Provide necessary context in the introduction to transition the reader into the thesis. Include support literature that effectively leads into your topic argument. Articulate a thesis that describes

Provide necessary context in the introduction to transition the reader into the thesis. Include support literature that effectively leads into your topic argument. Articulate a thesis that describes a gap or niche in the literature that your argument can fill. Support the main points of the paper with evidence. Completely present your paper’s argument so your peer reviewer can give you useful feedback on your draft.Based on 3 articles:1. Bandura, A., & Jourden F. (1991). “Self-regulatory mechanisms governing the impact ofsocial comparison on complex decision making.” Journal of Personality and SocialPsychology 60(6), (1991): 941-51.2. Esteban-Guitart, M. (2018). The biosocial foundation of the early Vygotsky: Educational psychology before the zone of proximal development.History of Psychology. Hilpert, J. C., & Marchand, G. C. (2018). Complex systems research in educational psychology: Aligning theory and method.Educational Psychologist,53(3), 185–202.

The following post is another student post to wish i have to reply. Please Make sure to add other information related to what the student posted. APA style 2 references and less than 20 % similarity u

The following post is another student post to wish i have to reply. Please Make sure to add other information related to what the student posted. APA style 2 references and less than 20 % similarity

uestion 1

Innovative and transformational leaders are needed in order to facilitate an effective working environment that leads to more satisfactory and safe care. Innovative leaders can recognize a situation and how to influence it, are adaptable in different situations to achieve a desired outcome and communicate effectively. This is considered fundamental because without communication every other characteristic alone will not guarantee same results (Weiss, Tappen & Grimley, 2019). The need for improved and safer care that is consistent with productivity and efficacy is a force that drives new leaders to succeed.

Question 2

Effective leaders and especially new leaders must convey a sense of team or group. Employees need to acknowledge their leader as one of the team. Leaders can work together to foster this atmosphere within the unit by engaging and actively listening to staff in their concerns (Weiss, Tappen, Grimley, 2019). Purpose and goals can be established and a communicated in order to be met.

Question 3

Transactional leadership centers on results guided by order and structure which allow the person to use their own motivation along with directions. In transactional leadership both the leader and the follower engage in a reward system that increases motivation (Tiang-Syung, I-Hsiung, Tsz-Ching, Lie-Ping & Kai-Chi, 2019).

Transformational leadership focuses on the leader’s use of inspirational charm to convey the target to be reached to the followers. These leaders induce a need to enhance knowledge and creativity to advance in their purpose (Tiang-Syung et al., 2019).

Complexity leadership touches on flexible approaches developed by an organization to resolve problems creatively. It is used in complex and crisis situations that require change (Baltaci & Balci, 2017).

These three models share one thing in common and that is the main goal is to achieve change through collaboration. I believe the transformational leadership is the best approach in a nursing unit because while a goal is set, it is met through a team effort and said team has to be motivated to reach what is expected. Transformational leaders are able to communicate needs in a way that is compelling and engaging to staff and this promotes productivity (Weiss et al., 2019).


Baltaci, A., & Balcı, A. (2017). Complexity Leadership: A Theorical Perspective. International Journal of Educational Leadership and Management, 5(1), 30. doi: 10.17583/ijelm.2017.2435

Tian-Syung Lan, I-Hsiung, C., Tsz-Ching Ma, Lie-Ping, Z., & Kai-Chi Chuang. (2019). Influences of transformational leadership, transactional leadership, and patriarchal leadership on job satisfaction of cram school faculty members. Sustainability, 11(12) doi:

Weiss, S. A., Tappen, R. M., & Grimley, K. A. (2019). Essentials of nursing leadership and management (7th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: F.A. Davis Company.

Please read the following selections in your coursepack: Gilyard, Keith and Anissa Wardi. African American Literature. Chapter 12 Introduction, “The Black Aesthetic” Johnson, Helene. “Poem”

Please read the following selections in your coursepack:

  • Gilyard, Keith and Anissa Wardi. African American Literature.
    • Chapter 12 Introduction, “The Black Aesthetic”
    • Johnson, Helene. “Poem”
    • Brooks, Gwendolyn. “The Mother”
    • Baraka, Amiri. “A Poem for Black Hearts”
    • Scott-Heron, Gil. “The Revolution Will Not Be Televised.”

