A combination of direct or joint variation with the inverse variation in a mathematical statement or equation is_.

A combination of direct or joint  variation with the inverse variation in a mathematical statement or equation is_.

Complete 4 pages APA formatted article: The Evolution of Capitalism. Industrial revolution is believed to be the source of capitalism. Economists such as Adam Smith in his book “The wealth of nations”

Complete 4 pages APA formatted article: The Evolution of Capitalism. Industrial revolution is believed to be the source of capitalism. Economists such as Adam Smith in his book “The wealth of nations” explained how division of labor produced new wealth beneficial to the society but this could only be achieved if the economy was left to operate on its own without government intervention through the invisible hand mechanism. However, economists such as Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels while acknowledging the advantages of capitalism were very critical of this system as it was based on class antagonisms and advocated for overthrow of capitalism and replacement with communism. He was supported by Andrew Carnegie in that capitalism created new classes of the rich and the poor but differed on how to handle the problem. For him, the main problem was the administration of wealth and instead of overthrowing capitalism. it should be left to continue but the rich to help the poor so as to bring “peace on earth, among men of good-will.” The economists thus agree on the importance of capitalism but differ on the impact on society and how to deal with its negative consequences. This paper will discuss the evolution of capitalism and its impact on society through the works of Adam Smith, Marx and Engels and Andrew Carnegie.

Adam Smith is considered as the father of free market capitalism. Capitalism which was a consequence of industrial revolution in Britain brought a lot of changes to the society. The emergence of the factory system changed work patterns such that instead of individuals producing food for own use. they were now produced commodities for exchange in the market (Sanders et al. 203). Due to lack of other means of obtaining subsistence food and keeping their race going, they opted to offer their labor to factory owners in exchange of wages.

Write 5 pages thesis on the topic oklahoma city bombing. The magnitude of the blast can be estimated by the number of explosives in the van which was approximately 4800 pounds of destructive chemicals

Write 5 pages thesis on the topic oklahoma city bombing. The magnitude of the blast can be estimated by the number of explosives in the van which was approximately 4800 pounds of destructive chemicals and a number of 168 people lost their lives, while thousands of other people were injured or moaning over their losses (Sherrow 6). Out of the 168 souls lost, 19 of them were children (The Federal Bureau of Investigation). Oklahoma City bombing was the most intense and serious case of domestic terrorism and demanded a thorough investigation and reporting regarding the reasons and factors which led to the upsetting incident.

According to reports, the bombing was planned by an ex-Army soldier and security guard, Timothy McVeigh. On the morning of the bombing, he loaded his truck with explosives made from a combination of hazardous and destructive chemicals. He then drove his car to the federal building where he parked the car in front of the building with a clear intention to commit mass murder. He then left the spot in another car. At 9.02 am the bomb exploded, according to the planned time set by McVeigh. Within moments of the bomb explosion, most of the federal building was brought down into the gravel and the shock wave from the blast was so intense that more than 300 buildings nearby were also damaged or destroyed (The Federal Bureau of Investigation). According to scientists, as the bomb exploded, super hot gas went upward through the building at a gigantic speed of 8,000 feet per second. The force was so intense that people were slammed against the walls with a force of 37 tons. And when the gas evaporated, a vacuum was created which shook the ground as if there was a “full-scale earthquake” (Sherrow 6-7). Thus, the explosion was of massive intensity which not only affected the federal building but also the buildings located in its close vicinity.

In view of the World Trade Centre bombing two years back, the instant suspicion of the federal government was on the Middle Eastern terrorists.&nbsp.

Provide a 6 pages analysis while answering the following question: Depression and Its Treatment. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is requir

Provide a 6 pages analysis while answering the following question: Depression and Its Treatment. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. The client is named Tara, a white woman whose depression began during her childhood. She works as a professional drug abuse counselor in spite of her emotional status. She descended into dark depression during high school when her boyfriend died. something made her attempt suicide several times. Poor family relationships and social relationships with her teachers may have also disposed her into this disorder.


