Article Writing

Write 5 pages thesis on the topic democratic and socialist approaches. Democracy should inevitably lead to ever more local forms of government, and appears to work best when shareholders or stakeholders have some true value or worth accorded to their participation in governance. By this standard, the voting for a President every four years is merely a symbolic action, and in nation states with a huge population such as the United States, it is clear that the individual vote is often lost, viewed as inconsequential, or easily disposed of with by politicians. However, on the local level, the importance of the vote is much more valuable for those who are actively participating in their own governance. The Greek city-state can be seen as a classic example of small-scale governance where the individual voice is truly valued and participation can make a real impact. When power is decentralized to ever smaller and more local organizations of government, democracy works best, as it is under these situations when the people whose lives are actually affected by the decision-making process are actually given the opportunity to discuss and vote on the issues which concern them. This is the principle behind Federalism, and there is significant evidence that the Founding Fathers of America intended or hoped that the Federal government would be an extremely limited organization, lacking the power of income tax initially for example or restricted in its ability to raise debt or standing armies.

Article Writing

You will prepare and submit a term paper on Homosexuality should be socially accepted in China. Your paper should be a minimum of 1250 words in length. 1. Lots discrimination to homosexuals is also the main reason why most of them get married to the opposite sex, this is usually not out of love but because they want to camouflage (Der Spiegel). Such marriages normally result to break ups.

2. Another reason why homosexuals get married to the opposite sex is due to fear of stigmatization. According to Chinese culture, bearing children is a sign of prestige and honor. Therefore, same sex marriages, apart from being seen as a taboo, it is also against the Chinese religion (Der Spiegel).

1. According to China’s ministry of health, the rate of homosexuals contracting Aids is becoming an issue of national concern. This is because statistics show that the rate of Aids in homosexuals is above average and keeps rising annually. This rate is almost 88% higher than the general population (Der Spiegel).

2. Apart from the ministry of health, part of the Chinese government is against the legalization of homosexuality. The government through the civil affairs department, human province, firmly stated that homosexuality was not only a violation of morals but also the spiritual civil construction (Tatlow).

Although homosexuals need to be recognized and granted their civil rights, the rate at which gays and lesbians are contracting Aids is appalling and need to be given much consideration. Sine many homosexuals are married to partners of the opposite sex for fear of victimization and discrimination, the government ought to realize that those opposite sex partners are at a high risk of contracting the disease. Therefore, by legalizing homosexuality, the government will have helped minimize the rate of aids in married couples.

Since foundation of the People’s Republic in 1949, homosexuals in china have undergone many horrific situations such as victimization, torture and stigmatization.

Article Writing

Compose a 500 words assignment on assess the moral arguments and political actions of those who opposed to the spread of slavery in the context of the mexican war and the kansas-nebraska act. Needs to be plagiarism free! Inserts His/her Inserts Inserts Grade (18, 12, Spread of Slavery: The Mexican War and Kansas-Nebraska Act

The institution of slavery was quite strong in the 19th century in United States of America and the country was divided into two factions (North and South) with one opposing and the other favoring slavery. The moral arguments of those of opposed slavery and their political actions will be discussed in this paper.

The Mexican War of 1846 played a major role in expansion of slavery and so did the Kansas-Nebraska act. Both can be seen as attempt to extend slavery to national levels. The Mexican War and annexation of Texas started a debate whether slavery should be made legal or not in regions that were annexed from Mexico. The Kansas-Nebraska act also pushed the country into civil war and divided the nation into two factions. The act also gave rise to a new Republican Party arguing abolishment of slavery.

The arguments of Republicans against slavery were based on morality. Republicans treated everyone equally and considered freedom the most basic right. Lincoln said in his famous Lincoln-Douglas Debate “I agree with Judge Douglas he is not my equal in many respects—certainly not in color, perhaps not in moral or intellectual endowment. But in the right to eat the bread, without the leave of anybody else, which his own hand earns, he is my equal and the equal of Judge Douglas, and the equal of every living man” (Lincoln).

