You will prepare and submit a term paper on The Importance of Various Attributes of an Electricity Supplier as per the Customer. Your paper should be a minimum of 2750 words in length.

You will prepare and submit a term paper on The Importance of Various Attributes of an Electricity Supplier as per the Customer. Your paper should be a minimum of 2750 words in length. We found that 74% of customer has been approached by 0-2 suppliers for their business and 42% of customers have never switched suppliers in the last five years. This means that if the new supplier is able to market the service in accordance with the top 3 desired and top 3 existing attributes, these customers can move over to the new suppliers.

64% of the customer who has switched suppliers over the last five years indicated that they have been approached by a supplier for their business. This indicates that the general trend of the market is to be approached by the new suppliers rather than approaching the supplier with their business.

Data Analysis

Sample Profile

For the analysis, the age of the sample has been broken down into three groups – below 30, 30 to 60 and over 60 years of age. In this sample, we found the majority of respondents between the age of 30 and 60 ( at 42%), closely followed by respondents below the age of 30 ( at 30%) and then respondents over the age of 60 (at 28%).

Gender represented by this sample has been dominated by males (at 60%). We believe that since men are easier to approach cumulatively across various classes, they have been over-represented.

Major of the respondents fall within the income bracket of $50,000 and above (at 64%) compared to respondents with income below $50,000 (at 36%). Considering the income bracket, the sample is unevenly distributed across various respondent profiles.

During this analysis, the masses with income lesser than $50,000 are under-represented, so are females. In terms of age, the 30 to 60 age group is dominant, however, this is required since this is the age group which would normally be found as a family’s decision-maker age group.

The positive implication of these limitations is that the actual decision making age group is largely represented but the negative implication is that females are not equally represented and the results of this study might be preferential towards male decision-makers.

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on economic reform outcomes in china and russia Paper must be at least 2000 words. Please, no plagiarized work!

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on economic reform outcomes in china and russia Paper must be at least 2000 words. Please, no plagiarized work! Of all the reforms that took place in the twentieth century, the ones that took place in China and Russia are known to have been the most dramatic. During the first half of the twentieth century, both countries had communist economic systems. However, it was during the latter half of the 29th century that both countries start formulating reforms that were aimed at changing the manner in which their economies functioned. However, a difference in the exact date in which the reforms commenced in both countries existed. In China, the economic reforms commenced in the late 1970s, while in Russia they commenced in the early 1990s. &nbsp.However, a notable difference exists at the pace in which the reforms were developed and enacted in the two countries (Lin & Tsai 2004, p. 34). In Russia, the market-oriented reforms were developed quickly, and enacted at the same pace, while in China the whole process of bringing the reforms was a little bit gradual. There are a number of factors that can be said to have contributed to the difference in pace at which the economic reforms took place in China and Russia.&nbsp. &nbsp. &nbsp. &nbsp. &nbsp. &nbsp. &nbsp. &nbsp. &nbsp. &nbsp. &nbsp. &nbsp. &nbsp. &nbsp. &nbsp. &nbsp. &nbsp. &nbsp. &nbsp. &nbsp. &nbsp. &nbsp. &nbsp. &nbsp. &nbsp. &nbsp. &nbsp. &nbsp. &nbsp. &nbsp.

One of the things that are believed to have contributed to the difference in the pace of the economic reforms between China and Russia is the fact that China was reluctant to adopt foreign technology especially those from the west. At the beginning of the reforms, China mainly depended on the technologies that were locally available. This made it hard for the country to benefit from the technological advancements that were experienced in Europe, especially during the early stages of the reforms. Russia on the other side was willing to adopt new technology from all over the world as long as the technology being adopted was beneficial to the Russian economy in one way or another (Lin, Cai & Li 2009, p. 325). They made sure that their economy was open to new ideas at the early stages of the reforms making it easier for the reforms to have brought the changes that were experienced in their economy in such a short period.

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Culture Comparison between USA and Japan. It needs to be at least 2750 words.

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Culture Comparison between USA and Japan. It needs to be at least 2750 words. According to Becker (1988), Japanese as part of the Far East that includes China do not have the custom of argumentation and this is attributed to languages, history, and Confucianism. In Japan, one finds the preference to the use of “dotted-like” or:point-like” and climactic structure and abrupt conclusion in argument forms whereas in the U.S., the culture is the use of “problem-solving or linear and anticlimactic structure” approaching conclusion step by step. This is because of the Japanese cultural assumptions being based on “homogenous, interdependent and vertical relationships which make the society “communication-passive” while in the U.S., culture is characterized by “heterogeneous, independent and horizontal” relationships, which make their society “communication-active”. Okabe posits that these differences can affect “thinking and communicative styles”. Studies by Prunty et al have found that the U.S students display argumentative traits higher than Japanese students (Suzuki).

