Article Writing

I need help creating a thesis and an outline on Architecture and Environment. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. Architecture and Environment Affiliation Architecture and Environment Architecture and environment have a very close relationship. Prior to any construction work, architects look at the environment to guarantee the reduction of energy consumption that will lead to a sustainable development (American Institute of Architects, 2013).&nbsp.They consider whether the environment can offer resources that can be used to facilitate the construction such as clay waste, which can be used to carry out landscaping and development around the construction (Haddad, Rifkind, & Laurence, 2014). Materiality is also another consideration that architects put in place because it has a significant effect on the building and the surrounding environment. The architects scrutinize whether the site is legible for reducing waste hence minimizing the impact on the local ecology and the environment (Brebbia, & Broadbent, 2006). It also relates to the environment because architectural designs try to achieve thermal comfort for the people who will occupy the construction. They design buildings in a way that they control the internal environment factors such as air, temperature and humidity (Kembel 2012: Smith, 2011).

Architecture also relates to the environment in terms of study of behavior. They study the beliefs, behavior and attitudes of people regarding the environment (Carmona, & Tiesdell, 2007). They also evaluate the effectiveness of the environment in order to ensure that the process of construction meets the specific objectives (Marquardt, Bueter, & Motzek, 2014). They take a consideration of the human environment and behavioral systems such as planning and policies aimed at controlling the environment. Architecture is also interested in the study of the interrelation between human beings and their man-made and natural environment and the relation towards the field of environmental design (Mallory-Hill, Preiser, & Watson, 2012). However, a contrast exists between the two disciplines. While architecture deals with the management of any action that relays to the design and use of space and land, the environment, by contrast, is concerned with the management of the natural and built environment (Thomas, 2002: Baker, & Steemers, 2000).&nbsp.


American Institute of Architects, (2013).&nbsp.The architects handbook of professional practice. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons.

Baker, N., & Steemers, K. (2000).&nbsp.Energy and environment in architecture: A technical design guide. New York: E & FN Spon.

Brebbia, C. A., & Broadbent, G. (2006).&nbsp.Eco-architecture: Harmonisation between architecture and nature. Southampton: WIT.

Carmona, M., & Tiesdell, S. (2007).&nbsp.Urban design reader. Oxford: Architectural.

Haddad, E., Rifkind, D., & Laurence, P. L. (2014).&nbsp.A critical history of contemporary architecture: 1960-2010. Burlington, VT: Ashgate Publishing Company.

Kembel, S. W., Jones, E., Kline, J., Northcutt, D., Stenson, J., Womack, A. M., & Green, J. L. (2012). Architectural design influences the diversity and structure of the built environment microbiome.&nbsp.The ISME Journal,&nbsp.6(8), 1469-1479.

Mallory-Hill, S., Preiser, W. F. E., & Watson, C. (2012).&nbsp.Enhancing building performance. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.

Marquardt, G., Bueter, K., & Motzek, T. (2014). Impact of the design of the built environment on people with dementia: An evidence-based review.&nbsp.HERD: Health Environments Research & Design Journal,&nbsp.8(1), 127-157.

Smith, D. L. (2011).&nbsp.Environmental Issues for Architecture. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons.

Thomas, D. (2002).&nbsp.Architecture and the urban environment: A vision for the new age. Oxford: Architectural Press.

Article Writing

Hi, need to submit a 1500 words paper on the topic The Gulf War. After easily conquering Kuwait, Iraq began verbal attacks on Saudi Arabia, which forced the rest of the world to take a stern action against the stubborn Iraq nation. When Iraq defied all the warnings to leave Kuwait, a military action was the only remaining solution to cub that problem. The western world in collaboration with other wealthy nations contributed funds and security forces to fight Iraq. The gulf war negatively affected the economies of almost all nations, with the worst hit being the developing nations and it altered global democracy. The gulf war had a great negative effect on the world economy that was under pressure in recovering from the Second World War was threatened once again. Oil prices escalated at a great deal since Middle East countries are the major world oil producers because the war had interrupted oil mining and the exportation processes. The oil supply in Middle East countries reduced greatly up to a point where it could not meet global energy demands. Due to the scarcity of oil from major producers, the few Non- OPEC oil producing countries took advantage and hiked their oil prices and the customers did not have a choice but to dig deeper into their pockets. Those prices affected the budgets of various countries since a portion of money that had been set aside for other national projects had to be used to meet the rising cost of oil (Schwab 340). After the problem persisted for a long time, the global economy had taken a recession direction. Many developed nations opted to exploit on other sources of energy to meet their energy demands. Those unplanned new projects hampered development in those nations due to the increased expenditures that those countries did not anticipate. The cost of production of energy rose at an alarming rate, and the result was that the production cost of goods also rose. The increased cost of production further worsened the world economic status since most industries had reduced their production capabilities and they faced weaker purchasing powers. Most ended up in retrenching a good number of their workers thus increasing the rate of unemployment and overdependence at the same time. Annual revenues that governments earned from those companies reduced drastically forcing them to reduce funding the national projects and development of infrastructures. Free trade markets experienced acute shortages of various goods whose prices had also risen. the nations that relied on these products had to spend more to get them (Schwab 342). Since many sovereign states had cut down on the cost of development, it implied that they produced fewer goods to trade and thus they earned less from foreign exchange markets and in local trades. The poverty levels pushed up due to the increased rate of unemployment, thus posing a great threat to the nationals’ securities since a considerable number of people had turned into theft and other criminal acts to earn their daily bread (Cashman & Robinson 11). The developing states faced the worst economic crisis as compared to the developed countries primarily because those nations heavily depended on the imported goods from their developed neighbors (Costigan & Perry 301).

