Business & Finance

 Due April 13 at 11:59 PM

Principles and Power in Leadership

This course has major project assignments that will be due in Weeks 3 and 5. It will take more than a week’s effort to adequately complete them. Plan time to start the research and other work for those assignments earlier than the week in which they are due. Using the famous leader you chose in Week 1, you will evaluate the leader based on course concepts covered in the last two weeks.

  • Summarize the key details about your chosen leader.
  • Analyze the leader’s alignment to the four universal principles: integrity, responsibility, compassion, and forgiveness, citing examples and research to support your assessment. In essence, how did the leader demonstrate (or not demonstrate) those principles in his or her leadership practice?
  • Analyze the different bases of power this leader used, citing examples and research to support your assessment. In essence, how did this leader demonstrate use of power and which bases of power did s/he use to influence others?
  • Analyze the demonstrated beliefs of this leader, citing examples and research to support your assessment. In essence, what did the leader appear to believe about:
  • Analyze how this leader affected the culture of his or her organization, citing examples and research to support your assessment. In essence,

 Submissions Details:

  • Name your document: SU_LEA5125_W3_LastName_FirstInitial_.doc.
  • Submit your 7 to 10 page document to the Submissions Area by the due date assigned.
  • Use APA format for your document.( The Leader is Martin Luther King Jr.)

Plagiarism free

Computer Science

Identify a SMB of your choice. In a 500-word paper, examine risk management approaches the organization may consider deploying for mobile device management and provide rationale for the prerequisites needed for mobile device management as well as organizational readiness.

Make sure to reference academic or NIST official publications (most current year available via the Internet) or other relevant sources published within the last 5 years.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Computer Science

Reflect on the connection between knowledge or concepts from these courses and how those have been, or could be, applied in the work place (200-250 words per course reflection. If you were a full time student and took 2 courses, you should write a total of 400-500 words).

Students should;

  • Be able to apply knowledge and theory gained in their courses of study within current workplace or in their future employment.
  • Be able demonstrate the application of theory to workplace in written form.
  • Be able to identify the benefits of incorporating real-world experience into an academic program.


·       Identify the characteristics of quantum cryptography.

·       Match symmetric key algorithms to their corresponding descriptions.

·       Distinguish between types of asymmetric algorithms.

·       Recognize types of ciphers.

·       Match types of cryptanalytic attacks with their corresponding descriptions.

·       Determine the appropriate use for a given message format.

·       Recognize characteristics of message authentication codes.

        Identify the characteristics of digital signatures.

Info Security & Risk Mgmt 

·       Explain the basic concepts of and need for risk management.

·       Explain methods of mitigating risk by managing threats vulnerabilities, and exploits.

·       Identify compliancy laws, standards, best practices, and policies of risk management.

·       Describe the components of an effective organizational risk management program.

·       Describe techniques for identifying and analyzing relevant threats, vulnerabilities, and exploits.

·       Describe the process of performing risk assessments.

·       Identify assets and activities to protect within an organization.

·       Identify threats, vulnerabilities, and exploits.

·       Identify risk mitigation security controls.

·       Describe concepts for planning risk mitigation throughout an organization.

·       Describe concepts for implementing a risk mitigation plan.

·       Perform a business impact analysis.

·       Create a business continuity plan (BCP) based on the findings of a given risk assessment for an organization.

·       Create a disaster recovery plan (DRP) based on the findings of a given risk assessment for an organization.

·       Create a computer incident response team (CIRT) plan for an organization.

Main Instructional Areas:

·       Risk management basics

·       Risk assessment plan

·       Risk mitigation plan

·       Cost-benefit analysis

·       Business continuity plan

Disaster recovery plan


Below are possible areas to cover in each section.  Use academic research.

Reminder:  All students must contribute a minimum of 1 written page with a minimum of 2 academic references to receive

Industry Trends     ( note: Company is Microsoft ,and new product is Surface Hub 2  )    

·        Identify and explain the industry that the company is in

·        Research the industry that your new product or service is in

·        What are the trends in the industry? 

o   Is it growing or shrinking?

o   What is new in the industry?

o   What is the future outlook for the industry?

·        How will your product /service fit in? 

·        How much money does the industry generate per year?

Computer Science

What is the largest storage memory?


I need help solving a word problem And creating an equation to it. 

Computer Science

  1. Discuss the role Information Technology (IT) in Corporate governance. [4 points]
  2. Discuss the US laws, and controls that affect how a company operates. [3 points]

Computer Science

What is the largest storage memory?

What is a Geopbyte?

One geopbyte is equal to 1030 bytes or a thousand brontobytes. 

What is a Brontobyte?

One brontobyte is equal to one quadrillion terabytes. And a brontobyte is smaller than a geopbyte. A thousand brontobytes equal to one geopbyte. And there are one thousand yottabytes in a brontobyte.

What is a Yottabyte?

One yottabyte is equal to 10008 bytes or 1024 bytes. That also means one septillion bytes. It is equivalent to 1,000 zettabytes or one trillion terabytes as well. 

Also, remember that yottabytes are used in decimal; yobibytes are used in binary. The unit symbol of yottabyte is YB; the unit symbol of Yobibyte is YiB.

What is a Zettabyte?

There are 10007 bytes or 1,000 exabytes in a zettabyte in decimal system. Also, we can say that one zettabyte is 10247 in binary. The unit symbol of Zettabyte is ZB; the unit symbol of Zebibyte is ZiB.

What is an Exabyte?

One exabyte is equivalent to one quintillion bytes or 1,000 petabytes. That also means 10006 bytes in decimal and 10246 bytes in binary. The unit symbol of Exabyte is EB.

What is a Petabyte?

A petabyte is a unit of digital information equals one thousand million million bytes. 1 petabyte is also equivalent to 1,000 terabytes or 1015 bytes. That also means 10005 bytes or 10002 gigabytes in decimal system. The unit symbol of Petabyte is PB. 

Gigabyte is one of the most used units of digital information. Petabytes are one million times bigger than gigabytes. 1 PB is 1,000,000 GB in decimal and 1 PB is 1,048,576 GB in binary.

A terabyte is another digital information measurement unit and it is one thousand times bigger than a gigabyte. That means 1012 bytes. On the other hand, 1 PB is 1,000 TB in decimal and 1 PB is 1,024 TB in binary. As you can see, a petabyte is one thousand times bigger than a Terabyte.
