Article Writing

Create a 1 page page paper that discusses summary of pontoon a novel of lake wobegon. Summary of Pontoon: A Novel of Lake Wobegon Summary of Pontoon: A Novel of Lake Wobegon The novel by Keillor is a fictitious story about a community full of immigrants. The folks live in a society, and carry on with their lives as their traditions dictate. Gossip and religion are what surround the people of this community. The book brings out the expected monotony of the lives of folks living in small towns, around the world. The people who make up part of this society are typical individuals who might easily pass off as being anyone’s neighbour. However, one of the character’s behaviour sets her apart from the rest (Keillor, 2008). This is the interesting part of the story the author wants to bring forth. This summary assists the author bring out his intention to the reader about how to live and enjoy life.

It was after the death of a woman in the community that the plot thickens. Her family is thrown into turmoil as they do not want to go against her death wishes. At the same time, they do not want to anger the community members by carrying out her wishes. Many lessons are brought forth at the woman’s burial. Her best kept secrets are also brought out during the death ceremony. It is through the story that individuals in society are taught the value of living and enjoying life. Also, they are shown the importance grabbing opportunities once they come one’s way (Keillor, 2008).

In conclusion, the story has lifelong teachings that can assist any individual identify what they want in life, and how they can set out to achieve their dreams. The author’s character and mannerism of bringing out these lessons makes the book stimulating and riveting. It is critical not to live in fear or regret (Keillor, 2008). This is one vital lesson the author brought out in the novel, making it a must-read for all.


Keillor, G. (2008). Pontoon: A novel of Lake Wobegon. New York: Penguin Books.

Article Writing

I need help creating a thesis and an outline on The problems encountered while accounting for intangibles are accurately identified and explained. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. PROBLEMS IN ACOUNTING FOR INTANGIBLE ASSETS Intangible assets as the suggests are those assets that cannot bephysically identified. This nature of this nature, the assets are difficult to prove their existence and therefore hard to recognize when accounting. There are numerous problems encountered in accounting for these assets. Examples include goodwill, research cost, copyrights, and patents.

First, IASB define an intangible asset are those with expected future economic benefits. It is normally difficult and hard to determine whether future economic benefit are expected to be generated hence there will be uncertainty in our judgment (Spiceland, 2009). For example expenditures in research and marketing ill generate cash flows but quantifying the amount of the cash is normally difficult hence their omission in the balance sheet.

Secondly, recognition of assets in the balance sheet requires the ability to measure the value or the cost reliably. In the case of intangible assets like marketing or research, reliable measure of value or cost cannot be made because of the uncertainty in the amount of cash flows to be generated is very high (Spiceland, 2009). Further, it may be difficult to determine which assets the expenditures have contributed value for.

Moreover, IASB requires that for an asset to be recognized in the balance sheet, control must be determined. The enterprise must have the rights on the assets or control that gives the exclusive benefits to the organization. Skilled staff may thus not be classified as intangible assets because the organization does not own the employees. This makes it difficult to account for the intangible assets especially when there are no legal rights.

Finally, assets must result from previous transactions or past events for them to be recognized and classified. This does not posed a very big problems since the purchase price can always be determined if the asset was obtained. Problems normally arise only when the assets are produced by the organization. Internally generated assets cause a problem of determining their existence from a single transaction hence difficult to measure. Organizations must therefore ensure that they account for intangible assets in conformity to the IASB so as to prevent overstating or understating the financial statements.


Spiceland, J. D. (2009). Intermediate accounting (5th ed.). Boston: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.

Article Writing

You will prepare and submit a term paper on Supply chain management of dunkin donuts (academic journal sources must be used). Your paper should be a minimum of 3750 words in length. By 1960, Rosenberg founded The International Franchise Association, which today has more than 800 fanchisors and over 30,000 franchisee members, accounting for almost 50% of retail business in the United States (DD-Our Founder, 2008).

Today, Dunkin Donuts claims to be the largest coffee and baked goods chain in the world, selling 1.5 billion cups of coffee per year, with many varieties of donuts and a wide range of baked products such as muffins, bagels, croissants, pizza, flat bread sandwiches, cookies, apple pie and donut-hole treats called Munchkins, as well as hash browns, salads and soups. Aside from freshly brewed coffee, which today, Dunkin Donuts serves in nine flavors, shops also offer iced coffee, coffee lattes in various flavors, iced tea, ice blend fruit juices called Coolatta, hot chocolate and packaged coffee. Today there are close to 8,000 Dunkin’ Donuts distribution points in 30 countries, with 5,800 in North America. The rest are in key international markets including Asia-Pacific and Latin America (DB-Featured Products, 2008. DB-Dunkin’ Donuts, 2007).

