Complete 5 pages APA formatted article: History of Climatology in the St. Louis Metro Area.

Complete 5 pages APA formatted article: History of Climatology in the St. Louis Metro Area. Louis shows the occurrence of strong or violent tornadoes mainly between November and February.

The occurrence of tornadoes forms one of the fatal causes of damages caused by storms. In most situations, tornadoes occur in abrupt instances. Early warning and signs of tornadoes occurrences may be challenging to determine2. This calls for prompt planning and preparation for the occurrence of tornadoes, given the expansive effects that they may cause. It is noteworthy to get prepared and know how to act during the occurrence of tornadoes. As a safety measure, one should take shelter upon warning by a siren on the occurrence of a tornado. Finding information from the media on the situation forms a safety measure, as well. The use of generators in case of power loss after a tornado should be a careful undertaking. Following instructions of generator use is critical in ensuring safety.

Reports by NOAA of the United States show that the temperature and precipitation in October reached average levels3. This was a recorded temperature of 53.90 F. This was 0.30F lower than the figure recorded during the year 2011. The precipitation, as recorded in October 2012, increased by a scale of an estimated two inches compared to the long-term average recorded. A considerable area of the United Nations, by October 30, was under drought. Most of the drought spread over the Great Plains. There were sandy beaches in the east of the United States. The October monthly report on climate also shows the consistency of droughts in the west.

Data on the St. Louis County weather shows different tornado occurrences in St. Louis. The F4 tornado that occurred on the 24th of January 1967 caused a massive effect across a wide area. According to the data, there were three cases of deaths and 216 reports on injuries4. Another F0 tornado that occurred on the 10th February 1959 however had no reported cases of deaths caused. There was an occurrence of an F4 tornado on the 22nd April 2011 in the St. Louis area. On the 27th of February 2011, an F1 tornado was experienced over the St. Louis area which spread over to affect the area near Rosemary lane and extensive damage to trees.

pls help me with this question

pls help me with this question

Write 6 pages thesis on the topic start-up business: simventure. Just as mentioned earlier, SimVenture is a form of business simulation that assists in the formation of a business plan. This is by doi

Write 6 pages thesis on the topic start-up business: simventure. Just as mentioned earlier, SimVenture is a form of business simulation that assists in the formation of a business plan. This is by doing the following,

It offers entrepreneurs or business organizations the opportunity to startups and runs their personal virtual company thereby they can test the knowledge they have concerning all business aspects.

It acts as a business game that is driven through the decisions that the user makes. Therefore, through it, a businessperson can acquire good decision-making skills.

It acts as an appropriate learning resource for business people. This can be attributed to business simulation’s reality combined with information on the on-screen.

Since there is an award-winning team, it helps build exercise on decision-making.

Development of the Company’s Business Plan Though SimVenture

In order to ensure the success of the Company, the most important issue that should be considered first is having knowledge about the Finance, Marketing, Operations, and HRM sectors of the Company. Through getting all the available information concerning these sections of the Company, then using SimVenture becomes much easier since one can now recognize the origin of the problem and where to put much focus.

Looking at the financial sector of the company it is possible to note that there are high possibilities that the company is wasting away some of its finances. This is because the Company is said to have had a regular sales income after trading for 8 months. This is evidence that the company is not making any considerable profit. Additionally, the Company has operated for the 8 months yet its sole employee still has no office. To mean, resources are not being well managed. Moreover, the Company’s cash that is available in the bank is around £8,500. Considering the HRM factor, it is evident that the Company has only one employee who has the responsibility of managing the Company’s resources and the Company itself. Furthermore, the single employee at their home does the operations of the company. Marketing, on the other hand, can be said to be poor since the Company does not make significant profits. These are some of the problems that the Company faces. thereby the Company’s ability to be successful is suppressed.

