Answer this Question after seeing power-point that i have uploaded : Your answer should be two paragraphs long. Question :- Your PowerPoint was definitely my favorite. That is mainly because I have a

Answer this Question after seeing power-point that i have uploaded :

Your answer should be two paragraphs long.

Question :-

Your PowerPoint was definitely my favorite. That is mainly because I have a soft spot for Nefertari and my history teacher used to say I looked like her. I also fell in love with her character and history. What do you think the tomb artifacts and paintings reveal about Nefertari?

Need help with my writing homework on Fluency Interventions in Speech-Language Therapy. Write a 3000 word paper answering;

Need help with my writing homework on Fluency Interventions in Speech-Language Therapy. Write a 3000 word paper answering; The potential impact of stuttering on children’s development is severe and the problems outgrow as the child enters into the adolescent stage affecting their self-esteem, self-image, and academic and occupational relationships. If speech and language disabilities identified and intervene at an early age, these disorders can display positive outcomes. The treatment is often personalized and focuses on the particular area of the speech, in which a child is lagging behind like spoken language difficulties, articulation, pronunciation, etc. There are mainly two types of speech therapy specifically for the adults who stutter: fluency shaping and stuttering modification therapy. Fluency shaping is conceptualized on operant conditioning techniques which relaxes the overstimulation and overactivity in stuttering to deliver a fluent speech. Stuttering Modification Therapy emphasizes the reduction of stuttering severity and not complete elimination of stammering. Both types of treatment are evidence-based and showed a positive outcome with self-management and modeling strategies. But the success rate of both the treatments varies among the stuttering population. Long term lasting effects of stuttering modification technique is not yet evidenced like fluency shaping therapy.

Speech and language disabilities are the most widely displayed disorder in early childhood. It has been estimated that around 5-8% of children less than 6 years might show impaired speech and language function and 1.4 % of children less than 10 years show speech disfluency (Prasse & Kikano, 2008). Speech disorders are characterized by incorrect speech sounds and voice, and impaired articulation. The individuals who suffer from speech difficulties have a stuttering problem, and can not pronounce the sound properly (Prelock, Hutchins, Glascoe, 2008). Language disorders make the children nonreceptive of other’s language and also they are not able to express themselves properly and adequately. The language obstacles involve impediments in signed/written language, grammar, phonology, and semantics. Though stammering or stuttering is most commonly found in early childhood it becomes worrisome when it is predictable and persistent. The characteristics of the dysfluent speech like frequency, the proportion, and duration of dysfluency types differentiate stutter children from a normal child. The behavioral symptoms like movements of the eye (like eye blinking), head (like head-bobbing), and body (grimacing) might not be coherent with the speech in such children (Gordon, 2002. (Prelock, 2008). Their body language shows frustration or embarrassment.

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Oracle Corporation. It needs to be at least 1750 words.

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Oracle Corporation. It needs to be at least 1750 words. It supplies software useful for information management in businesses, which have made the company to establish a good name in the market as one of the leading suppliers. It offers software that is internet-enabled which is incorporated with the database, enterprise business applications and application development (Harper, 2003).&nbsp.

The annual revenues for Oracle have been recorded as more than 10.9 billion USD. It is among the large multinational companies and has operations in not less than 145 countries. The organization uses strong marketing strategies with highly differentiated products ranging from

its database tools to application products, from consulting services to support services. This has been made possible through the acquisition of other companies as well as collaboration. It applies strong support for its products through the use of the Customer Support Identifier codes, which are useful for the customers who are registered with the organization. The CSI allows customers to make requests through the web. Oracle has made a global presence for the past 30 years by providing its customers reliable, secure and integrated technologies to manage their information and processes. Oracle’s competitors such as Microsoft, IBM and Informix among others are highly innovative, with many new products entering the market each year (Harper, 2003). The organization, therefore, has to develop strategies to maintain competitiveness through customer satisfaction.

Oracle implements efficient global e-business solutions that manage the front office CRM as well as the back office procedural operations. Customer relationship management is a significant strategy used by organizations to enhance communication between the management and customers in a bid to maintain customers and attract more to the business, thereby increasing the prospects of sales (David, 2007).

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on business claims Paper must be at least 3000 words. Please, no plagiarized work!

