how is the work of rene descartes related to that of sir isaac newton?

How did Rene Descartes influence Isaac Newton? – Newton combined Galileo’s experimental practice (empiricism) with Descartes’ logic and rigor, and thereby developed the theory of modern science: theory and experimentation combined into a single discipline.

How did Newton differ from Descartes? – The difference between the ways that Descartes and Newton formulate their laws may seem to undermine my accusation of plagiarism, but the difference lies only in Newton’s assumption that there is a force working at a distance, which is contrary to Descartes’ assumption that only direct collisions can influence other …

Did Newton read Descartes? – Newton respected Descartes’s rejection of Aristotelian ideas, but argued that Cartesians did not employ enough of the mathematical techniques of Galileo, or the experimental methods of Boyle, in trying to understand nature. Of course, these developments have often been regarded as central to the Scientific Revolution.

What was Isaac Newton’s philosophy? – Applying his philosophical principle, Newton discovered that the mathematical form of the gravitational force between two bodies is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.

Who influenced Isaac Newton? – Isaac Newton

Who criticized Newtonian gravity? – The great confrontation between the two men occurred when in 1686 Newton published the first volume of his Principia and Hooke affirmed that it was he who had given him the notion that led him to the law of universal gravitation. Hooke demanded credit as the author of the idea and Newton denied it.

What does Isaac Newton discover? – Besides his work on universal gravitation (gravity), Newton developed the three laws of motion which form the basic principles of modern physics. His discovery of calculus led the way to more powerful methods of solving mathematical problems.

How did Rene Descartes influence John Locke? – John Locke, a political philosopher whose influence on Thomas Jefferson was considerable, was influenced by Descartes’ assertion that all individuals have the “natural light of reason.” half centuries philosophers build systems of thought which they are confident are close to absolute truth.

What famous quote is Newton known for? – “I can calculate the motion of heavenly bodies but not the madness of people.” “What we know is a drop, what we don’t know is an ocean.” “Tact is the knack of making a point without making an enemy.” “Gravity explains the motions of the planets, but it cannot explain who sets the planets in motion.”

Are John Newton and Isaac Newton related? – John Craddock Grandfather of Sir Isaac Newton Newton was born circa 1520, at birth place, to John Newton and Anne Newton (born Kellum). John was born circa 1480, in Westby, Lincolnshire, England, United Kingdom.

What did Descartes discover? – He is credited as the father of analytic geometry, the bridge between algebra and geometry—used in the discovery of infinitesimal calculus and analysis. Descartes was also one of the key figures in the Scientific Revolution.

Who said Isaac Newton is the smartest person ever? – Sir Isaac Newton is considered one of the most influential scientists in history. Even Albert Einstein said that Isaac Newton was the smartest person who ever lived.

which of the following quantities would be acceptable representations of weight?

What quantities represent weight? – The unit of measurement for weight is that of force, which in the International System of Units (SI) is the newton. For example, an object with a mass of one kilogram has a weight of about 9.8 newtons on the surface of the Earth, and about one-sixth as much on the Moon.

Which of the following quantities would be acceptable representations of weight ?? – Which of the following quantities would be acceptable representations of weight? Weight is a force and is measured in newtons (or kilonewtons, meganewtons, etc.) or in pounds (or tons, megatons, etc.). The gravitational field on the surface of the earth is stronger than that on the surface of the moon.

What units are for weight? – Glossary: Mass (weight) Units. The Metric System of Measurements uses the mass units: gram (g), kilogram (kg) and tonne (t).

What is used to measure weight? – A: On earth, we use scales to measure mass and weight; we can use spring scales or hydraulic scales, to name a few.

For which of the following other motions would your weight also be greater than your normal weight? – You found that your weight will be greater than normal when the elevator is moving upward with increasing speed. For which of the following other motions would your weight also be greater than your normal weight? The elevator moves downward while slowing in speed.

