Write 8 pages thesis on the topic poverty line measurement analysis. The World Bank introduced the one-dollar-a-day poverty threshold in 1990 in its World Development Report. This poverty line, applic

Write 8 pages thesis on the topic poverty line measurement analysis. The World Bank introduced the one-dollar-a-day poverty threshold in 1990 in its World Development Report. This poverty line, applicable only in low-income countries, is based on the 1985 purchasing power parity (PPP) dollars and refers to household expenditure per person.

This paper will determine whether the “one dollar-a-day” poverty indicator and those measures based on it are reasonable benchmarks for poverty incidence across the world. Key sections are outlined to achieve this end: a review of the theory. empirical analysis of the data. policy recommendations and conclusion.

It was found that while the one-dollar-a-day indicator and those poverty measures based on it are credible and may reflect true poverty incidence, they are not comprehensive frameworks and that they leave several important variables behind primarily because the approach is numerical and predetermined it does not address country-specific factors that characterize the relativity of poverty.

The World Development Report released in 2001 wherein poverty was measured based on 1 dollar-a-day poverty lined revealed that: 1) of all the world’s 6 billion people – 2.8 billion live on less than 2 dollars a day and 1.2 billion – a fifth – live on less than one dollar a day. (Chandra, 2004, p. 27).

The average proportion of people in developing countries living on less than $1 per day fell from 32% to 25% between 1990 and 1999 and that a simple extrapolation of this trend to the year 2015 results in a headcount index of about 16%, indicating that the world is on track in reaching the global goal of halving poverty by 2015. (Townsend and Gordon, 2002, p. 378).

With the poverty line of $1 a day established, it became the reference point of several measures that calculate poverty incidence. For instance, the head count ratio (HCR) index identifies the percentage of the population living in households with consumption or income&nbsp.per person below the poverty line and the head count is then reported either as a percentage or as the number of individuals who are poor. (Harrison, 2007, p. 6).

Compose a 1500 words assignment on analysis of the attached mini from human resource point of view. Needs to be plagiarism free!

Compose a 1500 words assignment on analysis of the attached mini from human resource point of view. Needs to be plagiarism free! The most surprising thing is that even the owners of the company are not even aware of anything that is going on within the organization and they do not even know the people who hold strategic positions that ought to give direction to the whole business of the company. This is a major weakness for an organization which is in business and which has quite a big number of employees. When there is no clearly defined structure in the organization, it would be difficult to coordinate the efforts of the employees in one direction. A critical analysis of this position being pursued by this company certainly shows some lack of professionalism given that no single company can thrive on assumptions especially during the contemporary time that is characterized by global competition.

From the look of things, it seems Raymond is operating in a local market which is not global where there is no competition. It is evident that the directors of the company who are also co-owners are relaxed and seem not to bother about anything by virtue of the absence of competitors in the same industry of manufacturing sporting equipment and goods. In a globalized market, businesses usually thrive on competition with other rival organizations which would also be competing for the same clients.

Therefore, the reluctance of the directors of Raymond bears testimony that there is no immediate threat in the industry in the form of competition hence the absence of serious commitment to their business. It seems the organization is not even aware of the effects of globalization as it considers itself to be comfortable with what is obtaining on the ground now. This is a major weakness where an organization would be blindly operating without any knowledge of the external environment. In the event of another similar, properly managed business emerging in the market, Raymond would face a very tough threat that may even see it being outcompeted due to its lack of proper strategies of human resources management in place.

Compose a 1750 words assignment on entrepreneurship in description. Needs to be plagiarism free!

Compose a 1750 words assignment on entrepreneurship in description. Needs to be plagiarism free! He is the one who decides on the strategy of his enterprise.

An entrepreneur is a person whose chief and distinctive abilities are to take risks, has knowledge of market functions and manufacturing know-how, has marketing and management skills, and finally possesses the ability to co-operate with others (Littunen 2000). He is able to foresee the unknown and be daring enough to try it out of absolute desire to take risks. He identifies an opportunity, goes against conventional wisdom, and pursues an untried strategy for the joy of achievement of his desired intention. Profit is but a secondary motive to the individual entrepreneur although in a corporate environment, as he cannot ignore it, he skillfully builds his actions around it.

