
The beginnings of any published test can likely be traced to “self-talk” (thoughts) on the part of the test developer. He or she may think “There ought to be a test designed to measure (fill in the blank) in (such and such) way.” Consider a psychological test that you think should be developed. In your original post, specify the content area of the test and consider the process of test conceptualization. share a brief ‘blueprint’ of your proposed test, including, for example, the development process, test construction, test tryout, analysis of findings, and test revision. What would be the practical application for your test? In what field(s) would the test be administered, and how might it be useful?

350  words

 2 References

Cohen, R. J. & Swerdlik, M. E. (2017). Psychological testing and assessment: An introduction to tests and measurement (9th ed.). Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill

KJV bible


Psy-520 Topic 2 Exercises


ENG 252 – American Literature II 

Test 2

·        Choose only Ten (10) out of the following questions and answer them in good, complete, organized paragraphs! I will be expecting clear, thought out answers, with good evidence from the text, your notes, the PowerPoint, and/or the biographies you’ve read. If you use a biography, make sure you cite it correctly (in-text and works cited entry at the end of the question) so that you avoid plagiarism!  No other outside sources should be used; however, if you use an outside source you DANG sure better cite it correctly (in-text and works cited); otherwise, you will not receive credit for the question. MLA Format

·        Each of the questions you choose to answer is worth 20 points, so make the answer a 20-point answer.  

o  Hint: For every 10 points, there should be at least a paragraph consisting of 10-12 REAL sentences. 

o  Every answer should have quotes from the text as evidence of your claims. 


1.   Situational irony is a mark of the Realism, and it is often found throughout the Modernism and Post-Modernism movements.  “An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge,” “Desiree’s Baby,” and “Richard Cory” all utilize this literary device to make a mark on their readers.  Discuss the effectiveness of this tool in each of these pieces of literature and how it helps each one fit into its time period – “An Occurrence at Owl Creek” = Realism; “Desiree’s Baby” = Modernism; “Richard Cory” = Post-Modernism

2.   Many Post-Modernism works are marked by themes of religious hypocrisy.  Choose at least one work from the Post-Modernism list and discuss its use of religious hypocrisy as a theme.  You may choose more than one piece of literature from Post-Modernism and explore the theme of religious hypocrisy if you would like. 

3.   Both “The Snows of Kilimanjaro” and A Streetcar Named Desire explore the ideas of “manhood” or masculinity.  How does each one treat this idea and how does each answer the question of “what it takes to be a man?” 

4.   Jack London’s “To Build a Fire” took a very different view of Nature than most of Robert Frost’s poetry.  Choose at least one the Robert Frost poem’s that we read that might have something in common with London’s view of Nature as a force that is indifferent to man’s suffering at best and cruel and destructive at worst.  You might want to look at more than one to give you the two paragraphs.

5.   Several pieces we read used stream-of-consciousness as a technique for narration.  The most obvious was “The Jilting of Granny Weatherall,” but “The Snows of Kilimanjaro” and “A Worn Path” also used stream-of-consciousness throughout. This technique is often confusing for readers, but what does it add to any of these three stories and why is it so effective?  Is it essential to tell the story of these three people, and if so, why? (Hint: Obviously it is, or I wouldn’t have asked this question). 

6.   Using flashbacks is a technique that was used in two of our stories this semester, “An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge” and “The Snows of Kilimanjaro.”  In two separate paragraphs (one for each story) explore how the flashbacks worked in each story and what the flashback technique added to the story. Why was it there?

7.   Modernism and Post-Modernism thrived on the idea that things are not at all what they appear. Both A Streetcar Named Desireand “Everyday Use” contain this theme. Choose one of these pieces and explain how that piece of literature goes about delivering the idea that things are not what they seem and contrast the appearance with the reality.  Make sure you include what you think the author was trying to tell us with this contrast.

8.   Both “The Gilded Six-Bits” and “The Storm” address the theme of adultery, and in true Modernism fashion, neither one takes a traditional view of the topic of adultery.  Choose one of these stories and discuss how the story took the topics of adultery and put a Modernist twist on it. (btw… Chopin was really a Modernist ahead of her time).

9.   “A Wagner Matinee” and “A Pair of Silk Stockings” could both be considered firmly in the Modernism genre. Both address the idea that we sometimes give up a life we know, only to miss it once it’s gone.  While this idea/theme has always been around, what makes these two stories so powerful and so “Modern.”  Who is involved in these stories, and why does the theme make us a little uncomfortable?  In essence, what qualifies them as part of the Modernist movement?