Article Writing

Write a 6 pages paper on hr needs of natural knibbles. Aside from Furthermore, the same technology can be used to enable Cherrie to manage employee benefit packages that are effective in terms of motivating its existing employees to support the challenges the company is about to encounter.

Among the HR issues and challenges that Natural Knibbles need to address includes: (1) the need to implement human resource information management system (HRIMS) that is tailored to the company’s current HR needs (Matthews: 140). (2) risk of facing the business consequences caused by resistance-to-change. (3) need to establish a strong organizational culture that strongly supports organizational learning, work flexibility and adaptation to organizational change. (4) significance of transformational leadership skills in the implementation of new HR strategies. and (5) importance of establishing a new organizational vision and mission.

The problem with implementing HRIMS lies behind the possibility wherein some of the company’s existing employee may find it difficult to learn how to use new technologies. Although the use of HRIMS could enhance employees ability to improve the quality of their products and services rendered to the customers (Jackson, Schuler, & Werner, 2012: 54), the success of implementing HRIMS is highly dependent on the willingness of its employees to embrace change. Because of their fear of changing their usual working practices, some of them may refuse to adapt to the required organizational change.

Because of the risk wherein, Brandon and Cherrie would face business consequences associated with resistance-to-change, Cherrie should be able to establish a strong organizational culture that strongly supports organizational learning, work flexibility and adaptation to organizational change. With this in mind, the process of making organizational learning such as peer coaching and work flexibility a part of the company’s culture can make its employees more open to organizational changes&nbsp.(Richardson 2009: 138. Zepeda 2007: 227. Zepada & Mayers 2004: 33).

Article Writing

Write 6 pages with APA style on Views on the U.S. Constitution. The first three points out distinct rights and responsibilities of the three branches of the national government, the legislative branch, the executive branch. The fourth is about the states and their rights as well. In all the provisions covered by the four major parts, it is clear that these are still very general. This may be considered as a sign that the government itself, led by the Founding Fathers, was still wanting in experience. However, as an outline of governance, it can be said that the US Constitution had already provided the bases of what kind of society and country would be built in the succeeding years. It is clear that it’s being less detailed had become an advantage. This provided the succeeding governments and policymakers the opportunity to introduce amendments to the Constitution itself and to create laws that would further add substance to it. Aside from the role of legislation in improving the Constitution, the judicial branch also contributed to making it more applicable to current realities. This is done through judicial reviews, wherein the Supreme Court interprets the Constitution and applies it in order to judge certain cases. If no such judicial reviews or legislation were done, the US Constitution would certainly be inadequate and as a document that was created immediately after the country was founded, it would have lost its relevance already. The major strengths of the US Constitution may not be found in its original version or the one ratified in 1787. Instead, it can be found in the succeeding amendments made, particularly the Bill of Rights. It is in the Bill of Rights that every citizen in the country is granted is assured of his rights as a both as a human being and as an American. The Bill of Rights is essentially what makes the Constitution and the country not just democratic in words but also in practice. The original version that was ratified in the early years of the nation was basically meant to establish a governmental organization so that the business of ruling a country could immediately begin. It was only correct that such concern was immediately addressed more than anything else at that time. However, once the government is in place, it was urgent that the rights of the citizens be immediately enshrined in the Constitution. In fact, “the great strengths of the US Constitution lie in the civil and political freedoms it accords citizens” (Blau & Moncada18). The original US Constitution definitely had many flaws and weaknesses. One glaring weakness was that there was no Bill of Rights at all. Again, this may be explained by the fact that the framers of the Constitution were more concerned with the organization of the government, which was only natural considering that the country had just been established and a sovereign state had to take over. This weakness, however, was promptly taken care of with the First Amendment and the rest of the Bill of Rights. The US Constitution still has a weakness though. It is clear that the states have been granted with too many rights that it would seem that the federal government would not be able to perform its responsibilities the well (Kommers & Finn 39). The federal government has to refer to the will of the states whose perspectives may be based more on what they individually see as distinct governing bodies instead of being a part of one nation.&nbsp.&nbsp.

