Write 9 pages thesis on the topic thorpe park marketing and operations management analysis.

Write 9 pages thesis on the topic thorpe park marketing and operations management analysis. There is a need to draw a conclusion based on the performance and involvement of the managers (Babin, & Attaway, 2000). The manager needs to communicate and interact freely with all departments so as to identify risks and opportunities in the workplace. The workplace and employee’s welfare should be paramount while creating procedures.

While delivering these products a pricing strategy was designed to cater to the needs of the customers. The pricing strategy involves an online platform that offers special prices on their product. The strategy is aimed at customers from different given geographical location and providing the customers with the much needed convenient services while using the products. The other pricing strategies involve promotional prices which in this case are offering a given package at discounted prices. The promotions run for a specified period of time. The time frame given by the firm would allow the attraction of more customers. An increase client base will indicate improvement in sales and upon satisfaction, the company will retain some customers (Wong, 2014 a). The company will use the ‘retained customers’ model to attract more customers. Customer recommendations are more important than the most advantageous means to promote a given product. The pricing is base on the market segmentation which the company employs. It singles out the nature of the customers, ranging from family visits to individual visits. A home package is included in the pricing. According to Moore (2014), there is a sense of mixed trends in marketing strategies. The year between 2010- 2012 saw the park registering a reduced third party online purchase hence the discount offered is aimed at increasing these figures to the desired target(see graph 1, appendix). The years also indicated an improved nature in the promotional prices. There is a tendency of the company to spend more on promotion.

Write 6 pages thesis on the topic critical appraisal. The author was very perfect in that he gave the whole project briefing. He gave us his objectives, methodologies, and his findings. However, the p

Write 6 pages thesis on the topic critical appraisal. The author was very perfect in that he gave the whole project briefing. He gave us his objectives, methodologies, and his findings. However, the part failed to give us any hypothesis that would be tested. Any scientific work should have both null and alternative hypotheses that would be statistically analyzed for their significance.

The introduction is very straight to the point and giving vital information on cancer (&nbsp.Jones, 2003). In fact, the section is giving the background of the research. The setting of the context enables us to understand more ideas that we had little information about. The functions of the MMPs are clearly explained in their functionality in metastasis. The author even classifies the different forms of MMPs to give us an insight into why he specifically chose the MT4-MMP ad, not others (Yeung, Sieracki, and Marshall, 2009). He classifies two MMPS different claiming that they are linked to the membrane through a glycosyl-phosphatidylinositol (GPI). The two compounds are MT4 and MT6-MMPs. He further continues to notify us that our compound of interest is found in the brain, colon, lung, uterus, and reproductive organs. Their location was the reason the lymphatic system trace of MT4-MMP would very easy and simple within the mice.

Every idea is supported by reference to validate the data. Previous studies have been incorporated and compared to enrich the context. For example, comparisons with other forms of works are in relation and agreement that MMPs are involved in metastasis of tumor cells (Piyush, 2013). However, there has been contradicting information from various science fields concerning MMPs, Extra Cellular Matrix degradation, and cancer cell division. Some of the studies have associated MMPs inhibition to synthetic and natural inhibitors hence inhibition of the cell invasion. However, abnormal expressions of various forms of MMPPs have been correlated with pathological conditions in arthritis, tumor cell invasion, and the general metastasis. Whenever a substance will be used to stimulate a given process, then the same substance can be used in the inhibition of the process (Yeung et al., 2012). In this case, if the presence of a substance has a positive effect, then its absence will have a negative effect too. In our case, if the MMP’s presence is being involved in metastasis, then its absence will mean that there is no metastasis. The fact is complementing with the statement that MMPs promote the growth of cancer cells by helping in cleavage of the insulin growth factor binding protein abbreviated as (IGF-BP). Moreover, the MMPs can inhibit cancer growth by liberating growth factors such as β – (TGF- β) from the TGF- β complex (Egeblad and Werb, 2002).

After having read the “Who Goes, Who Stays” Harvard Business Review case study, create a formal proposal that addresses the following: 1. Identification of the primary business challenges. The focus i

After having read the “Who Goes, Who Stays” Harvard Business Review case study, create a formal proposal that addresses the following: 1. Identification of the primary business challenges. The focus is on overall business challenges that may or may not include direct HR areas. 2. Proposed Human Resource initiatives to address the challenges identified in #1. The proposal should include resources needed (human capital, financial, etc.) Financial considerations can be an approximation. 3. An evaluation plan that will address the proposed actions identified in #2.

