I will pay for the following article Ego Identity v. Role Confusion. The work is to be 5 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.

I will pay for the following article Ego Identity v. Role Confusion. The work is to be 5 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page. Ego identity is the conscious sense of the self that develops through social interaction.

The fifth stage of personality development takes place in adolescence, beginning with puberty, and ending around 18 or 20 years of age. Erickson believed that the ego is a relatively powerful and independent part of the personality whose main function is establishing one’s identity. It also tries to satisfy a need for mastery over the environment. At the same time, conflicts arise and it has to avoid role confusion. This crisis is not insurmountable. It is a turning point where potential is increased and vulnerability enhanced. Those with happy and encouraging experiences emerge with a strong sense of the self and with a feeling of control. Others, who are unsure of their goals and beliefs, remain confused and insecure about themselves and their future. Erickson states that all experiences need not and may not be positive but positive resolution is dominant.

Ego identity requires taking into account all that you have learned and trying to know who you are. You have to mold yourself into a unified self-image that is meaningful within the community. To make the transition smooth, there should be an adult culture with role models and open lines of communication. The transition from childhood to adulthood takes place. The adolescent needs to understand the powerless and irresponsible time of childhood from the powerful and responsible time of adulthood. This transition can be marked by an event, ritual or ceremony. Without these, there could be role confusion. Role confusion leads to an identity crisis.

What are the two messages that would be sent by abolishing the death penalty according to Nathanson? How does he reply to the objection that murderers forfeit their right to be respected as human bein

  1. What are the two messages that would be sent by abolishing the death penalty according to Nathanson? How does he reply to the objection that murderers forfeit their right to be respected as human beings? Do you agree with his argument? Why or why not?
  2. Why is deterrence not a decisive factor in the debate about the morality of the death penalty according to van den Haag? Explain your answers. Do you agree with his argument? Why or why not?
  3. Why is “an eye for an eye” an attractive view according to Nathanson? What are the two main problems he raises for this view, and what are the possible replies an advocate of such a view might make?

You will prepare and submit a term paper on Historic and Contemporary Distributions of Equidae. Your paper should be a minimum of 1750 words in length.

You will prepare and submit a term paper on Historic and Contemporary Distributions of Equidae. Your paper should be a minimum of 1750 words in length. Contemporary horses are well modified to the plains, prairie lands, and deserts that they dwell. their teeth are high-crowned to handle with rough vegetation and their appendages are long and lean, with just a single toe, for improved running competence.

The history of Equidae is rich in Mexico and limited in Central America (Carnelli et al, pg. 425). There is no direct relationship between climate and overall brusqueness of the species. There is a slight potential for displaying climate variables and climate alteration from tooth wear deputations. Nevertheless, tooth wear substitutions can be used to conclude local nutritional qualities of populaces and track them over and done with interplanetary and phase.

Equidae is kinfolk of odd-toed ungulate mammals of horses and horselike creatures (Bruce, pg. 78). It is occasionally known as the horse family. All surviving equids are in the genus Equus and embrace the three simple groups of horses, asses, and zebras. There are eight to ten extant species in Equidae, dependent on the taxonomic outline (Carranza et al, pg. 249). Croft pg. 117(2008) recognized and classified nine distinct species within the genus Equus. Geographical ranges of all these species have declined significantly over the years and are becoming increasingly fragmented. Carranza et al, (pg. 257) consider reasonable elimination and detailed reworking to be the key causes of the present dispersal patterns.

Dental formulas have been the key elements used in the past in the study of the evolution of these species. Most of the theories have developed on the basis of the answers arrived at by studying the teeth of these mammals. Even in the present ongoing research, there has been no deviation from this approach. With the various advancements in the research discipline, fossils remain in the future need to be considered in deriving conclusions and bringing about a better understanding of these species (Kaiser, pg. 381). It is always important to consider various aspects that mold behavior rather than largely concentrating on feeding patterns.

Create a 5 pages page paper that discusses influence of social media on consumption.

Create a 5 pages page paper that discusses influence of social media on consumption. Research results indicate that nobody aspect of development can ignore the value of social media. In fact, social media is more useful for salespersons in the sales industry. Corporate salespersons and other agency corporations lead the pack of sectors currently recording the highest usage of social media.


Scholars consider social influence an important factor in evaluation outcomes of education, unemployment, income, crime, as well as relationships. However, little attention goes to the influence of social connections that affect consumption. This discourse delves into this analysis using the personal experience of the author including purchasing a mobile phone from the second-hand market. The face of information and communication technology is undergoing changes courtesy of social media. Channels available for social media are many, distinct, and diverse. They are innovative with advanced features as they develop from one stage to another. This enables people to share news both good and bad, concepts new, old, and upcoming, as well as developments as they occur.

On the other hand, failures, success, gossip, and criticism spread like bushfire to people because of social media. Salespersons are the first group of professionals to access information from the public therefore, they do not have options, but to transform the traditional methods applied in the sales industry by concentrating on social media and its expanding presence around the globe. This paper delves into the influence of the Consumer Culture Theory (CCT) and the Public Relations Theory on consumption using the purchase of a second-hand mobile phone as a case study.