10.Most of what we read this semester consisted of my “favorites,” but by now, you all know that two of my VERY favorites are Zora Neale Hurston and Booker T. Washington.  Explore what “How It Feels to Be Colored Me” has in common with Washington’s “Atlanta Exposition Address.”  What are the common themes and do you think the two would have agreed on how they saw the word – why or why not?

11.We met a couple of characters who long for times gone by – Miniver Cheevy in the poem by the same name and Blanche Dubois in A Streetcar Named Desire. What do these characters have in common and how are they different?  Write a response in which you compare (find the similarities between) these two characters and contrast (find the differences in) them, and maybe discuss why both belong in the Modernism/Post-Modernism genre. 

12.Many Modernist and Post-Modernist writers rejected the use of dialect in their works, but Zora Neale Hurston refused to abandon it.  Joel Chandler Harris is another writer who also embraced dialect in his works.  Even though these two writers were as different as they could possible have been, what does their use of dialect have in common and what did it bring to their respective works?   

13.“The Snows of Kilimanjaro” and “To Build a Fire” both address the idea of underestimating the power of nature over mankind, and they almost use Nature as a character itself.   Discuss how each story treats this theme and how each author differs in his views of nature based on these stories. 

14.A Streetcar Named Desiremay embody the themes and ideas of Post-Modernism more than any other single piece of literature we’ve read.  Focus on two elements of Post-Modernism and make your case that A Streetcar Named Desire is THE Post-Modernist piece of literature to demonstrate those two elements. 

15.“The Life You Save May Be Your Own” contains “grotesque” (dishonest, immoral, twisted) characters, Mr. Shiftlet and Mrs. Carter, both.  Choose one of those characters to compare with another “grotesque” character from a different piece of literature. 

16.Alice Walker drew some of her inspiration from Zora Neale Hurston, and if you read “Everyday Use,” it was painfully clear that Hurston was a major influence.  What parallels did you see between the two writers based on their works?  Did you see elements from “How It Feels to Be Colored Me” in “Everyday Use?”  If so, where and how?  (Hint: go back and reread “How It Feels to Be Colored Me” after reading “Everyday Use”)

17.Several of our stories/poem deal with the concept of sacrifice in some form or another.  Choose one of those stories or poems and discuss the sacrifice that the author is exploring.  Then relate that sacrifice to something that was relevant to the Modernism/Post-Modernism historical events taking place.  What might have prompted that discussion/exploration of sacrifice from that particular author based on the history of the time? (Hint: refer to your PowerPoints for help).

18.  Several of our stories/poems have characters who go against society’s rules and question whether it’s ever acceptable to go against what society deems acceptable or unacceptable – this one of the cornerstones of the Modernism and Post-Modernism movements.  Choose one of our stories and tell my why it spoke to you in terms of this theme.  Many of our writers questioned the “status quo;” which one of our writers made you question it as well and why?

Please put the corresponding number for the corresponding question. 

              Good place Questions may be answered from

Article Writing

I need help creating a thesis and an outline on Dissertation Research question (5% of words), Dissertation thesis argument (10% of words), chapter outline (85% of words). Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. e controversy arises out of the fact that the UNSC’s authority for sanctions are contained in Article 41 of the UN Charter 1945 and only applies to states.3 In this regard, non-state actors against whom targeted sanctions and blacklisting are directed do not have direct remedies against the UNSC.4 At the same time, the UNSC does not have direct authority over non-state actors who are legitimate sources of threats to international peace and security, and must therefore, rely on states to give effect to its blacklisting and targeted sanctions.5

This study is important because the need for targeted sanctions and blacklisting is obviated by the threat that individual non-state actors pose to international peace and security. Arguably, non-state actors, especially terrorist organizations, pose the most serious threat to international peace and security.6 By virtue of Article 24 of the UN Charter, the UNSC is responsible for maintaining international peace and security.7 It has been argued however, that the UNSC faces a crisis in legitimacy because its institutional framework is incompatible with today’s security threats.8 Thus the enforceability and in turn, the legitimacy of UNSC targeted sanctions is the focus of this research. This research will focus on the institutional legitimacy of the UNSC as a whole by focusing on its authority to impose targeted sanctions against non-state actors and its blacklisting mandate relative to non-state actors. This research will be divided into three chapters as outlined below.

Chapter 1: This chapter will cover the normative and empirical implications of targeting sanctions and blacklisting.

Article Writing

Write 1 page with APA style on Biological Resources. Biological Resources Introduction A biological resource is a living landform like animals, plants, water sources and other natural constituents of the planet earth. These resources are important and useful in various ways. Biology is a field of study that covers all aspects of life and nature. Therefore, biological resources are vital and essential for the survival of living things. Examples of such resources include vegetation, water sources, mineral resources and nuclear resources. Conservation of natural vegetation is vital for the survival of living things.


