
UCBS7037 Financial Management Assessment
You have been asked by your 60-year-old uncle Isaac to help him assess a new venture. It is
Friday night, and he needs the work finished by Sunday, in preparation for an early Monday
morning meeting, so you know that he will not be able to give you any more information than
he already has (and you will be unable to contact him over the weekend), and therefore you may
need to rely on your own assumptions and estimates for some of the analysis where appropriate.
Isaac lives near Toronto in Canada and recently took early retirement (from a soft drinks
company he joined 25 years ago), leaving the company with a lump sum (after tax) payment of
CAD 800,000. Surprisingly, rather than being depressed by his new state of independence, he is
tired of the bureaucratic life and excitedly contemplating a new career as a retailer of a range of
German fine handmade chocolate. He is confident that he can set up a business to import the
chocolate from Lindau and sell it in Canada. His wife, who he met at business school, is pleased
with his passion for this possible new venture but concerned that it might turn into a financial
disaster. She has suggested that he develop a financial plan to evaluate the venture and its


Question 1
Find the number of active users (1-day, 7-day, 14-day, and 28-day) during January 2019. Calculate the ratio of 1-day active users to 28-day active users, expressed as a percentage. Typically, this ratio is considered a measure of the “stickiness” or retention of users for your website. It should be 10% or higher for sites where content is refreshed daily, like news sites, or where the site derives its revenue primarily from advertising. For social sites like Facebook and WhatsApp, the ratio could be a lot higher (> 50%). For e-commerce sites like AgencyOne, where usage is less frequent but of higher monetary value, the ratio is typically lower than 10%.
Also, compare the graphs for 1-day active users to 28-day active users. What conclusions can you derive? Provide a screenshot to support your analysis.


Over the last few years, many people have experienced situations in which the property they purchased several years ago was assessed at a higher value than it would be in today’s market. Often, when one tries to appeal the assessment, the board of assessors can actually rule that the assessed value is higher than the value at which the property was assessed when purchased. If someone was successful in an appeal, and was able to reduce the assessed value of the property, many of his or her neighbors would be upset because that could adversely affect their home values. Property taxes are a primary revenue stream for government.

Now that you have an appreciation for the government’s need of property tax revenue, as well as an understanding of the taxpayer’s side, complete the following questions:

  • Do you have a recommendation as to how the government could more equitably assess property taxes?
  • Consider the best way your recommendation could be implemented, keeping in mind the government’s need to plan for budgeting, and the best way to maintain the revenue streams.
  • Discuss how the revenue stream may be made up if the revenues from property taxes have to be decreased. Do you think the government will increase the tax percentage or increase taxes in another area in order to compensate?

Use APA referencing in the body of your posting, as well as in the reference section.


Please answer the following questions and give 3 examples for each that could be related to students or goods or services students consume. Once you have posted your replies you must then review/respond to 2 other students post.
1) With alternative policies like income subsidies and directed construction subsidies readily available, why do governments enact price floors and price ceilings?
2) When most people want to know the cost of an item or a service, they look for a price tag. When economists want to determine cost, they go one step further. They use the idea of opportunity cost. Explain the concept of opportunity cost.


Case 4 trader is interested in finding an SUV car. With a limited budget, he does not mind A new getting a used one. Below is the summary of his criteria and the choices that he has selected as potential cars that he may purchase. Conduct TOPSIS in an Excel spreadsheet to determine the best car that he should purchase. What do the results suggest? Ratings Mercedes-Benz ??zda Kia Nissan Criteria Weight Sportage GL320 QASHQAI CX-3 Objective $24,990 $21,999 $28,540 $21,990 Price Min Odometer (km) 5 59,234 143,000 0 29,195 Min Fuel consumption (1/100km) 3 7.9 10 6.9 6.1 Min Fuel average distance (km) 5 785 1,000 942 787 Max CO2 emission (g/km) 2 182 264 159 146 Min Power-to-weight ratio (W/kg) 7 73.1 69.4 79.5 90.8 ??? Build year 5 2017 2007 2018 2015 ??x Fuel cost per fill $147 $81 $60 6 $78 Min

for (i=0; i
printf(“”Substring %d is “”%s””n””

Split a string by a delimiter

In this lab, you will write C code to split a given string S into substrings separated by a given character delimiter d. The substrings do not include the delimiter. Some examples are given below to illustrate how splitting is done. Suppose the delimiter d is the comma character: d = ‘,’. Then:

  • If S = “white dog”: because the delimiter d doesn’t appear in S, there is only one substring which is the same as S, so substrings = {“white dog”}.
  • If S = “white, dog”: the delimiter d = ‘,’ appears once in S, splitting S into 2 substrings, one before the comma and one after the comma, so substrings = {“white”, ” dog”} (note the leading space in the second substring).
  • If S = “,white, dog”: the delimiter d = ‘,’ appears twice in S, splitting S into 3 substrings, the first one before the first comma (which is an empty string because there is nothing before the first comma), the second substring is between the first comma and the second comma, and the third substring is after the second comma. So substrings = {“”, “white”, ” dog”} (note the first substring is empty).
  • If S = “white, dog,”: the delimiter d = ‘,’ appears twice in S, splitting S into 3 substrings, the first one before the first comma, the second substring is between the first comma and the second comma, and the third substring is after the second comma (which is an empty string because there is nothing left after the second comma). So substrings = {“white”, ” dog”, “”} (note the last substring is empty).