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on business claims Paper must be at least 3000 words. Please, no plagiarized work! The typical starting place is offer and acceptance.1 An offer is regarded as a definite promise which by its terms and conditions provides the responding party with an option to either accept or decline the offer.2 Only after a court disposed of the matter is satisfied that offer and acceptance exist it will then look for consideration. Lush LJ described consideration as:

In the context of this definition of consideration, Scant Securities via Helen suffered a detriment by virtue of the cost incurred and time lost in driving to the auction. Therefore, it is reasonable to conclude that there was indeed a consideration.

The communication from Eric Tylfot & Sons to Scant constituted an offer for the auction of commercial vehicles and vans that were of interest to Scant. It is assumed that the communication contained a specific date and time for the conduct of the auction. On the facts provided the communication provided a specific invitation to Scant to attend the auction. There is no doubt that Eric Tylfot & Sons extended a specific and unambiguous offer to Scant. The only question is whether or not Scant accepted that offer.

For an offer to be legally accepted the offer must follow the essential terms of the offer made.4 An offer can be accepted either by conduct or by written or oral communication.5 For present purposes, conduct since the acceptance of an offer is required to be communicated to the party making the offer.6 Scant did, however, via Helen’s email confirm acceptance of Tylfot’s offer to participate in the auction. Helen stated that she would be attending the auction. While she asked for confirmation that the auction was going to indeed take place she did not indicate that her acceptance of the offer was conditional upon a specific reply.&nbsp.

Now that we have had an introduction to security protocols that will help reduce the risk of asecurityincident we are going to study securityincidents. Each student will select a recent security incid

Now that we have had an introduction to security protocols that will help reduce the risk of asecurityincident we are going to study securityincidents. Each student will select a recent security incident that had their data stolen by an outside attack, insider threat, or some other mechanism.There are multiple examples that can be used,i.e.,Target,Capital One, Home Depot, OPM,etc.As youevaluatethe incident you evaluate several components throughout the remainder of the course.The assignment will have a couple of milestones over the course with a culmination in week16of our final evaluation. a security incident, there are examples above

2.create a1-page introduction of the security incident

3.Your response must be properly APA formatted with every sentence that comes from another source cited or quoted.

Compose a 4250 words assignment on an analysis of the impacts of corn-based ethanol production on the united states’ corn price. Needs to be plagiarism free!

Compose a 4250 words assignment on an analysis of the impacts of corn-based ethanol production on the united states’ corn price. Needs to be plagiarism free! The growing corn-based ethanol production industry has laid towering challenges for the various stakeholders in the fuel industry and food production and pricing regulation bodies. The crux of the matter lies in the resonating concern that the growing production of corn-based ethanol is contributing significantly to the soaring food prices. There has been particular concern about the negative impact of corn-based ethanol production on the price of corn. The impact of ethanol production has gone beyond the food prices (corn) influence threshold to the entirety of the agriculture sector. From a macro perspective, the impact has rippled beyond the precincts of the US into global fuel and food production and distribution realms.

The major aim of this study is to explore through quantitative research methodologies, the calculable impact of corn-based ethanol production on the price of corn in the US. It is perceived that the import of the study, through the integration of both quantitative and qualitative evaluations will assist invaluably in the illuminations of the dynamics and dimensions that constitute the soaring food prices bubble, in the US and the world over.

The purpose of the study is to unearth and illuminate the existent relationship between the increased demand for corn and the farm product’s prices. More precisely the study is aimed at illustrating the dynamics that constitute the trends on the price of corn determined by the escalating demand of corn fueled by the production of corn-based ethanol.

The study is conducted in the theoretical premise of macroeconomics among other sub-theoretical domains of significant proximity to the objectives and focus the concept of this study. The premise provides the theoretical components that illuminate an understanding of how economic and macroeconomic policies and factors affect fuel, food production, and distribution dynamics.

Research: 5 SectionsAttaching data set below, please use below data set for this paper **Must be APA formatted** Title Page Document body with citations Reference Page Section 1: Discuss Topic Backg

Research: 5 Sections

Attaching data set below, please use below data set for this paper

**Must be APA formatted**

  • Title Page
  • Document body with citations
  • Reference Page

Section 1: Discuss Topic Background (Citations are required)

Section 2: Data Analysis (R Studio – R language – Library: mosaic)

  • Describe the fields of the dataset.
  • Create a summary of stats for the dataset.
  • Discuss the Min, Max, Median, and Mean of the continuous fields. •Discuss the Counts and Percentages of the categorical fields. (ex. Pie Chart) •Discuss any missing data elements.

