Need help with my writing homework on Outline a framework for assessing the effectiveness of aid in promoting economic development in developing countries. Critically. Write a 3000 word paper answerin

Need help with my writing homework on Outline a framework for assessing the effectiveness of aid in promoting economic development in developing countries. Critically. Write a 3000 word paper answering; Thus, the difference between government enacted foreign aid programs and private, charitable, or volunteer groups donating money and services to development causes can be distinguished as two categories of international development aid: public policy and private charity. What is classified as “foreign aid” for example under public policy and is “given” to foreign States as part of a nation like Britain or America’s foreign policy might include military and economic aid together in a package that is intended to strengthen State structures of authority rather than indigenous community economic development. Private groups that seek to implement assistance programs independently of foreign States may have different obstacles and program criteria than the government aid assistance programs. Therefore, it is important to understand the difference between public and private development initiatives, and to analyze each on its own unique set of standards and requirements relating to the way the issues are framed and the policies set into practice. Government aid programs to developing countries may be undertaken unilaterally, as many of the developed economic States such as Britain, the U.S., Japan, France, Finland, China, Denmark and other countries enact as part of their foreign policy. At the same time, these same countries may also engage in official assistance to international aid programs as part of the UN, EU, OAS, or NATO. This foreign aid is intended as economic assistance but donated in relation to the political goals of the nations involved. Historically, this would be considered the aid most easily lost to corruption, most likely to land in the Swiss bank accounts of despots, to be wasted, funneled into military and police repression tectics, and generally used to encourage a greater system of inequality in the foreign country by exacerbating the division of wealth in the society, or the inequality of capital distribution among its citizens. This type of foreign aid may lead to crony capitalism, dictatorships, banana republics, or proxy States that exist in opposition to their populations and actually deter economic and social development through the production of a corrupt and unequal society. These patterns typified foreign assistance aid to Africa in the 1970’s, Central and South America in the 1980’s, and Pakistan, Egypt, and other countries considered vital in the war on terror in the current paradigm. The characteristic of this type of aid is that it goes to a corrupt or undemocratic and non-transparent proxy State of the superpowers and the resources are used exclusively by the corrupt or crony class of insiders related to the local national party structure. This type of foreign development aid is generally the least effective and the least likely to actually “trickle down” to the communities represented by three billion of the world’s poorest, families who live on less than $1 per day, often lacking any type of clean water, sanitation, education, or electrical facilities.

Complete 6 pages APA formatted article: Physical Maintenance in Economy Hotels.

Complete 6 pages APA formatted article: Physical Maintenance in Economy Hotels. The sole reason is to keep operating costs to a minimum. A part from outsourcing physical maintenance services, the hotel also outsources accounting, security and storage human resources.

Outsourcing is often done for both tactical and strategic reasons. Tactical outsourcing is mainly based on a cost-cutting maneuver, with little consideration about risks linked to the decision. Strategic outsourcing deals with firm margins and value successive structures highlighting four specific issues which make outsourcing worth considering. These are financial issues to lower fixed costs, gain tighter control of budget through predictable costs, operational issues to get work done more efficiently by specialists and resource and competence issues which gives the ability to focus on core assets by getting rid of minor ones (Donaado and Nogatchewsky, 2009). This strategy is ideal for economy hotels.

People not only need hotels for business or relaxation but also for relaxation. This inspires the sprouting of luxury hotels such Sheraton Hotel. Physical maintenance practices in such a luxury hotel differ broadly from those of the Holiday Inn. The business competition mandates the hotel management to adopt the best physical maintenance practices. This involves constant checks of facilities and renovations.

Sheraton Hotel makes use of in-house technicians for physical maintenance. This presents an advantage over Holiday Inn. For instance, emergency situations can quickly be attended to by the in-house specialized technicians. Hotel managements have discovered the disparity between outsourced technicians and in-house technicians.&nbsp.

Need an research paper on should the uk government restore the 50% additional income tax rate. Needs to be 6 pages. Please no plagiarism.

Need an research paper on should the uk government restore the 50% additional income tax rate. Needs to be 6 pages. Please no plagiarism. However, the tax rate was increased to 50p in 2010.

There are differing opinions regarding the effect of the 50p tax rate with some supporting the decision while others firmly against it. A number of high profile economists have advised the government to not adopt the 50p tax rate because it will be responsible for long-lasting adverse effects on the economy (Midwinter 1993). In a study conducted in 2010, it was noted that the 50p tax rate affected around 310,000 people. Criticism has been put forward regarding the effect the tax rate will have on UK’s ability to be able to compete in the international market. The tax rate will have the effect of making the UK a less desirable destination for workers in the local environment and for foreign investors.