Use the provided code template and complete it to write a C program that does the following:

  1. It defines a function named split_string with the following prototype:

    int split_string(const char *S, const char delim, char ***substrings);

    This function splits a given string S by the given delimiter character delim. It allocates the memory (using malloc()) for an array of strings (of type char ** which is a pointer to an array of pointers to arrays of characters, equivalent to an array of character arrays or an array of strings). This “array of strings” contains the substrings resulting from the splitting, and is assigned to an external variable pointed to by substrings (passing by pointer). This allocated memory for the result array must later be freed (see the next function). The function split_string also returns the number of substrings, which is the number of elements allocated in substrings.

  2. It defines a function named split_string_free with the following prototype:

    void split_string_free(char **substrings, int n);

    This function frees all the memory allocated by split_string() for the resulting substrings which has n elements (n here is the number of substrings returned from split_string()). Important: it must free not only the memory allocated for the array but also the memory allocated for each of the substrings; otherwise there will be a memory leak.

  3. The main function and other supporting functions are already provided in the code template. Do not delete them. An example of how the functions split_string() and split_string_free() are used can be found in the implementation of the function test_split_string() in the template. The main function will read a string from the input, split it using the delimiter d = ‘|’, and print out the substrings.

Ex: If the input is:

white| dog

then the output is:

For the string "white| dog" the substrings are:
Substring 1 is "white"
Substring 2 is " dog"


/* Split a given string S by the given delimiter character delim.
Returns an array of substrings from the original string, separated by the delimiter, to substrings,
which must be freed by the function split_string_free().
Return value is the number of substrings.
int split_string(const char *S, const char delim, char ***substrings) {
// Your implementation here

/* Free all the memory allocated by split_string() for the resulting substrings. */
void split_string_free(char **substrings, int n) {
// Your implementation here

void test_split_string(const char *S) {
char **substrings;
int nSubs;

nSubs = split_string(S, ‘|’, &substrings);
int i;
printf(“For the string “%s”” the substrings are:n””

you can
use Lagrange or Newton interpolation

Write a Matlab program that, given number of points n, does the following:

1) defines n equispaced points xj, j = 1,…,n on the interval [-3,3]
with x1= -3 and xn = 3. (Hint: use Matlab function linspace).

2) defines 2025 equispaced points xxk, k = 1,.., 2025 on the same interval,
with xx1 = -3 and xx2025 = 3.

3) builds an interpolating polynomial that interpolates function f(x) =
sin(2x) at the points xj.

(Hint: the easiest thing to do is to build a Vandermonde matrix — please DO NOT
use function vander() — and solve the Vandermonde system of equations.
You are allowed to use “” to solve this system. Alternatively


1. An air boat with mass 3.50 x 102 kg, including passengers, has an engine that produces a net horizontal force of 7.70 x 102 N, after accounting for forces of resistance a. Find the acceleration of the air boat. (2 points) b. Starting from rest, how long does it take the air boat to reach a speed of 12.0 m/s? (2 points) c. After reaching this speed, the pilot turns off the engine and drifts to a stop over a distance of 50.0 m. Find the resistance force, assuming it’s constant. (2 points) d. How long will the air boat take to come to a complete stop (2 points) 2. An astronaut on a space mission lands on a planet with four times the mass and three times the radius of earth. What is her weight on this planet as a multiple of her earth weight? 4 points) 3. Calculate the acceleration due to gravity on Jupiter. Write your final answer in terms of g’ on earth (4 points) Mass and radius of Jupiter is 2 1027kg and 70000km

Computer Science

As stated in the case, The New York Times chose to deploy their innovation support group as a shared service across business units. What do you think this means? What are the advantages of choosing this approach? Are there any disadvantages? Boston Scientific faced the challenge of balancing openness and sharing with security and the need for restricting access to information. How did the use of technology allow the company to achieve both objectives at the same time? What kind of cultural changes were required for this to be possible? Are these more important than the technology- related issues? Develop a few examples to justify your answer. The video rental map developed by The New York Times and Netflix graphically displays movie popularity across neighborhoods from major U.S. cities. How would Netflix use this information to improve its business? Could other companies also take advantage of these data? How? Provide some examples.