Vegetation refers to a group of plants growing in a particular area or habitat. Vegetation exists in different forms which include forests, shrubs, and plantations. Forests refer to a group of trees covering large tracks of land. Forests are important in the textile and construction industries. They are also vital for maintaining appropriate climatic conditions. A shrub refers to woody vegetation whose growth is stunted and it is smaller compared to a tree.

Water Sources

Water sources range from small sources forms like streams and rivers to large ones like lakes, oceans. A river is a natural stream of water flowing in a given channel that may end up in an ocean or lake. A lake is a large water body that is surrounded by land. On the contrary, oceans are extensive coastal water bodies. Water sources are important for transport, the fishing industry, recreation and for the general survival of living things.

Mineral resources

These refer to valuable materials that exist on the earth’s surface and are located in various ores. Some like gold, diamond, fluorspar, silver and tar are vital in the world of economy. They have substantive economic values. Some minerals are also useful biologically. An example is calcium which is important for the growth and development of bones in animals and human beings.


Biological resources are vast and encompass various aspects of nature. Some however can be hazardous for example during tsunamis where oceans flood human settlements. Conservation of natural resources should be given proper attention to maintain adequate ecological balance.


Milner-Gulland, E. J., & Mace, R. (2009).&nbsp.Conservation of biological resources. London: John Wiley & Sons.

Article Writing

Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on international political economy of oil and gas. The degree of dependence of the users on the oil and gas and their flexibility to adopt alternative sources of energy under the circumstances of rising oil prices determine the competitive advantage of the major oil exporting nation over the others and the degree of aggression of these economies over other countries due to the competitive advantage in the international economy (Bentley, 2002, p.199). The movement of gas prices in relation to the oil prices, the volume of used of gas and other forms of energy like electricity, solar energy, hydro-electricity used in the economies determine the impact of oil prices on the economies all over the world. In general circumstances, the rise in the oil prices leads to higher amount of national income for the oil exporting countries of the world.

According to the recent report of OECD, the prices of oil are expected to soar up to 190 dollars till 2020 in terms of real value of money in today’s economy. Due to the rise in the prices of oil, the net oil importing countries face situations of economic slowdown due to the rigidity in the structure of their economies (Sengupta, 2011, p.35). The minimum wages to be paid to the labours, the cost for importing the oil from the major oil exporters, the degree of economic investments are all affected by the rise of oil prices. The oil importing economies have to transfer more national income to the international oil exporters for importing the same volume of oil. Thus the volume of oil imports tends to decrease in a situation of rising international oil prices (Mankiw, 2011, p.82). This leads to slowdown of investments in the economy of the importing countries. The subsequent implications for the net oil importing countries are inflation in the economy as the supply of goods and services are not able to meet the demand of the markets.



Underline the infinitive or infinitive phrase in each sentence below. Then write the part of speech as it is used: noun, adjective, or adverb. If it is used as a noun, specify its function.

1. The coach’s example is one to take seriously.

2. We all made an effort to work harder.

3. The contest requires all entries to be mailed by Thursday.

4. The players were eager to try on their new uniforms.

5. The director asked Mindy to audition for the part.

6. The children did not want to wait till dinnertime.

7. The innkeeper provided us with a place to spend the night.

8. This is the best place to find that game.

9. All of us will have to sell some of these tickets.

10. Vera’s parents encouraged her to apply for the job.

11. Our newspaper staff tried to publish a paper that was humorous.

12. After the game we were convinced that the other team had really come to play ball.

13. The best thing to do in an emergency is to keep calm and collected.

14. To run and play freely was the haunting desire of most of the children in the playground.

15. To diet most effectively, a person should refrain from eating.

16. The night made the trees too dark to see.

17. He ran home to tell his mother the news of his narrow escape.

17. Betty’s plan was to go to the museum as often as she could.

18. Hitler’s mad plan was to conquer the world.

19. To be or not to be is the question.

20. To find an infinitive in a sentence is easy.

Article Writing

Need an research paper on employee contribution and wellbeing. Needs to be 12 pages. Please no plagiarism. Many descriptions of “motivation” abound. One acceptable definition of motivation was postulated by Dr. Stephen Robbins. According to the Doctor, motivation is the process behind an individual’s direction, persistence, intensity, and effort towards the attainment of an objective or goal (Buford, Bedeian, & Lindner, 1995). Generally, though, motivation may be described as any factor that causes an increase in a person’s normal input with the hope and knowledge that a reward will follow (the input).

