Article Writing

Create a 8 pages page paper that discusses the new scottish parliament building project. The United Kingdom of Great Britain was formed in 1707 as per the provisions of the Treaty of Union, merging the two separate countries of Scotland and England. The enactment of the Scotland Act 1998 and the Devolution of 1999, once again made possible the formation of a separate Scottish Parliament. The perceptible need for a separate building for the Parliament resulted in the Holyrood, site being chosen for the construction of, what was, in Donald Dewar’s words, a “purpose-built parliament offered to make a statement about Scotland’s future”(White &Sidhu, p 6). Though the Scottish Parliament Building Project, was fated to land itself in a series of controversies, resulting in its price tag continuing to rise beyond comprehension1, leading to what critics of the Project consider as the greatest fiasco ever that has happened in recent Scottish history, the fact remains that this magnificent building symbolizes the rebirth of a nation.

The Genesis of the fiasco lay in Westminster, in the pay-as-you-go contracts signed by U.K. Ministers much before the Scottish parliament had ever been elected. 2 The crucial decision to adopt the high-risk Construction management Route was taken unilaterally by the Project Manager without, without a proper evaluation. 3 The appointment of Bovis, the highest tenderer as Construction Manager smacked of favoritism on several counts.

The feasibility studies were merely indicative in nature and did not represent the actual costs. Even at the time of designer competition, no tentative cost estimate was made, but undue reliance was placed on the verbal assertions of the architectural joint to budgetary compliance. (Fraser, Para 4.51) In addition, the Time-table was too tight and unrealistic.&nbsp.

Article Writing

Write a 5 pages paper on nursing 220 topic, any age group, relatd to oncology, hematology, immunology, acute neurology, emergency or critcal care nursing. ach utilizing the evidence from current nursing research literature so the best nursing practice in this specific area of oncologic nursing practice is established.

Review of Literature: Stanley in her note, “Partners in Cancer Care” published from Oncology Nursing Society has highlighted the importance and availability of best evidence for managing common cancer symptoms. Evidence in support of nursing practice in this area is known to be accumulating exponentially, which demands utilization of these evidences in the clinical practice. Literature consistently demonstrates identifiable evidence base for oncology nursing and the impacts of these evidence-based interventions in patient outcomes as far as the oncology nursing practice is concerned. It is also important to evaluate the effectiveness of these interventions used for cancer symptom management, so recommendations for future practice can be made to result in improvement in patient care that can be measured. (Stanley, KJ., 2006).

Nausea and vomiting continues to be significant side effects of cancer therapy that add to the distress of the patients. Optimal antiemetic prophylaxis in cancer patients receiving chemo and radiotherapies has been the subject of many trials. The Antiemetic Subcommittee of the Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer (MASCC) in their review presents the findings up to the year 2004. Classically, the chemotherapeutic agents have been classified with high, moderate, low, and minimal emetogenic potentials. The current recommendations support a three-drug regimen that includes a 5-HT3 antagonist such as ondansetron 32 mg, dexamethasone 12 mg, and aprepitant 125 mg on day 1, followed by dexamethasone 8 mg daily on days 2 to 4, and aprepitant 80 mg on days 2 to 3 provides a complete response of no emesis with no use of rescue antiemetic in prevention of vomiting and nausea induced by chemotherapy of high emetogenic risk.

Article Writing

Need help with my writing homework on Pity or Positive Disabled advertising today. Write a 6000 word paper answering; This essay “Pity or Positive? Disabled advertising today” outlines the image of the disabled people in the media and commercials and their visibility. Studies and reports have found that it is advantageous to mainstream disability and to include disabled people in advertisements. Reports also reveal that mutual benefits can be gained when companies use ads that feature people with disabilities. Advertising (2001) reports: These ads were breaking fresh ground, partly because they were not from charities or rights commissions, but less expectedly from commercial organizations that were using disability to convey a message about their brand. By choosing disability as its subject, the Co-op Bank ad was reminding people of its ethical values. The Coca Cola ad was giving the brand, not known for having roots in football, real credibility among football fans. Freeserve was using a disabled person as a metaphor for capability and accomplishment. But in using images of disability to convey such messages about their brands, these advertisers also broke ground in the subtext about what they said about disability.” Many have grasped the negative perception caused by the lack of exposure of disabled persons in the media. Hence, they fear that they will feel uncomfortable around those with disabilities. When advertisements show disabled individuals in everyday surroundings and situations, these fears are alleviated. The audience starts to see the truth—that those with disabilities are really not that different from those who do not have these disabilities.