It is important to note that those who opposed slavery were not in favor of total social equality between people of all races. However they believed that blacks were also humans and they should be treated with respect. Lincoln was actually afraid that popular sentiment would be in favor of slavery and then it would be impossible to demolish the institution of slavery from America for ever.

The moral arguments of Republicans were not ideal but still they provided room for some sort of acceptance of blacks. They were saying that blacks were not equal but this does not mean that their freedom should be taken away. Social equality was not argued but practicality and humanity was made basis for abolishment of slavery.

The famous poet James Russell Lowell called those people slaves who did not dare to speak for the weak (344). He was a poet who was strongly against slavery and his poems reflected his passion towards abolishment of slavery. He considered slavery immoral and devoted his poetry against it.

Wilmot Proviso can be seen as an attempt to curb the spread of slavery and mitigate differences between pro and anti slavery politicians. It was presented by a Democrat David Wilmot and the Proviso called for a ban on slavery in new territories acquired from Mexico. The proposal failed to pass Senate but it can be seen as a political attempt to abolish slavery.

People who opposed slavery were also against the Mexican War and the Kansas-Nebraska Act. Anti slavery politicians like Lincoln were against the idea of a new state that would allow slavery. Also the Kansas-Nebraska Act allowed popular sovereignty to decide whether slavery should be banned or not in these areas. This act was abused vehemently by politicians of the North.

Works Cited Page

Lincoln, Abraham. Debate at Ottawa, Illinois, 1858. Print

Lowell, James Russell. A Stanza of Freedom. From An American Anthology, by Edmund Clarence Stedman, 1900.

Article Writing

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on forecasting the stock Paper must be at least 1000 words. Please, no plagiarized work! Since in this paper we are focused on 2002 to 2006 we see that the seasonal and the cyclic component are present. We take a time plot of the returns data of home furnishers to investigate if the data exhibit trend in this case.

From the above trend, we can see that there is a linear trend in the returns of the home furnishers. To eliminate the trend to make the returns data stationary, we take the differencing of lag 1 and observe the progress of the remains. The time plot of the returns also shows that the return data exhibit trend. Thus from the above analysis of the returns and return squared, the returns can be predicted and have a very high predictive power while the return squared has very low predictive power.

Broadly speaking, a time series is said to be stationary if there is no systematic change in the mean (no trend). If there is a systematic change invariance and is strictly periodic variations (seasonal and cyclic component) are removed. Most of the probability theory of time series analysis is concerned with stationary time series and for this reason, time series analysis requires one to change a non-stationary time series to a stationary time series analysis so as to use it. In this study, we plot the variables and test their stationary using a particular variation of the unit root test- the Augmented Dickey-Fuller test. We then difference the time series of returns to make the series stationary.

After differencing the return data we can observe that the data is stationary. This can be clearly seen in the time series plot of the differenced data at a lag. The plot of differenced data of returns below shows that the data is stationary after differencing it once.

Article Writing

I need help creating a thesis and an outline on Giography Assignment (stateless nation). Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. For centuries before that date, the Jewish people basically lived as a religious group rather than one with a national homeland (Johnson, P., 2009).

In Russia, the Dagestani homeland is the highland area of the Caucasus Mountains and occupies 70 percent of the Caspian Sea coastline. The Dagestan Republic has 31 official ethnic groups with over 80 nationalities. This area operates primarily on isolated clans, including its own language, cultural heritage and clan loyalties as the central focus, rather than considering itself a nation or a state (Minahan, 2002).

This report covers the gypsies in several areas of the world. As a group unto themselves, there is no nation for the gypsies as they are group wanderers, settling down only for a short time before moving on.

Information on the gypsies will be related to the following disciplines: physical, cultural and historical. The physical discipline will relate to places in different countries where they settled for any length of time. The cultural discipline will give an overview of how the gypsies lived their daily lives and what interactions they might have had with local populations.

Finally, the historical discipline will outline how gypsies have affected national history and events while living in various countries, and how they, as an identified group, were viewed by the general population.

