declaration states, “We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness….”

Which argument most logically follows from Jefferson’s expressed ideas in the Declaration of Independence quizlet? – What argument most logically follows Jefferson’s expressed ideas in the Declaration of Independence? Any form of government that suppresses people’s freedoms should be overthrown.

How does the Declaration of Independence use pathos? – Now, Jefferson wasn’t all logic and reason, he lets some pathos sneak in there. Phrases like “all men are created equal,” “mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable” (5), and “absolute Tyranny” (8) certainly appeal to the more emotional side of the audience.

What literary devices are used in the Declaration of Independence? – Parallelism, repetition, and enumeration.

what is one thing whitman and dickinson had in common

What did Whitman and Dickinson have in common? – Walt Whitman and Emily Dickison shared some similarities they often dealt with the same kind of theme. Whitman and Dickison has had their own unique styles of how they would write. Death was the topic that both writer had a strong connection with. Religion was another common topic these two had in common.

What is one thing Whitman and Dickinson had in common 2.1 4 apex? – What is one thing Whitman and Dickinson had in common? They both reshaped the rules of poetic expression.

What do Emily Dickinson’s poems have in common? – Dickinson’s verse is often associated with common meter, which is defined by alternating lines of eight syllables and six syllables (8686). In common meter, the syllables usually alternate between unstressed (indicated by a ˘ over the syllable) and stressed (′).

Who is Whitman and Dickinson? – Description. Walt Whitman and Emily Dickinson are universally regarded by scholars and readers alike as the greatest poets of the nineteenth-century United States. Their lives spanned roughly the same period — Dickinson lived from 1830-86, Whitman from 1819-92 — but they never met or read one another’s poetry.

How are Dickinson and Whitman different? – Overall, Dickinson’s style is rigid but defies expectations in both style and content. While Whitman’s flowing, carefree, hippie-like poems seem very different from Dickinson’s rigid and sometimes ambiguous work, both poets have two very important things in common.

How were Whitman and Dickinson different? – Whitman’s poetry is long, flowing, and grand while Dickinson’s is tightly structured and sharp. Both are considered influential poets in this way, but Whitman is sometimes credited as being “the father of free verse” as most other poetry in his time employed traditional meter and rhyme schemes.

How are Emily Dickinson and Walt Whitman similar? – Emily Dickinson and Walt Whitman were both poets of the nineteenth century. The similar poems that they wrote were based on Nature, death, and immortality.

What is Walt Whitman’s poem when I heard the Learn D astronomer about Apex? – Whitman first published “When I Heard the Learn’d Astronomer” in 1865 in his poetry collection Drum-Taps. In the poem, Whitman conveys his belief in the limits of using science to understand nature. Rather, Whitman suggests, one needs to experience nature for true understanding, instead of measuring it.

When I learn d the astronomer meaning? – The phrase “learn’d astronomer” contains irony. Whitman uses this phrase to say that the astronomer was well-versed yet his lectures could not inspire him. When he came out in nature, he felt more inspired than his factual lecture.

Why are Whitman and Dickinson such important poets? – Emily Dickinson and Walt Whitman are widely acknowledged as two of America’s foremost nature poets, primarily due to their explorations of natural phenomena as evocative symbols for cultural developments, individual experiences, and poetry itself.

What is Walt Whitman’s style of writing? – 1. Promotes use of free-verse— no style restrictions exist in his work; lack of rhyme and lack of strict meter; prefers to show the natural cadence and pacing of language. 2. His poems display extended lines which do not follow the standard for line length.

What type of poetry is Emily Dickinson known for? – Emily Dickinson is considered one of the leading 19th-century American poets, known for her bold original verse, which stands out for its epigrammatic compression, haunting personal voice, and enigmatic brilliance.

How would you compare the themes in the poetry of Whitman with the poetry of Dickinson? – Though both speak of the themes of self and death, Dickinson focuses more on a philosophical exploration of the elusive realities of these themes, while Whitman focuses more on a celebration of these themes. Both Whitman and Dickinson use nature as a metaphor for human life.

What poets are similar to Emily Dickinson? – › author › 7440.Emily_Dicki…

How are Emily Dickinson and Walt Whitman similar? – Emily Dickinson and Walt Whitman were both poets of the nineteenth century. The similar poems that they wrote were based on Nature, death, and immortality.

How would you compare the themes in the poetry of Whitman with the poetry of Dickinson? – Though both speak of the themes of self and death, Dickinson focuses more on a philosophical exploration of the elusive realities of these themes, while Whitman focuses more on a celebration of these themes. Both Whitman and Dickinson use nature as a metaphor for human life.