Article Writing

Need help with my writing homework on Anishinaabe People. Write a 1000 word paper answering; The people could shelter these women and their children but they did not have similar positions with children born with Anishinaabe fathers in the society. Doodem which is their word for clan was borrowed from the English word totem. The clans which are mostly based on animals are very instrumental in conventional occupations, marriages and inter tribal relations. Even in modern day, the clan remains a very crucial part of the Anishinaabe identity (Basil 9).

I came to understand that Anishinaabe’s understanding of kinship was very complex and included not only the nuclear family but also the extended family as well. It is regarded as a merging kinship system that is modified. As with any bifurcate merging kinship system, the children basically share similar kinship term with their parallel cousins since they are all part of the same clan. The bespoke system permits younger siblings to share similar kinship terms with cross cousins who are younger. The complexity vanishes further from the speaker’s instantaneous generation but some of the complexity is retained with women relatives. This kinship system reflects the philosophy of the Anishinaabe people of balance and interconnectedness among all the living generations as well as of all other generations from the past and of the future. Additionally to the Anishinaabe totem, clans belonging to other tribes are regarded as being related to the clans of Anishinaabe if they share the same designation. Consequently for instance, blending of an Anishinaabe bear clan.

Article Writing

Compose a 500 words assignment on hipaa education. Needs to be plagiarism free! HIPAA Education Introduction HIPAA law provides provision related to insurance, security, privacy, transactions sets. The various staff members of the organization will need to make them familiar about the law as per the task he or she is performing. however, all health care workers should be aware about this law from the privacy and security angle as they will have access to the patients health and personal records.

Every patient has a right to privacy. The HIPAA protects the confidential records of the patients pertaining to medical and billing. Anyone, whether salaried or non-salaried such as staff, students, volunteers or visitors having access to patients or their health information need to have HIPAA education. Everyone is expected to follow these rules and regulations while performing daily activities. (Understanding Health…)

The basic HIPAA awareness is required for every healthcare worker such as Nurses, physicians, students, and other direct healthcare persons. In issues like mental health treatment psychiatrics, psychologists or other mental health professionals will need to address some additional privacy concerns while providing mental healthcare involving psychotherapy notes.

The HIPAA security compliance aspects should be known to those who have access and transmit protected health information of the patient in electronic form such as insurance claims, medical billing, provide patient information online. The persons covered in this are accountants, billing persons.

Organization needs to have one HIPAA privacy/security officer who will be in charge of implementing HIPAA compliance step by step along with all the forms, documents, policies and procedures. The HIPAA Security and Privacy Rules enforcement fall under the jurisdiction of Office for Civil Rights (OCR).

The training program will have two modules mainly as per the following.

1. Privacy Parameters

2. Security Parameters

The duration of each module will be of minimum 2 hours giving an overview of HIPAA act, its significance, compliance and implementation part. The training will also make healthcare workers aware about the necessary forms and documentation needed in fulfillment of this act.

Privacy aspects relate with general awareness of HIPAA laws which are required to be known by all healthcare workers. A privacy aspect will let all health care workers know as to how patients health information will be protected without impeding proper healthcare to them. The training will give overview about the privacy rule that protects the patients health information such as individuals past, present or future health conditions or information related to the past, present or future payments. (Summary of the HIPAA Privacy)

The security training will cover HIPAA national standards protecting individuals personal health information in electronics form and safeguards needed to ensure the integrity, confidentiality of health related information. The training will cover the aspects of administrative safeguards, emergency situations, enforcement, physical safeguards, compliance evaluation, and technical safeguards. In the areas where implementation specification mentions as “required” will be given due importance before other aspects and all healthcare workers will be made fully acquainted with “required” aspects. (Summary of the HIPAA Security)

The training will be in homogeneous groups such as all nurses will be in one group and all physicians will form another group to have HIPAA training.

Thus, training will be outlined in such a fashion that it meets the basic need of all healthcare workers for HIPAA awareness and specific need for the targeted group where security aspects are more prominent and needs to be addressed more stringently.


