compare and contrast native american and european cultures

What are the differences between Native American and European culture? – The Native Americans were spiritually connected to the land and practiced culturally distinct methods to stay one with the land. The Europeans, on the other hand, saw the land as an unending right.

What do you see as the most significant cultural differences between Native Americans and European Americans? – Native Americans respected land and saw it as something to be used communally by all the members of a tribe. European Americans saw land as something to be owned and divided up for individual use.

What is the difference between European and Native American views on land? – To Europeans, land was something that could be bought, sold, and owned by an individual. Native people did not see land this way. Because of this, Native groups would exchange land, but in their minds had only given permission to use the lands.

Are Native Americans and Europeans the same? – Native Americans and Northern Europeans more closely related than previously thought. Summary: Using genetic analyses, scientists have discovered that Northern European populations descend from a mixture of two very different ancestral populations, and one of these populations is related to Native Americans.

What might have been some of the differences in the Europeans and Native Americans views of colonization? – Europeans probably positive – they gained land and property and the opportunity to start a new life with more than they had in Europe. Native Americans probably negative – it deprived them of their property, freedom, and even, in some cases, health and life.

How can the relationship between the European settlers and Native Americans best be described? – Which statement best describes the relationships between Native Americans and European settlers? Native Americans and Europeans at times traded peacefully with European colonists but also frequently used diplomacy and force to resist encroachment on their territory, political sovereignty, and way of life.

When compared to European societies How did Indian gender relations differ? – When compared to European societies, how did Indian gender relations differ? Most, but not all, Indian societies were matrilineal. African society did not practice slavery before Europeans came. mingled ideas of freedom with servitude to Jesus Christ—concepts that were seen as mutually reinforcing.

What did Native American tribes have in common? – Each had its own language, religion and customs. For the most part the Native American tribes lived peaceably believing that nature was sacred and was to be shared.

What two factors might account for the differences in these Europeans views about the Native Americans? – Therefore, economic gain and religion were the two factors that most affected the dynamics of European and indigenous American relationships.

what does the root ratio mean in the word rationalize

What is ratio in rationalize? – Rationalization is a process of converting an irrational number into a rational number, which is one which can be expressed as the ratio of two integers. The numbers 1.003, -11⁄3, and 22/7 are all rational numbers. Irrational numbers are those that cannot be so expressed.

What does the root word in rationalize mean? – rationalize (v.) 1767, “explain in a rational way, make conformable to reason,” from rational + -ize.

How do you rationalize roots?

What does it mean to rationalize in math? – In elementary algebra, root rationalisation is a process by which radicals in the denominator of an algebraic fraction are eliminated.

What is rationalize and example? – Rationalize is to attempt to justify something or to make excuses for bad behavior or an unpleasant outcome. When you steal from your friends but justify it based on the theory that they are spoiled and won’t notice the money is gone, this is an example of a situation where you rationalize your behavior.

How do you rationalize in math? – › math › int_alg_tut41_rationalize

What is rationalized form? – Rationalization is the process of removing the imaginary numbers from the denominator of an algebraic expression. It is the method of moving the radical (i.e., square root or cube root) from the bottom (denominator) of the fraction to the top (numerator).

passive peer pressure includes all of the following except:

What is passive peer pressure? – Passive peer pressure refers to modeled or mimicked behavior. Someone with several friends who text while driving may be more likely to text and drive themselves. They may reason that their friends text and drive, so it must not be so bad.

What is an example of peer pressure quizlet? – Terms in this set (3) Examples of negative Peer Pressure moments. * Underage drinking. * Underage smoking. * Pressure to steal.

Which is an example of peer pressure? – Here are a few examples of positive peer pressure: Pushing a friend to study harder so they can get better grades. Getting an after-school job and convincing friends to get a job too. Saving money for a big purchase like a car and encouraging friends to do the same.

Which of the following is not a way to refuse with confidence A? – Being wishy-washy and yell is not a way to refuse with confidence.

What are the 4 types of peer pressure? – › types-of-pe…

What are 3 causes of peer pressure? – The causes of peer pressure include the need to fit in, low self-esteem, fear of rejection, and at most time the need to feel safety and security from peers. The effects of peer pressure can be negative and also have the worst outcomes. Peer pressure is most commonly found in the ages of 12-19 years old.