The elements of the business game (SimVenture) can be grouped into two. These include the Virtual Environment’s core areas and the core areas of the Company. The core areas of the Virtual Environment include the Company’s customers, direct competitors, and Virtual Market Segments, while the core areas of the Company include Finance, Operations, Management, and Marketing (Jones & Jayawarna, 2013, 147).

Decisions to Be Made Using SimVenture


The employee of the Company should first consider checking the financial resources that are available. The employee can do this by.

Deciding on the most appropriate sources of funds if incase the company requires the funds. Some of the sources of funds for the company can be bank loans, overdrafts, F&F among others.

Monitoring the creditors. It is important for the employee to make decisions concerning the Company’s credit policies. In this case, four options are always available.

Monitoring the Company’s accounts. The employee can do this by monitoring and analyzing the cash flow, P&L accounts, and the balance sheets for the previous months.

Making available other appropriate tools that can be needed. For instance, General Performance Ratios (e.g. Liquidity, ROCE), forecasting, and budgeting.

Generally, the financial projections should always be given the greatest focus. Once the employee has outlined the concept of the business, confirmed an authentic need in the marketplace, established how they will implement their ideas, and proven that they can manage the Company, what they now need to depict is how profitable the idea can be and the flow of cash. The employee should, however, note that if the concept of their business is weak, or their execution is poor, or their competence in management is weak, their financial plans are bound to fail (Jones & Jayawarna, 2013, 83). In other words, the strength of the employee’s concept will determine the finances. Therefore, the Company’s employees should consider having strong and well-constructed financials.


The employee of the Company should also consider having the knowledge about the market. The SimVenture can request the employee to.

Establish whatever the customers think about the Company and to verify the consumers, market, and competitors.

Choose the target segment. In this case, the employee can consider a selection among the six market segments. They can get the details of every market segment in the reports of market research.

Decide on a suitable marketing strategy through choosing:

The suitable pricing.

The suitable selling points.

The suitable marketing promotions (e.g. websites, TV, radio, advertising).

The suitable customer and support channels of sales.

Generally, by considering marketing, the employee will be able to know the nature of the market and the competitors in existence. Knowing the nature of the market will also help the employee understand and recognize the opportunities, the problems, and the dynamics that drive the Company’s marketplace. In addition, this employee will easily note the target market. The employee will be able to identify the consumer of their product. This distinction is very significant because the consumer is always much different than the business that purchases the product. Moreover, by noticing the target market, it simply means that the employee would have identified any niche that is in the market so that the Company can exploit it (Jones & Jayawarna, 2013, 167-170).


Here, through the SimVenture, the employee must.

Design the most appropriate product or make the existing product appropriate for the Company’s target market and clientele.

Link the line of production to the products in perfect order.

Check the buying deals and if possible negotiate the most appropriate ones for the Company

Verify and change the elements of quality control as required.

In other words, the operations depict how the employee will run the Company and offer value to the Company’s customers. By noting the operations of the Company, the employee can manage to describe the opportunity that the Company has and why the opportunity is attractive. Moreover, the operations can only be established through customer surveys, interviews, and research (Jones & Jayawarna, 2013, 167-170).


Through the SimVenture, the employee should be able to enhance the management through.

Checking the available resources. These may include managerial and employee skills, location, and resources.

Choosing the most appropriate location. This should be determined by deciding whether the location is large enough for the production or not.

Considering other legal issues like supplier contracts.

Generally, it is important that the employee notes that management is very vital for a successful business start-up. Therefore, the main purpose of the management section is to depict that the employee has great management skills that can complement the business concept (Jones & Jayawarna, 2013, 167-170). Additionally, the employee should know that the management section is not the place for self-deprecation or diffidence. They ought, to be honest, but must highlight their accomplishments and capabilities while justifying any noticeable weaknesses or shortcomings.


In summary, participation in computer games helps in enhancing the overall skills of an individual. This is especially when the games are played under an environment with controlled training. The computer games such as SimVenture can, therefore, be helpful to this employee because they can enhance (Jones & Jayawarna, 2013, 202-203).