What is true about the personal lives of both Whitman and Dickinson? – Both the poets come from vastly different backgrounds but they share common inspirations but in a distinctive way. They both lived polar opposite personal lives as Walt was friendly, outgoing and influential, while Emily was very simple, shy, isolate and content.

Which of the following statements best describes the influence of Dickinson and Whitman on later poets? – Which of the following statements best describes the influence of Dickinson and Whitman on later poets? Later poets were more open to experimentation.

in “bernice bobs her hair,” bernice is the _______ in the story.

What type of character is Bernice in Bernice Bobs Her Hair? – Bernice Bobs Her Hair Characters A popular boy and desirable bachelor who begins to give Bernice attention as she climbs the ranks of popularity. Mrs. Harvey’s friend, who is vehemently opposed to bobbed haircuts.

How does Bernice feel when she bobs her hair? – Bernice learns to finally stand up for herself and be her own woman, but at the cost of her own happiness; when she bobs her hair, she apparently loses both her physical beauty and her sense of pride in her self.

What happens to Bernice after she bobs her hair? – She tells everyone that Bernice’s famous line about bobbing her hair is just a bluff (which it is). Embarrassed and caught up in the moment, Bernice agrees to get her hair cut that very day, in front of all of her new friends.

During what part of Bernice Bobs Her Hair? – Bernice cuts Marjorie’s braids during the Epiphany part of “Bernice Bobs Her Hair”.

Who are the main characters in Bernice Bobs Her Hair? – › study-guides › literature › cha…

Who is Marjorie in Bernice Bobs Her Hair? – It was directed by Joan Micklin Silver and starred 27-year-old Shelley Duvall as the teenage Bernice, Veronica Cartwright as Marjorie, and Bud Cort as Warren.

How does Bernice feel about herself? – As the story begins, Bernice is completely content with being herself. She does not question why other girls who are not as pretty or as rich as she is are able to be more popular than she is. Despite being content with herself, she is saddened that she is not very popular among the boys she dances with at the party.

How does Bernice change over the course of the story? – Bernice is a dynamic character because she became for social. She realized that her friends are not really good for her. The guys start liking her because she was flirting with them. She gains confidence and she realizes that she is better than all of them.

What does Bernice do with Marjorie’s braids? – In front of Warren’s house, she sets down her luggage for a minute, and hurls Marjorie’s two braids onto his porch, and laughs wildly. Satisfied, she picks her baggage up and runs off.

When the story begins Marjorie doesn’t like Bernice Why? – When the story begins, Marjorie doesn’t like Bernice. Why? A. She feels that Bernice is far too popular and she is stealing her boyfriend.

What is the significance of Bernice’s last utterance Scalp the selfish thing? – Her final line, “Scalp the selfish thing!” refers back to Marjorie’s pejorative comment about Bernice’s “crazy Indian blood”; through this parallel, Fitzgerald suggests that there’s something ancestrally savage about this new, liberated Bernice.

Which one of the following events in Bernice Bobs Her Hair is an example of an epiphany? – C. Bernice suddenly understands how others see her. The meaning of Epiphany is a sudden and striking realization, so the answer is C. because Bernice realizes that other people see her different than she sees herself.

How does Bernice get revenge? – Bernice takes revenge on Marjorie by chopping off her hair. This incredibly satisfying conclusion settles the score: Marjorie gets her comeuppance for being a manipulative, jealous, and cold-hearted villain.

Who is visiting from Eau Claire in Bernice Bobs Her Hair? – “Bernice Bobs Her Hair: F Scott Fitzgerald. This short story is about two cousins who have different personalities. Marjorie Harvey’s dull and boring cousin Bernice from Eau Claire is visiting for the whole month during the summer.

How does Bernice feel about herself? – As the story begins, Bernice is completely content with being herself. She does not question why other girls who are not as pretty or as rich as she is are able to be more popular than she is. Despite being content with herself, she is saddened that she is not very popular among the boys she dances with at the party.

How does Bernice change over the course of the story? – Bernice is a dynamic character because she became for social. She realized that her friends are not really good for her. The guys start liking her because she was flirting with them. She gains confidence and she realizes that she is better than all of them.

When the story begins Marjorie doesn’t like Bernice Why? – When the story begins, Marjorie doesn’t like Bernice. Why? A. She feels that Bernice is far too popular and she is stealing her boyfriend.