Interestingly Bird (1988, 1992) says that entrepreneurship is a state of mind that reflects how a person focuses his attention and uses his experience and behavior to a specific objective. Intentions are what differentiates an entrepreneur from a normal person. According to Wiklund and Shepherd (2003), they have a mindset that has a strategic orientation for decision making in a specific style, method, and practice. These characteristics can be individualistic or may even exist in a team and are capable of making strategic responses to situations in a different manner as these people are always on the lookout for opportunity. They are known to possess a proactive, prospector mindset that is in pursuit of attractive opportunities. They are capable of using the energies of others to focus on the implementation of innovative ideas, are willing to take risks but are driven by a desire to be independent and be competitively responsive to customer needs (McGrath and MacMillan 2000).

Personal factors, mixed with contextual situations and external environments combine to shape intentions. Most individual intentions tend to influence decisions.

I need help creating a thesis and an outline on Strengths and Weaknesses Urban Planning in Australia. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is r

I need help creating a thesis and an outline on Strengths and Weaknesses Urban Planning in Australia. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. Government and urban authorities formulate programs aimed at improving the urban environment and promoting given economic and social goals. Since ancient times, as depicted by the ruins of ancient cities, urban planning has been practiced with well-organized streets, water and sewage systems, and walls. For example, during the Renaissance, European city areas were carefully and scientifically planned to allow movement of the populace, and the city walls were strongly fortified for security reasons (Grogan & Proscio, 2001).

Modern urban planning and reconstruction programs were largely shaped by the events of the Industrial Revolution, especially the disorder and squalor of the slums. These events challenged governments and urban planners to come up with elaborate city plans that include water, sewage, transport systems, and other amenities. For example, during this period, people like William Penn, in founding the City of Philadelphia, developed the standard gridiron plan that involved laying out of streets and plots of land adaptable to rapid change in land use (Taylor, 2009).

A new concept to urban planning and designing of transport systems is embracing the idea of sustainable development and sustainability. This concept involves adopting sustainable urban development that improves the long-term social and ecological health of cities and towns by using sustainable city structures and designs. These include compact and efficient land use, reduced automobile use but with better access, less pollution and waste, restoration of natural systems, better housing and efficient use of resources, and a healthy and sustainable socio-economic environment (Wheeler, 2004). These developments require significant support from political and government structures, as they affect many areas and institutions. Thus, they are implemented in a collaborative and communicative manner that encompasses strategic programming, decision making, and monitoring, to enhance the accomplishment of the specific goals.

Write a 6 pages paper on dickens and moral judgment. In Great Expectations, Dickens illustrates human nature as he chronicles the development of a young boy, Pip, from a commoner into a gentleman. The

Write a 6 pages paper on dickens and moral judgment. In Great Expectations, Dickens illustrates human nature as he chronicles the development of a young boy, Pip, from a commoner into a gentleman. The story begins with the boy at a very young age, living in the care of his older sister and her down-to-earth husband Joe. This memory includes his meeting with an escaped convict in a graveyard, which provides the foundation for the novel. Following this experience, Pip becomes employed by Miss Havisham and her adopted daughter Estella, using his money on education. Suddenly, he is lifted into the upper class through the intervention of a nameless benefactor. As he gains the knowledge suited for a gentleman, Pip’s attitude toward his family changes drastically. However, as he becomes aware of the true nature of his fortune, Pip is forced to reconsider these attitudes and ends the book on a much humbler note. Through plot developments and narrative elements, Dickens continues to invite his reader to make moral judgments about his characters even as they are permitted sympathetic involvement in the characters’ experiences.

Dickens provides his first nudge in this direction with the first scene as Pip visits the family graveyard. Pip reflects on his “first most vivid and broad impression of the identity of things” (Dickens, 2000: 3). As the convict Magwitch seizes the boy, turns him upside down to shake out his pockets and then significantly places the terrified boy on a tombstone in order to threaten him, Dickens provides the reader with a hint of the deeper psychological import of Pip’s journey through life and the essential need for readers to understand this progression and adjust their lives accordingly. Pip’s true nature is then revealed through his life with Joe and his work with Miss Havisham and Estella before Magwitch again reaches into Pip’s life to turn it upside down. As he becomes ‘shaken’ by Magwitch’s invisible hand, Pip gains a ‘gentleman’s’ education, learning the customs and manners expected of a fine gentleman.&nbsp.