One of its major disadvantages, as presented by critics, is that the UK was suffering because of the 50p plus marginal tax rate as evidenced by its chief creators have admitted that it was established in the absence of a logical economic purpose. Analysis by HMRC suggests that the policy if instituted again is going to lead to a loss in growth for a period of ten years coupled with lost revenue in the region of £ 350 billion. Evidence gathered from other countries such as France, Russia, Hong Kong and India in 2012, asserted that the punitive tax rate failed to yield any public revenues and was damaging the economy. The UK had would essentially succumb to a non-competitive regime of tax. A study was conducted by KPMG in 2010 when the country was using the 50p rate showed how badly the country compared to other European nations with reference to personal income tax rates where the UK was ranked number 83 out of 86 countries.

A number of high rates taxpayers are regarded as creators of wealth due to other ability to forecast economic trends and pursue economically viable investments (Bell 1995).

Hi, need to submit a 1500 words paper on the topic The Short-Term Impact of the Work of Thomas Cromwell.

Hi, need to submit a 1500 words paper on the topic The Short-Term Impact of the Work of Thomas Cromwell. His action was by no means unproductive. the abrupt outcome of it was nearly always the realization of the objective at which he aspired. This brings this essay to the short-term impact of Thomas Cromwell’s work on the relationship between the Crown and Parliament. It is in this case that we locate the most interesting example of the conflict between the enduring and the abrupt effects of Cromwell’s work. It has been recounted how Cromwell’s outlook towards Parliament diverged from that of his forerunner (Merriman 1902). It has been recounted how Wolsey had viewed the national assembly as an immense entity which persistently obstructed his plans so that his version of it forced him to call upon it as occasionally as necessary, and only when it was completely crucial (Thompson 1953). It has been explained how Cromwell was fated to go beyond necessary, and how by violence, deception, and packed elections, he succeeded in translating it into a completely submissive tool of the Crown’s will (Hutchinson 2009). The royal power ceased to be feared, and became one to be depended upon. a strong partner that always abided by the slightest whims of the Crown (Hutchinson 2009).&nbsp.As a result, instead of infrequently gathering like under Wolsey, it was being persistently called upon, as an essential way to realize the plans of Henry and his cleric (Morris 1999). &nbsp.Although the second survived, everything worked precisely as he had planned, and the Parliament stayed ‘obedient’ (Merriman 1902). However, when the notion of despotism had died after his death, and England had started to recuperate from the fear Cromwell’s organization had encouraged, Parliament unexpectedly understood that it had an inherent power (Dawson 1993). Its regular gatherings which obviously had aided the Crown, so long as the Houses under Cromwell had stayed obedient, now started to operate on the opposite side and helped it in losing the binds that tied it to the King (Baker 1670).

You will prepare and submit a term paper on Psychology of Music: Music Therapy of Depression. Your paper should be a minimum of 1500 words in length.

You will prepare and submit a term paper on Psychology of Music: Music Therapy of Depression. Your paper should be a minimum of 1500 words in length. Existing treatment options are limited and under-researched, thus creating the need for a treatment approach that is both effective and meets the adolescent where they are. There also arises the issue of compliance of treatment in adolescents with chronic conditions (Kyngas, Kroll, & Duffy, 2000).

adolescent development that may relate to the effects that a chronic condition can have on that development. Coping and treatment adherence during adolescence are also covered. Comorbid depression in adolescents with chronic conditions is looked at, followed in the second section by current treatment options for adolescent depression including psychopharmacologic, psychotherapeutic, and creative arts therapy options. Although music therapy does fall into the creative arts therapy category, for this literature review it will be defined and examined within its own section.

Adolescence is a time of great change physically, psychosocially, and cognitively. For the purposes of this literature review, psychosocial and cognitive changes in adolescence will be the primary focus. Rice, a family psychologist, and Dolgin, a child development psychologist, state that Freud described adolescence as a time of “sexual excitement, anxiety, and sometimes personality disturbance” (Rice & Dolgin, 2005, p.

occurs, a period when a child separates from his or her parents to create their own feeling and thoughts. They also state that Anna Freud viewed adolescence in a similar manner as her father, describing it as a “period of internal conflict, psychic disequilibrium, and erratic behavior” (p.27). In addition to this perspective, the authors cite Erikson’s view of adolescence as a time of identity vs. diffusion.&nbsp.