Problem Statement

The landscape of sales is undergoing a metamorphosis aided by the growth and development of social media and new aspects of communication technology. This research poses the question, how is social media influencing the role of salespersons during their discharge of duties? The author of this discourse hypothesizes that social media is developing into a standard element of the role played by experts in the sales industry.

Write 16 pages with APA style on Environmental and Technological Changes Affecting the Publishing Industry.

Write 16 pages with APA style on Environmental and Technological Changes Affecting the Publishing Industry. It is important to understand that the publishing industry comprises of books publishing, computer games publishing, education publishing, journals and periodical publishing, newspaper publishing, magazines, and software publishing. There are different ways that stakeholders can affect each of the publishing categories, but according to Greco et al. (2007), it is imperative to understand that all the efforts are made towards the consumers. Consumers are the final users in buying books, playing games, reading journals, magazines, and newspapers. In other words, the stakeholders (all except consumers) aim to fulfill the demand or change the perspective of the final users and in doing so it changes the way the publishing industry operates.

Zotto & Kranenburg (2008) believe that media is the most influencing factor for the publishing industry. Media generate news that is widely accepted or disregarded by the public. The publishing industry, through newspapers and magazines, acts on that news that is accepted and preferred to be read by a larger audience. Murray (2004) believes that the media picks a topic that becomes a hot issue for a large group of people in town or city. It keeps highlighting it several times a day to keep the people engaged in the news. Later other sources like newspapers cover it on a regular basis when there is an opportunity to sell papers to a large interested audience.

The most current example is ISIS. The so-called terrorist group belonging to Iraq is all over US and UK television and social media. It all started with the beheading of US journalists and the news quickly gained significance. There were thousands of tweets about it on Twitter and hundreds and thousands of pictures shared and tagged on popular social networking websites like Facebook. Renowned television channels like Sky News, BBC, and CNN covered the news several times each day (Tracy, 2014).

Markiewicz (2014) takes a deeper look into the issue and penetrates how people grew sympathetic for the journalist who was beheaded and the newspapers and magazines then decided to cover the story. The publishing industry covered it because there was a demand for it. There was a demand for news about a terrorist group that was beheading US journalists and other American and British citizens.

Write a 5 pages paper on ethics in psychology. The ethical dilemma is that James is more concerned with the notion of being a known person in the home town rather than making more effort in creating d

Write a 5 pages paper on ethics in psychology. The ethical dilemma is that James is more concerned with the notion of being a known person in the home town rather than making more effort in creating diversity in his relationships with potential clients. Moreover, he is an opportunist as seen in his expectation that his father would assist him to get some referrals since he currently works with a town newspaper and as such would be capable of placing an ad for him as soon as he was back home.

James admits that he does not have any clinical experience and as such is dependent on his ex-girlfriend who he argues that he intends to take her as the clinical supervisor. Moreover, what is more disappointing is he intends to spend the meeting time between him and his ex-girlfriend catching up on their past instead of attending to professional matters. At the same time, James is hopeful that his ex-girlfriend will continue to supervise him before he receives his license. In light of this, the ethical dilemma here is that he is operating a private practice without a license with only an ‘assumed’ supervision once a week. He seems to be less concerned about professional ethics especially with regard to his obligations to his patients. For instance, even though he is nine months from graduation, he intends to use his supervisor’s license to start practicing. Not only has he not yet graduated which means that he is still under instruction, but he has also not been licensed to work and intends to use his ex-girlfriend’s credentials to pass as a licensed practitioner. This is very unethical and unprofessional and should not be something that a person intending to become a psychiatrist should be doing (Madson, 2011).

As soon as James receives his first referral from his supervisor, he is seen to have negligence in writing down the details for the client arguing that he would be late for some function. Additionally, the other two sessions for the client are surrounded by a lack of professionalism from James which is an ethical issue. He is also tempted to give the wrong prescription to the client in the second session without consulting his supervisor. This is very unethical as it not only compromises the whole process of helping the patient to regain her health, but also may make the patient lose faith in the process if the patient identifies that the doctor is not serious with the process.&nbsp.

Need an research paper on on hgba1c control diabetes. Needs to be 1 page. Please no plagiarism.

Need an research paper on on hgba1c control diabetes. Needs to be 1 page. Please no plagiarism. Module HbA1c is basically a term used to highlight glycated haemoglobin. It is, ‘glycated’ which is formed due to the combination of haemoglobin, a protein that holds oxygen inside the red blood cell, with the glucose inside the blood. To determine the average level of blood sugars inside the human blood, clinicians measure glycated haemoglobin present inside the human blood over a period of time. (Diabetes.co.uk, 2014)

HbA1c is the best available method to assess glycemia. Regardless of the presence of several other ways to measure glycemia, HbA1c is the only method which is never questioned. The infrequent laboratory blood glucose may be the most common use of these tools

If the value of HbA1c is adequate, clinicians rely on the therapy without much questioning. The most authentic assays of HbA1c are those performed in a high quality clinical laboratory, one standardized to the National Glycohemoglobin Standardization Program (NGSP)

The intake of food which contains a relatively high level of glucose results into increase glucose concentration in the blood. The level of HbA1c increases. In this way, the chances of catching diabetes increases. Diabetic patients get enveloped in major diseases which include heart attack, blockage in vein, and many other micro-vascular diseases.