What is the peer pressure? – Peer pressure or influence is when you do something because you want to feel accepted and valued by your friends. Peer influence can be positive or negative. Coping well with peer influence is about getting the right balance between being yourself and fitting in with your group.

Which choice is an example of negative peer pressure quizlet? – An example of negative peer pressure! Your friends want you to attend a party where there will be beer available. What makes someone more likely to give in to negative peer pressure? Having a hard time saying “NO” to people and having low self-esteem.

Which of the following is an example of unspoken peer pressure? – 2. Unspoken Peer Pressure. With unspoken peer pressure, a teenager is exposed to the actions of one or more peers and is left to choose whether they want to follow along. This could take the form of fashion choices, personal interactions or ‘joining’ types of behavior (clubs, cliques, teams, etc.).

Which is an example of a negative form of peer pressure? – Negative peer pressure occurs when friends negatively influence each other. Examples of negative peer pressure include trying to talk someone into trying drugs, cigarettes, alcohol, and sex. Negative peer pressure can happen directly and indirectly.

What are the signs of peer pressure? – › blog › 7-obvious-signs…

What are examples of social pressures? – Social Pressures are the combined pressures that are around you during everyday life such as Peer Pressure, Academic Pressures and Socioeconomic Pressure.

What does not give in to peer pressure? – When you give in to negative peer pressure, you often feel guilty or disappointed with yourself for acting in a way that goes against your beliefs or values. Some examples of negative peer pressure are: Needing to dress or act a certain way. Cheating or copying someone else’s work or letting others copy your work.

What are the 4 refusal skills? – › develop-refusal-skills

What are the 5 refusal strategies? – What are 5 refusal strategies to help you reinforce your decision to say no? Say no in a firm voice, explain, suggest alternatives, use appropriate body languages, and leave if necessary.

the roots of the function f(x) = x2 – 2x – 3 are shown. what is the missing number? x = –1 and x =

What is the root of the function f of x? – › biomath › Review › Ro…

Which equation is true for x 6 and x2? – Summary: 2×2 + 8x – 24 equation is true for x = -6 and x = 2.

What is the derivative of √ X? – The derivative of root x is equal to (1/2) x-1/2.

What is root X? – In mathematics, a square root of a number x is a number y such that y2 = x; in other words, a number y whose square (the result of multiplying the number by itself, or y ⋅ y) is x.

How do you solve for x?

How do you find the value of x in an equation? – To find the value of x, bring the variable to the left side and bring all the remaining values to the right side. Simplify the values to find the result.

How do you find the value of X to make an equation true?

wellness is a daily struggle that is influenced by

What are 5 factors that influence wellness? – › health › healthyliving

What factors make up wellness? – Wellness encompasses 8 mutually interdependent dimensions: physical, intellectual, emotional, social, spiritual, vocational, financial, and environmental (Table 1) (1).

Is wellness a struggle? – Wellness is the struggle to keep all the components of health at their best possible levels. Genetics is the most important factor that affects your physical fitness.

How do you define wellness? – Wellness is the act of practicing healthy habits on a daily basis to attain better physical and mental health outcomes, so that instead of just surviving, you’re thriving. To understand the significance of wellness, it’s important to understand how it’s linked to health.

What is the influence of wellness? – Wellness is an individual pursuit—we have self-responsibility for our own choices, behaviors and lifestyles—but it is also significantly influenced by the physical, social and cultural environments in which we live. Wellness is often confused with terms such as health, wellbeing and happiness.

What are the factors influencing health? – There are many different factors that can affect your health. These include things like housing, financial security, community safety, employment, education and the environment. These are known as the wider determinants of health.

What factors make up wellness quizlet? – weight, diet, exercise, behavior, hygiene, education, smoking, and sleep.

What is wellness According to who? – The World Health Organization defines wellness as “the optimal state of health of individuals and groups”.

What is the most important dimension of wellness? – › blogs › blog › 8-dimensions-of-w…

How does wellness use in our daily lives? – Overall physical wellness encourages the balance of physical activity, nutrition and mental well-being to keep your body in top condition. Obtaining an optimal level of physical wellness allows you to nurture personal responsibility for your own health.

What is wellness quizlet? – a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

What is wellness and why is it important? – “A conscious, self-directed and evolving process of achieving full potential.” Wellness is much more than merely physical health, exercise or nutrition. It is the full integration of physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.

