Computer Science

Sarah is small entepreuner she just started her business selling cookies at home , the market is new to her and she needs help to sell and market her products as well as make profit to open her own bakery.
Recommend affordable ways by which Sarah can market her cookies and reach more customers using technology. (1 Mark)Explain how Sarah can benefit from techology in these three areas ( Financials, customer service, productivity) (3 Marks)Assuming Sarah’s business grew bigger and her operations, customers, demand increased and she started making more profit which E-Business Application (CRM, ERP, SCM.. etc) would you recommend to Sarah and why? (2 Marks)


This problem tests your ability to predict the cache behavior of C code. You are given the following code to analyze:

Assume we execute this under the following conditions:

Given these assumptions, estimate the miss rates for the following cases:

A. Case 1: Assume the cache is 512 bytes, direct-mapped, with 16-byte cache blocks. What is the miss rate?

B. Case 2: What is the miss rate if we double the cache size to 1,024 bytes?

C. Case 3: Now assume the cache is 512 bytes, two-way set associative using an LRU replacement policy, with 16-byte cache blocks. What is the cache miss rate?

D. For case 3, will a larger cache size help to reduce the miss rate? Why or why not? E. For case 3, will a larger block size help to reduce the miss rate? Why or why not?


1 Imagine that the banking system receives additional deposits of £100 million and that all the individual banks wish to retain their current liquidity ratio of 20 per cent.

a) How much will banks choose to lend out initially?

b) What will happen to banks’ liabilities when the money that is lent out is spent and the recipients of it deposit it in their bank accounts?

c) How much of these latest deposits will be lent out by the banks?

d) By how much will total deposits (liabilities) eventually have risen, assuming that none of the additional liquidity is held outside the banking sector?

e) How much of these are matched by

(i) liquid assets;                   (ii) illiquid assets?

f) What is the size of the bank multiplier?

g) If one half of any additional liquidity is held outside the banking sector, by how much less will deposits have risen compared with (d) above?



opinion on the occurrence of Illegal Acts. ostling, Auktoriserad revisor, accepted
an engagement to audit the financial statements of sandnes company of göteborg, sweden. ostling’s discussions with sandnes’s new management and the predecessor auditor indicated the possibility that sandnes’s financial statements may be misstated due to the possible occurrence of errors, irregularities and illegal acts.

A. Identify and describe ostling’s responsibilities to detect sandnes’s errors and irregularities. Do not identify specific audit procedures.

B. Identify and describe ostling’s responsibilities to report sandnes’s errors and irregularities.c. Describe ostling’s responsibilities to detect sandnes’s material illegal acts. Do not identify specific audit procedures. [AIcPA, adapted]


In the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster, very dark (ebony) body color is determined by the e allele. The e^{+}e+ allele produces the normal wild-type, honey-colored body. In heterozygotes for the two alleles, a dark marking called the trident can be seen on the thorax, but otherwise the body is honey-colored. The e^{+}e+ allele is thus considered to be incompletely dominant to the e allele. a. When female e^{+} e^{+}e+ e+ flies are crossed to male e^{+} ee+ e flies, what is the probability that progeny will have the dark trident marking? b. Animals with the trident marking mate among themselves. Of 300 progeny, how many would be expected to have a trident, how many ebony bodies, and how many honey-colored bodies?

System.out.printf(“”Your new sentence is: %snn””

n Java,

Please help with the bolded section and add the buffer to the other boolean transformString methods below.

import java.util.Scanner;

public class Lab {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner scnr = new Scanner(;
String original;
String command;
char charsChange;
String wordsChange;
char replaceThis;
String replaceThisWord;
char charsReplace;
String wordsReplace;
char withThis;
String withThisWord;
String transform;
int replaceHere;
int replaceWordHere;

System.out.printf(“nYou can perform the following operations:n” +
“Replace chars: replace all occurrences of a character another charactern”+
“Replace words: replace all occurrences of one word with another wordn”+
“Replace char: replace a specific occurrence of a charactern”+
“Replace word: replace a specific occurrence of a wordn”+
“Undo: Undo the last operationn” + “Redo: Redo the most recent undone operationn” +
“Reset: Reset to the intitial stringn”+