Using direct evidence from this unit’s assigned readings, create a new post in which you discuss how language choices and decisions made about the form of the poems create meaning in the poetry of the Black Aesthetic. After reading the introduction material that explains the Black Aesthetic, is there one poem in the list that is particularly effective in representing the aims of these writers? (150 words)

And respond two student in two sentence for each.

The following post is another student post to wish i have to reply. Please Make sure to add other information related to what the student posted. APA style 2 references and less than 20 % similarity Q

The following post is another student post to wish i have to reply. Please Make sure to add other information related to what the student posted. APA style 2 references and less than 20 % similarity

Question 1

Nursing has become an essential sector in healthcare provision. Nurses interact with patients for the longest time than any other healthcare professionals. They offer valuable insights as well as unique capabilities that make them formidable partners in care delivery. The advancement in the approach to care delivery is one factor calling for transformational leadership in the 21st century. Growth in technology and its increased adoption in the healthcare sector is another factor (Hauston, 2020). Transformational leadership is appropriate in managing these changes and focus them on increasing efficiency and reliability.

Question 2

A nursing unit has a high capacity for delivering quality when the leadership has a positive impact. The leader needs to have appropriate characteristics and traits to foster team spirit and motivation for the subordinates. The first characteristic is to lead by example; this works to build credibility and cultivate respect. Next, the nurse leader needs to be an excellent communicator, and this helps to draw the attention of the targeted group and for them to respond accordingly (Stanley, 2016). The leader also needs to empower the members of the nursing unit to help them develop a sense of ownership and a spirit of innovation. This should be coupled with a drive to motivate and inspire members of the nursing unit to realize their full potential.

Question 3

Transformational leadership is organized around an inspirational approach to influence individuals. Transformational leaders are accountable and set clear goals that guide the entire course of operation. Transactional leadership, on its part, is based on the notion that people become followers of the leader when they accept employment. In this leadership, employees are judged and motivated as per their performance. Complexity leadership works along with the premise that leaders’ key responsibility is to ensure that the attributes and preferences are aligned with the centralized goals of an organizational (Hauston, 2020). I think transformational leadership is the most effective to lead a nursing unit as it reflects key aspects of the contemporary organizational environment.


Houston, C. (2020). Professional issues in nursing: Challenges and opportunities. Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer. ISBN-13: 978-1-4963-9818-5 American psychological Association (2009). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association. (6th Edition). Washington DC: American Psychological Association. ISBN: 976-1-4338-0561-5

Stanley, D. (Ed.). (2016). Clinical leadership in nursing and healthcare: Values into action. John Wiley & Sons.

The software required for this assignment is MYOB AccountRight Plus version 2017.2 a. The software is installed in the computer labs and the Library b. To install the software on your personal compute

The software required for this assignment is MYOB AccountRight Plus version 2017.2

a. The software is installed in the computer labs and the Library

b. To install the software on your personal computer, please follow the on the Moodle subject


c. Do not upgrade to higher versions when opening files

d. You need to upload your newly created company file on Moodle immediately after the

activation with the serial number provided by your Tutor in class

 Students are required to produce the reports from the textbook, Pabst Accounting with MYOB 2015,

Chapter 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 9.

a. Follow the instructions of ‘MYOB Topic1 Create & Backup a Company File’ to create your

company file

b. Start Chapter 2 from page 19 ‘Set-up the accounts list’

c. Do not attempt the Revision Exercises at the end of each chapter

d. Save the generated reports as PDF documents with the figure numbers and names provided

in the book (E.g. FIGURE 2.24 Trial Balance for May)

e. Print out the reports and mark the differences if the numbers don’t match the textbook

Evaluate the following methods for establishing base pay in international assignments: home country-based pay, headquarters-based pay, and host country-based pay. Include within your discussion the st

Evaluate the following methods for establishing base pay in international assignments: home country-based pay, headquarters-based pay, and host country-based pay. Include within your discussion the strengths and weaknesses of each method and factors that should be considered when determining the appropriate international pay strategy. How should organizations balance host-country income tax differentials? How do compensation plans affect employees’ willingness to accept foreign assignments? Respond to at least two of your fellow students’ postings.