Gypsies have always been regarded by nationals as being vagrants and somewhat unsavory because they moved around so much and did not interact with the public. Keeping to themselves and pretty much relying on the land was a principle they followed almost religiously. Townspeople were not inclined to reach out and attempt to make friends because of this negative view towards gypsies, perhaps fearing some thievery, or the possibility of catching diseases (Hoyland, 2011).

Article Writing

Write 9 pages thesis on the topic be able to make financial decisions based on financial information. Competitors may have offered new products having more superior quality that attract more number of customers. Another reason may be that the company might have changed the product price that may, in turn, result in a variance in the unit sales volume.

The direct material price variance (£7,500) is the variation between actual material cost (£22,500) and budgeted material cost (£ 15,000). Here, the material price variance shows an unfavorable trend, as the actual cost is higher than the material.

The other reason for the price variance may be due to the non accessibility of cash discounts that are actually expected at the time of deciding the price standards and also may be due to changes in transportation costs, careless purchasing and changes in the material standard.

The total direct labor variance is found by evaluating actual cost of direct labor to the budgeted direct labor cost. If the actual cost is in excess of the budgeted cost, the resultant variances become unfavorable. This may be due to the usage of more labor hours as there is shortage of adequate experienced labors in the concerned cutlery manufacturing. The other reasons are the higher payment of labor rate per hour. The sum of unfavorable direct labor variance (1,875) is the combination of adverse direct labor efficiency variance of (5,625) + adverse direct labor rate variance of 3,750.

The adverse variance in the material usage amounting (£ 3,000) are due to the imperfect material, unnecessary waste of material, and stricter quality control. The labor rate variance has shown an adverse trend. This unfavorable variance is due to the increase in the wage rate of laborers. The labor efficiency rate is also showing an unfavorable trend of (£ 5,625). This is mainly due to the usage of poor quality material. The company lacks the supply of steel material of adequate quality.

Article Writing

Complete 4 pages APA formatted article: The Rules on Formation of Contracts. The first thing next morning, Kevin went round to Jack’s house and, as soon as Jack opened the door, told him that he would pay £2000 for the motorcycle alone. Jack said that he already sold it to someone else.

The formation of a legally binding contract requires a valid offer, a valid acceptance, an intention to create legal obligations and consideration. An offer is a valid offer when it is legal, clear, and communicated to the offeree. It must be clear and without any ambiguities. Acceptance also needs to be properly communicated. The person to whom an offer is made must accept the exact terms of the offer. Once an offer is accepted, it becomes a promise. The parties must have an intention to be legally bound by the terms of their agreement. When an agreement becomes enforceable by law, it becomes a contract. There a must be a consideration for both the parties involved. There must be something for something for both the parties. If these elements are present in the given scenario, the dealing between Kevin and Jack would be regarded as an agreement and, being enforceable by law, a contract.

The formation of a contract initiates through an offer which is “an expression of willingness to contract on certain terms, made with the intention that it shall become binding as soon as it is accepted by the person to whom it is addressed”1. In the given case, Jack sent a text message to Kevin in which he offered him a motorcycle for the price of £2000. He communicated his offer to the addressee, Kevin, through a proper mode of communication. Also, there was no ambiguity in his offer since the subject matter was stated clearly. Therefore, Jack made a valid offer to Kevin.

Jack had told Kevin that his offer was open for acceptance till 10 am on the next day. Kevin sent a reply to Jack in which he accepted Jack’s offer and asked if the price included a leather suit. Kevin had accepted Jack’s&nbsp.offer in the first part of his text message.

Article Writing

Need an research paper on physiological psychology. Needs to be 2 pages. Please no plagiarism. 1. Compare and contrast the anatomy and function of the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions of the ANS. Be sure to provide specific details. Nervous system encompasses voluntary and involuntary functions. The involuntary actions are controlled by autonomic nervous system (ANS). these functions comprise actions carried out by intestines, heart, glands, which are not under our direct control or those which cannot be controlled by our will. Therefore it functions at subconscious levels and thus it is exclusively a motor system. Both Sympathetic and parasympathetic complement each other in terms of functions.