Cognitive skills and knowledge acquisition: It can help an individual in comprehending the underlying content of understanding (theory), exercise, and come up with significant problem-solving competencies while tactically conceptualizing their actions.

Technical and motor skills: It makes an individual have the ability to familiarize themselves with certain tools and techniques used for the presentation skills and decision-making process.

I will pay for the following article A Mental Training Plan for an Individual Who is in Need of an Improvement in an Exercise Program. The work is to be 5 pages with three to five sources, with in-tex

I will pay for the following article A Mental Training Plan for an Individual Who is in Need of an Improvement in an Exercise Program. The work is to be 5 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page. Mary showed signs of low self-esteem and used negative terms as “she will never look skinny again” and “she is not able to exercise because she has no time” also she felt mentally exhausted and was in bad mood. For these reasons she came for a consultation to help her lose weight and adhere to an exercise program. I listened to her with interest and expressed an understanding of the challenges she went through with the kids and the daily life demands. I explained to her how these demands could affect mental health and psychological well-being, leading to anxiety, depression, and mood disorders.

Before starting our first session, I clarified some important points. I emphasized the importance of bringing a daily journal with her at each visit. this will be used for follow up and homework that will facilitate her progression and feedback. Moreover, in collaboration we agreed to meet twice a week (Monday and Thursday), for five sessions, at 10:00 am for one-hour, at my home office. The goal was to teach Mary some psychological skills that will help her in her exercise program. In addition, a prior 48-hour cancelation notice was a necessity, and failure to comply would attract charges.

Since Mary was in the preparation stage and according to the transtheoretical model, it was important for her to realize the benefits of exercise to help her move to the action stage then maintenance by using motivational methods. I explained to her that physical activity enhances feelings of well-being in particular by reducing fatigue, anger, depression, and anxiety yet increasing vigor. Also, it is the most effective technique for changing a bad mood (Weinberg and Gould 402). Exercises help individuals to change their self-concept, self-esteem, and hardiness to enable them to withstand or cope with stressful situations. Exercises also promote control, a sense of commitment, improve cognitive functioning, and enhance the quality of life (Weinberg and Gould 409). So exercise can help protect against stress-related illness.

To emphasize and bring to the attention of Mary concerning the importance of mental skills, I illustrated to her the traffic light analogy to enable her to think about her performance in three ways: green light, yellow light, and red light situations.

You will review both quantitative and qualitative research. The topic is up to you as long as you choose a peer-reviewed, academic research piece. I suggest choosing a topic that is at least in the

You will review both quantitative and qualitative research.  The topic is up to you as long as you choose a peer-reviewed, academic research piece.  I suggest choosing a topic that is at least in the same family as your expected dissertation topic so that you can start viewing what is out there.  There are no hard word counts or page requirements as long as you cover the basic guidelines.  You must submit original work, however,  and a paper that returns as a large percentage of copy/paste to other sources will not be accepted.  (Safe Assign will be used to track/monitor your submission for plagiarism. Submissions with a Safe Assign match of more than 25% will not be accepted.) 

Please use APA formatting and include the following information:

  • Introduction/Background:  Provide context for the research article.  What led the author(s) to write the piece? What key concepts were explored? Were there weaknesses in prior research that led the author to the current hypothesis or research question?
  • Methodology:  Describe how the data was gathered and analyzed.  What research questions or hypotheses were the researcher trying to explore? What statistical analysis was used?
  • Study Findings and Results:  What were the major findings from the study? Were there any limitations?
  • Conclusions:  Evaluate the article in terms of significance, research methods, readability and the implications of the results.  Does the piece lead into further study? Are there different methods you would have chosen based on what you read? What are the strengths and weaknesses of the article in terms of statistical analysis and application? (This is where a large part of the rubric is covered.)
  • References

Compose a 1250 words assignment on therapeutic relationship between the client and the patient. Needs to be plagiarism free!