Article Writing

Need an research paper on pragmatic war mod 5 disc 2. Needs to be 2 pages. Please no plagiarism. The American civil War and Democracy The American war was the greatest crisis to face America in its history. The four year war from 1861-1864 had a big impact not just on the economy but also on the views of Americans concerning democracy. The causes of the war were many ranging primarily from the election of Abraham Lincoln in 1860, economical problems, discrimination, slavery, abolitionist movements and western expansion. It is highly believed that the major cause of the civil war was the election of Abraham Lincoln who defeated Steve Douglas, this is because Lincoln was seen by the southerners as a threat to their way of life as they mainly supported slavery which Lincoln was against. The election was followed the immediate secession of South Carolina on December 20, 1860. Other states that had the same perception of Carolina followed suit and these included Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi and Texas (James M. McPherson, 2009).

The American’s perceptions at the time of the civil war were different as compared to what they think today. This is because the effects of the civil war made them change their minds about what is democracy and what is not. As much as the north wanted to free the slaves and end slavery, Lincoln had to go against democracy in order to succeed in his mission. The rights and freedoms of individuals and the press were suspended in order win the civil war. Democracy at that time was seen as an impediment to the success of this mission. The impact of suppressing democracy was both positive and negative as it led to the end of the slave trade which was positive but the rights and freedoms of individuals were neglected. After the war people began to advocate for democracy as lack of it had led to the suffering of many people (James M. McPherson, 2009).

The impact was lasting as is evident today. There are many things that changed in the American way of life and have continued to promote democracy. America has been on the fore front advocating for the abolition of all forms of slave trade and campaigning for the respect of all humans. It has also gone way ahead by trying to advocate for democracy in foreign nations and this has been part of its foreign policies. There are established systems in the United States that promote citizen participation, the constitution recognizes the importance of freedom and therefore it has been extended from the human freedom to other areas including the press. Democracy at times is not also seen as good because some institutions till discriminate people, there is no equity and participation. It is most of the time used to win strategies just as it was used in the civil war.

I strongly agree that the prime reason for the confederacy defeat was democracy. From Donald’s views the confederate states promoted the rights and freedoms of individuals especially that of expression and therefore had a rough time controlling the soldiers. In the north President Lincoln did not want to hear any of this and went ahead to impair the rights and freedom of the press by shutting down a number of newspapers that showed any sign of opposition towards the civil war. The north also moved fast to squash any kind of disloyalty or rebellion suspended the habeas corpus and arrested any of the citizens that seemed to be traitors. Therefore we can see that the democracy in the south actually led to their defeat in the civil war (Donald, 1996).


Donald, D. H. (1996). Why the North Won the Civil War. London, UK: Touchstone Books.

James M. McPherson, J. K. (2009). Ordeals by Fire: the civil War and Reconstruction. New York: MacGraw-Hill.

Article Writing

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on estimation of the value of gravitational acceleration (g) based on measurements from a simple pendulum Paper must be at least 1000 words. Please, no plagiarized work! derived value after factoring in the uncertainty, corroborating the insight that the time period of the oscillation is dependent solely on string length (Ji and Bell 2015. Jardine-Wright 2010).

The experiment calls for the calculation of g or the gravitational acceleration via the use of a simplified mechanism, and then undertaking a comparison between the value arrived at from that mechanism with the standard value of g, which is pegged at 9.81. The key principle in the mechanism of the oscillation of systems such as the simplified pendulum lies in being able to grasp the nature of the forces that act on the mechanism. In the pendulum, it is the force of g or the gravitational acceleration which impinge on the frequency of the oscillations, effecting a dampening effect on those oscillations through time. The oscillations of the pendulum mechanism can be construed as being simple harmonic in nature and is periodic. Here the force of restoration is in direct proportion to the pendulum displacement. For the purposes of this paper, the relevant formula is the one that prescribes the value of the time period, which is given thus (Ji and Bell 2015. Jardine-Wright 2010):

In the equation above, the value of T is dependent only on the string length l and g. Therefore, given T and l, g can be derived. The insight from the experiment is in being able to understand the way the oscillating system variables affect each other, as stated in the instructions. how the value of g is derived. and what the measurement errors and the causes of those errors are (Ji and Bell 2015. Jardine-Wright 2010).