System.out.printf(“Enter a string to be transformed: “);
original = scnr.nextLine();
Editor m = new Editor(original);

System.out.printf(“Enter your command: “);
command = scnr.nextLine();
else if(command.equalsIgnoreCase(“Replace words”)){
System.out.printf(“Enter the word to replace: “);
wordsChange = scnr.nextLine();
System.out.printf(“Enter the replacement word: “);
wordsReplace = scnr.nextLine();
if(m.transformString(wordsChange, wordsReplace) == false){
System.out.printf(“Error, “%s”” is not in the stringn””


A television poll. A television news program conducts a call-in poll about the salaries of business executives. Of the 2372 callers, 1921 believe that business executives are vastly overpaid and that their pay should be substantially reduced. The station, following recommended practice, makes a confidence statement: “81% of the Channel 13 Pulse Poll sample believe that business executives are vastly overpaid and that their pay should be substantially reduced. We can be 95% confident that the true proportion of citizens who believe that business executives are vastly overpaid and that their pay should be substantially reduced is within 1.6% of the sample result.” The confidence interval calculation is correct, but the conclusion is not justified. Why not?


Draw a level 0 data flow diagram (DFD) for the Picnics R Us system in Exercise H, Chapter 4.

Exercise H

Create a set of use cases for the following system: Picnics R Us (PRU) is a small catering firm with five employees. During a typical summer weekend, PRU caters 15 picnics with 20 to 50 people each. The business has grown rapidly over the past year, and the owner wants to install a new computer system for managing the ordering and buying process. PRU has a set of 10 standard menus. When potential customers call, the receptionist describes the menus to them. If the customer decides to book a picnic, the receptionist records the customer information (e.g., name, address, phone number, etc.) and the information about the picnic (e.g., place, date, time, which one of the standard menus, total price) on a contract. The customer is then faxed a copy of the contract and must sign and return it along with a deposit (often by credit card or check) before the picnic is officially booked. The remaining money is collected when the picnic is delivered. Sometimes, the customer wants something special (e.g., birthday cake). In this case, the receptionist takes the information and gives it to the owner who determines the cost; the receptionist then calls the customer back with the price information. Sometimes the customer accepts the price; other times, the customer requests some changes, which have to go back to the owner for a new cost estimate. Each week, the owner looks through the picnics scheduled for that weekend and orders the supplies (e.g., plates) and food (e.g., bread, chicken) needed to make them. The owner would like to use the system for marketing as well. It should be able to track how customers learned about PRU and identify repeat customers so that PRU can mail special offers to them. The owner also wants to track the picnics on which PRU sent a contract, but the customer never signed the contract or actually booked a picnic.

Computer Science

In this project, you will write a program called sched, which simulates First Come First Served (FCFS) and
Preemptive Priority (PP) CPU scheduling algorithms. The program will be invoked as follows:
./sched [limit]
• is the name of a text file including the information about the processes to be scheduled and
it will have the following format:

– is a positive integer number representing the process id of the process
– is a non-negative integer number given in milliseconds representing the arrival
time of the process
– is a positive integer number indicating the amount of CPU-time that the process
– is a non-negative integer number indicating the priority of the process. Lower number
indicates a higher priority.
For example, the following can be a sample input file:
1 0 4 70
2 4 19 120
3 9 5 100
4 14 3 0
5 16 2 3
6 23 2 20
Each line of the input file represents a different process, starts without any space, ends with a newline, and
there is a single space (‘ ‘) in between each field in a line. Note that the example input file provided above is
just for illustration purposes. Your program will be tested using input files containing much larger number of
processes. Here is more information about the content of the input file:
– All three fields are guaranteed to appear in the input file.
– Processes are sorted by their arrival times in increasing order.
– Processes have unique arrival times.
– Arrival time of the first process is guaranteed to be 0.