Compose a 1250 words assignment on therapeutic relationship between the client and the patient. Needs to be plagiarism free! The concept plays on the idea that the client and the patient are engaged with each other for the beneficial change in the client. Analyzing the case it can be determined that the Therapeutic relationship between the client and the patient it shall be noted that they had a better relationship with each other, that got weaker with the time as reflecting ‘Nothing much to report. Work is busy. What else is new? A lot has happened. I guess (Corsini and Wedding)’. It shall be noted in the case that the patient during the session has gradually avoiding the sessions, even during the session the patient is incommunicative with the therapist.

Transference refers to the redirection of the patients feeling with the therapist. it is associated with the erotic attraction towards the therapist that can be either in form of mistrust, extreme dependency, rage, etc. it can be observed when the patient comes across resistant behavior from the therapist with his patient. it can lead to the persistent resistance of the patient towards the session, or complete denial to proceed with the therapy. Transference between the patient can often happen between the patient and the therapist unconsciously, this is because of the reason that the patient and client interact with openness. In addition, transference can allow the therapist to reveal the unsolved conflicts the child had in childhood. In the case, the patient seems to be disheartened about the therapist’s behavior when she was telling something serious about her life and she answered the phone call, due to which she says in the session ‘Nothing much to report. Work is busy. What else is new? A lot has happened I guess (Corsini and Wedding)’. it is evident from the statement that the patient has felt leftover from the call the therapist received during the session.

List and describe the nine principles of the CENAPS Model of Relapse Prevention. Use the Module 6 Notes to assist you.Discuss the six stages of the Developmental Model of Recovery outlined in the mod

  1. List and describe the nine principles of the CENAPS Model of Relapse Prevention.  Use the Module 6 Notes to assist you.
  2. Discuss the six stages of the Developmental Model of Recovery outlined in the module notes.
  3. Discuss the role of Twelve-Step programs in the treatment of substance use disorders.
  4. List and discuss three (3) high-risk factors for relapse and give examples.

Write a 2 – 3 page Closing Statement. Share your personal growth during the time you have been in the BAS program. Discuss: professional development, knowledge development, career development, etc.

Write a 2 – 3 page Closing Statement. Share your personal growth during the time you have been in the BAS program. Discuss: professional development, knowledge development, career development, etc. 

Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on postmodern culture. The modern-day society has a number of communication agents with the world succeeding in becoming a global village through the d

Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on postmodern culture. The modern-day society has a number of communication agents with the world succeeding in becoming a global village through the development of the internet and other efficient forms of communication and interaction (Michael, 2011). When people come together, they present behavior and activities from their cultures, such terms as modernization and urbanization have all contributed to creating a scenario where different people living different lifestyles and therefore having different cultures share neighborhoods. The first reaction to this is culture conflict, a case in which everyone tries to live his or her life in accordance with the dictates of the different cultures. However, with time and the birth of subsequent generations, the cultures begin to pacify as different people drop some of their less admirable aspects of life and assume those considered admirable from other cultures (Bronfenbrenner, 2005).

Culture is never static and whenever different cultures interact, a conflict results in one that either culture wins. The winning culture, therefore, gains dominance among all the people of the region experiencing the cultural conflict. Culture is entirely a mental state. the beliefs of a culture are imprinted on the brains of people, which thereafter control how people conduct themselves. Any agent that is therefore capable to change people’s mindset possibly changes their actions thereby their cultures. One such factor is intense interaction. A factor that validates the claims that urbanization, modernization, and the development in the communication sector have collectively resulted in the creation of a global village thereby possibly killing very many other smaller cultures while fostering the growth and development of one universal culture (Foster, 1985).

The mass media is a key agent to the spread of cultures. While one culture gains international acceptance, other less admirable cultures die thereby resulting in a monopolistic culture market, one in which everyone has no other choice but to live according to the reigning culture. American society is one case scenario. It is common knowledge that indigenous Americans possibly became distinct as other people from different regions across the world settled in the region.