One of the most important aspects of any organization is productivity. Motivation plays a big role in how people perform at their workplaces. Kreitner, 1995 defines motivation as the psychological process that gives behavior purpose and direction. Motivation may also be defined as the predisposition to behave in a purposive manner to achieve specific, unmet needs ((Buford, Bedeian, & Lindner, 1995)

Motivation Theories

According to Changing (2009) motivated employees are vital for the success of rapidly changing organizations. Motivated employees help organizations survive. Motivated employees are more productive”. This means that to be effective, employers need to know what exactly motivates employees in their jobs.

Content Theories of Motivation

In an attempt to explain the various factors that motivate people, a number of researchers have postulated motivational theories. Content theories of motivation as some of these are commonly referred to include those associated with ERG, McGregor, McClelland, and Herzberg.

Content theories explain fundamentally the reason humans keep changing in terms of their needs over time. Content theories, therefore, focus on the specific factors that lead to people’s motivation. The main idea or logic behind these theories is the fact that individuals need should be considered for them to be satisfied. This in effect means that if the individual’s specific needs are not satisfied or met, he/she will probably not be motivated enough to achieve objectives and goals. The following section describes the four main content theories.

Article Writing

Complete 2 pages APA formatted article: Commentary. Article Roth, Shapley Win Nobel Economics Prize for Matching Theory URL – http 10-15/roth-shapley-share nobel-economics-prize-academy-says.html

Date – 15 October 2012

Authors – Rich Miller & Niklas Magnusson

The article talks about the winners of the Nobel Prize for economic sciences in 2012. The two winners of the award were Alvin Roth and Lloyd Shapley. The theory that the economists used to win the award was matching theory. It is amazing to me that Shapley at the age of 89 still has so a sharp mind worth of a Nobel Prize. Both scientists were extremely excited when they receive a phone call with the news of their accomplishment. The theory that Roth and Shapley developed provides insight into how scarce resources can be allocated.

Article 2 – ‘Fiscal Cliff’ May be Bigger Threat Than You Think


Date – 19 October 2012

Author – Jeff Cox

The Wall Street community is worried that the impact of the bad economy could be worse than what many people predicted which could hurt investors nationwide. The looming tax increases and spending cuts that the Federal government has implemented could send the economy into a deep recession. The person most responsible for the fiscal situation of the country is the head of the Federal Reserve, Ben Bernanke. The author of the article believes that investors are acting too overconfident in the ability of the government to find a solution to its current fiscal situation. It is estimated that 72% of investors have not considered the ramifications that a bad economy will have on their investment.

Article 3 – World ‘Close’ to Recession: Stanley Fischer


Date – 23 October 2012

Author – Stanley Fischer

According to the head of the Bank of Israel the world is very close to a global recession once again. Recently there has been a small improvement in the confidence of people in the economy which might delay the inevitable recession. Despite the bad projected outlook for the economy the stock markets are up. Some of the reasons for the good performance in the stock market are the U.S. Q3 economic results and the new policies of ECB. Uncertainties in the U.S. fiscal policies and tensions in the Middle East have had an adverse effect on the economy.

Article 4 – Pound Rises Versus Euro for Second Week on Waning Stimulus Bets


Date – 3 November 2012

Author – Neal Armstrong

During the first week of November the pound currency strengthen against the Euro for the second consecutive week. There have been signs of improvement in the United Kingdom economy. The Sterling in comparison to the dollar fell for the fifth week in a row as the U.S. economy recently added more jobs. The Bank of England’s Monetary Policy meets on the 7th and 8th of November 2012 to decide whether to extend its asset purchase program. A stronger U.S. dollar is hurting the value of the British Pound. In the short run goods coming from the U.S are more expensive than in the past.

Article 5 – Economy Turns US, Japan Into Ugly Stepsisters.


Date – 17 November 2012

Author – CNBC

In the article the author compares the economic situation of both the US and Japan. There lots of similarities in the economic behavior of both countries including surging debt, a rapidly falling currency, a sclerotic political system, and a central banking system pulling all the stops to fix the fiscal and monetary condition of each nation. During the third quarter of 2012 the Japanese economy contracted by 0.9%. In the United States a series of companies announced mass layoffs. The U.S and Japan are two of the countries with the most debt in the world. The economic problems these nations are facing must be fixed in the long run to improve the quality of life of its citizens.

Article 6

The article discusses the economic behavior of the Asian marketplaces. The Asian currencies are approaching a 15 month high. If the U.S. resolves its budget deadlock the Asian currencies will benefit from supported demand for emerging market assets. Senator Chuck Schumer stated that he expects progress in the talks regarding the $607 billion in spending cuts. The Indian Rupee recently had its best valuation since June of 2012. China Yuan traded at a 19 year high. The Asian marketplace has become more attractive than other money markets.