I will pay for the following article Rhetorical Criticism. The work is to be 19 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.

I will pay for the following article Rhetorical Criticism. The work is to be 19 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page. There is no doubt that President Clinton was keen on persuading the people to support his desire to transform the United States into one nation during the 21st century by resolving issues related to the ethnic and racial divide (Lawson, 2009. Churchill & Morris, 1999. Clinton, 1997). In the process of reducing the incidence of ethnic and racial divide, President Clinton (1997) explained that the entire country could solve socio-economic problems related to inequalities in terms of gaining access to education, employment, health care services, and homeownership among others. To accomplish his goals, President Clinton said that he will use the “study, dialogue, and action” approach to address the issue of racial divide (Goering, 2001. Smith, 1998). Right after he delivered his speech, President Clinton started to appoint a total of 7 advisory board members who were assigned to educate the people concerning racial issues such as racial and ethnic divide (Smith, 1998).

Rhetoric is all about analyzing how the speakers or writers make use of words verbally or non-verbally as a way of being able to persuade their target audiences (Kuypers & King, 2009: 4). In most cases, a good rhetoric criticism should focus on examining speeches that can create a new insight which can be used in creating a hypothesis for future research (Brock, Scott, & Chesebro, 1990: 17). In real-life practice, there are cases wherein speech information is based on impulse or thoughts that are not in accordance with scientific knowledge. To prevent people from believing things that are not based on impulses, rhetorical criticism is normally conducted to allow people to determine whether or not there is a value in what is being said in a campaign or speech act (Brock, Scott, & Chesebro, 1990, p. 13).

Conducting rhetoric criticism is important because it can help us generate new political alignment that can work best within our social system (Brock, Scott, & Chesebro, 1990: 17). In line with this, critical race theory (CRT) can be used in critically examining social issues related to race (Yosso, 2005).

M3A- see attached

M3A- see attached

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Arizona State University (ASU) Should not Require Freshmen to Purchase a Meal Plan from College. It needs to be at least 1250 words.

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Arizona State University (ASU) Should not Require Freshmen to Purchase a Meal Plan from College. It needs to be at least 1250 words. It is often taken by fresh students due to its advantages though it also has numerous disadvantages.

At Arizona State University, all first-year students are required to purchase meal plans depending on the campus they are in. for example freshmen living on the Downtown Phoenix, Tempe, West, and Polytechnic campuses must buy meals plans at every given semester. At the Barrett Honors College, freshmen also buy meal plans for the whole semester. For senior students living in university accommodation, the meal plan is highly recommended for its benefits. The meal plans have got several disadvantages and should therefore not be a requirement for students joining the campus. Due to the various disadvantages, students have devised ways of avoiding taking them.

Meal plans are expensive to the student in the sense that they cost several dollars to be enrolled in them. This is made more expensive in the sense that one is required to pay upfront for the meal plan to be activated or in a more relaxed meal plan program. one is required to pay in two installments. This is enough reason why a person should not enroll for these programs. (Maltin 35). As an alternative, a freshman can easily come up with a good budget that he can easily meet the cost of food. This will save the freshman a lot of money in that he will be able to purchase food that he wants and prepare them how he wants them instead of spending much on the often bad food offered at the university cafeterias.

According to Low (39), cafeteria food is boring. This is a fact in the sense that students soon get bored of the food served as the options are always the same. As much as there is a variety of food to be served by the cafeteria, it is important for the freshman to know that this is likely to be the case for the whole semester repeated regularly, thus being monotonous. As much as the food might be delicious or good for the first few years of admission, one easily gets bored as time goes on. With time, the freshman will want something or a different variety of food.

The Arizona State University meal plan does not give refunds for any unused meals or meals not taken by the student. Most of the time students tend to believe that with too many guaranteed meals, they can take them later or even have them carried forward to the next semester.

Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on gun control issues between republicans and democrats.

Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on gun control issues between republicans and democrats. Republicans feel that imposing gun control measures would be contrary to the right to bear and carry arms as provided for in the Second Amendment. While these strong standpoints are quite obvious, a keener look into the gun control debate reveals underlying issues including the role of gun rights groups and gun control groups.

The gun control debate can be traced back to the early 19th century. However, the issue only became an important federal matter much later on as exemplified by the passing of the Gun Control Act in 1968 (Zimring 148). Since then, the issue became a major policy issue at the federal level. Specific legislation that led to the ban of assault weapons was passed in 1994. This gun control measure was signed by former President Clinton as part of a crime bill passed by Congress. This ban affected the manufacturing of 22 assault firearms and guns. The ban was short-lived because it expired in 2004, just ten years after it came into effect. Since then, repeated attempts to renew the ban have been unsuccessful. This incident represents one of the major incidents where the difference between Democrats and Republicans on the gun control issue has been brought out.

The gun control debate has been kept alive by various incidents of gun violence where lives have been lost or injuries caused by criminals using firearms. Some of the major incidents that have attracted so much attention include Sandy Hook shootings, Navy Yard shootings in Washington D.C., Colorado theatre shootings, and Arizona shootings among others (Bendery Para 3). These incidents have often re-ignited the debate on gun control. For example, the 2012 Newtown, Connecticut shootings that resulted in 28 deaths led to renewed efforts by the supporters of gun control.&nbsp.

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on a different mirror by ronald takaki Paper must be at least 1250 words. Please, no plagiarized work!

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on a different mirror by ronald takaki Paper must be at least 1250 words. Please, no plagiarized work! With the racial segregation and differences in beliefs and attitudes that the white race reflects on the African American and other inferior races, it would be hard to encourage and embrace the notion that the whites were the American founders. The fact that the white community encourages their subsequent descendants to understand their importance and hold high esteem as the most superior race, does not dictate that other races should realize them in accordance with their beliefs (34). Takaki observes the culture of racism as ill and alarming to the American democracy as the individual populations grow intensely and new divisive measures are adopted. History portrays Jefferson in two dimensions. one as the person who initiated mandatory relocation of Indians to Louisiana thus leaving the arable land to the white settlers, a factor that implicates racism. Secondly, he banned slavery and its practice in America despite the fact that he owned many of them. Jefferson would think of Obama as inferior since his advocacy for the ban of slavery did not portray his will to treat the black race as fellow human beings (36).

Ronald Takaki portrays the European ethnicity deeper by implementing the possible meaning that William Shakespeare seemed to establish in the play, “Caliban”. He establishes that Shakespeare portrays Prospero as an overthrown duke from the city of Milan who reflects an obsession with dominance and power. Prospero shows these attributes by setting sail to seek new territories which he would eventually own and dominate as a belief of leadership and civilization. Takaki relates Prospero’s greed to that of the Europeans to crave into alien territories with the desire to express authority over those territories (37). Ronald describes Prospero as a wicked white master who settles in the alien island named Caliban with his daughter without a show of any pride or intentions to secede power over the island.

Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on dollar general uses integrated software.

Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on dollar general uses integrated software. Synchronization of the working of different legacy software suites and preexisting technology platform is a major challenge in the way of optimal systems integration. The paper helps in developing a suggestive roadmap for the utilization of more systems integration tools.

In this paper, the different key issues around Dollar General’s IT integration will be discussed on a question-answer basis. The discussion will help in developing a deeper understanding of the Dollar General case study. Furthermore, theoretical emphasis will focus on systems integration for developing a better understanding of the topic in general. The overall quest of enterprise integration will also be explained in certain specific contexts, as raised in the case study related questions.