What is formula of acceleration due to gravity? – › jee › acceleration-due-to-gravity

What did Newton discover about gravity? – Newton realized that the force of gravity here on earth that causes things (like apples) to fall works the same way everywhere in the universe. His work proved that gravity worked on celestial objects, like the moon, Earth and the planets, and was able to calculate their orbits which had long been observed.

write a short character sketch of captain nemo as he has been revealed to this point in the novel.

What kind of character is Captain Nemo? – Captain Nemo, the infamous submarine builder from Jules Verne’s 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, could best be summed up with the term no one. His mysterious and enigmatic style – equal parts hard and vengeful and calm and feeling – leads readers to never quite understand who he is or what he’s about.

What is Captain Nemo’s story? – Nemo is a mysterious figure. Though originally of unknown nationality, he is later described as the son of an Indian raja. A scientific visionary, he roams the depths of the seas in his submarine, the Nautilus, which was assembled from parts manufactured in several different countries, then shipped to a cover address.

What is Captain Nemo’s real name? – It was then revealed that Captain Nemo is the Indian prince Dakkar, one of the leaders of the Sepoy Rebellion (named after the so-called mercenary soldiers in colonial India, recruited from the Indian people), which erupted in 1857. British troops drowned the uprising in blood, but Prince Dakkar managed to escape.

What does Captain Nemo worry about? – But Captain Nemo gingerly points out that it isn’t just sharks he is worried about; “in this cemetery, his dead men will be safe from both “sharks and men!”. This shows that Captain Nemo is scared of men, and hiding under water away from society is his way to cope with it.

Is Nemo real? – Here it is, folks: the eponymous character of this children’s animated epic, Nemo, doesn’t actually exist. Finding Nemo is in fact the tale of a psychologically damaged clown fish who must go on a personal journey as he tries to overcome the pain and fear caused by the loss of his family.

Is Nemo a superhero? – Captain Nemo is an antihero and member of the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, and is based on the character from the novel 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea.

What book is Captain Nemo from? – Captain Nemo

Is Captain Nemo a villain? – Type of Hero Captain Nemo is the anti-heroic deuteragonist of the 1870 Jules Verne novel Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea. He later reappears as the benefactor of the castaways in The Mysterious Island.

Is Nemo named after Captain Nemo? – It’s not named after stripey cartoon fish. In fact, the name ‘Nemo’ comes from Captain Nemo, a character in Jules Verne’s Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea — not the film Finding Nemo.

Who killed Captain Nemo’s family? – His family, including his wife and children, had been brutally killed by the British following the suppression of the 1857 Indian Mutiny. The loss of his loved ones, whom he mourned until the end of his life, prompted Nemo to reject human civilisation and retreat into the underwater kingdom.

What does Captain Nemo wonder? – underwater in the Nautilus, the submarine he built. A wonder of engineering, the Nautilus is a testament to Nemo’s otherworldly genius.

what is the multiplicative rate of change for the exponential function graphed to the left?

What is the multiplicative rate of change for the exponential? – 1 Answer. The multiplicative rate of change for the exponential function =3.

Does the base represents the multiplicative rate of change? – – The input to an exponential function is the exponent. – The base represents the multiplicative rate of change.

How would the function change if the base of the exponent were 1 How would the function change if the base of the exponent were between 0 and 1? – How would the function change if the base of the exponent were between 0 and 1? Sample Answer: If the base of the exponent were 1, the function would remain constant.

What is the rate of change of the function described? – The rate of change function is defined as the rate at which one quantity is changing with respect to another quantity. In simple terms, in the rate of change, the amount of change in one item is divided by the corresponding amount of change in another.

What is a multiplicative rate of change of the function? – if we want to find the multiplication. Tive rate of change of a function, that just means we need to divide one item by the one that comes before it to find out how much it multiplies Given one change in acts.

Which graph represents an exponential function? – › jsp › alc › resource

How do you find the rate of change on an exponential graph?