Is bitcoin the future of digital payments? What are bitcoin’s advantages and disadvantages as a payment platform? The case study also explored the roles of startups in facilitating bitcoin payments.

  • Is bitcoin the future of digital payments?
  • What are bitcoin’s advantages and disadvantages as a payment platform?
  • The case study also explored the roles of startups in facilitating bitcoin payments. From an investor’s point of view, which of the following types of startups do you view as the most promising, and why?

a) A one-sided provider of merchant payment services (BitPay)

b) A one-sided provider of digital wallet services (Circle, Xapo)

c) A two-sided provider of both merchant services and digital wallets (Coinbase)

Would stablecoins like the one intended for Facebook Libra, be a contender to last in market? Why or why not?

2) What are the challenges for the industry as a whole to gain adoption?

3) What will be required for the future of Cryptocurrencies or Crypto tokens to succeed in market? Are there particular industries and/or jurisdictions that will see more success than others?

4) How might COVID-19 impact the reliance (or lack thereof) on the crypto market?

5) What are your thoughts on the security trilemma as it relates to bitcoin? (refer to second article posted below)

If one of the premises of the blockchain industry was to operate in a decentralized and distributed manner (for an array of reasons in lieu of the 2008 financial crisis), what are your thoughts on corporations adopting blockchain solutions – in essence, centralizing control? What about blockchain based companies that also appear to centralize control around themselves as opposed to traditional corporations?

Draft Paper 3 Pages in Next 2hrs: Create a list of enterprise-level risks that impact an organization that you selected. Select three that you will do research. The identified enterprise risks that yo

Draft Paper 3 Pages in Next 2hrs:

Create a list of enterprise-level risks that impact an organization that you selected.

Select three that you will do research.

The identified enterprise risks that you will explore.

The impact each of these risks can have on the organization – general perspective.

An initial list of references your team identified for this project.

This deliverable is submitted as an MS Word document – 3 Pages.

Academic JournalIn Weeks 1-5 of this course, you will complete an Academic Journal assignment that encourages you to document insights you have gained during the week related to the Learning Resources