This study presents the working structure of the supply chain management system that has made Dunkin’ Donuts one of the most successful brands in the world. The scope of the study is limited to the product supply chain of Dunkin’ Donuts food and beverage items. It does not include other products used for promotional purposes but are also sold to customers, which are mainly non-food items.

A supply chain is an interrelated collection of processes and associated resources that starts with the acquisition of raw materials that will be used to manufacture a product, and ends with the acquisition, purchase or delivery to an end-customer of that product.

Article Writing

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on summary and critical analysis project compensation and agreements Paper must be at least 500 words. Please, no plagiarized work! Project Compensation Chapter 6- Project Compensation and Design Fees The chapter is an in depthdiscussion about the fees paid to the designer and how it is calculated which is called the billing rate and hour it is calculated in different ways such as fixed-rate method, a value-oriented fee method (Piotrowski 90). In discussion are the advantages and disadvantages of this hourly fee method to the designers. It is important to have a procedure for calculating the designer fees rather than deal with estimates as these can change and be affected by factors such as budget expectations and other overhead expenses.

The hourly fee method of billing does not put so much into the experience of the employee which is a downside into motivating employees to have experience to work. It simply focuses on the kind of service provided before pay is issued. A fixed fee account provides a fixed fee for the services being offered and which requires an in depth knowledge of the service being provided. This is only effective for experienced designers who are aware of their services (Piotrowski 100).

In a cost plus percentage markup method, the customer is the one who benefits more as they are passed all the discounts from the suppliers leading to low cost of purchase. This however works only on the residential clients whose purchases are relatively smaller. Square foot method is payment by the number of square foots meaning the more the square foots the more the pay. It is effective in commercial industries as it boosts productivity and motivates employees to work even harder. The best method from all the methods above and others is the combination method that combines several of the methods taking into account experience and market among other factors (Piotrowski 105).

Chapter 7- Design Contracts

Any service provided in the field of design demands a contract with a list of specifications necessary to provide guidance. The contract requires several basic requirements which have to be followed if it is to be considered valid. These elements include an offer, counteroffer and acceptance where the terms of the design are discussed and the price is provided. It is concluded by mutual agreement and a letter to seal the deal and provide physical evidence of the deal (Piotrowski 112). The contract is a perfect way to not only protect the interests of the client but they protect the work of the designer as well from frauds.

A statute of frauds is provided which provides guidance on the frauds that can be prosecuted. If the contract document lacks names such as that of the client and address as well as a clear description of the project being undertaken by the designer on behalf of the client, the charges for the whole design project, ownership and publishing rights and signature from all parties, then it is considered to be a fraud and cannot be admissible in a court of law in case of any contract breach (Piotrowski 117).

Disputes are bound to arise due to the breach of the terms of the contract or issues in performance of the designer (Piotrowski 150). It is therefore necessary to have a third party to solve the disputes before the situation escalates and need to be taken to court.

Work Cited

Piotrowski, Christine. Professional Practice for Interior Designers. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, 2013. Print.

Article Writing

Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on evidence based practice-. Evidence Based Practice: Annotated Bibliography Evidence Based Practice: Annotated Bibliography Crily, J., Chaboyer, W., & Creedy, D. (2004). Violence towards emergency department nurses

by patients. Accident and Emergency Nursing , Volume 12, 67-73.

The article focused on examining patient violence towards nurses particularly in two identified emergency departments through initially presenting a literature review on the subject, prior to conducting the study in South East Queensland, Australia. The type of study was a descriptive cohort design where 47 nurses from Hospital A and 61 nurses from Hospital B participated. The scope of the research necessitated the development of four instruments: demographic details form, brief violence record, data extraction form and a violence questionnaire. The article would be highly useful for the current research that covers evidence based practice due to the applicability and relevance of the contents in the information gathered, analyzed and from the output generated. Several limitations were noted in the research: the limited number of emergency departments used for the study and the violence noted were primarily recorded from patients and does not include other visitors of the emergency departments. The conclusions emphasized the need for nurses to report violence in their work setting as instrumental in providing policies and preventive measures for these incidents. The article would be highly beneficial for researches in violence met by nurses in the emergency departments’ settings but should include other sources to address the limitations noted.

Pich, J., Hazelton, M., Sundin, D., & Kable, A. (2010). Patient-related violence against

emergency department nurses. Nursing and Health Sciences , Volume 12, 268–274.