When was Bernice Bobs Her Hair written? – “Bernice Bobs Her Hair” is a 1920 literary short story by American writer F. Scott Fitzgerald. First published in the general interest magazine Saturday Evening Post, it later appeared in Fitzgerald’s first short story collection, Flappers and Philosophers (1920).

henceforth i never will be romeo meaning

What is the famous line of Romeo? – “O, she doth teach the torches to burn bright.” These lines are spoken by Romeo in praise of Juliet when he first notices her dancing with a knight.

What does Romeo’s soliloquy mean? – This soliloquy highlights Romeo’s abundant love and admiration for Juliet. After seeing Juliet standing by her window, Romeo is overwhelmed by his love for her and regards Juliet as being more beautiful than the ascending sun.

What does so Romeo would were he not Romeo called mean? – Juliet compares Romeo to a rose saying that if he were not named Romeo he would still be handsome and be Juliet’s love. This states that if he were not Romeo, then he would not be a Montague and she would be able to marry him without hindrance.

What is Romeo and Juliet’s most famous line? – In Romeo and Juliet Shakespeare gave the world such memorable quotes as “a rose by any other name would smell as sweet“, “parting is such sweet sorrow”, “a plague on both your houses” and dozens more.

What was Romeo’s last words? – The dashing rocks thy sea-sick weary bark! Here’s to my love!

What does Romeo say before he kills himself? – I will kiss thy lips; Haply some poison yet doth hang on them, To make die with a restorative.

What is Romeo’s tragic flaw? – In the play of Romeo and Juliet written by William Shakespeare, fate controls the character by using their fatal flaws against them, Romeo’s fatal flaw is his impetuousness, Juliet’s fatal flaw is her impulsiveness, and Friar Lawrence’s fatal flaw is that he is blinded by his goal to bring peace to Verona.

What metaphor does Romeo use to compare Juliet? – Figurative Language: Romeo begins by using the sun as a metaphor for his beloved Juliet: “It is the east, and Juliet is the sun. In these same lines Romeo has furthered his metaphor by using personification.

What was the overall purpose of the soliloquy of Romeo and Juliet? – Soliloquies are a way for a character to express their thoughts aloud. They allow the audience to gain a deeper insight into that character’s feelings. The soliloquies in ‘Romeo and Juliet’ are full of heightened emotions: passion, fear, impatience etc.

How old was Romeo in Romeo and Juliet? – The original title of the play was The Most Excellent and Lamentable Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet. In Shakespeare’s original story, Romeo is given the age of 16 years and Juliet is given the age of 13 years.

What’s in a name Romeo and Juliet meaning? – “What’s in a name? That which we call a rose/ By any other name would smell as sweet.” This is Juliet’s line when she is telling Rome that a name is nothing but a name and it is hence a convention with no meaning behind it.

What does the rose symbolize in Romeo and Juliet? – Romeo and Juliet (1595) That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” this famous quote from Romeo and Juliet means a lot of things: rose symbolizes beauty, love, and passion, but the thorns are a reminder that love can also be painful: their love that was symbolized by the rose, kills them both.

What is the saddest line in Romeo and Juliet? – “Good night, good night! parting is such sweet sorrow, That I shall say good night till it be morrow.”

What is the last line of Romeo and Juliet? – The Prince of Verona speaks this final line in Romeo and Juliet: “For never was a story of more woe Than this of Juliet and her Romeo.”

What does Romeo say when Juliet dies? – Summary: Act 5, scene 1 Romeo comments that nothing can be ill in the world if Juliet is well. Balthasar replies that nothing can be ill, then, for Juliet is well: she is in heaven, found dead that morning at her home. Thunderstruck, Romeo cries out, “Then I defy you, stars” (5.1. 24).

What line does Romeo say Did my heart love till now? – Romeo acknowledges his love was blind, “Did my heart love till now? Forswear it, sight / For I ne’er saw true beauty till this night.”

What’s a Romeo and Juliet quote? – “Don’t waste your love on somebody, who doesn’t value it.” “Good night, good night! parting is such sweet sorrow, That I shall say good night till it be morrow.”

What did Romeo say when he first met Juliet? – Did my heart love till now? forswear it, sight! For I ne’er saw true beauty till this night. This, by his voice, should be a Montague.

What does Romeo say in the balcony scene? – The Balcony. Juliet leans against the edge of the balcony, placing her chin in her hand, and Romeo whispers, ‘O, that I were a glove upon that hand {t}hat I might touch that cheek!’ Romeo then compares Juliet to an angel, someone immortal and not of this world.

what is the theme of the stolen party

What is the author’s message in The Stolen Party? – The most obvious theme in The Stolen Party is that social ranking per say, is a serious issue in society. Author Liliana Heker carries this theme through Rosaura’s misinterpretation of her place at the party. Thematic statement: People will discriminate against others based on their “rank” in society.

