
Researchers trying to improve sand filters for use in stormwater treatment brought some of their sand into the lab. Scientists then ran water through the sand in a cylindrical laboratory column (porosity 0.34, soil bulk density 2.0 g/cm3 , diameter d = 5.1 cm, length L = 22.0 cm). For 16 minutes starting at t = 0, a researcher introduced stormwater into the column, resulting in the introduction of total suspended solids (TSS) at a mass flux of 2.4 g/min. The flow rate of water through the column did not change throughout the experiment. The plot shows the measured concentration of TSS exiting the column. 

a) Based on the timing of the TSS breakthrough curve, estimate the flow rate through the column. Do not assume that TSS behaved conservatively. 

b) Did TSS behave conservatively in the column? If not, determine whether a zero-order source or sink was present, and estimate its magnitude.

HR Management

You are the hiring manager within your organization, and you are tasked with the requirement to locate the best candidates to fill a few current openings. Your company is in need of individuals who can work effectively with a diverse population, who have previous experience leading others, and who display an eager attitude and willingness to learn from corporate training.

Compile a PowerPoint presentation with your analysis of how hiring practices and effective leadership can enhance performance measures. Explain how this applies to your company and/or discipline. In your PowerPoint, be sure to address the following questions/topics and include company or organizational examples, as relevant.

§  Describe specific ways effective leaders can hire key people to serve as prominent leaders and subordinates. Include your rationale.

§  Examine the effectiveness of training efficiently to build on employee knowledge and skill sets with respect to your area or field of business.  

§  Compare and contrast the different types of challenges leaders face when hiring and training new members.

Your presentation must be a minimum of eight slides in length (excluding a title slide and a references slide). In this presentation, you are required to use speaker notes. In the speaker notes, you will provide what you would say if you were actually giving the presentation to your supervisor. Please write your notes in complete sentences and adhere to typical grammar and punctuation rules.

Social Science

Watch the Ted talk before completing and submitting this assignment. 

Barry Schwartz describes in vivid detail the ubiquity of rules and procedures in modern society, which he argues leads to a breakdown of everyday wisdom. 

After reading Max Weber, should one agree or disagree with Schwartz that rules and incentives come at the expense of “practical wisdom” and responsibility? Why or why not? Be sure to support your answer with an example or two!

Computer Science

Can I get some help with these questions? File Attached, let’s make a deal.


Write a 5 paragraph short story about how driving might be different in the next ten years… either by technology or something else aka a virus.

Can someone complete this for me?


1.  What issues are the LGBT community presently facing?

2.  What do you think the status of these issues will be in the next few decades?

3.  How do these issues affect students in the classroom?

4.  What role, if any, should teachers and administrators play in addressing these issues?

Support each of the 2 responses with a minimum of 2 scholarly sources, one being the textbook, and the other a scholarly source no older than 2015 from EBSCOHost or the resources provided in the Week 6 Overview. Include at least one personal experience/observation in your original post.


  • Option 2 – Martin, S. (2014) Writing is easy. In G.H. Muller (Ed.), The McGraw-Hill Reader: Issues Across the Disciplines pp. 114-117. New York. NY: McGraw-Hill.
    • p. 117, “Writing,” Question 3: Writing an Argument: Argue for or against the proposition that one must find the ideal place (“Location, Location, Location,” as Martin calls it) in order to write effectively.
    • Be sure to quote and cite Martin when writing your response.

First, read the article carefully. Answer the question associated with the reading. (100+ words)

Second, after answering the selected question, identify what the prompt was asking of you as a writer. Using the video above, identify what the best rhetorical mode would be to respond to the prompt. Support your ideas with direct support from each reading. Recall that direct support means using a quote. The quote should be integrated into your own ideas. An example can be found here. Make sure that you provide a proper citation. (100+ words)

Third, we want you to do more than just answer a question. Think about what the author is suggesting you do in your writing. How will you apply these ideas to your own writing process? Give concrete and specific examples. (100+ words) 

TIP: Respond to each of the above questions in its own paragraph.


  • In 100-150 words, respond to two peers’ main posts. Examine whether the post clearly supports the peer’s ideas about what the chosen prompts are asking, if the chosen rhetorical modes are correct, and if the ideas presented are properly supported.


3NO2+H2O 2HNO3+ NO 

What are the possible mole ratios involving NO2 and H2O.


Design a PowerPoint or Prezi presentation for teachers and administrators in K-12 or higher education entitled “Teaching Tolerance and Embracing Diversity”.  The presentation should contain 15-20 slides that will contain what you believe is the most helpful advice for teachers and administrators to know in order to successfully teach students how to embrace diversity.

Your slides should contain original summaries and should not contain too many words.  Each slide should also contain an image.  Use your imagination.  Think outside of the box.  You must use your textbook and at least two additional scholarly references from EBSCOHost for your presentation no older than 2010.  Include a references page at the end of the presentation.  

Quality of Content (80 Points)

__/60:  The presentation contains 15-20 slides summarizing effective guidelines for teaching diversity.  The summaries are original, creative, and easy to follow.__/20:  Each slide contains a relevant image, a reasonable amount of text, transitions, proper color backgrounds so they are easy to see, and any other graphics that enhance the presentation.

Quality of Writing (20 Points)

___/5:  Format – Text meets APA/MSE standards.___/5:  Organization – Organization of paper demonstrates critical thinking.  (Paper contains cover page, introduction, conclusion, headings, and effective transitions).___/5:  Precision – Student uses terminology and writes clearly and concisely.___/5:  Mechanics – Student spells, constructs sentences, and punctuates correctly.