The article focused on exploring patient-related violence directed at nurses through verbal and physical abuse, particularly in emergency departments of various health care institutions. Secondary authoritative sources from databases, CINAHL, Medline, and [email protected] Ovid were used to determine the extent of reporting on patient-related violence noted during a ten-year period 1998 to 2008. The authors’ scope of research covered 53 different papers where studies were conducted in different countries such as Australia, Sweden, Hong Kong, USA, Canada, UK, and Ireland. The article is useful for the current research covering evidence based practice due to the extensive scope, comprehensiveness, and applicability of findings due to the recent publication of findings by the authors. The only perceived limitation of the study is its focus on identified patient-related violence in abovementioned locations which could further be expanded to other work-related settings. The relevance of the findings indicates the need to address patient-related violence to enhance awareness for policymakers and health care administrators in incorporating preventive measures to safeguard the welfare of nurses in their occupational settings. The article would be highly beneficial for researches in violence met by nurses in the emergency departments’ settings.


Crily, J., Chaboyer, W., & Creedy, D. (2004). Violence towards emergency department nurses

by patients. Accident and Emergency Nursing , Volume 12, 67-73.

Pich, J., Hazelton, M., Sundin, D., & Kable, A. (2010). Patient-related violence against

emergency department nurses. Nursing and Health Sciences , 12, 268–274.

Article Writing

Complete 8 pages APA formatted article: How Do Cultures Perceive Colours In Interior Design. However, the need to use colors that do not conflict with the cultural practice of clients will remain a priority and it must be preserved even amidst the ever-changing trends in design.

In chapter one, we will discuss the meaning of colors depending on various cultures and circumstances. Every color has different aspects to it and you can only learn the meaning of that color by understanding certain simple concepts about it.

In chapter two, we will proceed further to explore how different cultures influence the appearance of interior designs. We will examine various cultures with regard to color theory.

The chapter will prove that color choices are the backbone of interior designing and so for designers to incorporate the “color factor” and satisfy diverse cultures, they should have the ability to identify and recognize how different cultures perceive color. Throughout my research, I found that the definition of color refers to all visual sensations. Colors can express feelings, ideas, and emotions. therefore, people can communicate easily when using them. Designers are supposed to pay good attention to these little details because whatever design they make should be well portrayed in the countries they are targeting.

The wrong choice of color selection and the combination could transform the best designs into a nightmare if it is not perceived in the correct way. (Bratu, 2014) Different cultures perceive colors differently. mostly because of the relationship and meaning that these colors have within that culture. These relationships have been transmitted through the generations, if not even upon hundreds of years. (Karenhaller, 2014).

Chapter three, on the contrary, will examine how various restaurants around the globe have embraced the idea of “color choice” and “meaning” in their interior design. It also addresses the history and&nbsp.facts about color production.&nbsp.

Article Writing

You will prepare and submit a term paper on WGST400 Assignment 3. Your paper should be a minimum of 1000 words in length. I have never visited the two countries, but it will be of essence to me to know how the two countries handled women issues. For example, I will be interested to know whether the way they handled and addressed women issues was similar or different to my country. Currently, I see many women getting involved in various aspects of our societies. Moreover, many women have been in the forefront in managing and leading issues of our societies. It will be prudent to know how this has transformed throughout the history. I believe that not so many people are aware of what women encountered during this period, and therefore, it will be crucial to know about women in the period and get a lesson from it. I hope to learn how feminism and pacifism progressed in the two countries during the period of the war. The other focus will be to know how it changed after the war. Additional attention will be to know how feminism and pacifism in the two countries influenced other parts of the globe.

I have not addressed this topic in my previous research. The topic is appropriate for WGST400, as it will be informative to my readers and me. I will, therefore, have the advantage of having a broad area to cover as I focus on unearthing various issues related to feminism and war. Although lack of previous exposure will be a challenge, I believe I will gather a wealth of information. I also have confidence that various information that I will gather will be satisfactory for this course.

In the research paper, I seek to focus on how feminism faired during the period of war in terms of nationalism and pacifism. I will also address the feminist/ pacifist response to war and the differences that arose in various women groups because of war. Moreover, I will seek to show the changing women roles and challenges in England and France due to the advent of war.

I will be consulting various sources in this research.

Article Writing

Hi, need to submit a 500 words paper on the topic Class Discussion cis 242. Discussion Making Decisions in C++ using Conditions, Operators and Values” Please respond to the following: Explain how decisions are made in C++ programming using conditions, operators, and values. Give a coded example to support your response.

