Need help with my writing homework on Getting at the Truth in Three Shakespearean Plays. Write a 4000 word paper answering;

Need help with my writing homework on Getting at the Truth in Three Shakespearean Plays. Write a 4000 word paper answering; Every work of fiction worth its salt has a truth concealed in it. As the story unravels in a book or on stage and screen, the truth is arrived at, otherwise, the story turns out drab and boring, resembling one in which prince and princess meet, fall in love, marry and live happily ever after. Who can derive entertainment from such? Not even a child.

The great dramatist, William Shakespeare, the master of suspense creates mysteries in all his plays – comedies and tragedies alike, hiding their solutions and bringing them to the light when the time is ripe.

The genius that Shakespeare was enables him to reveal the truth in manifold ways – subtle and graceful such that when it finally dawns on the readers or the audience or even on the other characters in the play from whom the truth is hidden at the beginning, it comes naturally and understandably. They say to no one in particular, “Hmm, I thought as much…”

William Shakespeare was the son of John Shakespeare of Stratford-upon-Avon, a substantial citizen of that small but busy market town in the heart of the rich agricultural country of Warwick. John Shakespeare kept a shop and dealt with wool and other products, gradually acquiring property. As a youth, he acquired the trade of gloves and leatherworkers.

John married Mary Arden, daughter of his father’s landlord. The third of their eight children was William. He was sent to free grammar school which provided basic education in Latin learning and literature and a little knowledge of Greek.

There is little documentation for Shakespeare’s boyhood. The most important record is a marriage license issued November 22, 1562, to permit William Shakespeare to marry Anne Hathaway, eight years his senior. 1592, the first reference to Shakespeare as an actor and playwright was available. Documents indicate that in 1598, he was “a principal comedian” and in 1603, he was a “principal tragedian”. Shakespeare’s literary activity seems to have been almost entirely devoted to the theater.

Write 7 pages thesis on the topic business and corporate law: st. ronans ales ltd.

Write 7 pages thesis on the topic business and corporate law: st. ronans ales ltd. ns 171-188 of the Companies Act 2006 expands the duty even further requiring that directors act in a manner calculated to promote the company’s success and to take account of the effect that their decisions have on all stakeholders including the community and the environment.4

The company directors’ decision to borrow 100,000 pounds against the assets of the company is negligent and a breach of the directors’ statutory duties pursuant to Sections 171-188 of the Companies Act 2006. It is a firmly established tenet of company law that directors in the course of exercising their duties are held to a specific standard. The standard is compared to the care and conduct that would generally be anticipated of a business man with the relevant skills and training.5 Taking this approach, it is inconceivable that a business man running a business with a 1 million pound turnover and net assets of 100,000 pounds would borrow money against the entire net worth of the business. In the event the company fails to repay the loan all of the company’s assets will be depleted.

The directors’ duties have already been the subject of codification under the Companies Act 1985. The 1985 imposes upon the director the duty to safeguard the interest of the companies’ members.6 By taking out a loan which is secured by the company’s entire net worth the directors have exposed the company to the risk of foreclosure to the detriment of each of its members. Although each of the shareholders approved the load, only two of them are active directors. It therefore follows that the other members trusted Ian and James, the two active directors and went along with them as a result of that trust. Despite the misplaced judgment, each of the directors are equally responsible to all of the members of the company, including their employees. They each have a duty to act with reasonable care, skill and diligence.

I will pay for the following article Francais Company Fashion Industry Small Business. The work is to be 8 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.

I will pay for the following article Francais Company Fashion Industry Small Business. The work is to be 8 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page. The Francais brand merchandise is sold via directly managed retail outlets located in shopping malls.

Francais serves a niche in the United States market for high-quality, fashionable ladies wear. Currently, Francais focuses on a select trendier, upscale segment, with 15 high profile stores in California and New York. With its Francais line of smart blouses, dress pants, and short skirts, the company targets young, stylish women and benefits from the bigger margins enjoyed in more upscale niches of women’s clothing.

Many middle and upper-class American women are willing to pay a higher price just to get the best product quality and service they can have. Common personality traits include being concerned with physical appearance and prioritization of quality and brand. Furthermore, consumers from our target segment desire clothing products that satisfy changing fashion tastes.

The target customers can be described as those who shop as a form of therapy and escape from everyday life, and who enjoy scanning almost as much as buying. Hence, their personality possesses the tendency to shop more, spend more, and seek the greatest enjoyment out of the shopping experience

Based on a survey conducted among target customers, Jessica Alba and Jennifer Aniston are viewed as positive role models for the women customers because both are believed to have overcome adversity and are women of integrity. To them, apparel is the most important product category consuming the greatest proportion of their disposable income. In addition, usual customers intimated that characteristics most associated with a popular brand are high quality and advertising.

