Provide a 6 pages analysis while answering the following question: Exploitation in the Social Structure of Civilizations. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Gui

Provide a 6 pages analysis while answering the following question: Exploitation in the Social Structure of Civilizations. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. Let us first take the recordings of Diego Duran regarding the Aztec civilization, its social structures, and beliefs. Though these recordings were made from interviews taken from voyagers or their descendants at least fifty years after the Spaniards had encountered the Aztec empire, yet we find a compelling story that shows the interest that Duran must have had in recording them for posterity. They do not aspire to compare one civilization to another in terms of superiority or greatness. rather they are a faithful representation of the Aztec civilization as seen through Spanish eyes. Quite likely the Spaniards were taken aback at the elaborate social structure that existed in the Americas so far away from home, even though they felt revulsion at the human sacrifices that were made to the sun god Quetzalcoatl and other demigods. Contrarily speaking, the Spanish treatment of the Aztecs at the hands of Hernando Cortes was no less barbaric and demeaning and leaves one with a bitter taste in the mouth. As Mel Gibson has so eloquently shown in Apocalypto, neither could aspire to be on the higher moral ground. What is clear is that religion and economics had a key role in separating society into classes. The upper class consisting of the king and nobles led an existence quite different from that of the lower social classes. There were three ways in which a man could aspire to move upwards in society, through distinguishing himself in battle, through entering the priesthood or through being a good trader and marketer (Stryker, 604). Quite consciously, hundreds of families would have aspired to rise in the annals of society but only a few would have achieved this feat. Imagine a normal Aztec not even being able to wear sandals on his feet, while this was a privilege given only to the nobles and leaders in society.

Need an research paper on security plan: mecklenburg county courthouse. Needs to be 6 pages. Please no plagiarism.

Need an research paper on security plan: mecklenburg county courthouse. Needs to be 6 pages. Please no plagiarism. Physically, the building is triangularly shaped and located at a road junction of East Third Street (South McDowell), East Fourth Street (South McDowell) along 324 South McDowell Street. Other neighboring buildings include Mecklenburg County Court Services block.

A Security Coordinator will be responsible for the implementation of the security plan designed for the Mecklenburg County Courthouse. This is because security issues are sensitive such that a complete department may be necessary to be created (Mathur, 2003, p26). Trained security professionals will carry out the overall management and implementation oversight for the program, which necessitates the hiring of professionals. The management board of the Mecklenburg County Courthouse may alternatively train their own security officials.

The main office in the security plan is the Security Coordinator whose responsibilities will include. ensuring security program is followed strictly, evaluate security measures, formulate remedies to security threats, linking the security department with state security personnel, organizing hiring and training of security staff, ensuring internal security standards are updated and ensure efficiency in delivery of services and security intelligence at the Mecklenburg County Courthouse.

The Security Coordinator at Mecklenburg County Courthouse will first analyze the security condition of the entire building and identify high-risk areas of the building. High-security areas of the department will be identified, for instance, the departments with most security breach incidences or areas with far-reaching effects in case a security breach occurred. Such an assessment will entail a one on one assessment of all the units inside the building and determine the source of the threats. External and internal sources of security threats will be classified accordingly for all the areas.&nbsp.

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Business Models Of Airlines In The UK. It needs to be at least 1500 words.

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Business Models Of Airlines In The UK. It needs to be at least 1500 words. UK airlines ensure that they maintain control of their employment strategy and minimize union involvement. Airlines have adopted more committed approaches with strategies in place to accommodate workers’ union. Airlines differ in several ways in efforts to attract more people. Some airlines such as EasyJet mainly fly to the primary airports in the cities for passengers’ convenience (Mackie 2012). Others choose secondary airports to reduce costs further.

Other ways of attracting passengers include offering convenient services such as speedy boarding, Flexi fare allowing changes for free to the flight within a window, and a checked in bag. In some cases, airlines do not allocate seats and passengers occupy available seats to pay for speedy boarding. However, all passengers are, since 2012, allocated seats prior to commencing boarding, because the previous non-allocation of seat slowed down boarding. However, some people tend to choose particular airlines because of various reasons. These reasons have been suggested to be related to consumer behavior and branding strategies (Marshall and COPUS 2011).

Consumer behavior refers to the study of customers and processes that consumers use to select the goods and services to consume and to dispose of. Many people make decisions concerning which airline to use every day. The possibility of being chosen as an airline depends on whether the airlines do the following: provide value services and customer satisfaction, enhanced airline value, effective customer targets, improved services, competitive advantage, broad knowledge base, understanding of customer perception of quality, and effective marketing strategies (Mackie 2012).

Airlines are often at the forefront of new technologies.