While analyzing Dollar General’s requirements and the business issues it faced, a case analyst should first examine its sector or industry of operation. Although Dollar General primarily operates in the retail industry, it embarks on a variety of processes and tasks. These business processes and tasks involve warehousing and selling of food products, fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG), apparel and fashion products, etc. However, processes that involve buying and selling of homes (and related financial tasks) are much more complicated and transaction dependent. Therefore, the company’s operations were drastically diversifying and they were rapidly growing as well. Examining more specifically, it can be stated that the company was operating various department-wise information systems. Examples included a separate payroll system, separate asset management system and related electronic ledgers, area-wise auditing and sales processing systems, and so on.

Now, specific emphasis on specific information systems called for a huge synchronization interface. Otherwise, the company was supposed to hire highly skilled IT staff members for managing every store and every branch of the company’s every department.

In words, explain whether there is output growth on the transition path to the steady state and whether there is output growth in the steady state.

In words, explain whether there is output growth on the transition path to the steady state and whether there is output growth in the steady state.

You will prepare and submit a term paper on Theories and Practices of Public Relations. Your paper should be a minimum of 2750 words in length.

You will prepare and submit a term paper on Theories and Practices of Public Relations. Your paper should be a minimum of 2750 words in length. The process of public relations involves planning in order to develop relevant information that will be successfully be received by the target audience. Writing in public relations is an important aspect and the success of any form of public relations campaign depends on the writing skills of the writer. The information has to be researched well, organized in a logical format so that the intended information is delivered effectively. Good public relation writing is important in ensuring relevant and correct information is communicated. Public relations is planned communication (Mahoney, 2008)


Public relation is the practice related to the management of communication between the public and an organization (Zhao, 1999). It is the planned effort of establishing a mutual understanding between the public and an organization or an individual (Jovanovich, 1984). Public relation provides an opportunity of exposure of an organization or individual to a target audience. The purpose of this practice is the evaluation of public attitudes, identification of an organization’s policies in relation to the public interest, and also planning of strategies that will earn understanding and acceptance from the public. There are strategies that are used in public relations which include newsletters, press releases, brochures, annual reports, and also social media networks. All these methodologies are used in communicating to a target audience and the success is based on how well it is done.

Public relation is a planned communication that involves research of relevant information, organization of the information in a clear format, and the delivery to the target audience. The public relations practitioner has to identify the target audience and establish the form of information delivery that the audience will best understand. The written word is an important aspect of public relations that helps to communicate information to the public. The success of any public relation writing is in the writing skills of the writer and thus it is important to have good writing skills so as to deliver the information effectively (L’Etang, 2007).

I need some assistance with these assignment. privacy vs protection of assets, issues of biometric technologies in organizations Thank you in advance for the help!

I need some assistance with these assignment. privacy vs protection of assets, issues of biometric technologies in organizations Thank you in advance for the help! Something else to remember about biometric provisions, security, and insurance of protection, is the easier levels of the structural planning the biometric system may navigate. The biometric information requires not to be neighborhood to the gadget perusing the trademark, as in the situation where information is put away remotely in a focal area. What then is the underlying system building design between you and the requisition? It is as paramount to comprehend and execute security along the system pathways as it is to actualize security for the provision itself (Bowman, 2005 p. 74).

There are three fundamental ways a biometric framework might be bargained: framework circumvention, confirmation duplicity, and enlistment cheating. The main, framework circumvention, abstains from utilizing the framework as it is planned. For instance, the framework could be skirted for authoritative purposes by utilizing an “indirect access” to give simple get to that additionally gives the programmer helplessness to endeavor. Others incorporate driving exemption preparing incorporated with the framework that may not oblige utilizing a biometric, or simply brushing an entryway off its pivots to get access.

Biometric involves Check cheating&nbsp.more awful fingers or hands not appended to the owners. In the last case, there are biometric gadgets that can differentiate between a “live” finger and a cutaway one. Selection misrepresentation goes to the essential inquiry, “Are you who you say you are?”&nbsp. Obviously, some system for character confirmation, demonstrating who you are, might be presupposed throughout the enlistment procedure of a biometric to forestall wholesale fraud (Bowman, 2005 p. 81).&nbsp.