1. Understanding Health Information Privacy (2011), online from [Accessed on 6/1/2011]

2. SUMMARY OF THE HIPAA PRIVACY RULE (2011),online from [Accessed on 6/1/2011]

3. Summary of the HIPAA Security Rule (2011), online from

Article Writing

I need some assistance with these assignment. public law Thank you in advance for the help! PUBLIC LAW Judging from the precipitated events and the provisions of the drafted constitution, there are two clear indications about the three branches of state, namely the executive, legislature and judiciary. That is, these three are supposed to be as independent in the jurisdiction of their roles as possible whiles ensuring that the roles that they play complement each other’s roles and functions. In the light of this, the objectives set for each of these arms or branches are co-related. The legislature is for instance seen as the national legislature whose objective is to ensure that rules are made and that the rules are amended as and when it becomes necessary. More so, the executive’s objective is directly linked to the legislature in the sense that after the drafting of the rules, the rules demand presidential accent to get the rules mature into law. In other words, the executive is the executor of the law1. The judiciary also acts in correspondence by ensuring that people who abuse and break the law are legally trailed and punished with the appropriate sanctions. Reading through the current crisis, it could be seen that each of these three arms has had a personalised objective of trampling on the roles of the other.


It is commonly said that implementation is the law and not the enactment of it. What this may imply in relation to the current question and crisis is that the presence of a written constitution alone is not a sufficient ground to assume that separation of powers will take place and that there will be no abuse of power. It rather takes an extra work of vigilante whereby members of the three branches of state become committed to their roles and objectives of delivering their functions with due diligence. It is also important that sufficient power be vested in the ordinary citizen o have the right to exercise their right of questioning members of the three branches of state if they realise that implementation of the written constitution is not forthcoming. If for nothing at all, there are sections of the written constitution that creates overlaps in the duties and functions of the various branches of state, defeating the idea of achieving separation of powers. Whiles such as a situation, it is only an effective third party that can guarantee enforcement and that is the citizen vigilante2.


As indicated earlier, certain sections of the written constitution overlap in roles and thus defeat the idea of separation of powers. All of such sections of the written constitution need to be amended with immediate effect. Examples of these include (2.2) which state that upon appointment, the president shall be given a seat in the Assembly. As soon as this happens, the president is indirectly being made part of the legislature and thus part of the law making process. This is an overlap of role that does not guarantee separation of powers. Similarly, (2.5a), which allows the president to appoint the Lord Chief Justice and determine his remuneration, could result in compromises and sabotages whereby the Lord Chief Justice might feel the need to act in favor of the president because he was appointed by the president. Where the president also feels that the Lord Chief Justice is not acting in his favor, he may sabotage the release of benefits due him.


Alfredo A. F (2008). Premises of Case Laws of Intellectual Property. Ultimate Printing Press: New York

North West Provincial Legislature, 2012, The 3 Arms of Government. [Online]

Article Writing

Complete 10 pages APA formatted article: Debt Crisis in the Euro-zone. Nations such as Greece, Ireland and Portugal, who are currently way deep recession, meet the definition of a full-blown economic depression (Schuman, 2011). The depreciation of the euro relative to the home currency will make Euro-zone exports cheaper in global markets. this as a result would increase the competitive pressure in the home country. At the same time, it was observed in the last quarter of 2011, manufacturing industry weakened from China to Europe and euro region’s debt crisis is expected to darken the outlook of the global economy. Before going any further, it would be interesting to understand why it is necessary and helpful for countries to borrow and then to accumulate debt. Foreign borrowing is seen by governments as an addition to domestic saving, this borrowing helps in connecting to an investment saving gap and thus this leads to gain quicker growth, this is usually considered as final and vital economic goal for any country. The Mundell-Fleming model amalgamates the foreign finance and trade into a macro-economic theory. The theory came into evolution in the early 1960s and was introduced by the great Canadian Economist and the winner of 1999 Nobel Price Award, Robert Mundell. He was also heavily helped and facilitated by the British economist, J. Marcus Fleming. During the time period when this theory came into existence, both these economists were a part of the research team within the famous International Monetary Fund. While carrying out their research towards the Mundell-Fleming model, they enhanced the conventional Keynesian model in to such an open economy system whereby the capital and the goods market were internationally incorporated (Hailu et al, 2011). The Mundell-Fleming model is of the view that under a flexible exchange rate management system, the fiscal policy has almost none or little effect over the final yield or output whilst the monetary system is hugely valuable. This situation shows an entire mirror image when a fixed exchange rate is adopted i.e. the fiscal policy becomes effective rather than the monetary policy. The hypothesis that international money markets are completely amalgamated plays an important role in formulating these results. One of the major suppositions that the Mundell-Fleming model makes is that the economy under consideration is an open economy whereby the financial capital has an ideal mobility. The Mundell-Fleming model and the traditional IS-LM model are similar to each other when expressing the market for goods and services. One of the differences is that the Mundell-Fleming model includes a fresh terminology for net exports. this can be portrayed with the following equation: Y = C(Y -T) + I (r) + G + NX (E) Whereby. Y= The aggregate/cumulative income C= Consumption, I= Investment G= Government purchases (Y – T)= Disposable Income r = Interest rate NX = Net Exports E= Exchange Rate According to this equation, the total aggregate income of any country is the totting up of all these different factors. The consumption factor within the equation is positively dependent upon the disposable income whilst the investments and the net exports are negatively dependent upon the real interest and exchange rates respectively (Serrano et al, n.d.).