A person without diabetes will have a haemoglobin A1c test of around 5%. The A1c level should be less than 7% in a health human. Level above 8% is dangerous and needs to be medicated. The HbA1c has some targets which need to be met in order to decide whether the person has a high or low level of glucose concentration in the blood. The targets as are follow.

the range is&nbsp.20-41 mol/mol&nbsp.(people without diabetes)

a HbA1c level of&nbsp.48 mol/mol&nbsp.(people with diabetes)

a target HbA1c of&nbsp.59 mol/mol (people with hypoglycemia)

People are recommended to measure their glucose level constantly. This test involves a small volume of blood and can be performed at home or in a doctor’s office. The sample of blood tested is taken to lab which is later presented to the doctor. Home testing is also done easily though a few professionals consider it less accurate. However, home testing is inexpensive so is widely common. (Gilles, 2014)


Diabetes.co.uk,. (2014).&nbsp.What is HbA1c? – Definition, Units, Conversion, Testing & Control. Retrieved 15 September 2014, from http://www.diabetes.co.uk/what-is-hba1c.html

Gilles, G. (2014).&nbsp.Know Your Average Blood Sugar With This Test.&nbsp.About. Retrieved 15 September 2014, from http://type1diabetes.about.com/od/technologyandequipment/a/hemoA1c.

Write a 5 pages paper on neurological mechanism involved in fear conditioning. Neural mechanisms involved in fear conditioning have been studied extensively ever since fear conditioning was developed.

Write a 5 pages paper on neurological mechanism involved in fear conditioning. Neural mechanisms involved in fear conditioning have been studied extensively ever since fear conditioning was developed. An understanding of the complex mechanisms of the neural circuits has helped scientists and psychotherapists to develop different and more accurate methods of dealing with fear and anxiety-related problems in humans. However, psychotherapeutic interventions require a deeper understanding of neurological, molecular as well as genetic mechanisms involved in fear conditioning. The present discussion focuses on the neurological mechanism involved in fear conditioning, from animal and human perspectives.

Fear is an emotion resulting in increased anxiety and disturbance due to the expectation of an assumed hazard and can occur at any time and to anybody depending upon the situation that can cause some kind of harm to the individual/animal. This emotion is experienced by every living organism based on previous experiences. These one-time experiences tend to create a specific perception that is retained for longer periods. similar emotions recur when the individual/animal encounters a similar situation even without experiencing any harm or injury in subsequent encounters. In the sense, the individual/animal has got conditioned to the situation in such a manner that the perception elicits same emotions again and again. Such conditioning to situation that elicits fear is termed as fear conditioning. Fear conditioning was developed from the concept of classical conditioning, a behaviour response shown by animals and human beings, which was first recognized by Ivan Pavlov in the behaviour science (Taylor, 2006. 60). Achieving behavioral changes through classical conditioning requires active and willing participation by the individual, and hence may not be applicable in all conditions requiring&nbsp.behavioral change.

Complete 5 pages APA formatted article: The Industrial Production of Aluminium and Its Recycling.

Complete 5 pages APA formatted article: The Industrial Production of Aluminium and Its Recycling. Industrial production of aluminum starts with bauxite mining and refining. The bauxite ore is crushed at the mining site. Then, the crushed materials are screened and stockpiled prior to the delivery to an alumina plant. Some mining companies wash crushed cores and remove unwanted materials, like silica and clay, from it. This not only upgrades the quality of crushed bauxite ore but its price as well. In the alumina plant, the crushed core is further crushed to a particle size mostly efficient for alumina extraction before treating it with hot (175 °C ) sodium hydroxide liquor (Bayer process).

The alumina produced by the Bayer process undergoes Hall–Héroult process to produce aluminum. After the digestion process, the insoluble part of the bauxite called red mud, and fine solids are removed before precipitating the aluminum trihydrate crystals. Then, the crystals are calcined in fluidized bed calciners or rotary kilns to produce alumina (Al2O3). In the production of primary aluminum, electrolytic reduction of alumina is being done. The alumina is broken into aluminum and oxygen by dissolving it in a molten bath of fluoride compounds. An electric current is passed through the bath and the dissociated oxygen gas reacts with carbon in the electrode, producing carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide. On the other hand, the molten aluminum goes to the bottom of individual pots or cells. The aluminum in the cells is removed under vacuum into tapping crucibles (Kogel et al., 2006).

Secondary aluminum production makes use of dross, chips, and scraps as raw materials. These materials undergo shredding, magnetic separation, drying, sieving, and so on in order to take out undesirable materials that affect air emissions and aluminum quality. The collected aluminum materials are subjected to smelting in rotary kilns under a salt cover.