What is an example of wellness? – Wellness is the state of good mental, physical and emotional health. An example of wellness is eating correctly and exercising every day. The quality or state of being in good health. The process of learning about and engaging in behaviors that are likely to result in optimal health.

What’s another word for wellness? – › what-is › wellness

How can you improve wellness? – › 9-tested-tips-to-improve-yo…

which fact is not used to prove that xyz is similar to vyw?

Which fact is not used to prove that PQR is similar to STR? – Which fact is not used to prove that PQR is similar to STR? Angle P is congruent to itself due to the reflexive property. Which fact is not used to prove that ABC is similar to DBE?

Which triangle is similar to XYZ? – ∆XYZ is similar to ∆PQR. We write ∆XYZ ∼ ∆PQR (the symbol ‘∼’ means ‘similar to’.) Corrosponding Sides: Sides opposite to equal angles in similar triangles are known as corresponding sides and they are proportional.

What condition would prove JKL XYZ? – If all three sides of a triangle are congruent to all three sides of another triangle, then those two triangles are congruent. If JK XY , KL YZ, and JL XZ, then JKL XYZ.

Is ABC similar or congruent to XYZ? – Triangle ABC is congruent to traingle XYZ. It means its corresponding parts are equal.

How can a criterion be used to show that Pqr XYZ? – 1. SAS criterion of similarity: If two triangles have an angle of one equal to an angle of the other and the sides including them are proportional, the triangles are similar. In ∆XYZ and ∆PQR, if ∠Y = ∠Q and XYPQ = YZQR then ∆XYZ ∼ ∆PQR.

Which of the following explains how Δaeb could be proven similar to Δdec using the AA similarity postulate? – Which of the following explains how ΔAEI could be proven similar to ΔDEH using the AA similarity postulate? ∠AEI ≅ ∠DEH because vertical angles are congruent; rotate ΔHED 180° around point E, then translate point D to point A to confirm ∠IAE ≅ ∠HDE.

What additional information is needed to prove that the triangles are similar to prove XYZ? – What information is necessary to prove two triangles are similar by the SAS similarity theorem? You need to show that two sides of one triangle are proportional to two corresponding sides of another triangle, with the included corresponding angles being congruent.

Are triangle ABC and triangle XYZ similar? – Corresponding angles are congruent. So if we say that triangle ABC is similar to triangle XYZ, that is equivalent to saying that angle ABC is congruent– or we could say that their measures are equal– to angle XYZ.

Which of the following is true about similar figures? – Which of the following is true about similar figures? Similar figures have corresponding angles that are congruent and corresponding sides that are proportional.

Could JKL be congruent to XYZ explain? – The triangles are similar but they are not congruent. A series of transformations were applied to triangle JKL to create triangle XYZ.

What is the reason for Statement 3 in this proof? – What is the reason for statement #3? If two parallel lines are cut by a transversal, then alternate interior angles are congruent.

What does Cpctc stand for? – Geometry. CPCTC stands for “corresponding parts of congruent triangles are congruent” and tells us if two or more triangles are congruent, then their corresponding angles and sides are congruent as well.

Which congruence theorem can be used to prove ABC def? – If two angle in one triangle are congruent to two angles of a second triangle, and also if the included sides are congruent, then the triangles are congruent. Using labels: If in triangles ABC and DEF, angle A = angle D, angle B = angle E, and AB = DE, then triangle ABC is congruent to triangle DEF.

Which angle corresponds to angle a given triangle ABC is congruent to triangle XYZ *? – The first angle we can look at is angle 𝐴. And this will be congruent to angle 𝑋 in triangle 𝑋𝑌𝑍. And as we’re told that this angle 𝑋 is 40 degrees, this means that angle 𝐴 in triangle 𝐴𝐵𝐶 will also be 40 degrees. We can also see that angle 𝐶 in triangle 𝐴𝐵𝐶 is congruent to angle 𝑍 in triangle 𝑋𝑌𝑍.

Are congruent triangles similar? – Two triangles are said to be similar if their corresponding angles are congruent and the corresponding sides are in proportion . In other words, similar triangles are the same shape, but not necessarily the same size. The triangles are congruent if, in addition to this, their corresponding sides are of equal length.

you’re allowed to use a cell phone while driving as long as there isn’t any oncoming traffic.

Can you use your phone while driving in America? – All cellphone ban: No state bans all cellphone use for all drivers, but 36 states and D.C. ban all cellphone use by novice or teen drivers, and 18 states and D.C. prohibit any cellphone use for school bus drivers.

