Hi, need to submit a 2250 words paper on the topic Luxury Brand Management for Mont Blanc.

Hi, need to submit a 2250 words paper on the topic Luxury Brand Management for Mont Blanc. As the company manufactures leather goods which are on high demand in the international markets, it faces challenges in setting up its brand position while competing with its rivals. The company through its innovative technology and improved designs capture a larger market share for its products. The manufacturers of Mont Blanc plans to expand its business to the furniture sector as well and hence the company started designing leather sofas with special mountain tip buttons that would make the furniture look more attractive for the target customers. The company even organizes events to promote its new business and create brand awareness in the international market.

Mont Blanc is an international manufacturer of leather goods such as bags, watches, and purse and has gained a brand name in the international market. It has been founded in the year 1906 and is serving its loyal customers for a longer period of time (Thakor and Lavack, 2003). It focuses mainly on manufacturing writing instruments for its huge customer base and is planning to expand its business in producing a leather sofa that is highly demanded by the customers. The company developed its brand name using new innovative concepts for watchmaking that satisfy the customers. The company uses the most modern technologies to introduce their new inventions in the market (Kapferer and Bastien, 2009).&nbsp. Since the company has been serving its customers for a longer period of time by carrying out the research, the researcher would understand the company’s progress on a whole.

Mont Blanc has set up its business in the international market by producing leather goods for its customers and the company is planning to expand its business by producing leather sofa with special mountain tip buttons produced by Mont Blanc (Phau and Prendergast, 2000).

You will prepare and submit a term paper on Activity Based Costing in Construction Industry. Your paper should be a minimum of 1500 words in length.

You will prepare and submit a term paper on Activity Based Costing in Construction Industry. Your paper should be a minimum of 1500 words in length. Therefore, traditional costing methods in modern production and manufacturing environment do not paint an accurate picture of the actual product costs because the business processes have become more complex over time and are less labor intensive than in the past.

Traditional costing in the services industry usually allocates indirect costs based on service volumes or the number of services provided. These cost methods do not take into consideration the dynamic services that are available in the current environment. The service industry has advanced greatly, and the costs associated with those services have grown with it. The traditional allocation of general, administrative, and other costs for services provide little information about the operating activities that generate these overhead costs (Tseng & Lai, 2007). Traditional cost measures distort product and service costs and have a tendency to undercut complex processes and overcast uncomplicated processes (Tseng & Lai, 2007). In contrast, ABC is designed to overcome the problems with traditional costing by going beyond just allocating costs to products and services. ABC improves the cost information available to management by identifying the cost drivers (Tseng & Lai, 2007). The cost drivers are the factors that influence the cost of activities or the work performed within an organization (Tseng & Lai, 2007). Identification of the cost drivers allows the organization to gain a better understanding of the cost behavior of activities and determine the root causes of the overhead costs (Tseng & Lai, 2007).

ABC is defined by Barron’s Dictionary of Accounting Terms (Siegel & Shim, 2000) as “a costing system that identifies the various activities performed in a firm and uses multiple cost drivers to assign overhead costs to products” (p. 15). The principal function of an activity is to convert the organization’s resources into outputs.

I will pay for the following article Immigration Policy In America. The work is to be 6 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.

I will pay for the following article Immigration Policy In America. The work is to be 6 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page. America welcomed all the people from the world irrespective of their ethnic or educational backgrounds. In the 1980’s and 1990’s, America experienced enormous growth of small-scale industries, mainly because of the contributions of the immigrants. However, at present America implemented many restrictions upon immigration because of the increased threats of terrorism and violence from both legal and illegal immigrants. 9/11 incident resulted in the strengthening of the immigration policies in America. This paper discusses how immigration policy about whom and how many to let in has changed over time and what this change reveals about a society’s quest for national identity

The immediate reasons for drastic changes in immigration policies are the threats from terrorists. 9/11 incident was a lesson for America’s immigration and naturalization department. Terrorists can enter America through legal and illegal channels. The war on terror and the disputes with the Islamic world made America vulnerable to terrorist attacks at any time. It should be noted that many of the Americans watching the Muslims in America with suspicious eyes after the 9/11 incident. It is difficult for the Muslim people to get an American visa at present unless they have enough reasons to convince the authorities about their purpose of visit. Moreover, in many of the American airports, body screening is implemented especially for the Muslim people. All these policies reveal that America is not much interested in allowing Muslim immigration after the 9/11 incident.

Another important issue which forced America to strengthen their immigration policies is the social problems associated with immigration. Uncontrolled Immigration can result in an identity crisis. The Middle East is facing such problems at present.

Create a 6 pages page paper that discusses john f. kennedy’s speech regarding history: how well does american live up.

