Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on historical and constitutional foundation of civil and criminal law Paper must be at least 1500 words. Please, no plagiarized work!

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on historical and constitutional foundation of civil and criminal law Paper must be at least 1500 words. Please, no plagiarized work! The English common law from the 12th to 15th centuries also made advances in the legal system with better differentiation of felonies from minor offenses and later with misdemeanors. Nevertheless, these systems were still regarded as primitive legal systems. It was not until a clear distinction of the criminal from the civil, the public from the private jurisdictions that legal systems finally matured and departed forever from its primitive state.

Legal systems are characterized as primitive, transitional or modern and are said to correspond to the three stages of societal development. The transitional stage is characteristic of a system that has gone past the totally primitive but has still not achieved modernity. According to Hart, the primary difference between a primitive legal system and a modern legal system is the presence of well developed secondary rules that support the primary rules, a feature of modern legal systems and absent in primitive legal systems. Primary rules are the basic laws that define the crime or the offense and prescribe the corresponding punishment. Thus, the law that defines what murder is, its elements and its punishment constitute primary law. On the other hand, secondary rules supplement primary rules by providing mechanisms for allowing their identification, their violation, and their modification. According to Hart, secondary rules are rules of recognition, rules of adjudication and rules of the amendment (Hage & Pfordten 2009 118). Moreover, other authors see modern legal systems as strictly characteristic of advanced industrial economies, where there are differentiation and stratification of institutions. These elements of stratification and differentiation are reflected in the legal systems as well.

Complete 6 pages APA formatted article: The Aggregation of Highly Talented or Highly Intelligent People Does not Necessarily Make an Effective Team.

Complete 6 pages APA formatted article: The Aggregation of Highly Talented or Highly Intelligent People Does not Necessarily Make an Effective Team. Belonging to a team means that you are part of something larger than yourself like the mission of your organization. Even though you are designated to a specific rank and branch of the company, you are grouped together with other employees to achieve a final target that is beneficial to the whole company including you. (Jones. George, 2003)

For example, if you are the chief engineer of a construction company and you are asked to head the production of a recreational facility, you cannot enforce your own decisions over others. You have to listen to what the others have to say and consider any complications or drawbacks pointed out by the designers, accountants, workers, etc. This lack of coordination can lead to a series of catastrophic events bad for both, the company and you. No matter how qualified or experienced you are, a brainstorm of ideas from a group of lesser-qualified staff is always better than a single sharp mind. This shows that the effectiveness of a team relies more on the mutual understanding and cooperation of its members rather than their individual achievements. I hereby pronounce the title statement to be true.

You may bring out the best people to find and make a team, but it may still not be the maximum. The best violinists or cellists do not make the greatest orchestra. The best players do not make the greatest sports team. Similarly, in business, the best accountants or marketers do not achieve the finest results. You may have all the right ingredients but not knowing the recipe will never result in a perfect product. (Baker, 2000). An excellent example to demonstrate this is the Apollo Syndrome, a phenomenon discovered by Dr. Meredith Belbin, which states that a group of highly intelligent people often perform worse than a group of less able people.&nbsp.

I need some assistance with these assignment. analysis of alice’s adventures in wonderland by lewis carroll Thank you in advance for the help!

I need some assistance with these assignment. analysis of alice’s adventures in wonderland by lewis carroll Thank you in advance for the help! Alice follows the rabbit which ends up in a rabbit hole where there are shelves with books, drinks and snacks. However, it is a place full of confusion, where she does not actually end up doing everything she desires, thus finally dreams of her cat, Dinah. The human-animal interaction demonstrated by this chapter is that of cordial but non-productive relationship. However, this relationship is necessary for building the background of the rest of the story, which involves more interactions between humans and animals.

The second chapter of the book introduces more animals to the scene, through the struggles that Alice is undergoing to try and move out of the rabbit hole and back to the land surface. The struggle begins when she eats a cake she finds in the rabbit hole and grows bigger than the door size. It also causes her to momentarily lose her identity and memory, thus considers herself as a girl she knows, named Mabel. Struggling to get her identity and move back to the surface causes her to cry lots of tears which form a pool. While in the pool, a mouse appears and they start a conversation about cats and dogs that make the mouse help Alice and other animals that were trapped in the hole get out to the surface, so they could be narrated why the rat hates cats and dogs. The human-animal interaction in this chapter is both protagonistic and antagonistic. It is antagonistic at first, when Alice mentions cats and dogs to the mouse, but turns protagonistic when she promises not to mention them again if the mouse helps her out of the hole. The role of this relationship is to build more foundation for developing the story and introduce more characters such as the Eaglet, Lory and Dodo.

Under this chapter, a temporary working relationship between Alice and animals is created, where the mouse sits Alice and all the animals down to give them the driest story it knows, so they can get to dry from the drenching water of the pool in the rabbit hole. The&nbsp.story telling changes into a caucus proposed by Dodo in which all animals win. Alice shares mints with the animals and they start chewing.

Compose a 1500 words assignment on teen suicide and depression. Needs to be plagiarism free!