Ethical practices: There is a link between national cultures and ethical culture. The US’ individualistic culture is traceable to the protestant religious practice that allows individual worship if community worship is not possible. The egoistic climate prevailing in the U.S. individual behavior is prompted by self-interest. Hence, when there is a conflict between collective and individual goals, personal goals would prevail. On the other hand, the benevolence climate prevailing in Japan leads decision-maker to make decisions reflecting collective gains at the cost of individual needs. Shintoism has been the guiding factor for ethics in Japan. Shintoism which teaches devotion and patriotism has been responsible for imbibing the spirit of compassion and coexistence among the Japanese. This can be perceived among the societal groups including businesses (Parboteeth, Cullen, and Victor).

Create a 5 pages page paper that discusses impact of mind-altering substances. Drugs have varied impacts on members of the community, which may both be positive or negative in nature when prescribed o

Create a 5 pages page paper that discusses impact of mind-altering substances. Drugs have varied impacts on members of the community, which may both be positive or negative in nature when prescribed or abused respectively. The psychoactive drugs also impose serious health risks to the society and may lead to forms of disability or death on the persons that use them (Julien, 2005). Other health effects of psychoactive drugs apart from causing pleasure and pain include diseases affecting mainly the liver and the lungs, normal accidents, suicides and general assault. The impacts also affect the social welfare of a person including arrests, break up of relationships and general neglect of family and work-related duties. Psychoactive drugs may include depressants, which affect the central nervous system making them decrease the person’s awareness, coordination as well as their consciousness. It also includes stimulants, which affect the central nervous system by increasing alertness or activity, and hallucinogens which distort perceptions and subjective awareness.

Psychoactive drugs may cause addiction, which will ultimately affect the functioning of the brain as the person becomes increasingly dependent on the drugs. This leads to the craving for the drug and the person may find it difficult to control how much drug he consumes at any given time (Julien, 2005). The person addicted to the drug may also suffer from withdrawal symptoms when he reduces its intake or discontinued its use as well as lowered levels of tolerance. A person suffering from the withdrawal symptoms of the psychoactive drug may not participate in other interests and may increase his use of the drug or recovery from it. He may also find himself over-consuming the drug despite clear signs and symptoms that the drug is causing harm to him.

Psychoactive drugs may also lead to addiction to the drug as once it is taken. it causes a rewarding or reinforcing psychoactive effect that affects the person psychologically.&nbsp.

Need help with my writing homework on How Does the Mass Media Affect our Perception of the News. Write a 2000 word paper answering;

Need help with my writing homework on How Does the Mass Media Affect our Perception of the News. Write a 2000 word paper answering; Because of the intrusions of digital news media, traditional news media such as Newspapers magazines, monthlies, and weeklies are facing stiff competition at the moment. With the help of digital news media such as the internet and television, it is possible for people all over the world to get news and information as soon as it occurs. On the other hand-printed media is incapable of providing instant news because of the time required for the printing of news. At the same time, the number of television channels, as well as internet news channels, is increasing day by day. As a result of that, competition in the media industry, especially in the digital media industry is intensifying as time goes on.

Because of the unhealthy competition in the media industry, people are getting contrasting information about a particular incident. In the case of news related to politics, economics, and culture, news media have their own agenda and preferences. Some news media may favor a particular political party whereas other news media have different political ideologies. As a result of that, people may get different information from different television or internet channels about a particular incident that was taken place in some parts of the world. Moreover, mass media have the ability to affect the perceptions of the public about different events. Therefore, it is necessary for people to seek information from reliable media rather than going after popular media or baized media. This paper analyses two questions. 1) Does it matter where we get our news and 2) how does the mass media affect our perception of the news?

Americans get news from a variety of sources such as television, radio, newspapers, magazines, computers, cell phones, tablets, e-readers, and devices such as an Xbox or Playstation. However, the most popular news source among Americans is a television (87 percent), laptops/computers (69 percent), radio (65 percent), and print newspapers or magazines (61 percent) (American press institute).

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on future psychologist Paper must be at least 1500 words. Please, no plagiarized work!

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on future psychologist Paper must be at least 1500 words. Please, no plagiarized work! Psychology was first established more of a science that was distinct from philosophy and biology. Its major aim was to explore the behavior of the mind, thereby, giving different theories of thoughts that differed from one school to the other (Fine, 1979). However, from this historical time, today’s psychologists have different eclectic outlooks on psychology, a clear indication that it will continue to experience future growth as more scholars are born.

Thesis: Despite the differences in the argumentation of the different schools of psychology, psychologists hold eclectic stances that play together to combine aspects of the other schools.


Structuralism refers to the first school in the history of psychology and focuses on the theory of consciousness that was developed by Wundt Wilhelm and Edward Titchener during the 20th century. The two psychologists focused on the breaking down of the mental processes to smaller basic elements of introspection. The school perceives the mind consciousness as the total sum of the mental experiences that the mind has accumulated over the lifetime. Such an aspect influences reasoning (Sangster, 2013).

Accordingly, introspection is seen as the court of appeal in one’s reasoning and thinking and determines one’s cognitive processes, motivations, memory, and perceptions. Nevertheless, the psychologists borrow the idea of associationism that explained the relation between mental thinking and physical environment. However, the thought is criticized on the grounds of the introspection and self-analysis was not executable or feasible. The synthesis of these mental elements to a higher cognitive process was an overriding concern leading to the adoption of the functionalism school.