I entered this business because I noticed that there is a need for fashion apparel retail stores catered to young women seeking higher-quality clothing at an affordable price in many areas in California and New York.&nbsp.Based on statistics, there is a void in the market for higher-priced but quality designer clothes, and women are a growing base in many cities in the United States.&nbsp.

Create a 7 pages page paper that discusses subprime lending, its adverse effects on uk and world financial markets and methods to rectify and protect consumers.

Create a 7 pages page paper that discusses subprime lending, its adverse effects on uk and world financial markets and methods to rectify and protect consumers. From a different point of view, it is noticed by Reiss (2005) that ‘predatory lending, the origination of loans with abusive terms to homeowners, is rampant in the subprime mortgage market’. The approach used by Reiss in order to explain the conditions related to subprime lending is based on the extensive use of this type of lending specifically in mortgages.

However, it would be necessary to notice that subprime lending is not used by all consumers worldwide. it is rather preferred by specific categories of population: those who have high credit risk and the use for an alternative method of financing the purchase of a specific product/ asset would be proved inappropriate. In fact, it has been found by Wachter et al. (2007) that ‘subprime lending serves those with relatively high credit risk and therefore entails higher borrowing costs. this market has grown tremendously over the past decade, although with substantial variation in growth rates across the central cities of metropolitan areas in the US’. The above phenomenon does not characterize only the American financial market. In the UK also subprime lending is extremely developed helping consumers to proceed to the purchase of house when such an option is not available to them (due to their credit rank). In fact, in the research made by Munro (2005, 7) it was proved that in 1995 in Britain ‘the average debt was less than £1,000 and the top ten percent of debtors owed £5,000. in 2000 the comparable figures were over £2,000 and £9,000 respectively. in mid-2002 10 percent of family households paid more than 25 percent of their gross income on consumer credit repayments’. In other words, in the UK all the necessary requirements exist in order for the subprime lending to flourish.

At this point, it would be important to define the terms under which this type of lending should be used by consumers in the UK but also worldwide.&nbsp.

Complete 7 pages APA formatted article: Social Policy Themes and Issues. An important development took place in the history of NHS was outlined in the 1989 White paper, that tuned in to the NHS and Co

Complete 7 pages APA formatted article: Social Policy Themes and Issues. An important development took place in the history of NHS was outlined in the 1989 White paper, that tuned in to the NHS and Community care act in 1990 (Pollock and Majeed, 1995). In the 1990s legislation, the NHS and Community Care Act implemented a new policy that asks the local authority social services department to focus on community care. In 1994, the House of Lords discussed the Peckham medical central that proposes a multigenerational family club to serve the inhabitants to the local catchment areas against small membership fee and agreement. The government also created a voucher system for the poor elderly people and their families that they could use to get healthcare services at the nursing homes of their choice. The objective of these initiates was to prevent the loss of public funds by the way of social security findings. (Means and Smith, 1994)

The local authorities were made the rationing agents to curb the government expenditures on healthcare. As a result of this policy change, the government decided not to directly provide the healthcare service to the people but they were directed to get it through the independent voluntary and private commercial sector. The 1990 NHS and Community care act call for the contract with the general practitioners GPs. This step was intended to increase the responsiveness of the service to the consumers and to improve the overall healthcare services available to the people. The community-based healthcare service was introduced with the intention to increase competitiveness and to foster innovation in the sector (Pollock and Majeed, 1995). Moreover, this policy also worked to end the monopolistic influence of some hospitals over the entire healthcare system. In sum, it can be said that the most important change occurred to the National Health Service – NHS during the last twenty years in the implementation of the concept of community care within the healthcare sector that result in new contracts with the GPs.

With the establishment of the government of the Conservatives in 1979 in the UK, there were some major trends induced into the housing policy of the country. The Conservatives were in favor of privatization and after 1979 the privatization program was initiated in the housing sector as well that bring competition in the sector. The Compulsory Competitive Tendering (CCT) was introduced to enable the active role of private companies in the sector. On the 3rd of October, 1980 the Housing Act was implemented by the government that allows the council tenants to exercise their right to buy. As a result, more than 400,000 people buy their homes by 1982. The scheme was further extended to tenants in the leasehold properties (Hunter and Selman, 1996). The privatization within the sector was promoted throughout the tenure of the conservative government.