Compose a 1500 words assignment on teen suicide and depression. Needs to be plagiarism free! As Judith Peacock states that in Canada, suicide is the second main general killer of adolescence and has the third highest rate among the developed nations.” In spite of that people are most of the times unwilling to talk about it. This is partly because of the disgrace, remorse or humiliation that surrounds it. Sadly, this practice of being silent is responsible for the destructive myths and approaches towards suicide. It also stops individuals from openly discussing the grief or anguish they suffer or the assistance they require. If helped in the right way, the ratio of suicide among teens can be lowered.

According to the Canadian Mental Health Association, an attempt to suicide is an apparent sign that things are seriously not right in an individual’s life. Regardless of the nation or the age of the individual. how wealthy or deprived these people are, it is right to state that majority of the people who commit suicide possess an emotional or a psychological disorder. The generally shared fundamental disorder is depression which can prove to be deadly if not cured. As Judith Peacock states “Untreated depression is the number one cause of teen suicide as it is a medical illness which has symptoms of an overpowering feeling of sadness. It affects a person’s feelings, thoughts, behavior and physical health. It can cause a person to become suicidal” Reasons such as the growing divorce ratio and splitting of family life, increasing violence, extensive use of drugs and alcohol, failure in some phase of life and bullying are the major causes that lead the teens to depression and consequently to the thriving rate of suicide. According to figures of Canada statistics “Canadian suicide rates greatly increased in the 1960s and 1970s and, while they have leveled out in the 1980s, they are still at the highest level in Canadian history.

Hi, need to submit a 1500 words paper on the topic Women in Fitzgeralds Novels.

Hi, need to submit a 1500 words paper on the topic Women in Fitzgeralds Novels. While writing the book, “The Great Gatsby” the author acknowledges that women figures are subordinate, as it contains no significant women personality. After the inability of the book to attain the commercial success that he had preferred, he stressed that it was because women did not love the book. In the book, Fitzgerald depicts the new social order and liberty enjoyed by the women as shown in the character Daisy, Baker, and Wilson with plentiful of youthful women present in Gatsby parties (Bloom 123).

Tom Buchanan conversely advocates for the past ideology that equates women to decorative objects used by men to fulfill their sexual desires. Ironically, he enjoys an intimate affair with Myrtle. His double standards need to be condemned as it necessitates the narrator to also change his perception. The ideals of the narrator in the issue only differ with Tom to a small extent. This is because he disapproves Jordan on the basis of inadequate morals in her together with the indifference she exhibits. The description of the narrator depicts the obscured source of resentment that states she looks more like a boy than a young woman. The covert theme is ignored by both the narrator and the author. This subject talks about the position and identity of women. Nick outlines an odd statement touching on the moral principles of women, which is not the familiar truth even though it is supported by women acts in the storyline. He refers to Jordan Baker in his comment by using the pronoun, “you”. However, he judges Jordan and allows Daisy to survive in this context but pay with her freedom (Lathbury 234).

A feminist critic has stressed the book, “The Great Gatsby,” exhibits real prejudice against women.

Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on workplace injury: disability management programs.

Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on workplace injury: disability management programs. disability programs in Canada assist managers in the prevention of occupational illnesses and injuries to accommodate workers in a way that allows early and safe employees to return to work (Barnetson, 2010). Most importantly, disability programs act as a way of keeping employers out of legal issues and financial hardship that may arise from workplace injuries and occupational illnesses.&nbsp.Canadian employers consider disability management programs as one of the critical issues that require proper attention for the best management of their organizations. Such programs provide the employers with the necessary risk reduction and human resource strategies needed for the prevention of lost time and assistance of injured employees to get back to work as soon as possible. The operation of disability management programs is very significant for employers operation because they consist of particular materials and methods applicable in the workplace to shape a satisfactory and timely return to work (Barnetson, 2010). In broader terms, disability management programs facilitate the benefits of both employees and employers value by reduction of absenteeism, maintenance of productivity. Additionally, the disability management programs create a quick, reasonable and practical transition of experienced and trained Canadian employees.&nbsp.On the grounds of absenteeism, Canadian organizations consider the business issue as a matter of concern. By far, the disability management programs act as an effective tool for employers in cost control among other things. Apparently, most firms in Canada lose a lot because absenteeism decreases the company’s productivity in various companies as well as the economy of the nation as a whole. Thus, most employers in the Canadian government pursue the disability management program to limit the effects of absenteeism on their organizations (Barnetson, 2010). Apparently, the employer’s decision to adopt the disability management program mostly succeeds when it promotes employees, employers, and unions cooperation.&nbsp.Employers operation of disability programs is indeed a way of reducing costs for maintenance of a productive and healthy working environment.&nbsp. In short, employers adopt disability management programs to reduce the duration of employee’s illnesses and absenteeism. In light of this, employers in Canadian organizations can reduce the number of compensation claims and benefits costs (Stellman, 1998). Additionally, the programs reduce the employer’s overall and training costs. Most significantly, disability management programs help the employers to have an all-around focus concerning climate, work accommodation, case of return to work, coordination and proper management education. When employers implement the program it ensures that they keep each member of the organization actively involved in their activities and make the workplace a conducive working environment. In other words, the implementation of the program is a motivational factor to the employees’ health and risks management (Stellman, 1998). While monitoring workplace shifts, the employers, employers understand room for a better understanding of the disability program and such an insight helps in workplace injury prevention and improvement.