Two people made up a group, and the basic materials were the cotton rope, which was used as the string to hold the weight, which was first a plastic ball and later changed to a golf ball for more weight. The measuring devices were a ruler and an iPhone used as timing device.

Article Writing

Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on confucianism in cultural studies. Humanism in the West started in the Renaissance time when secular people realized that without religion, people can still be humane to others. Earlier than the Renaissance time, religion governed the West, thus people acted according to the decrees of Christianity. According to Bauman (34), humanism was prompted by ancient Greek and Roman studies of Renaissance people. Nevertheless, comparing the civilization of the two worlds Western and Eastern, and considering the time Confucius lived, Eastern thought can easily outdo its counterpart, especially in terms of etymology.

Many Confucian concepts and practices reflect humanism including ren, yi, li and zhi. To follow ren is to be altruistic for others. Yi means promoting righteousness and moral disposition to do good. Li is similar to ethics, consisting of a system of norms and propriety while Zhi is the ability to judge what is right and good. In sum, doing what is right and good to others is the main core of Confucius’s teachings. In Western humanism, human responsibility is the “nuclear idea” (Blackham, cited in Mencius 10) in the definition of the term. These ideas tie up and reflect the similarity between the East and the West.

Humanism, although coined later in the Western world, is strongly reflected in the “Analects.” Confucius, addressed as “the master” declares, “A youth when at home, should be filial, and abroad, respectful to his elders.

Article Writing

I will pay for the following article Climate Change Effects on Vegetation Distribution. The work is to be 5 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page. The main effect, in this case, is climate change and global warming. This paper explores global warming with the focus on explaining some of the causes of global warming alongside the recent changes in climate recorded on the surface of the earth.

&nbsp.The term climate change can sometimes be used to refer to the climatic changes that are brought about due to human activities, rather than those climatic changes that are brought about as part of the natural processes of the earth. These terms have become quite a relevance as far as the environmental policy, and the global warming anthropogenic are concerned. Global warming, in this case, represents the increases in temperature and climate change and deals with global warming, and other aspects including the levels of the greenhouse effect.

&nbsp.Arguably, the rate in which energy is received from the sun and the loss rate to space determine a great deal both the climate of the earth and the equilibrium temperature (Bachelet & Lenihan, 2001). As research would have it, the energy is transferred all over the globe by use of ocean current, winds, and other different mechanisms which may affect the climate of other regions. It is worth noting that there are a number of factors that may lead to climate change. Key among them include solar radiation, variation, and orbit of the earth, continental drift, and the greenhouse gas changes concentration. Different climatic alterations in climatic feedbacks can either diminish or amplify the forces that initially. Other parts of the system of climate such as ice caps, an ocean. Within the climate variation context, human factors that are deemed to be affecting the climate are the anthropogenic factors. According to the scientific consensus concerning climate change, the climate is always changing and the changes are largely due to human activities.

Article Writing

Hi, need to submit a 2500 words paper on the topic Radio and mobile communication. tems developed in the first generation category were incompatible with one another for the reason that all they were operating at different frequencies. For this reason, mobile users had to change their mobiles when they moved to different countries. Since this generation was based on FDMA standard that why it supported only limited roaming and capacity. Hence, in order to deal with the problems of 1st generation, a new generation of mobile computing evolved in the 1990s known as 2nd generation of mobile networks (Joshi, 2012. Patil, et al., 2012).

The design process of 1st generation cellular networks started in 1980 but the actual implementations of these networks appeared in early 1991 and continued until the 2nd generation appeared. Basically, this generation included the majority of currently used ubiquitous cellular networks. As compared to 1st generation networks, 2nd generation networks depended completely on analog FM and FDMA. Some of the well-known techniques used by 2G standards included Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) and digital modulation formats with Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA). These systems are normally known as Personal Communications Service (PCS) in the United States. In this scenario, three TDMA standards (GSM, IS-136, and PDC) and one CDMA standard (IS-95) are believed to be the well-known standards of 2G networks (Joshi, 2012. Patil, et al., 2012).

One of the major problems with 2G technologies was that it used circuit-switched data modems for this reason data users were limited to a single circuit-switched voice station. As a result, data transfer rate reduced to a very low rate. In fact, the majority of 2G networks supported a data transfer rate of 10 Kbps for all kinds of users. In this scenario, 2G networks were unable to support sophisticated short messaging capabilities and effective Internet browsing and. Short Messaging Service (SMS) is a popular feature of GSM.