Tara’s memory is diminished, as she does not remember when she started experiencing depression. She spent most of the time in isolation- alone in her room since she had very few friends. The negative mood is evident when she says that she hated the world after her boyfriend’s death, and this affected her ability to make decisions because she wanted to die in order to be with him. Apart from attempting suicide, she also shows symptoms of apathy because she is not interested in getting into a relationship nor is she interested in any extracurricular activities. However, apathy is not consistent since she has not lost interest in working as a drug abuse counselor.


According to DSM IV, Tara is suffering from major depression because she has a negative mood that made her attempt suicide. She has symptoms of apathy and diminished memory as well as low self-esteem. No evidence was observed on general medical conditions that may lead to the advancement of the disorder. The loss of her loved one is a psychosocial problem whereas suffering from child abuse was an environmental problem that might contribute to the disorder. On suicidality or homicidal, she is still vulnerable since she has low self-esteem about what her family feels about her.

Therapeutic Intervention

The appropriate short-term objectives for this intercession are to relieve signs of a major depressive episode (Nathan & Gorman, 2015). Secondly, the interventions should be aimed at recognizing and reforming the ability of the patient to function in society. The long-term goal should be reducing the risk of recurrence of symptoms hence improve the clients’ safety. It should also aim at changing how the clients perceive themselves and consequently their behavior.

Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on the way of nonverbal communication.

Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on the way of nonverbal communication. Psychotherapists, management training professionals, patients, and persons participating in personal growth training programs can benefit immensely if they have knowledge about the nature and the importance of nonverbal communications.

Of all these categories the physical type of nonverbal communication or body language as it is often known as is the most important form of communication. When a person interacts with another person he is continuously sending and receiving wordless signals. His nonverbal behaviour such as the gestures he makes, the way he sits or stands, how he talks, how much eye contact he makes can send strong messages. The way a person looks, listens, reacts and moves tells the person he is interacting with how much attention he is paying and also one can sense trust, disinterest or confusion from these nonverbal signals. From the body language one can make out whether a person is saying something contradictory to what he really thinks. Sometime a body language can convey more vividly a message. For instance, eyes can convey a message more vividly than words. It also complements a message. For instance when a boss follows his words of praise with a pat on the back, it can make more impact than mere words. At times body language can even substitute a message like the nod of head can replace what you have to say when you agree with someone. It can also emphasize a point. For instance the thumping of tables or throwing of things emphasizes that one is agitated. Again there are different ways by which nonverbal communication can be conveyed.&nbsp.&nbsp. The following nonverbal signals and cues can communicate our feelings and interest to others.

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Theoretical Perspectives of Negotiation. It needs to be at least 2000 words.

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Theoretical Perspectives of Negotiation. It needs to be at least 2000 words. Similar techniques may not uniformly be applicable in every situation but they may be acquired after experience and adequate training. In this context, literature review from various sources may offer credence in understanding the concepts, issues pertaining to the concepts, and also the best practices being utilized by the experts. In the present scenario, where negotiation is being bargained to keep the best interests intact, an analysis of relevant literature may be necessary. Also, since the deal is being addressed to another party also having similar monetary interests at stake, the theoretical framework addressing such a complex situation must be incorporated. Furthermore, since the negotiation is taking place via an email conversation, this element must also be considered while negotiating with the other party.

To serve the purpose, the report compiling the outcomes from a three-day seminar on negotiations with difficult people and difficult conditions, published by Harvard may prove to be helpful. The finding points out to the concept of ‘bounded awareness’ which implies that the scope of the discussion must be broadened which negotiations. In other words, a broader array of thoughts and resources must be put into the negotiation to multiply the options available and also to understand the scenario better (Harvard 399-401).