Complete 6 pages APA formatted article: The Dynamics of Inter-Professional Relationships.

Complete 6 pages APA formatted article: The Dynamics of Inter-Professional Relationships. In these types of professions, there is a strictly one-on-one relationship. That is to say, one consumer is dealt with by one professional, and that consumer is not directly concerned with the other professionals in that particular workplace. Another example of professions, however, is one where an entire set is expected to cater to the needs of one person, as a collective and collaborative team effort. The most prime example of this is any profession related to the medical sector, be it a doctor, a physiotherapist, or most importantly a nurse. In these sort of professions, inter-professional relationships are extremely important to consider and in fact can be the key to successful collaboration and would, therefore, have a direct impact on the comfort and satisfaction of the patient.

This begs the questions of what exactly inter-professional working is. Loosely defined, the concept of various professionals working together towards the care of one particular patient is referred to as inter-professional working. More specifically, the definition of inter-professional working, as defined by Waddingtion (2007) is …care which involves professionals from different disciplinary backgrounds (e.g. nursing, social work, medicine and physiotherapy) working together more effectively, often in teams, to improve the quality of care provided to individuals, families and communities. In other words, inter-professional working involves professionals collaborating to work together more effectively to improve the quality of patient care. Although the practice is age-old in specialized fields such as the medical field, official recognition of the term and a deeper study into the development of these inter-professional relationships began after an NHS developed research study in 2000. Official education being imparted to develop inter-professional relationships and the effect on a patient’s care were examined and methods were researched on making these relationships more effective towards a patient’s benefit.&nbsp.&nbsp.

Create a 6 pages page paper that discusses victor faces his creation. The reporter declares that ” I afterward learned that knowing my father’s advanced age, and unfitness for so long a journey, and h

Create a 6 pages page paper that discusses victor faces his creation. The reporter declares that ” I afterward learned that knowing my father’s advanced age, and unfitness for so long a journey, and how wretched my sickness would make Elizabeth, he spared them this grief by concealing the extent of my disorder.”

What happens when an arrow is released from the bow, with full force and skill by an archer, and he suddenly realizes that it is traveling at a great speed towards an unintended target and it will cause immense damage? The archer has no other option but to watch the results of his skill, and desperately lament over the outcome. Similar is the position of Victor Frankenstein. He has created a creature, which he should not have created at all and now is aghast at the unpredictable and impending consequences. It is a dreaded situation when the scientist is afraid of his own creation! He sees his creation before him and the responsibility for its horrors lies in his hands. His inner world lay in shambles. Any individual will turn utterly cynical, confronting such grim consequences, having created something destructive and horrific.

From the first chapter, Mary Shelley characterized Victor as someone whose attitude towards the pursuit of knowledge is inexorable. he is blinded by his obsession to succeed and his fear of failure to some extent. Moreover, Victor is also driven by his inclination to create life and his desires to exceed the boundaries established by man and, surpass the expectations of his professors and peers. Although once engaged in his pursuits, Victor was entranced. he had a long ethical hesitation, on how morally correct of him to create his greatest work.

The passage above comes from Chapter 5 of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein. In this chapter, there is a mood of melancholy and fear.&nbsp.

Complete 6 pages APA formatted article: The Use of Computers in Psychological Diagnosis.

Complete 6 pages APA formatted article: The Use of Computers in Psychological Diagnosis. In the modern age of advanced science and technology, the use of computers has become an essential requirement in the industry of medicine and health care. The use of computers allows all work processes to be conducted effectively and efficiently. The use of computers by the psychologists is they consider the computers as instruments that help them in the diagnosis of the patients and allows them to study the condition of the humans as well. Studying the human mind and the different human behavior is extremely critical and it is one of the most unpredictable and dynamic things.

Psychology can be defined as the study of the human mind and also the study of human behavior as a result of the impacts on the human mind (Barlow and Mark, 2004). The impact of human mind also affects the decisions of the humans and their overall processes of functioning. The human brain is considered as a neurological computer for the human body by the psychologists (Hansell and Damour, 2005).

It can be deduced that a strong relationship is present between computers and psychology. Computers tend to work in strong correlation in the field of psychology because it is used in all types of psychological testing and treatment procedures. Psychology has a lot of dimensions and there are different types of psychology present. This paper discusses the use of computers in abnormal psychology.

The term abnormal psychology can be defined as a branch or type of psychology that studies the behavior patterns of humans that are unusual, the unusual thoughts and emotions that humans possess that may or may not be causing them to be having a mental disorder. Abnormal psychology tends to consist of various reasons for different types of behaviors. The different behaviors observed in the individuals are due to the situations they have undergone and therefore need to undergo a psychological treatment.&nbsp. &nbsp.