What is the multiplier in exponential functions? – The base of an exponential expression is commonly referred to as the multiplier. Example #3: Evaluate 10(2)x for x = 3. Substitute the given value for x and evaluate.

How do you find the rate of change in exponential growth?

How do you change the base of an exponential function?

Why must the base of an exponential function be greater than 1? – The base b in an exponential function must be positive. Because we only work with positive bases, bx is always positive. The values of f(x) , therefore, are either always positive or always negative, depending on the sign of a . Exponential functions live entirely on one side or the other of the x-axis.

How do you change an exponential function?

How do I find the rate of change? – The calculation for ROC is simple in that it takes the current value of a stock or index and divides it by the value from an earlier period. Subtract one and multiply the resulting number by 100 to give it a percentage representation.

Which graph has a rate of change of zero? – That is, there is no change in y value and the graph is a horizontal line .

What is rate of change with example? – Other examples of rates of change include: A population of rats increasing by 40 rats per week. A car traveling 68 miles per hour (distance traveled changes by 68 miles each hour as time passes) A car driving 27 miles per gallon of gasoline (distance traveled changes by 27 miles for each gallon)

calculate the approximate enthalpy change , δh∘, for the combustion of methane:

How do you calculate the enthalpy of combustion of methane? – So the standard enthalpy of combustion of methane is equal to minus minus 74.6 plus minus 393.51 plus two times minus 285.83. Which is equal to 74.6 minus 393.51 minus 571.66, which is equal to minus 890.57 kilojoules per mole.

How do you calculate the enthalpy of enthalpy of combustion?

How do you calculate the standard enthalpy change of formation of methane?

What is the value of ΔH δ H for the combustion of one mole of methane? – The combustion of methane, CH4, releases 890.4 kJ/mol. That is, when one mole of methane is burned, 890.4 kJ are given off to the surroundings. This means that the products have 890.4 kJ less than the reactants. Thus, AH for the reaction = – 890.4 kJ.

What is enthalpy of methane? – Hence the enthalpy of formation of methane is −75kJ.

What is the enthalpy change of combustion? – The standard enthalpy change of combustion of a compound is the enthalpy change which occurs when one mole of the compound is burned completely in oxygen under standard conditions, and with everything in its standard state.

How do you calculate enthalpy of combustion using Hess’s law?

How do you calculate enthalpy change? – Use the formula ∆H = m x s x ∆T to solve. Once you have m, the mass of your reactants, s, the specific heat of your product, and ∆T, the temperature change from your reaction, you are prepared to find the enthalpy of reaction. Simply plug your values into the formula ∆H = m x s x ∆T and multiply to solve.

which of the following was an inspiration for medieval romances?

What is romance in medieval period? – Nowadays the word ‘romance’ means a love story, a novel about a love affair. Stories like The Knight with the Lion were the first ones to be called ‘romances’. This was because they were written in ‘romanz’, which meant French, rather than Latin.

What do medieval romances usually involve? – A verse or prose narrative that usually involves adventurous heroes, idealized love, exotic places, and supernatural events.

What is the tone of a medieval romance? – Imaginative, vast, fairytale like setting. Mystery and supernatural elements abound.

What are the essential features of romance in the medieval English literature? – Texts usually described as “romance” typically concern chivalry, questing, romantic love, and magic. There are also various subgenres that fall under the heading of medieval romance such as the Breton lay and Arthurian romance.

What is medieval romance quizlet? – A medieval romance. A very long story about a hero knight that goes on an adventure for the sake of a woman and/or a king. Code of Chivalry.

When did medieval romance start? – Medieval romance began in the 12th century when clerks, working for aristocratic patrons, often ladies of royal birth such as Eleanor of Aquitaine and her daughters, Marie de Champagne and Matilda, wife of Henry the Lion, duke of Saxony, began to write for a leisured and refined society.

What is romance illustrate the features of medieval romance? – In short, a medieval romance is usually characterized by the following: 1. an idealization of chivalry 2. an idealization of the hero/knight and his noble deeds 3. a knight’s love for a lady 4.