Write 7 pages thesis on the topic behavioral economics of the save more tomorrow.

Write 7 pages thesis on the topic behavioral economics of the save more tomorrow. Consequently, there has been considerable change whereby employers have shifted towards defined contribution plans rather than defined benefit plans, essentially meaning the responsibility of saving for retirement is now largely upon employees. This is critically important given that supporting the growing population of pensioners without reform will burden those still of working age financially (Yogo 2008, p. 133). On the other hand, albeit on the basis of traditional economic theory, it is imperative that employees are given control and made aware that they have a choice. However, according to behavioral economists, humans are not always economically rational and will often conduct themselves in economically suboptimal ways.&nbsp.&nbsp.

Occupational pension schemes typically promise retirees an income basing on a formula that entails the amount of pay a person earns at the time of retirement. It could also be on the basis of the average pay a person has been receiving during their period of membership to the scheme. This arrangement defines the defined benefit (DB) scheme. On the other hand, the defined contribution (DC) is a scheme of pension founded on the contributions an employee invests and the returns they receive on such investment, less any incurred charges. The key differentiating factor between the two schemed is the bearer of the risk as concerns the savings level or expected income during retirement (Thaler & Benartzi 2004, p. 169). The employer bears the risk in DB while the employee bears the risk. However, behavioral economists have shown different trends when it comes to employees voluntarily participating in DC.

Viewed from the perspective of traditional economic theory, decisions are arrived upon by maximizing utility functions in which all the relevant preferences and constraints are appropriately included and weighed.

Hi, need to submit a 1500 words paper on the topic Quality Management Principles.

Hi, need to submit a 1500 words paper on the topic Quality Management Principles. &nbsp.On inquiry, several factors emerged – incomplete software, lack of adequate testing, high-risk implementation approach, improper assumptions made during specification, no communication with users and clients during development, to name a few (Finkelstein & Dowell 1996).

London Stock Exchanges TAURUS project. The International Stock Exchanges TAURUS project, which was planned as a database of investors and their holdings, was abandoned in the early 1990s. Research shows several factors are responsible for this failure: improper cost-benefit analysis, no defined template, too many stakeholders with rival interests. The project was awarded to a US company which attempted to customize the software for UK requirements, and a package that would have cost £1 million amounted to £14 million (International Stock Exchange: TAURUS Project n.d.).

Internationally recognized standard certifications such as ISO 9000 seek to eliminate differences in quality standards between nations. An international standard certification implies the adoption and usage of a highly sophisticated quality management system in the organization. New technologies are promoted and both process and product development are improved. Regular quality audits to ensure that all the processes are well defined, the right methods are adopted, and all the deliverables in product development are supplied. All these factors contribute to increased organizational efficiency, giving a competitive edge in the global market.

Since the 1990s, Object-Oriented Software engineering has become the method of choice for information systems development (Pressman 2001). In this approach, the developers characterize the problem domain as a set of objects with specific attributes and behaviors. Operations manipulate these objects while messaging protocols allow interaction between the objects (Pressman 2001). As objects encapsulate both data and the applied&nbsp.processing, classes of objects can be built and libraries of classes and objects can be reused.&nbsp.

Need an research paper on adrians pretence symbolic play. Needs to be 6 pages. Please no plagiarism.

Need an research paper on adrians pretence symbolic play. Needs to be 6 pages. Please no plagiarism. But throughout the conversation, his focus on cat rescue remains his major objective.

To a large extent, verbal communication especially pretense play and other forms of expression encompass a similar beginning (Loizou 2005). Although they constitute modes of communication, resultant meanings could be diverse but comprise of important aspects of important communication. The above case is an example of understanding language development in children undergoing the pre-operational stage. In Piaget’s cognitive development theory, early education that entails the use of the use of appropriate vocabulary to create sense constitutes a series of word plays which begin with nonsensical initiations. As evident from the play, some words Adrian uses in the play appear to be newly learned and thus he struggles to create meaning with them. These words then form a foundation of basic vocabulary that constitutes his ability to use appropriate words to create interpersonal communication skills.

Since language is pivotal in a child’s communication, unique language behavior from parents has varied influences on their children’s verbal skills (Brown, Donelan & Dunn 2009). Among them are variations in pronunciation. As evident from the play, Adrian struggles to get the word ‘ambulance’ right since his verbal communication skills are still youthful and dependent on parental influence. Accompanying such tonal variations include pitch variations. As Adrian struggles to get some words right, his pitch also changes staggeringly in attempts to get the right pronunciation. These, according to Piaget’s cognitive development theory, are normal occurrences in children at Adrian’s age.