Prepare: Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, in preparation for discussing the importance of critical thinking skills, Read the articles Common Misconceptions of Critical Thinking Com

Prepare: Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, in preparation for discussing the importance of critical thinking skills, Read the articles Common Misconceptions of Critical Thinking Combating Fake News in the Digital Age 6 Critical Thinking Skills You Need to Master Now(Links to an external site.) Teaching and Learning in a Post-Truth world: It’s Time for Schools to Upgrade and Reinvest in Media Literacy Lessons Critical Thinking and the Challenges of Internet(Links to an external site.) Watch the videos Fake News: Part 1(Links to an external site.) Critical Thinking(Links to an external site.) Review the resources Critical Thinking Skills(Links to an external site.) Valuable Intellectual Traits(Links to an external site.) Critical Thinking Web(Links to an external site.) Reflect: Reflect on the characteristics of a critical thinker. Critical thinking gets you involved in a dialogue with the ideas you read from others in this class. To be a critical thinker, you need to be able to summarize, analyze, hypothesize, and evaluate new information that you encounter. Write: For this discussion, you will address the following prompts. Keep in mind that the article or video you’ve chosen should not be about critical thinking, but should be about someone making a statement, claim, or argument related to your Final Paper topic. One source should demonstrate good critical thinking skills and the other source should demonstrate the lack or absence of critical thinking skills. Personal examples should not be used. Explain at least five elements of critical thinking that you found in the reading material. Search the Internet, media, or the University Library, and find an example in which good critical thinking skills are being demonstrated by the author or speaker. Summarize the content and explain why you think it demonstrates good critical thinking skills. Search the Internet, media, or the University Library, and find an example in which the author or speaker lacks good critical thinking skills. Summarize the content and explain why you think it demonstrates the absence of good, critical thinking skills. Your initial post should be at least 250 words in length, which should include a thorough response to each prompt. You are required to provide in-text citations of applicable required reading materials and/or any other outside sources you use to support your claims. Provide full reference entries of all sources cited at the end of your response. Please use correct APA format when writing in-text citations (see In-Text Citation Helper(Links to an external site.)) and references (see Formatting Your References List(Links to an external site.)).

Describe the Square of Opposition What is categorical logic? What is the purpose of the Square of Opposition? Identify key features of the Square of Opposition. Explain how the

Describe the Square of Opposition What is categorical logic? What is the purpose of the Square of Opposition? Identify key features of the Square of Opposition. Explain how the Square of Opposition is used to translate statements into standard-form claims and corresponding standard-form claims including description of the relationships that are depicted within the square. Identify the components of the A, E, I and O standard-form claims (or propositions). Using the diagram in your text as a guide, create one original example using an ordinary statement and translating it into standard-form claims (A, E, I and O statements) using the Square of Opposition. Identify the translation and claims in your example using the corresponding letter. For each corresponding standard-form claim, explain how you identified the translation and corresponding claims and their relationship to one another based on the relationships depicted on the square. In other words, explain why each choice of claim in your example is correct for that particular relationship. Example provided must be original and not taken from our lecture, textbook readings or online resources. Required Elements: Your essay must have an APA style formatted title page and reference list. Your essay should be 2-3 pages (in additional to a title page and reference list) with an introduction paragraph, body paragraphs that address each required portion of the prompt, and a conclusion. Your essay must follow APA style formatting throughout (Times New Roman, 12-point font, double-spaced, etc.). Your essayshould include research that consistently supports your presented points and ideas. A minimum of 2 different sources must be utilized and cited properly with in-text citations and in the reference list.Avoid using large amount of quotes. If you summarize or paraphrase information in your own words, you must cite sources to provide credit for the ideas and concepts

This week we will want to take a look in what it meant by Holistic ERM. There is some discussion on thisin the Video Lecture. For this discussion, you will need to read Chapter 3 of the text on ERM at

This week we will want to take a look in what it meant by Holistic ERM. There is some discussion on thisin the Video Lecture. For this discussion, you will need to read Chapter 3 of the text on ERM at Mars, Incorporated. ERM for Strategy and Operations.

For the discussion, note the major principles for the design of an ERM process that were discerned by Senior Management at Mars. From your reading of the case study report select two principles and provide your analysis of how the principles were applied to the case study,

External research should be used and applied to this case study to support opinions. Cite any research using APA format showing use in your text with in-text citations along with full reference citations.

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