Which of the following Middle English poem is a romance of chivalry? – ‘Sir Gawain and the Green Knight’ (Unknown) It is an important poem in the romance genre and it remains popular to this day.

Is Romeo and Juliet a medieval romance? – Romeo and Juliet by WilLiam Shakespeare If you love the medieval period, and you love romances, you should definitely take some time to read the Romeo and Juliet if you haven’t yet.

What are the three categories of Middle English romance? – Medieval romance is divided into three categories- ‘Matter of France’, ‘Matter of Britain’ and ‘Matter of Rome’.

What are the elements of medieval romance in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight? – A romance hero usually adheres to a strict code of knightly conduct, which requires his absolute loyalty to his liege lord, extreme generosity, refusal to break his oaths, and the defense of the helpless. Another important element of medieval romance is its exploration of the rules of courtoisie, or courtly behavior.

What aspects of medieval romance do you find in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight? – The first and strongest aspect of medieval romance that can be seen in “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight” is the fact that chivalry is idealized and strongly prevalent throughout the story. This can be seen through the main plot itself, revolving around Sir Gawain being tempted to break the code of chivalry.

Which of the following was a characteristic feature of medieval literature? – Three characteristics of medieval literature are chivalric romance, religious themes, and travel literature.

What are the main characteristics of medieval period? – The middle ages is characterized by wars, instability and fragmented power structures. The number of castles built in the middle ages isn’t known but it is certainly more then 10,000 and possibly more than 100,000. For example, there were around 25,000 medieval castles constructed in Germany alone.

which of the following graphs represents the function f(x) = x2 + x − 6?

Which of the following graph represent the function of X? – 1 Answer. Graph (a) represents the function of x, because vertical line drawn in (a) meets the graph at only one point i.e., for one x, in domain there exist only one f(x) in codomain.

Which of the following graph represents the graph of function? – Graph D represents a function. To check whether the graph represents a function or not, we perform vertical line test. Vertical Line test: If any vertical line intersects a graph at exactly one point then the graph represents a function otherwise not.

How do you find which graph best represents a function?

How can you identify a function from a graph? – You can use the vertical line test on a graph to determine whether a relation is a function. If it is impossible to draw a vertical line that intersects the graph more than once, then each x-value is paired with exactly one y-value. So, the relation is a function.

Which graph does not represent a function? – If we can draw any horizontal line that intersects a graph more than once, then the graph does not represent a function because that y value has more than one input.

What graph represents a function that has an inverse? – This generalizes as follows: A function f has an inverse if and only if when its graph is reflected about the line y = x, the result is the graph of a function (passes the vertical line test).

Which equation represents function? – The notation y=f(x) defines a function named f. This is read as “y is a function of x.” The letter x represents the input value, or independent variable. The letter y, or f(x), represents the output value, or dependent variable.

Which graph represents a linear function? – Representing a Linear Function in Graphical Form When we plot a linear function, the graph is always a line.

How do you find a function?

How do you draw a graph of a function? – We suggest the following methodology in order to plot the graph of a function. Calculate the first derivative ; • Find all stationary and critical points ; • Calculate the second derivative ; • Find all points where the second derivative is zero; • Create a table of variation by identifying: 1.

How do you graph a function in 8th grade?

which monomials are perfect squares? check all that apply. 6×2 9×8 16×9 25×12 36×16

Which Monomial are perfect squares? – In mathematics, a perfect square is an expression, such that factors into two identical expressions. A monomial is a single term consisting of a product of constants, variables, and positive integer powers of those variables. Hence, a perfect square monomial is a monomial that factors into two identical monomials.

What items are perfect square? – › squares-perfect-sq…

How do you know if a monomial is a perfect square? – An easy way to check whether a trinomial is a perfect square binomial is to look at the first and third term to see if they are perfect squares. If they are, then check the second term by dividing it by 2. The result should be the two perfect squares multiplied by each other.