6-6-2020 DUE WITHIN 24 HOURS Submitted HWM Discussion: Foundations: Online Learning The Walden University Master’s in Social Work is an educational program that guides students through development of

6-6-2020 DUE WITHIN 24 HOURS

Submitted HWM

Discussion: Foundations: Online Learning

The Walden University Master’s in Social Work is an educational program that guides students through development of knowledge, values, and skills associated with the social work profession.

The online format enables a great deal of flexibility in order for working professionals to have access to the social work graduate degree and career preparation. Consider, however, whether any challenges might also accompany learning in an online format.

For this Discussion, review the Walden University resources on online learning strategies.

By Day 4

Post a description of two strategies you plan to practice in order to enhance your online learning in the MSW program. Justify your use of each strategy.

By Day 6

Respond to at least two colleagues, suggesting a third strategy that the colleague might also



Responsiveness to Directions

Points Range: 13.5 (27%) – 15 (30%)

Discussion posting fully addresses all instruction prompts, including responding to the required number of peer posts.

Discussion Posting Content

Points Range: 13.5 (27%) – 15 (30%)

Discussion posting demonstrates an excellent understanding of all of the concepts and key points presented in the text(s) and Learning Resources. Posting provides significant detail including multiple relevant examples, evidence from the readings and other scholarly sources, and discerning ideas.

  Step 1: Integrate Significant Contributions to Public Health Final Assignment Part 1 from Week 3, including any revisions based on feedback you received.Step 2: Examine the individual’s contribution

  • From Globalism to Globalization: The Politics of Resistance-
  • Globalization, Globalism and Cosmopolitanism as an Educational Ideal-
  • Transnationalism and Anti-Globalism-


Please take some time to reflect on how the concept of global citizenship has shaped your identity and think about how being a global citizen has made you a better person in your community.

  • Describe and explain a clear distinction between “globalism” and “globalization” after viewing the video and reading the article.
  • Describe how being a global citizen in the world of advanced technology can be beneficial to your success in meeting your personal, academic, and professional goals.
  • Explain why there has been disagreement between theorists about the definition of global citizenship and develop your own definition of global citizenship after reading the article by Reysen and Katzarska-Miller.
  • Choose two of the six outcomes of global citizenship from the article (i.e., intergroup empathy, valuing diversity, social justice, environmental sustainability, intergroup helping, and the level of responsibility to act for the betterment of this world).
    • Explain why those two outcomes are the most important in becoming a global citizen compared to the others.
  • Describe at least two personal examples or events in your life that illustrate the development of global citizenship based on the two outcomes you chose.
  • Identify two specific general education courses.
    • Explain how each course influenced you to become a global citizen.

Must be 750 to 1,000 words in length (not including title and references pages) 

Must use at least one credible source in addition to the two required sources (video and article)

Must have no more than 15% quoted material in the body of your essay based on the Turnitin report


Insider trading is explained in Chapter 10 (pages 368 to 373) as buying or selling stocks of businesses with having information from an “inside” person that is not known to the public. The buyer or se

Insider trading is explained in Chapter 10 (pages 368 to 373) as buying or selling stocks of businesses with having information from an “inside” person that is not known to the public.

The buyer or seller may have information that would dramatically impact the price of stocks.

Using the idea/theory of insider trading, what other benefits can be gained from using private information before others have access to that same information?

Due in Week 6 and worth 125 points In the land of free trade, the public does not view all industries as equal. Do you believe that is ethical? Do you believe that some industries are unfairly target

Due in Week 6 and worth 125 points

In the land of free trade, the public does not view all industries as equal. Do you believe that is ethical? Do you believe that some industries are unfairly targeted? Should it be consumers’ choice to partake in products that are not healthy for them, or do those companies have an ethical obligation to protect people? In this assignment, you will choose from one (1) of the following industries to write about:

  • The pharmaceutical industry
  • The payday loan industry
  • Cloning for medical purposes

Write a paper in which you:

  1. Become an advocate for either the consumer or the industry. Prepare an argument explaining the major reasons why you support either the consumer or the industry.
  2. Discuss if you believe it is possible for a company to cater to both its best interest and that of the consumer conjointly or if one always has to prevail. Justify your response.
  3. Use at least two (2) quality references. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as academic resources.
  4. Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
    • This course requires use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The format is different than other Strayer University courses. Please take a moment to review the SWS documentation for details.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

  • Determine the considerations for and process of ethical business decision making to balance corporate and social responsibilities, and address moral, economic, and legal concerns.
  • Analyze selected business situations using the predominant ethical theories, such as utilitarian, Kantian, and virtue ethics to guide ethical business decision making.
  • Use technology and information resources to research issues in business ethics.
  • Write clearly and concisely about business ethics using proper writing mechanics.