Section 3: Data Visualizations (R Studio – R language – Library: ggplot2)

  • Graphs: Bar Plot, Box Plot, Scatter Plot, and Histogram
  • Label: X-Axis, Y-Axis, and Titles
  • Discuss: Plot, Breakout, Drilldown, and Position (only Bar Plot) •Findings: What story is presented in the visualizations?

Section 4: Discuss Findings (Citations are required)

  • Compare (Similar)
  • Contrast (Difference)
  • Articles that Support
  • Articles that do not Support
  • Conclusion of the findings

Section 5: Reference List

  • At least 8 References (4 must be scholarly peer-reviewed articles)


Power Point Slides:

  • Summarize research
  • Data visualizations
  • Findings
  • Conclusion

Create a 6 pages page paper that discusses business prospects of petrozuata. The parent corporations of Maraven and Conoco are PDVSA and DuPont. When the impurities have been gotten rid of, the syncru

Create a 6 pages page paper that discusses business prospects of petrozuata. The parent corporations of Maraven and Conoco are PDVSA and DuPont. When the impurities have been gotten rid of, the syncrude may be traded at market costs to Conoco in a Dupont-warranted off-take concord. After 35 years of buying concord, Conoco will move its shares without any cost to Maraven (Estry 1999, p.27).

Petrozuata was financed due to a dual pronouncement in relation to fiscal and organizational configuration. Petrozuata was created because in Venezuela, regulation rules out possession of domestic hydrocarbon wherewithal. Therefore, Petrozuata has created a joint business enterprise with a long-standing off-take concord as a means of promoting venture in particular assets, bound ex-post negotiating costs, as well as dissuade opportunistic performance. Petrozuata possessed the three characteristics of project investment deals, for example, it was a financially and officially self-governing body, it was a working corporation with restricted life of 35 years, in addition to being financed with non-recourse liability for at least a fraction of its life. Petrozuata had the three characteristics that made a distinction between project investment and conventional commercial finance, in addition to additional structures of off-balance-sheet funding, for example, securitization (Henry 2006, p.254).

Petrozuata plays the role of expanding money owing capacity for the reason that it represents a greater governance configuration that results in superior effectiveness and value. This is achieved by financially supporting large-scale investment expenditures and implicating an explicit alternative in regard to organizational structure, as well as fiscal structure. Sponsoring organizations formulate with authorization distinct bodies to build up, control, and fund Petrozuata. These bodies make use of some degree of or non-recourse foundation, which means that advance reimbursement relies on Petrozuata’s cash flows instead of the investments or universal credit of the supporting organizations.

Write 6 pages thesis on the topic application of the hague visby rules. It is seen in the EU context that different countries have different rules governing carriage by sea and therefore it had become

Write 6 pages thesis on the topic application of the hague visby rules. It is seen in the EU context that different countries have different rules governing carriage by sea and therefore it had become necessary to have a set of rules that could be applied uniformly for all countries. The Hague and the Hague/Visby rules are designed to serve this purpose. Moreover, law and contractual obligations to each other bind trade partners, and therefore, all trading have to be done within the ambit of such contractual obligations. In case of any transactions coming outside the scope of trading agreements, this needs to be ratified by the respective partners, otherwise, the implications of litigations cannot be ruled out.

. In the normal course, it is agreed by member countries that Hague/Visby rules would apply for all cases, except certain exceptional circumstances, all contracts of carriage of goods by sea, whether performed by mouth, or written, and not including cases under Article. 6, which envisages the issue of non-negotiable receipts for the carriage of non-ordinary goods. (The Hague-Visby Rules1993).

It is interesting to note that the Hague/Visby Rules also apply even in cases concerning the Bill of Lading, whether or not, a Bill of Lading has actually been issued or not. The main aspect that the courts consider is the intention of the parties to make it a straight bill of lading contract or not. Further, it is seen that the time of application of The Hague and Hague/Visby Rules is from the time the goods are loaded until the time they are discharged. The expression ‘tackle to tackle’ assumed significance since the liability begins when tackles are hooked on to the ship at the time of loading, until the time tackles are removed, or the ship had crossed the port’s rails at the destination port. This assumed significance in the case of Pyrene Co. v. Scindia Steam Navigation Co[1954] 2 QB. 402 at pp. 419-420, [1954] 1 Lloyds Rep. 321 at p. 329.