Functionalism was influenced by William James that posited a reaction against structuralism. The school recognizes the mental life and the respective behavior appears, as a result of, adaptation to one’s environment. This aspect appreciates that the mental functioning acquires its elements from an external source, unlike structuralism.

Hi, need to submit a 2500 words paper on the topic Henry James Story Daisy Miller: the Individual and Old Society.

Hi, need to submit a 2500 words paper on the topic Henry James Story Daisy Miller: the Individual and Old Society. The conflict in Daisy Miller stems from the fact that the young female protagonist of the story is thrown into a culture and society distinct from her own. In the 1870s, the time when the story was written, Europe was an old decadent society steeped in traditions and conventions and America, especially New York where Daisy’s family originated, was a new, modern, coming-of-age nation. It was in this context that the young, modern American youth is thrown into as she travels as a tourist together with her mother, young brother, and courier. Daisy Miller, which is said to be Henry James’ most well-known study of the ‘young feminine nature’, is described as a girl’s heedless rash indifference to the kind of decorum being observed in European civilized society. Although at first blush, her actions would seem to be one of the typical American traits of moral innocence, it turns out to be a want of discriminating judgment which tragically ended in her untimely death (Berkovitch Cambridge University Press p. 163). Nonetheless, there was nothing terribly wrong in Daisy’s actions from the modern-day perspective except perhaps the fact that she threw all caution to the wind when she went to the Colosseum in the middle of the night with her friend when the malaria epidemic was rampant. Although she is the daughter of a rich family and dresses fashionably, she is provincial in many ways by European standard. She incessantly talks in a monotonous manner about her family, its habits and idiosyncrasies and has virtually no conversational talent. She is childish and is not skilled in repartees and is not witty. In addition, she is a flirt and relishes being the center of attraction. Yet, Daisy is also spirited, independent and has no mean bone in her. Henry James, in attempting to explain Daisy’s character in response to a letter from a British woman named Eliza Lynn Linton, described Daisy as “innocent.

Compose a 1250 words assignment on comparisons of viktor frankls and sigmund freuds thesis. Needs to be plagiarism free!

Compose a 1250 words assignment on comparisons of viktor frankls and sigmund freuds thesis. Needs to be plagiarism free! Viktor Frankl and Sigmund Freud are two dominant and leading psychological advocates and scholars of modern times who played a remarkable role in developing theoretical ideologies and generating insight on the roles of culture and personalities of individuals with respect to therapeutic approach. However, there are certain differences of opinions among them that provide differentiated theoretical contributions. In this regard, comparisons are made among them to understand the implication of drive and drive theory in practical life (Hatala, 2010).

Sigmund Freud is mostly associated with the theories he put forward relating to the unconscious mind of individuals. According to this scholar, there is a relationship between a person’s unconscious desire and presumed dreams, which make the person drive towards the predominant state which is perceived as a goal. In other words, it can be said that there are several drivers of unconscious state (Cordón, 2012 ).

Previously scholars had this view that every individual had the tendency to have control over his behaviors, mind with respect to their environment. However, Freud endured the concept of unconscious self in which he basically stated that a free will was merely a delusion and an unconscious mind had a certain amount of control over actions, which did not have anything to do with the conscious mind. Hence, this was a key driver of Freud’s theory. According to him, the self is associated with an ego as it is synonymous, comprising of a rational being, mechanistic and oppressive driving force. For him “self” was also perceived as the bridge between conscious and unconscious self. However, for Frankl unconscious mind had a negative role and stated that the conscious “self” had the responsibility of effective decision-making (Frankl, 1984).

Frankl had a completely different view of the “unconscious mind”. According to him, the subconscious mind should not supersede the consciousness of an individual and a person should take the responsibility for his actions through his conscious being like mentioned before.

I will pay for the following article A Critical Exploration of Organisational Structures and Cultures. The work is to be 5 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page

I will pay for the following article A Critical Exploration of Organisational Structures and Cultures. The work is to be 5 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page. The culture of any college evolves with the advancement of time and it depends on several factors like the infrastructure, composition of the college lecturers, and management style. A good college culture will certainly aid in positive behavioral changes among the students which in turn would be instrumental in their career building and social development. Hence, any organization would wish to impart meaningful college culture among the students. In the United Kingdom, several college organizations have been working hard to inculcate good culture among their college students. For achieving this goal, al the positive factors influencing the college culture have to be promoted and negative factors have to be controlled. Organizational structure is the most important factor that influences the college culture in the United Kingdom. Let us analyze how the organizational structure influences the college culture:

The organization structure will have a tremendous influence on the college culture (Anderson, 2007). It will decide the style of the presentation of the students and other functionaries in the college. In the United Kingdom, the college culture is significantly influenced by the organizations’ structures and college management bodies. Technological advances and information technology also brought significant changes in the college culture in the United Kingdom (Kouzes and Posner, 2003). One of the most important effects of organizational structure on college culture is contributed by the rapid advances in the technologies available to librarians to access, manage, and deliver information to students and researchers. Better library services would help in having better access to diversified information of the different parts of the world which in turn would enhance the broader knowledge of the students or clients and hence their culture would witness tremendous change.