Can you drive while on the phone? – Using your cell phone while driving is not only dangerous, but also illegal. In California, you cannot use a cell phone or similar electronic communication device while holding it in your hand. You can only use it in a hands-free manner, such as speaker phone or voice commands, but never while holding it.

Can you have your phone to your ear while driving? – Hands free earpieces can only be used in one ear. Driver Allowed to use hands free devices (specific ones) and voice to text with hands free devices and allowed to use permanent mounted GPS, Drivers are allowed to make emergency calls and report hazardous road conditions.

Is it illegal to text and drive in South Africa? – Texting while driving is one of the biggest causes of car accidents in South Africa. It is also illegal to use your cellphone while driving in South Africa.

When can you use a phone in a car? – The ONLY time you are allowed to use your mobile phone while in the car is when your car is parked up and your engine is off. Not when you’re engine is still running – even if you’re parked up, so be very wary of this. There is only ONE exception when you’re allowed to use your phone while driving.

Can you use cell phone while driving in Texas? – Texting while driving is illegal everywhere in Texas, and some cities ban all cellphone use while driving. But using your cellphone while driving is always dangerous because it’s distracted driving. You cannot send or receive electronic messages while driving in Texas.

Why should cell phones be banned while driving? – Using a cellphone while driving increases crash risk. Researchers have consistently linked texting or otherwise manipulating a cellphone to increased risk. Some studies, but not all, have found that talking on a cellphone also increases crash risk.

What’s the law on mobile phones and driving? – The Law. It is illegal to use a handheld mobile phone or similar device when driving, stopped at traffic lights or queuing in traffic. You will receive a fine of £200 and 6 penalty points if you are caught using a handheld phone while driving. Points on your licence could result in higher insurance premiums.

Can you talk on Bluetooth while driving? – If you want to make a call or send a message, Bluetooth connectivity and Voice Control functionality now allows you to do this via your car completely hands free of your mobile. Any hands-free devices should be fully set up before you drive, otherwise it is illegal.

Can you FaceTime while driving? – Answer provided by. You can use FaceTime while driving, but only if the state you’re in has no laws regarding the use of handheld devices behind the wheel. Twenty-four states ban drivers from using handheld phones while driving, but hands-free functions are permitted.

Can you use your phone while driving in South Africa? – What is the Law on Cellphones/ Smartphones while Driving? NO driver is permitted to use a hand-held communication device while driving. This includes a cell phone, microphone or other communication devices, per the South African National Road Traffic Act.

Why texting while driving should be illegal? – Most of the research on texting as driver distraction is from the US, and we would like to share some of these findings: A recent Virginia Tech Transportation Institute study found that manual text messaging elevated the risk of a crash or near-crash to more than 23 times higher than “non-distracted” driving.

What are the consequences of texting and driving? – Penalties range from $20 to $500, depending on the state, but in some states like Alaska and Iowa, fines can reach as high as $1,000 and mean a misdemeanor offense. Additional possible penalties for texting and driving can include: Points on your driving record. Suspension of your driver’s license.

describe what happened when ag+ combined with na2co3

What happens when you mix silver nitrate with sodium carbonate? – Silver Nitrate with Sodium Carbonate Here, sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) is added to silver nitrate (AgNO3). The result is a white precipitate.

Does agno3 react with Na2CO3? – Both Na2CO3 and AgNO3 are considered strong electrolytes and will dissociate completely. This means that we will split them apart in the net ionic equation. Na2CO3 + AgNO3 is a double displacement reaction. The Na in Na2CO3 and the Ag in AgNO3 switch places in the reaction.

What happens when Na2CO3 reacts with water? – When dissolved in water, sodium carbonate forms carbonic acid and sodium hydroxide.

What are the spectator ions in the reaction between aqueous solutions of Na2CO3 and agno3? – 1 Answer. The nitrate and the natrium ions.

Does AG and Na2CO3 form a precipitate? – When an aqueous solution containing Ag+ ions is added to an aqueous solution of sodium carbonate (Na2CO3), a white precipitate will form.

What forms a white precipitate with Na2CO3? – A mixture of Ca(NO3)2 and Na2CO3 produces a white precipitate.

Is silver carbonate a precipitate?

What is the Colour of AgNO3 precipitate? – Silver nitrate appears as a colorless or white crystalline solid becoming black on exposure to light or organic material.