ANS includes sympathetic nervous system, attaches all the internal organs with the brain through the network of nerves called spinal nerves of thoracic and lumber region (nerves of spinal cord). It answers to stress by augmenting the heart rate and flow of blood to the muscles. It encompasses quick response and hence concerned with “fight or flight”.

Parasympathetic nervous system, encompass cranial nerves (nerves of brain) and also the lower spinal nerves i.e. nerves of sacral region. Action of this system counteracts the sympathetic actions by increasing digestive secretions and decreasing the heartbeat. It is concerned with “rest and digest”.

Enteric nervous system controls the digestive movements and also the digestive secretions in stomach and intestine.

It is evident that ANS encompass afferent pathways that includes information from the viscera and brain and hence maintains the homeostasis. It has both sensory and motor neurons to carry the information to and from the brain and spinal cord.

2. Describe how an action potential is propagated along an axon being sure to include the ionic basis for each part of the action potential. Describe the effects of myelination on conduction speed.

An action potential along the axon is dependent on influx of sodium ions and efflux of potassium ions. The phases of action potential are: rising phase- In the resting state the inside of the neuronal cell is polarized (-70mv) as compared to its outside charge. Therefore, it is polarized.

Excitatory neurotransmitters like aspartate and glutamate released from their pre-synaptic neurons attach to post-synaptic dendrites, sodium channels open up leading to influx of positively charged sodium ion gradually more and more sodium ion channel open up resulting in positive charge inside the cell (+40mv inside cell) and the cell is said to be depolarized.

Now sodium ion channel close (peak phase)

Falling phase- sodium ion channels are closed and potassium ion channels open up as a result potassium being an intracellular ion moves out through these channels and by this process there is a net loss of positive charge as potassium is positively charged ion.

Myelinated axons prevent the back diffusion of ions to outer space and ensure a fast and rapid conduction of action potentials. Myelinated neurons contains nodes of Ranvier, through this action potential jumps, this is called salutatory conduction.

3. Compared to other areas of the body, the brain has protective mechanisms/layers. What provides protection for the brain and how does it protect the brain?

The layers which protect the brain encompass: 1. Skin, 2. Skull (the bony cage). 3. Cerebral Arteries. 4. Meninges (Dura mater, Arachnoid membrane and Pia mater) containing CSF (Cerebro Spinal Fluid) which acts as a shock absorber.


Ober, W. C., Garrison, C. W., Silverthorn, A. C., Silverthorn, D. (2000). Human Physiology: An Integrated Approach. 2nd Edition.

Article Writing

Complete 17 pages APA formatted article: The Philosophy of Biobehavioural Theory. It is for this reason that the biobehavioural theory is said to be an integrated theory. Because of its integrated nature, the biobehavioural theory is considered appropriate in several spheres of human institutions. For example in healthcare, biobehavioral health is considered to be “an innovative interdisciplinary program that enables students to explore all factors—biological, behavioral, social/cultural, and environmental—that influence the health of individuals and groups through the lifespan” (Pennsylvania State University, 2011). Apart from health, the biobehavioural theory also allows for human behavior to be judged from sociological and psychological perspectives. With reference to this essay, therefore, the psychological perspective will be considered rather than sociological perspective.

&nbsp.From a psychological perspective, the physiological aspect of biobehavioural theory could be said to be the “basis of how we think, connecting the physical operation of the brain with what we actually say and do (Changing Mind, 2011). In other words, the physiological aspect of biobehavioural theory deals with our actions that pertain to our anatomical makeup. Considered as the mother of all psychological reasoning, physiological aspect of the biobehavioural theory is explained in much contest to the brain and its function than to the functioning of other parts of the body (Changing Minds, 2011). This is quite simple to understand and agree with because the brain controls all physical actions and behavior (Akakpo, 2002). Physiologically, human behaviors are affected by several secondary factors that have the brain as their primary cause.