Provide a 8 pages analysis while answering the following question: The Events Industry. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required.

Provide a 8 pages analysis while answering the following question: The Events Industry. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. In this study, a report will be presented in relation to the business/trade event sector. The report will be intended towards the presenting to a new events based company Phoenix Event Planning which is looking forward to diversify into business/trade sector of event industry. Historical Development Event management is one of the fastest growing industries all over the world. It includes hosting of numerous events of distinct stature. It has been noted that arranging for birthday parties and weddings is considered as one of the social issues that needs to be managed by the trained professionals (JuliaSilvers, 2011). It was identified by UK Events Market Trends Survey (UKEMTS) that the revenues generated by the event management companies in the years 2006-2008 had been 7.2 billion. The event industry of the UK presents numerous career opportunities. There are various organisations that tend to deliver the events such as the corporate companies, agencies, publishing companies, venues and festivals (Leicester Shire Promotions, 2010). There are large companies who have an in-house event team such as in banks, retail companies and automotives. Most of the organisations conduct numerous events all over the year such as conferences, management meetings, customer focused events and external events such as sports and arts. Venues in the UK are capable of offering themselves as an event venue. Even at the publishing companies, there are live events that are generally conducted all through the year. With the greater scope in the event management sector, most of the companies are entering into the event management industry. One of them has been Phoenix Event Planning that entered into the markets of the UK, Lancashire in the year 2008 and is providing its services all around the UK. It aims at providing tailored services to its clients (FreeIndex, 2011). It has been noted that since the past three years the company has organised numerous parties, weddings and events for different clients (Pheonix Event Planning, n.d.). It can be mentioned that the company is already into social events and cultural events. In planning to diversify into a new sector. the company can enter into business/trade shows. Tradeshows can also be known as exhibitions where the traders are allowed to demonstrate regarding their latest products to the public. Trade shows are conducted at a continuous basis by all the markets and thus tend to attract the members of the public. Exhibition has been into existence since a long period of time and the first trade show took place approximately 2500 years ago (Pyramid Visuals, n.d.). It has been noted that huge amount of money is spent in business or tradeshows/exhibitions by the marketers every year. The tradeshow organisers are providing learning contents, consultative opportunities and demonstration theatres as few of the main characteristics of the events. The companies as well take benefits of the opportunities (Conventions, 2011). Demographic Profiling It has been noted that for executing a major event, it takes almost 150 hours for an event planner as well as the staffs of the planner to execute a major event. There are innumerable numbers of business/trade events that are held in the United Kingdom. Most of the business/trade shows take place twice in a year as well.

Need an research paper on risks associated with surf holidays tourism project. Needs to be 6 pages. Please no plagiarism.

Need an research paper on risks associated with surf holidays tourism project. Needs to be 6 pages. Please no plagiarism. This will be linked to the rating changes in the website and any slight mistake or change of weather reflected on the site will cause unprecedented damages that will not only remain local but international due to the character of the activity.

Unavailable model or system that accurately forecasts weather. The current models for weather forecasting use computer programs that produce meteorological information for certain locations and altitude for future times (such as the one below) using a set of equations to predict the future of the atmosphere. University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (2007) suggested that data collected in spaced observations are assimilated to provide objective analysis methods used for forecasting and this is called primitive equations. It was noted that time step for global climate models require an order of tens of minutes while regional models require a few seconds to a few minutes (University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, 2007).

The marine forecast or MAFOR is the closes that the project manager will consider on this instance as wind direction and speed, wave periodicity and heights, tides and precipitation may be predicted (Great Lakes and Seaway Shipping, 2008).

High risk of weather change – Despite the presence of various models, the atmosphere will remain chaotic and that minimal changes of its present state impacts change of the atmospheric future (Direct and Inverse Modelling in Environmental End-to-end Prediction, 2011). Even the perfect forecasting models indicate chaos so that prediction of weather remains elusive at much beyond few days.&nbsp.

I need help creating a thesis and an outline on The Theory of Psychoanalysis: Comparison Between Cubism and Psychoanalysis. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style G

I need help creating a thesis and an outline on The Theory of Psychoanalysis: Comparison Between Cubism and Psychoanalysis. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. The sexual maturity of an individual is revealed through a set of complicated mechanisms where “the infant’s original polymorphous sexual disposition is modified by having some of its libidinal aims changed and its autocratic tendencies replaced by heterosexual object-love” (Macmillan, 1997, p.521). Hence the development of one’s personality is closely related to the biological development of the “agent of change” (Macmillan, 1997, p.522). While the superego and the ego develop from id, if an individual experiences a trauma or a certain shock in early ages when the ego is weak and the superego has not yet developed, then at a later point of time, the individual might fall recollect the trauma and feel threatened by the anxiety which the ego undergoes. This leads to the formation of repression, which takes shape at the will of the superego. With reference to his personality theory, Freud defines five stages in the life of an individual, especially in his childhood. In every stage, impulses or desires move in such a manner that a child would want stimulation and gratification from different parts of the human body referred to as erogenous zones. The first stage ranging from zero to one year of age considers stimulation of the mouth as the origin of pleasure. The anal stage comprising one to three years age finds the focus of stimulation in the anal area where pleasure is obtained from movements of the bowel.