Academic JournalIn Weeks 1-5 of this course, you will complete an Academic Journal assignment that encourages you to document insights you have gained during the week related to the Learning Resources, Discussions, and Assignments, and how these insights apply to your personal academic and career goals. Only your Instructor will see your Academic Journal. Before you begin this week’s Academic Journal, review the Learning Resource “Guide to Academic Journaling.”Note: For information regarding how your Academic Journal assignments will be evaluated, please review the grading rubric located in the Course Information area of the course.For your first Academic Journal assignment of the course, you will reflect on your transferable skills, and your responses to the Psychology Survey this week. You also reflect on what your goals might be for this course and for your program of study at Walden.Academic Journal Assignment Instructions:By Day 7After reading the assigned learning resources this week, complete the Week 1 Psychology Survey. To review your survey responses again, access “Attempts” and a green check mark appears under the Calculated Grade column. Click on the check mark and your completed survey will open.If you experience technical difficulties retrieving your responses, you can recall your responses by viewing the same survey items on page 21 of the course textbook.Review Table 2.2 on page 18 of your Course Text (“A Listing of Transferrable Skills, with Examples”).Write 1 short paragraph for each bulleted prompt: Summarize any survey items that you responded to with either “Strongly Agree” or “Moderately Agree.” Explain why you responded in this way. If you did not respond to any items with “Strongly Agree” or “Moderately Agree,” explain why. Summarize any items that you responded to with either “Strongly Disagree” or “Moderately Disagree.” Explain why you responded in this way. If you did not respond to any items with “Strongly Disagree” or “Moderately Disagree,” explain why. Reflect on your goals for this course and throughout your program of study at Walden. Also, identify and comment on the “transferrable skills” that you presently possess and the skills you are seeking to obtain (from Table 2.2 on page 18 of your Course Text). Make connections to the article “Alumni Perceptions of Workforce Readiness.”Planning for Success:Based on your reflections on this week’s content and the results of the survey, record in the “Additional Goals at Walden” section of your Curriculum and Strategy for Success Planner any areas that you wish to learn more about. More detailed instructions are provided in the template (located in the Week 1 Learning Resources).Do not submit your Curriculum and Strategy for Success Planner at this time; you will submit your Planner in Week 6.By Day 7Submit your Academic Journal entry.Submission and Grading InformationTo submit your completed Journal entry for review and grading, do the following: Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on “Submit your Journal entry by Day 7” and click in the link. Click Create Journal Entry. In the Title field, enter the name of the Journal Entry using the file naming convention: WK1Journal last name first initial. In the Entry Message box, provide the journal entry by either typing your responses directly into the box, or copy and paste text from a document on your computer. Do not attach document files for your journal entry. Click Post Entry.Grading CriteriaTo access your rubric:Week 1 Journal entry RubricCheck Your Journal entry Draft for AuthenticityTo check your Journal entry draft for authenticity:Submit your Week 1 Journal entry draft and review the originality report.Submit Your Journal entry by Day 7To submit your Journal entry:Week 1 Journal entryWeek in ReviewIn this first Week you completed a self-assessment and reflected on your present knowledge of topics to be covered in this course. Next Week you will focus on finding a place for you to use your skills as you consider career options that can be obtained with a degree. You will also review your career goals and how they might contribute to Walden’s mission of positive social change.Looking Ahead: Preparing for the Curriculum and Strategy for Success Planner (due in Week 6)As you proceed through this seminar, you will be formulating personal goals and gathering resources that can help you succeed throughout your program of study and beyond. Over the next 6 weeks, you will document this information in the Curriculum and Strategy for Success Planner. Use the template provided in this week’s Learning Resources to complete your Planner.In order to complete this Planner, you will need to gather some information. This week, begin gathering necessary materials, including an unofficial copy of your current transcript, preliminary program of study, and transfer credit evaluation(s). Also, review the template located in this week’s Learning Resources to understand the requirements for this Assignment. Note that even though you will submit a “final” copy of this Planner in Week 6, the Planner is meant to be a working document that you can add to and modify after you complete this course.Note: In Weeks 1–5, you will have an Academic Journal assignment in which you will be entering journal reflections in the online journal tool. Each week’s Academic Journal assignment will include specific questions to guide your entries. As you complete your Academic Journal entries, you may have insights that will be helpful for your Curriculum and Strategy for Success Planner. Therefore, each week’s Academic Journal assignment will also have a section called “Planning for Success.” This section will provide some suggestions for filling out portions of your Curriculum and Strategy for Success Planner. You are encouraged to work on your Planner each week, but you do not need to submit it until Week 6.For information regarding how your Curriculum and Strategy for Success Planner will be evaluated, please review the grading rubric located in the Course Information area of the course.No Assignment submission this week.To go to the next week:Week 2

Create a 7 pages page paper that discusses geographical profiling helpful in criminal investigation.

Create a 7 pages page paper that discusses geographical profiling helpful in criminal investigation. Profiling is one of the major purposes which include case management, database development, cause, and pattern analysis, forensic demography, typology validation, personality evaluation, principles of geocoding, numerical predictions, and the ethics of annoyance and interrogation/ interview strategies.

To minimize crime level different strategies and methods have been used. Endless researches are going on to reduce and prevent criminal activities. Geographical profiling is one of the investigative methods adapted for the same purpose. It uses the locations associated with a string of criminal activities and shows the most apparent regions, a crook can reside in. This evaluation method enables law enforcement to connect the zone of criminal activity area with the location of a criminal neighborhood which serves as a base for investigation. This method is mainly used for serial violent crimes such as bombing, rape, murder, robbery, arson, fraud but it can also be used for the single crime which involves several environmental characteristics. Geographical profiling requires a complete setup. Police Agencies use popular software programs for this purpose such as Regal, Crimestat, constant, and Dragnet. (Mazeika,2010)

Geographical profiling works at a crime site or premises, this provides police substantial evidence to move along with their investigations. It determines the likable places criminal can access and traveling routes. It includes both objective and subjective components of an investigation. This enables them to reform and understand the offender’s perspectives through mental maps. It also requires physical evidence which is thoroughly examined by a team of specialists. It aids the trail and can provide major leads in the shortest span of time. The primary technique of geographical profiling is Criminal Geographic Targeting (CGT) System.&nbsp.