Create a 6 pages page paper that discusses john f. kennedy’s speech regarding history: how well does american live up. For instance, he states that when the nation was young, it depended upon foreign aid, which was investment from abroad, and also relied upon public investment from the state, local and national government – “we may forget that, in the first years of our economic development, our national growth was stimulated to a considerable degree by foreign aid” (Kennedy). At the same time, Kennedy stated that the nation has often faced problems, such as “wildcat paper money, by the repudiation of bonds, by disorder, fraud, and violence” (Kennedy). What he was stating was that, essentially, we need to understand that our nation was once in the same position that new nations are – the countries which are developing. Those countries have the same kinds of problems that our nation did, and those countries are reliant upon foreign investment, as our nation once was. At the same time, history provides us with examples of courage from men past that would inform us in our present, and give us examples of how to fight for certain rights. Such as fighting for social justice, in which we can look to FDR and Andrew Jackson for examples, and fighting for individual liberty, using Thomas Jefferson and James Madison as role models. History provides continuity to our struggles, essentially. The American tradition exemplifies the words of John F. Kennedy, in that there are always individuals who fight for rights, using the examples of great men of the past, and America also believes in helping our neighbors.

An aspect of the American historical tradition that Kennedy referenced is the need to take care of other nations who might be struggling. Just like America was once a young country that needed foreign aid, so do other countries that either is developing or war-torn – “American leaders favored the quick reconstruction of nations, including Germany and Japan, within a world economy based on free trade.” (p. 737).&nbsp.&nbsp.

Compose a 1500 words assignment on how global climate change effects the survival of polar bear abundance in the arctic. Needs to be plagiarism free!

Compose a 1500 words assignment on how global climate change effects the survival of polar bear abundance in the arctic. Needs to be plagiarism free! The polar bear is one of the animal species that have been significantly negatively affected by the effects of climate change hence calling for a quicker human intervention in order to eliminate the problem, or else the future generations will not get an opportunity to see these animals. This research proposal will focus on the effects of climate change on the abundance of polar bears in the artic.

The polar bear is a carnivore that is mostly found in the Arctic Circle inclusive of the Arctic Ocean and the nearby by seas and landmasses. It is a huge animal that that is almost the same size as omnivorous Kodiak bear. In average, a male adult referred to as boar weighs around 350 to 700kg with the females weighing the average half weight of the male. A polar bear is a sister species of brown bear, which has also special features in order to adapt it to survive in cold regions. The animal is adapted to surviving in cold regions from walking on snow surfaces, on ice to extremely cold ocean waters among others. It also has special features that enable it to hunt easily with its favorite prey being a seal. Most polar bears live in or spend much of their time in seas despite the fact that they are born on the sea.

Various researchers have been conducted in the past relating to effects of climate change on the population of a polar bear in the Arctic Circle. Most of those researchers have shown that polar bear if one of the animal species that is greatly affected by effects of global warming or what is commonly referred to as climate change. Scientists and scholars have come up with various sorts of argument concerning this issue but they seem to agree on some certain factors.

I need some assistance with these assignment. colony collapse disorder in honey bees Thank you in advance for the help!

I need some assistance with these assignment. colony collapse disorder in honey bees Thank you in advance for the help! Based on the findings adequate provisions for research, monitoring, support for beekeepers, and stricter regulations for use of agricultural chemicals should be implemented to control the colony collapse disorder.

Honey bees play a vital role in the pollination of crops as one-third of fruits and vegetables are produced by honey bee pollination. The revenue gained from the use of honey bees as commercial pollinators is estimated to be around $20 billion annually. Beginning from 2006, various beekeepers in most states in the US have reported a considerable decline in the population of honey bees. Considering the severity of the condition this phenomenon is widely being referred to as the colony collapse disorder (CDD), by scientists. The honey bees that leave for the forage largely do not return back to their hives and this is especially witnessed to a large extent with migratory bees which are trucked from one country to another for pollination purposes. Scientists have begun to unravel the causes behind this phenomenon as it is a major source of income for the beekeepers and also the farmers depend on it for crop production.

In the earlier times, a 10 percent loss in honey bee population in a season was considered to be normal, which then rose to 30 percent due to infection by parasitic mites and beginning from 2006 many commercial beekeepers have reported a loss of 30 to 90 percent average colony loss with the onset of CDD. Even the surviving colonies showed weak viability. Though a majority of the losses have been attributed to known causes about 25% of the loss is estimated to have occurred due to CCD. These losses of colonies occur throughout the year and are not seasonal.&nbsp.

Write 6 pages thesis on the topic knowledge continuity management in healthcare.