Create a 6 pages page paper that discusses primary reasons for the current status of the united states economy.

Create a 6 pages page paper that discusses primary reasons for the current status of the united states economy. Our ability to conduct business is tremendously affected because loans go into default and the numbers of people, as well as businesses’ falling into bankruptcy, are rising in recent years. United States consumers are as well dependent on the importation and exportation of foreign goods to keep the economy growing and the high dollar financing of the Gulf War has restricted this tremendously.

The United States has natural resources such as oil, gas, and rubber and is not making thorough use of these resources. As a result, there is much competition in other countries making the price of these commodities rise in the United States.

Wall Street economists state that potential rate hikes in the interest rates are quite premature as of the September 2009 policy meeting. Bernanke states that the recession that the United States is most likely over but he feels a very dismal outlook for the labor force for a very long time to come. Data from GOP growth has shown that the retail sales continue to outperform expectations so that is positive for the United States economy but it is very slow in coming. Jerry Williams of the San Francisco Fed states that we should hold off until 2010 to spike the interest rates. “Williams further feels that the Federal Government would come closer to achieving its goals without affecting inflation and the unemployment rate by postponing these rate hikes until the beginning of 2010 because the normal 2% rate that banks currently use for inflation targets could be too low” (BW Staff, 2009). Waiting a year could allow a little stronger inflation target hike. The following chart represents the Gross National Product (GNP) changes for the past twenty (20) years in the United States.

In Western worlds like the United States, the growth of the economy is based on the value of the currency.

Create a 6 pages page paper that discusses the applicable law is the american disability act.

Create a 6 pages page paper that discusses the applicable law is the american disability act. “The general policy implemented by ADA and the Rehabilitation Act is that as long as the employee or applicant is qualified for the position, with or without reasonable accommodation, the acts prohibit any adverse employment decision that is made solely on the basis of disability. An employee may be able to claim discrimination on the basis of her or his disability if such employee can prove the following:

Based on the foregoing facts, the case of Miss Clark complied with all the requisites to justify her claim against her employer. Employers must bear in mind that both the state laws and the federal laws protect employees from any form of discrimination which shall entitle them to file claims for damages, such as disability discrimination. Hence, Miss Clark can file a claim against her employer based on this ground when the company refused to promote her as Senior Vice-President, despite her competency to manage the position for the sole reason that she was blind.

According to John Moran, this is in accordance with the principle of “disparate treatment enunciated in the case of Raytheon Vs. Hernandez (540 U.S. 44 (2003)&nbsp.298 F.3d 1030), where the Supreme Court held that in addition that disparate impact claims are also available to workers based on facially neutral policies that impact qualified.

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Is Organic Food More Healthful. It needs to be at least 1500 words.

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Is Organic Food More Healthful. It needs to be at least 1500 words. The researcher states that the argument in favor of and against organic food and conventional food is going on at present. “The foods that are cultivated without using any chemical fertilizers and pesticides, processed without adding any of the artificial ingredients and packaged using natural means can be referred to as organic foods”. Although today consumers have a choice when buying food between commercially produced food or organic food. Consumers must decide whether or not organic food is more healthful, and if there are any advantages to buying it. There is evidence to support the argument that organic food is healthier and there are other advantages to buying it. “Organic food actually has better, fresher taste and more complex flavors than the non-organic food”. Many people have the illusion that organic foods are comparatively less tasty than conventional foods. It should be noted that conventional foods are produced in bulk quantities. Governments all over the world are trying to increase agricultural yields as much as possible. Increased use of fertilizers, chemicals, and pesticides are encouraged by the states to increase the agricultural yields. Farmers, on the other hand, are ready to use these things in their land without bothering much about the quality or taste of the items they are producing. They are more interested in quantity rather than quality or taste. For example, “Too much focus on producing large fruit that will ripen on the way to market, often produce tasteless food”. As a result of that, the majority of the food items at present we receive are enriched with fertilizers, chemicals, and pesticides instead of nutrition and taste. “The vine-ripened tomato is always superior to commercially produced tomatoes.