Define the significance of Boolean operators and explain how they relate to the conditions in your discussion. Give an example using C++ syntax to support your response. Note: values can be either variables or constants.

The structure of Decision Making in C++ requires (at-least) one or more conditions for evaluation, if the condition is determined to be true the statement(s) needs to be executed, however, the if the condition is becomes false, there is an option for other statement(s) to be executed. The conditions are composed of operators and values that are used. Operators and values are used to define a condition. The operators can be Relational and Logical operators that are used to compare two values. however, Logical operators are also used to combine two or more conditions. An example is given below for illustration of decision making structure using conditions, operators and values:

If (a &lt. 10)


statement(s) …….




statement(s) …….


char answer.


//while loop here to make sure you get a Y or N.

} while (answer == “Y”).

The program will go through execution one time, then ask if another transaction is desired. If the answer is yes, it will start all over again, otherwise the loop will exit. The last command is the for loop. Its a little more complex then the previous two, but its very powerful because you can initialize variables within it, check for condition, and then modify variables as well. For loops are great for when you want to repeat something a set number of times. A simple and silly example is if you want to say Hello to the user 10 times when he first logs in. The code would look like this:

inti. &nbsp. &nbsp. //the variable i can be anything, but most programmers use it for “index” indicating that its used to count.

for (i = 0. i&lt. 10. i++)


Article Writing

Create a 2 pages page paper that discusses cathay pacific airways. 

Cathay Pacific Airways: China or the World

Cathay Pacific Airways is a leading airline of Hong Kong and is one of Asia’s most prestigious airlines. It was founded on 24 September 1946, operating passenger flights to Manila, Bangkok, Singapore, and Shanghai. Expansion occurred in 1948 when Hong Kong’s leading company Swire Pacific Group acquired 45% share in it.

Cathay Pacific Airways present stakeholders include Beijing based-CITIC Pacific, holding 17.5 per cent stake, Air China with 10 per cent and China National Aviation Co holding 7.5 per cent, topped by 40 percent stake of Hong Kong Empire of Swire Pacific Group. Currently, Cathay Pacific Airlines is providing services over 90 destinations, carrying 15 million passengers each year.

After the acquisition of 100 per cent holding in Dragonair, the Hong Kong based carrier – the biggest airlines serving the mainland China, outside the mainland, Cathay will bring Dragonair also in the fold of oneworld alliance on meeting the delivery conditions and support of other alliance members. It is a founder member of oneworld alliance of ten member airlines. The alliance has a combined network of 700 destinations. Cathay Pacific also code-shares with oneworld partners — American Airlines, British Airways, Iberia and Qantas. The question before Cathay Pacific is to either opt for strategic alliances that can develop the mainland market or instead of concentrating on mainland market it should serve global market.

After entering into a conditional agreement on 8 June 2006 of Cathay Pacific with Air China, CNAC Limited, CITIC Pacific and SPAC, parties have agreed to restructuring holdings in Cathay and Dragonair and Cathay acquisition of additional shares in Air China. According to the agreement becoming unconditional, Dragonair will become fully owned subsidiary of Cathay, Air China will become a major shareholder of Cathay, and Cathay will increase its holding in Air China.

Reasons for the transaction were that Dragonair was not performing well and was not availing the benefits of economies of scale. This investment in one another’s holdings will help in findings means to improve service, offering, network and growth of Chinese aviation industry. The international connectivity of Cathay and mainly, Hong Kong-China network of Dragonair will not only benefit both airlines, it will better Cathay’s network reach, linking it to China and connecting China to the rest of the world. This transaction will further help in developing Beijing Capital International Airport and Hong Kong International Airport, turning into gateways and hub for mainland China and aviation industry of both Hong Kong and China.

It is important to note that Cathay’s synergies from the Dragonair merger have been one of the reasons of its passenger traffic growth and increased cargo business. It is estimated that cross shareholdings of Cathay and Air China will increase revenue through cost synergies accruing from economies of scale and optimization of resources. Together, Air China and Cathay with 100 per cent owning of Dragonair, will deliver more destinations, offer better flight connectivity, and services. Business cooperation will be seen in passenger sharing on reciprocal basis. Cathay will totally serve Air China passenger sales not only in Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan but on code-shared and joint venture routes as well, operating under cost pooling arrangements.

So, Cathay Pacific need not choose one of the two alternatives. Joint ventures, code-shared arrangements and oneworld alliance with other airlines are going to connect Cathay Pacific Airways not only with Mainland China but rest of the world as well.