What is the meaning of The Stolen Party? – Liliana Heker’s “The Stolen Party” is a literature work that demonstrates the cycle of inequality between rich and poor people that would always suppress those with low incomes.

What is the story stolen party about? – “The Stolen Party” is a short story by Liliana Heker about Rosaura, a girl who attends her friend’s birthday party and discovers the harsh boundaries of class. Rosaura is excited to attend her friend Luciana Ines’s birthday party, but her mother, who is a servant for the wealthy Ines family, discourages her.

What does the monkey symbolize in The Stolen Party? – The monkey entertains while Rosaura was in charge of the drinks, cake, and some of the magic tricks. What they don ‘t know is that they are both being used. Also the monkey can also symbolize all of the wonder and mystery of being rich. “You really and truly earned this,” she said, handing them over.

What is the main conflict in The Stolen Party? – The main conflict in this story is person vs society. Rosaura is facing the struggles of her place in the world, while she is stuck being poor surrounded by rich friends. Her first struggle is fighting against her mother to let her go to Luciana’s party.

What is the tone of The Stolen Party? – Setting as tone The atmosphere was tense and sad as Rosaura is cluelessly being discriminated in the party.

What is the irony in The Stolen Party? – Rosaura believes she has behaved so exceptionally at that she might merit two gifts. But in an instance of situational irony, Ines rummages in her purse and holds out two bills to Rosaura. The gesture undermines Rosaura’s expectation of how she would be rewarded for being such a help at the party.

How Rosaura lose her innocence? – In Liliana Heker’s ‘The Stolen Party’, Rosaura experiences a loss of innocence after attending her friend Luciana’s birthday party. Before the party, Rosaura is unaware of her social standing and she believes has been invited as a friend.

How is foreshadowing used in The Stolen Party? – The first element of foreshadowing occurs when Rosaura’s mother informs her that Luciana is “not your friend!” and adds “Get away with you, believing any nonsense you’re told!” These two quotes bring about a hint of deception in the story, proposing the idea that Rosaura “farts higher than her ass”, rather, may not …

What does the ending of The Stolen Party mean? – At the end of the party, Sefiora Ines hands out loot bags to all the children and Rosaura even expected that she might get 2 for helping so much at the party. However, Sefiora Ines did not give her any loot bags and instead handed her 2 bills from her purse. She said “you truly earned this […]

What is the setting of the short story The Stolen Party? – Lilian Hekers The Stolen Party is about a nine-year-old girl named Rosaura who goes to a rich girls party. This takes place at a rich girls house where her mother works as a maid. Rosaura thinks she is Lucianas friend but at the end finds out that they could never be friends because of social class difference.

How does the setting contribute to Rosaura’s conflict in the story? – How does the setting contribute to Rosaura’s conflict in the story? Because the setting is at her worst enemies’ house. Because the setting is at her mom’s job’s house.

Why doesn’t Rosaura take the money from Senora Ines at the end of the story? – Q. Why doesn’t Rousaura take the money from Senora Ines at the end of the story? She wants a yo-yo instead. She realized Senora Ines just saw her as a helper.

How would you describe Rosaura’s mother? – Q. How would you describe Rosaura’s mother? She is hateful towards people with money because she is jealous that she doesn’t have money. She is not trusting of people with money because she knows they spend it on unnecessary things.

Why do you think that Rosaura’s mother does not want Rosaura to attend the party? – Rosaura’s mom doesn’t really want Rosaura to go to the party because she thinks only rich people are going. Rosaura is very excited about seeing the monkes.

How is irony used in The Stolen Party? – Rosaura believes she has behaved so exceptionally at that she might merit two gifts. But in an instance of situational irony, Ines rummages in her purse and holds out two bills to Rosaura. The gesture undermines Rosaura’s expectation of how she would be rewarded for being such a help at the party.

What does Rosaura tell her mother in The Stolen Party? – All along Rosaura had imagined that she would say to her, “See that the monkey wasn’t a lie?” But instead she was so thrilled that she told her mother all about the wonderful magician.

How is foreshadowing used in The Stolen Party? – The first element of foreshadowing occurs when Rosaura’s mother informs her that Luciana is “not your friend!” and adds “Get away with you, believing any nonsense you’re told!” These two quotes bring about a hint of deception in the story, proposing the idea that Rosaura “farts higher than her ass”, rather, may not …

Which sentence best shows that Rosaura’s upset at the end of the story? – Which sentence best shows that Rosaura’s upset at the end of the story? ”Her arms stiffen, stick close to her body.”