Write 6 pages thesis on the topic knowledge continuity management in healthcare. The healthcare industry has shown volatility in terms of turnover of health care practitioners as well as fast medical technological developments. These factors provided the impetus for the evolution and acknowledgment for the greater significance of learning theories, concepts and practical applications in the field of knowledge management.

With this in mind, a specific scenario on records system of a hospital would be evaluated in relation to its effects on the delivery of health care, personnel and customer satisfaction, compliance to safety and standards imposed by accredited health care organizations.

The given scenario is this: Numerous patients have had their information placed in the wrong patient charts. To make matters worse, some patients are being referred to the main hospital and are being accompanied by the wrong charts. One major difficulty is that the hospital uses an electronic record while the LTC is still using paper records. In addition, the LTC staff is adamant that paper is fine and that they do not have the time to learn an electronic medical record. The objective of this paper is to apply knowledge management theories and concepts to the abovementioned scenario on the health organization’s record system given the newly acquired Long Term Care facility.

There have been increasing numbers of studies made on the topic of knowledge management. Knowledge management is the systematic process of creating, maintaining and nurturing an organization to make the best use of knowledge to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage or sustainable high performance (Davenport & Prusak, 1998).

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on my and professional development plan as a teacher Paper must be at least 1500 words. Please, no plagiarized work!

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on my and professional development plan as a teacher Paper must be at least 1500 words. Please, no plagiarized work! Being an effective teacher encompasses a wide spectrum of responsibilities – from designing an environment conducive to learning, to planning appropriate lessons for students and implementing them with effective educational strategies to being able to manage the class well and instilling discipline in the students, to involving parents and coordinating with others regarding the provision of quality education for the students. That is just for regular students. Teaching students with disabilities would entail a lot more responsibilities to survive the built-in challenges of special education.

In this course, I learned that teachers with a genuine heart for caring for children are not prejudiced in selecting who to care for. “Children should be treated fairly regardless of race, religion or abilities. This applies no matter what they think or say. what type of family they come from. what language(s) they speak. what their parents do. whether they are girls or boys. whether they have a disability or whether they are rich or poor. All children have an equal right to be listened to and valued in the setting.” (EYFS, 2007).

I also realized that children learn in various ways, not just through visual and auditory means, as most people think. To be a more dynamic teacher, I know I have to acknowledge, respect and adjust to various learning styles. That would entail adjusting my teaching styles to a diverse set of learners. Although teachers are expected to know what to teach children in general, they also need to be able to adjust to individual needs of their students, as not all students learn the same way at the same pace. Trafton (1975) suggests that individualization must include “acceptance of each child as an individual worthy of adult respect,” and that to this should be added “an acceptance of the child’s ideas, a provision of opportunities for&nbsp.pupil input in developing and selecting learning experiences, a concern for the quality of the child’s intellectual development, and a willingness to take time to know the child as an individual”.

You will prepare and submit a term paper on Seven Types of Ancient Heroes. Your paper should be a minimum of 1500 words in length.

You will prepare and submit a term paper on Seven Types of Ancient Heroes. Your paper should be a minimum of 1500 words in length. L. R. Farnell’s classification was categorized according to the historic and psychological value. It must be remembered that each of these categories is not mutually exclusive as there are a number of times when they do overlap as a manner of description. In the case of Achilles and Aeneas who belong to the first kind of hero-gods as well as to the third kind who are heroes and also gods with a secular legend. Both heroes are born with divinity in their blood coupled with human heritage. This instigates a perception that these characters are automatically elevated into a position much higher than that of a mortal but a notch lower than the position of a verified deity. They are regarded with respect not only by men but also by the gods.

Glory may be regarded as synonymous with immortality from an analysis of ancient literature. They are analogous in that one is the by-product of the other and vice versa. There is nothing in this world greater than the achievement of immortality for someone who is mortal. Death brings the end of all things. The idea of being able to live on even when one’s material presence is no longer in existence is the absolute objective of any hero. This can be attained through victory in battle as glory brings forth the immortalization of a hero in the eyes of the people. Through their words and stories of epic battles, they remain an integral part of history. This is the triumph sought by any hero. It is a victory that surpasses the actual day of an enemy’s surrender. A transcendental glory that is more than ephemeral.

The interplay of the Greek and Roman culture is one of the most interesting aspects of Western civilization that has gathered countless scholarly publication for comparative analysis. Arguably the most popular and widely accepted works of literature of each are Homer’s Iliad and Virgil’s Aeneid. The two authors had served as Canons of Literature and became the standard for Western drama through their works of art. Quite notable is the apparent reality that the Iliad has gained more popularity over the centuries and Virgil’s masterpiece has taken a back seat in this race.