As the game progresses, Adrian’s cognitive skills can be seen as concrete.&nbsp.

I will pay for the following article The Thirty Years War. The work is to be 3 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.

I will pay for the following article The Thirty Years War. The work is to be 3 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page. The Thirty Years War Thirty Years War is well-known to European History. The war lasted from 1618 to 1648. Europeans will never forget this war thatlasted for thirty years. They considered it as one of the momentous events on their history. It involves many countries, continents, power and affects many lives in Europe. Many already knew the reason why this war started. Hence, they considered it as a religiously-focused war turned into politically-focused. There are so many wars that marked the history, not just to Europe, but all over the world. The thirty years war is one of the influential wars that started over centuries ago. Thirty years war will never be forgotten by those people who witnessed and suffered during that time. Thirty years war is known as the conflicts between religion and rebellion that connects dynastic rivalry (Lee 8). This Thirty Years War is considered as one of the most destructive and unforgettable time in European History. According to Helfferich, the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation, now the modern Germany is the main battleground of this war (ix). In addition, he stated that the issues involved on this war are the ones that are still being experienced today. Examples of which are the issue dealing with political federation, the toleration regarding religious factors, and it also includes the equal military intervention. This is actually the first war that involves and affects many European powers. It mainly involves “the French Bourbons, the Spanish and Austrian Habsburgs, the Dutch, the Scandinavian powers, Poland-Lithuania, and England” (Helfferich x). Lee notes that the war started because of the Bohemian revolt (1). It started when there is a religious conflict between Catholics and Protestants. The province of Bohemia which has Protestantism revolted against Austrian rule (Lee 1). Moreover, it is understood as a religious conflict at first, but somehow turned into a political one. The Emperor and Archduke of Austria started the revolt by wanting to change Protestantism in Bohemia and trying to elect Ferdinand of Styria, as King of Bohemia, who is a leading Catholic (Lee 1). The thirty years war, which is known to be a religiously driven war, was changed to a political one, when France and Sweden decided to take side to the Protestant (Wilson 10). The war even continued to Germany when the Elector Frederick of Palatinate showed his German lands and introduced the Catholic League (Lee 2). Frederick still got sanctuary in the Dutch Republic and that there is no one who can stop him in conquering Palatinate in 1622. Catholic League won after five years. The conflict had been in favor of the Emperor. When the Catholic League succeeded, the war still continues. Lee also added “the empire experienced the most wretched decade in its entire history as it was subjected to repeated and destructive invasion” (8). When the thirty years of war began, it focuses merely on religious aspects but as it continues, it shifted to politically driven war. When the opposing parties decided to take each side for them to further expand their power, the thirty years of war became a political war. Further, the central Europe had been devastated as the war continues for 30 years (Cramer 24). The population in Europe drastically went down, and cities were destroyed. Cramer even affirmed that Europe was in full ruins (32). The war ended when Protestants and Catholics entered into the treaty of Westphalia. The treaty of Westphalia is considered to be the reason that ends the war (Lee 9). Polisensky stated that the Holy Roman Empire had been destroyed when the war ended (267). Technically, it is still there but the emperor is just a figurehead. This means that the ruler which is German prince has now the right to have the religion that they want on their area. Also, Austria grows and continues as one of the major political powers. On the other hand, France is considered as the continent that has the pre-eminent power for over a hundred years (Polisensky 344). According to some, thirty years war had gone too far. It influenced many factors in European states that can still be experienced even today, the religious and political aspects in European countries. Some even considered the war as the measurement or the comparison to other wars after it. The truth is war can never be avoided especially when these two factors are involved — the religion and politics. The need to have the power to rule is what really drives one to start a war, may it be religion or politics. Works Cited Cramer, Kevin. The Thirty Year’s War & German Memory in Nineteenth Century. United States of America: Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska, 2007. Print. Helfferich, Tryntje. The Thirty Years War: A Documentary History. United States of America: Hackett Publishing Company, Inc. 2009. Print. Lee, Stephen J. The Thirty Years War. London: Routledge, 1991. Print. Polisensky, Josef V. The Thirty Years War. United States of America: University of California, 1971. Print. Wilson, Peter H. The Thirty Years War: Europe’s Tragedy. London: Penguin Group, 2009. Print.