Article Writing

Complete 9 pages APA formatted article: The underground chamber of the Colosseum and the functions it was put to use during the first throughout the sixth century. Also, the structural architect of trapdoors in the floor that opened at regular intervals to carry animals and people to the arena. The finished building was a great structure. It was the most dominating element of the city and also connected the city with the Esquiline, Palatine and Caelian hills (Mark, 2009)

It was important to do grand productions in the colosseum to the emperor and the high ranking politicians who wanted to make the plebs amused so that they do not involve in crime, as the rate of unemployment was high in the ancient Rome. Mostly the emperor and the politicians hosted the shows because they were corrupt and had full control over the economics.

The colosseum was a four stories building and had a height of forty five meters and the width across is one eighty nine by one fifty six meters. The arena of the building where all the events used to happen was about eighty eight by fifty five meters, which is a huge stage to perform. The theatre was build in limestone where as the internal walls were made of bricks, volcanic stone and concrete, as written by mark (2009). It had space for about fifty thousand spectators. Forty thousand sited and five thousand standing. For the Emperor or the organizer of the show there was a special marble Podium. The special boxes were also made at the first gallery then there were marble seats for the senators, knights and then the plebeians at the upper level. Finally there were wooden seats for the women, slaves and poor spectators they had to stand when all seats were filled at the upper most galleries. There were also some arrangements made for rain and heat protection. (Brain 4-5)

There were many staircase and corridors in the colosseum that were made in such a way that it made easy for the public to get into the colosseum and get seated. There were also pathways repeated in each tire so as to make it easy for the spectators seated to their places according to their class.

According to Brain (3) the arena of the colosseum was originally made in wood and was covered by sand.

Article Writing

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Antigony. It needs to be at least 2000 words. His Creon is really a dramatic character.

The plot of the play is simple. Events take place in Thebes, in front of the royal palace. First, we learn the tragic fate of Oedipus’ children. His two sons have slaughtered each other struggling for the crown. Creon, the ruler of the state, issues the law ordering to bury “Eteocles, who perished in the fight to save our city, the best and bravest of our spearmen” “with all those purifying rituals which accompany the noblest corpses, as they move below”, while “Polyneices, who returned from exile, eager to wipe out in all-consuming fire&nbsp.his ancestral city and its native gods, keen to seize upon his family’s blood&nbsp.and lead men into slavery” is “to have no burial mound, no funeral rites, and no lament”. He is to be left unburied with “his body left for birds and dogs to eat” [190-200]. However, this proclamation contradicts all the traditions prescribed by gods and minded by people for many centuries. Antigone, Oedipus’ daughter and Polynecies sister, is going to bury the brother. Sophocles’ Antigone is ruled by the laws set by gods. As she explains her firm decision to Creon:

&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp. sent no such laws for men. I did not think&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp. where they first appeared. So I did not mean&nbsp.&nbsp. &nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.anything which you proclaimed strong enough &nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp. to let a fear of any human will

Creon is outraged that someone has dared to disobey him. Most of all, he is irritated by the fact that this person is a woman. He feels insulted and, blinded with his pride and rage, is not able to hear any advice given to him by his environment. He&nbsp.sentences Antigone to being buried alive in a cavern, notwithstanding the fact that she is his son’s (Haemon) bride. Haemon’s attempts to bring his father to reason result in even stronger rage of Creon. The end is tragic.