Furthermore, another important aspect which the finding touches upon is the significance of precedents that have been set up already. In other words, past decisions in the field (past negotiations with the same person) may act as yardsticks to measure future success in terms of negotiation outcomes. Also, the findings also comment on the critical nature of negotiations where a quick response is required. This, according to the discussion held at the seminar, is the truth of negotiators since he/she is expected to seize any opportunity which comes in the way of the deal readily and making rational judgment within a narrow time frame. In the simulation being demonstrated here, these findings may prove to be quite conclusive, since the bounded awareness regarding the Hollywood industry along with the background of the casting director may lead towards effective negotiation.

A 500-600 words scholarly paper on the topic “Environmental impact on the health of Older adults”. This paper is intended to help you identify and to promote the scholarly examination of current issu

A 500-600 words scholarly paper on the topic “Environmental impact on the health of Older adults”. 

This paper is intended to help you identify and to promote the scholarly examination of current issues and topics related to the health and physical aspects of aging. 

We have to find a peer reviewed article regarding the topic published between 2012-2020. I found one article that I’ve attached, if you could find another that would be a better fit please do so.

Follow APA 7 format.


  • have an introduction that includes a statement of the purpose of the paper, the rationale for selecting this topic (e.g. the importance or relevance of the topic to the health and physical aspects of aging). It should tell the reader what you will be presenting in the body of the paper.

•          have a body of the paper that provides information to the reader and demonstrates your evaluative and analytical ability. You can use headings (see APA formatting) in this section to better organise your discussion.

•          have a conclusion that is a summary of the points you have made and should not contain new information.Following is the grading rubric.

Introduction (2 marks)

Definition of concepts and relationship between concepts (8 marks)

Organisation and presentation of Ideas (4 marks)

Readability including length (2 marks, 0 marks if too long)

Grammar, APA formatting, referencing (2 marks)

Conclusion (2 marks, 0 marks if beyond the 2.5 page limit)

Need an research paper on behavioral theory or cognitive behavioral theory. Needs to be 8 pages. Please no plagiarism.

Need an research paper on behavioral theory or cognitive behavioral theory. Needs to be 8 pages. Please no plagiarism. From my experience as a trainee, the client is expected to accept the reality of traumatic situations and allow for freedom during the counseling process. According to the coursework, the client should be capable of challenging his or her misconceptions and recognizing their core strengths that are essential in adapting change (Wright, 2004). According to my theoretical learning from coursework and internship experience, I have learned that confidentiality is critical for successful change during the counseling process. It helps build a trustful counselor-client relationship. My preferred counseling theory is behavior and cognitive-behavioral theory (CBT) since the approach aims to ensure change by enabling the clients to develop adaptive and supportive behaviors that address the stressful situation. I agree that adaptive behaviors are essential since the client will eliminate or weaken the undesired behaviors and facilitate attaining desired outcomes (Sapp, 2004). The interventions may include role-playing, covert modeling, rehearsals, self-monitoring, and relaxation training to overcome the undesired behaviors (Westbrook, Kennerley & Kirk, 2011).

Westbrook, Kennerley & Kirk (2011) outline that behavioral theory or cognitive-behavioral theory (CBT) assumes that the environment determines an individual’s behavior. Individuals respond to situations depending on the behaviors reinforced as a child. The behavioral theory evolved from the psychological research that behaviors can be measured and objectively viewed. I agree with behaviorists assert that behaviors can be learned and unlearned, unlike the psychodynamic approach that stresses that instincts determine behavior. The counselor should understand the undesirable behaviors that&nbsp.lead to client discomfort.

Any three electrical problems found on any three motor vehicles.how to solve the problems and submit documentation in this regard Range:any three electrical problem,eg,any lights,wiper motor,hooter,ci

Any three electrical problems found on any three motor vehicles.how to solve the problems and submit documentation in this regard

Range:any three electrical problem,eg,any lights,wiper motor,hooter,cigarette lighter

Documentation:current flow diagrams,specifications, manufacturer reports