What does NaCl and AgNO3 make? – Sodium chloride (NaCl) reacts with silver nitrate (AgNO3) to produce silver chloride (AgCl) and sodium nitrate (NaNO3).

Why does Na2CO3 dissolve in water? – For example, when the soluble compound sodium carbonate dissolves in water, the partial negatively charged side of the polar water molecules surround the positively charged sodium ions, while the partial positively charged side of the polar water molecules surround the negatively charged carbonate ions.

What reacts with sodium carbonate and CO2? – Sodium carbonate is used in the production of sherbet powder. The cooling and fizzing sensation results from the endothermic reaction between sodium carbonate and a weak acid, commonly citric acid, releasing carbon dioxide gas, which occurs when the sherbet is moistened by saliva.

Is Na2CO3 an acid or base in water? – Sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) is an acidic salt whose solution in water turns blue litmus to red.

Which is a spectator ion in the reaction between na2co3 AQ and hno3 aq )? – In the reaction of nitric acid with sodium carbonate, the sodium ions and the nitrate ions are spectator ions that are not involved in the net reaction that produced carbon dioxide.

What is the net ionic equation for na2co3?

What is the net ionic equation for the reaction of aqueous solutions of cacl2 and na2co3?

herzberg’s research found that safe working conditions and good pay

What emphasizes motivating the worker through the characteristics of the job itself? – › chapter-1046

What is a characteristic of Type A management? – Type A is the term William Ouchi used to describe the management approach that is common among American firms. One characteristic of this approach is individual decision-making.

Which of the following statements is the best description of how scientific management viewed workers? – Which of the following statements is the best description of how the scientific management approach viewed workers? Workers were like machines that must be programmed to perform in a certain way.

What was the dominant strategy for improving worker productivity during the early 1900s? – Scientific management became the dominant strategy for improving productivity during the early 1900’s. True or False? The results of the Hawthorne studies encouraged researchers to begin studying human motivation and managerial styles that lead to higher productivity.

What motivates employees to perform on the job? – Motivation: job satisfaction The way your employees feel about their job and their workplace determines how motivated they are. There is a clear link between job satisfaction and productivity. Job satisfaction depends partly on tangible rewards – for example, how much a person is paid and what benefits they receive.

How the design of a job can affect the motivation and performance of an employee? – Job designing is the process of assigning tasks to a particular job by equally considering the interdependency of those tasks with the other jobs. Job design practices can influence the work motivation and the performance of the employees by increasing the work efficiency through job specialization.

What are qualities required for a good manager? – › qualities-of-a-good-manager

What makes a good manager and leader? – Good managers support their staff and trust in their abilities. They stand up for their team and defend them to senior leadership. They delegate tasks with confidence and never micromanage. They know putting faith in capable employees empowers them to further their ability and professional development.

What makes a good manager? – Great managers are able to lead teams, help them grow, and maintain full control over their business and its performance at the same time. These are the people who manage to constantly adapt to new situations, encourage others to reach their full potential, and deliver their best work, too.

Which of the following statements about worker motivation is most consistent with the findings of the Hawthorne studies? – Which of the following statements about worker motivation is most consistent with the findings of the Hawthorne studies? Workers are more motivated if they feel they are part of a special group or project. Maslow was mainly concerned with explaining how: human motivation was related to a hierarchy of needs.

What are the 4 Principles of Scientific Management? – › career-development › frederick…

Which statement is the best description of how scientific management? – Which of the following statements best describes scientific management? It focuses on how jobs, work, and incentive schemes could be designed to improve productivity using industrial engineering methods.

Which theory would be most closely tied to the idea that employee motivation requires that the rewards for completing a task are sufficient to justify the effort? – Which of the following would be most closely tied to the idea that employee motivation requires that the rewards for completing a task are sufficient to justify the effort? According to Herzberg, a sense of achievement, earned recognition, and interest in the work itself were all: important motivators.

Which of the following are examples of factors that contributed to increased worker productivity? – Which of the following examples of factors that contributed to increased worker productivity during Hawthorne studies? Worker involvement in managerial decisions, social group membership and informality, management respect and interaction.

What is the personal satisfaction people feel when they have done a job well? – An intrinsic reward is the personal satisfaction someone feels from doing a job well and completing goals. extrinsic rewards are: An extrinsic reward is given to a recipient in recognition of good work or superior performance.