Is X² 6x 9 a perfect square trinomial? – A perfect square trinomial is a trinomial that is the result of a binomial multiplied by itself or squared. For example, (x + 3)2 = (x + 3)(x + 3) = x2 + 6x + 9. The trinomial x2 + 6x + 9 is a perfect square trinomial.

Is 16 a perfect square? – Informally: When you multiply an integer (a “whole” number, positive, negative or zero) times itself, the resulting product is called a square number, or a perfect square or simply “a square.” So, 0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81, 100, 121, 144, and so on, are all square numbers.

How do you find a perfect square? – If you find the square root of a number and it’s a whole integer, that tells you that the number is a perfect square. For instance, the square root of 25 is 5. The square root of 26 is not a whole integer. So, 26 is not a perfect square.

Is 16 a perfect cube? – If we look at the number 16, we know that the cube root is 2.5198420997897, and since this is not a whole number, we also know that 16 is not a perfect cube.

match each moon or planet to the most accurate characteristic

Which planet or moon doesn’t have enough gravity to have an atmosphere? – Mercury is small and doesn’t have enough gravity to have an atmosphere. The temperature of the atmosphere around Venus is increased by high levels of carbon dioxide, which causes the greenhouse effect.

What moon or planet contains large amounts of Frozen water? – Uranus: Frozen water.

How are the physical characteristics of the moon different from and similar to the Earth? – The Earth is made up mostly of rock, with an inner core of iron and nickel. The inner part is in a liquid state (=hot). The Moon is made up of rock only. All of it is in solid state.

How does Mercury compare to the moon? – Unlike the Moon, Mercury has great cliffs, thousands of kilometers long, that may be wrinkles formed as the planet cooled and shrank. Mercury is denser than the Moon, and it seems to have a large iron core, the source of a weak but detectable magnetic field, a feature the Moon lacks.

Is Titan moon habitable? – Additionally, Titan’s rivers, lakes and seas of liquid methane and ethane might serve as a habitable environment on the moon’s surface, though any life there would likely be very different from Earth’s life.

What if Titan was our moon?

Can Mars have water? – Almost all water on Mars today exists as ice, though it also exists in small quantities as vapor in the atmosphere. What was thought to be low-volume liquid brines in shallow Martian soil, also called recurrent slope lineae, may be grains of flowing sand and dust slipping downhill to make dark streaks.

What planet has the largest moon? – Jupiter’s moon Ganymede is proving to be a fascinating world. Not only is it the largest moon in our solar system, bigger than the planet Mercury and the dwarf planet Pluto, but NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope has found the best evidence yet for an underground saltwater ocean on Ganymede.

What planet has the most moons? – › moons › in-depth

What are characteristics of a moon? – › place › Moon

How is moon different from a planet? – There is a very basic difference between the two: A planet revolves around the Sun and a moon orbits a planet. Technically, the moon also orbits the Sun as it spins around its planet, but because it has its own sub-orbit of a planet scientists define it as a moon.

What are 5 characteristics of the Earth’s moon? – › astronomy › mo…

How big is the Moon compared to Pluto? – Pluto is about two-thirds the diameter of Earth’s Moon and probably has a rocky core surrounded by a mantle of water ice. Interesting ices like methane and nitrogen frost coat the surface. Due to its lower density, Pluto’s mass is about one-sixth that of Earth’s Moon.

How is the Moon and Mercury different from Earth? – After all, the two bodies have significant differences: unlike the moon, Mercury has a global magnetic field; its density is higher; there is an abundance of volatile elements such as sulfur; its surface contains much less iron, particularly in its crustal silicates — which indicates that the processes deep inside both …

Which planet looks like the Moon? – But did you know Venus has phases like the moon that are visible in telescopes? Weather permitting, Venus is the first planet night sky observers can spot, and it is even visible before sunset if you know just where to look in the southwest sky.