Write 13 pages thesis on the topic tourism planning in a destination zone of london.

Write 13 pages thesis on the topic tourism planning in a destination zone of london. London is the capital city of England and the United Kingdom, which came into existence in the 40 A.D. by Romans. It is the largest urban city including an area of at least 1579 square kilometers. It also comprises of a population of 7172,036 along with rich culture and numerous tourist attractions such as Big Ben, House of Parliament, Tower Bridge, Queens Palace and many others. Each year numerous visitors come to London to experience the cool summers, mild winters, and strong winds at the time of visiting numerous destinations. Apart from this, it is the fifth-largest economy with approx GVA of $ 546.4 billion in the year 2012 and per capita GVA of $ 65,768 among others (Office of National Statistics, 2012).

Tower Bridge of London is recognized as a suspension bridge, crossing the River Thames. As it is located just near the Tower of London, so it is considered as an iconic symbol. It is a combined bascule comprising of two towers tied with one another along with two horizontal walkways developed so as to withstand the horizontal forces of the bridge. The total length of the bridge is almost about 244 meters or 801 feet with the longest span of 61 meters. The two equal weightage bascules are of 1000tons, which are developed so as to minimize the forces utilized within it. Hence, due to these above-mentioned causes, it is considered as one of the largest and reputed tourist destinations of London, maintained and managed by the Bridge House Estates (Butler, 2006, pp. 443-456).

Apart from this, in order to reach the destination of London’s Tower Bridge very easily and quickly by the tourists, numerous signposts are designed and presented at the tower hill station. This is because, at the time of leaving the station, signposts are given on the subways so as to reach the famous tower bridge just on its left-hand side.


Complete 6 pages APA formatted article: Dark Tourism. The world today has embraced the trend in dark tourism and many have used the urges to make money out of the curiosity that comes with death and d

Complete 6 pages APA formatted article: Dark Tourism. The world today has embraced the trend in dark tourism and many have used the urges to make money out of the curiosity that comes with death and disasters. Undeniably, death and disaster are components of human life and to some preservation of areas where the death happened is a form of heritage. Dark tourism is a new area of tourism research. Like defined by Foley and Lennon, the phenomenon encompasses a presentation and consumption by visitors towards death and disaster areas (Lennon & Foley1999).

Dark tourism is common by the term thanatourism, has gained the attention of academic scholars and media imaginations. It has a growing body of literature in the representation and tourist experiences in the tourist economy. However, it is still in its infancy owing to the fact that there are numerous questions on the academic origins of the tourism concept and education. In addition, there are several queries on the contribution it brings to the broader social scientific study of tourism and death education. The idea has received a substantial amount of marketization process within the academic realm in the past decade. There are arguments that tourism studies and death studies collide making it available for further research in the broad spheres of thanatology (International Conference On Sustainable Tourism, Pineda, & Brebbia, 2010). Critical insights from Dr. Philip stone (2013) in the study of dark tourism have been seen in scholarly articles describing the concept as a new avenue towards fruitful research avenues. He argues that the study of this art is rather a multi-disciplinary academic lens where one can scrutinize fundamental interrelationships of the contemporary marketization of death and the cultural condition of the society other than a mere fascination with death or the macabre (Stone, 2013).

The onset of dark tourism may be associated with the first world war due to the countries involved in the ordeal.

Create a 12 pages page paper that discusses fifa world cup brazil 2014. Till now, 19 World Cup championships have been awarded to eight different national teams including Brazil, Italy, West Germany,

Create a 12 pages page paper that discusses fifa world cup brazil 2014. Till now, 19 World Cup championships have been awarded to eight different national teams including Brazil, Italy, West Germany, Argentina, Uruguay, England, France, and Spain. Each World Cup is hosted by a different country, and the FIFA has a set of stated prerequisites for hosting the World Cup with regard to infrastructure and other facilities. While analyzing the event typology, it seems that the FIFA World Cup is a sporting event that is broadcasted across the globe. The FIFA World Cup is the world’s most widely viewed sporting event. the final match of the 2006 FIFA World Cup has been watched by an estimated 715.1 million people (Dwivedi, 2011, p.6.75). Brazil is the most successful team in the history of the FIFA World Cup-winning a total of 5 titles. The last World Cup was held in South Africa in 2010 and the 2014 World Cup will be hosted by Brazil.

Before the beginning of the FIFA World Cup, the Olympic football tournament had been the only international tournament or world football tournament. With the founding of FIFA in 1904, there were serious discussions on arranging an international football tournament between FIFA member nations outside the Olympics. However, these efforts had not been successful for the next two decades. With the FIFA President Jules Rimet’s great efforts and dedication, discussions again started in the late 1920s to organize an international football tournament outside the Olympic framework and as a result in 1928, the FIFA Congress in Amsterdam decided to organize its own world championship. FIFA choose Uruguay as the host country for the inaugural World Cup tournament which was held in 1930.

Since tourism is a potential way to build a better future for an economy, it can be stated that the aims of the World Cup reflect the tourism role that the event has. The wider tourism concept represents people visiting domestic places.

I need help creating a thesis and an outline on Behind the Musical Instruments. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required.

I need help creating a thesis and an outline on Behind the Musical Instruments. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. The instrument was utilized as a mechanism for enhancing the voice that was re-engaged entirely and used without the vocal accompaniment that was normally meant to go alongside it. What is meant by this is the fact that instrumental music ultimately came to be a type of music that was played in the absence of voice. Although dissertation length response would necessarily be required with regards to determining specifically when this change was first exhibited, the following analysis will instead focus upon the unique mechanisms through which instrumental music is presented. focusing specifically the manner through which instrumental music mimics voice-like qualities within the piece of Jervy Hou’s “A Breathtaking Piano Piece”. It is, therefore, the hope and goal of this author to present instrumental music, with regards to the piece in question, as a highly developed and non-simplistic style that requires the individual musician to be even more cognizant of unique nuances and the means through which musical technique can help to extend the body and that of the music in question. Further, by leveraging music theory and understanding the way in which key developments and ideas are represented throughout all types of music, the reader will be able to come to a more informed level of understanding concerning the core elements of how instrumental music is able to uniquely mimic vocal performance.

Firstly, it should be understood that traditional vocal music, accompanied by instruments, necessitates and demands a series of breath like pauses between the melody and harmony. allowing the vocalist, or vocalists as the case may be, the time to grieve, compose themselves, and is ready their voices for the upcoming requirements that a specific piece of music might engender. In almost an identical manner, the instrumental piece in question “A Breathtaking Piano Piece” allows for a series of pauses between melody and harmony and a series of dynamic brakes.

Need help with my writing homework on Workplace Conditions Production History. Write a 1750 word paper answering;

Need help with my writing homework on Workplace Conditions Production History. Write a 1750 word paper answering; Brad Pitt, acting as Sergeant Collier, leads the group of five men in a tank throughout the movie engaging in a number of despairing battles with the Germans along the road and in cadaverous fields. When the crew are not in the battlefields, they take time and relax, clearing their thoughts away from combat by engaging in interesting conversations, praying and generally enjoying each other’s company. nonetheless, such scenes are very few and temporary as compared to the rest of the time. In the battlefield, there is a lot of activity with bursts of flames, a glowing flight of shells and bullets, and of course, the mixed clouds of white, brown and grey depending on the depth of battle. Generally, Fury is a primitive movie that incorporates war horror and exquisite combat. appreciably, its launching was on October 17 and so far it has had many good reviews and ratings so it might not come as a shock if it is among the movies of the century.

Decisively, unlike most of the past World War 2 films, most people label this movie to be the best one so far because the directors and producers go an extra step of making the film more realistic. The director of the movie is a war veteran operating one of the tanks in the 1980s, hence he uses the movie to express the critical aspects of experiences. moreover, the cast of the movie is based on characters that Mr Ayer served with, people that were more of a family than tank-mates. However, the movie does not revolve on the director’s experience alone but it also incorporates the last days of WW2 and a few details from other veterans and books. The attires and munitions used in the film are authentic and similar to those in the war. appreciably, the tank in the movie is the most captivating especially when one gets to know that it is an original used in the war by the Germans.

Concurrently, the setting of the movie is unique and the production makes it very interesting. moreover, there is a lot of originality and legitimacy in Fury with the director using history as the basis of his script.&nbsp.&nbsp.

Your company is experiencing decline in business because of competition. Your manager thinks they may be able to turn the company around if they can get help from an IT professional on E-Commerce and

Your company is experiencing decline in business because of competition. Your manager thinks they may be able to turn the company around if they can get help from an IT professional on E-Commerce and Mobile Technologies. Assume your company is a traditional retail entity similar to Sears, Macy’s or K-Mart, suggest ways your company can use E-Commerce and Mobile Technologies to increase its visibility and sales. In your discussion, explain what is E-Commerce and Mobile Technology.