Write 5 pages with APA style on Relation of Information Systems to Earthquakes and Volcanoes.

Write 5 pages with APA style on Relation of Information Systems to Earthquakes and Volcanoes. When maps that show different information regarding the same area are made, it constitutes a geographical information system. Computer technology is greatly advancing the cost of examining large areas. Activities such as information manipulation, digitization, map reproduction, and interpretation are steps in the GIS that help generate accurate information on a real-time basis. The data that is manipulated by a computer is very cheap and user friendly. Maps can be scaled up or down. In addition, information can be put into tables that make it suitable for repeated analysis, decision-making, and project design. Despite the inability of information systems to produce information on a cartographic quality, the information generated is of importance to teams that analyze and plan on mitigation techniques (Johannes 61).

One of the processes involved in an Information System is data input. It encompasses data from spatial maps, remote sensors, and several other sources that can be transformed into digital format. The devices used include keyboards, digitizers, interactive terminals, scanners, and CCTS. Digitizing is the best data input option because it is the cheapest yet simplest option. The two data types that must be information in a GIS are geographic references and attributes. References refer to the coordinates of the area. Attributes are the numerical codes that refer to each cell or group of coordinates in the area (Altamimi 47).

The next step is the storage of the collected data on the volcanic or earthquake zone. Storage refers to the way in which data is organized and structured within the information system. The organization can be done on the basis of location, attribute design, or interrelationship. Computer systems allow the storage of large amounts of data since such can be stored in hard disks as well as portable diskettes.&nbsp.Data regarding earthquake or volcanic zones can be manipulated and processed. Processing allows the researcher to see the operations that are necessary to eliminate errors and update datasets.&nbsp.

Write 5 pages thesis on the topic the controversies surrounding genetically modified organisms.

Write 5 pages thesis on the topic the controversies surrounding genetically modified organisms. Major Scientific institutes including the world health organization, The American Medical Association, the British Royal Society, and the US National Academy of Sciences did research and came to the conclusion that genetically modified foods are not any riskier than non-genetically modified or organic foods (Shelly-Jenkins 1427).

The assessment and management of the risks associated with GMOs are made on a case by case basis, making it difficult to create a clinical study of GMOs in general. In India, regulators use different risk assessment measures depending on the law`s specifications (Raju 246). In the US, genetically modified foods are compared to non-genetic foods by regulators. For instance, the protein in genetically modified food is substantially equivalent to the non-genetic protein. The difference between the two is used to tell the toxicity of the substance.

Critics oppose the safety of genetically modified foods stating that substantial equivalence is not enough tests for toxicity. It is said to be too shallow because only the substances found different from the non-genetic foods undergo further tests for toxicity. However, regulators have set up workshops and consultations to address the issues by acquiring data which helps in developing standards for conventional foods (Mae-wan Lim & Cummins 132).

One of the most common risks involved in genetic modification is the introduction of allergens (Mae-wan, Lim & Cummins xii). The allergens cause a risk of high allergic reactions among users. The regulatory authorities require that producers should test for allergenicity in the genetically modified foods before they are released to the market. The GMOs safety measures put in place to ensure that genetically modified foods are at lower risk of introducing such toxins is smaller than in using traditional breeding processes. Besides, genetic modification can be used to&nbsp.reduce the risk of food allergies.&nbsp.

I need some assistance with these assignment. business week 4 Thank you in advance for the help!

I need some assistance with these assignment. business week 4 Thank you in advance for the help! Business Week 4 and Section # of Business Week 4 Communication Flow in Organizations Good communication is essential for the success of any organization. It is critical to the efficient functioning of the organization. One of the major problems of communication flow is message distortion due to noise. Often due to various reasons such as variations in perception of both sender and receiver messages do not reach the receiver as intended. To overcome this I would make sure that my employees have a mutual understanding of each other and that they are brought on the same wavelength. Organizing company picnics and lunches is a good way to ensure employee interaction. Secondly, another problem in communication flow is the employee unwillingness to communicate and share information. In many organizations employees are hesitant in communicating with each other because of the perception that everyone is out there to get each other and they do not trust each other. To address this issue I will have to create an air of confidence and mutual trust in the organization. Trust can come through friendship so the above activity can be followed here in this context. Other than that seniors in the company should encourage free sharing of information. Another problem in the communication flow is when the message does not reach the intended user and therefore does not serve its purpose. Therefore messages must be careful targeted towards specific people in an organization.

Lastly, communication should never be always in one direction. When an excessive one directional conversation takes place employees lose interest and motivation. Therefore I will try to encourage feedback as to involve people in the activities of the firm.

Strategic Communication

This is a form of communication whereby the long term objectives of the organization are kept in mind and communication designed accordingly. It is done keeping a vision in mind. Goal setting and anxiety management would be more important areas for me. As a leader the goal setting part would be very important for me. This is because when goals do not exist , there is no direction. A lack of direction not only affects the organization but also brings down the employee morale. Anxiety management is also an important issue because it comprises dealing with stressful situations and working under pressures. Things in companies will not always be leisurely and peacefully, therefore anxiety management would work for the employees. (Robert, 1999)


Diversity is an important issue today. This is because of increased globalization. Many companies today have huge differences in their workforce composition. This sometimes gives them an edge over other companies and allows for the healthy distribution of ideas. To reduce conflict fair policies would come into play. I would establish rule of law and no one precedes another, everyone is equal. Other than that glass ceilings should be removed from workplaces. Stereotyping should be discouraged and employees me made to work together for common goals. I will prohibit religious and political conversations in my organization. This will allow no hard feelings to emerge.


Freeman.R (1999). Correctional Organization and Management: Public Policy Challenges, Behavior. Prison Administration, United States


Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on the contribution of william james to american psychology.

Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on the contribution of william james to american psychology. William James has known for his masterpiece The Principles of Psychology written in 1890 and he is noted for traversing three disciplines in psychology philosophy and physiology to come up with original and groundbreaking ideas relating to human consciousness and the mechanics of human thought processes and perception among other things. The influence of this work is far-reaching and fertilized the thinking and work of later intellectuals both in America and in Europe, including John Dewey, Edmund Husserl, and Bertrand Russell (Goodman, 2013). It is on the strength of the book, which is said to be as relevant and foundational to the thinking and practice of American psychologists up to the present day, that William James is considered to be the foremost American psychologist, and effectively the founder of psychology in the country. The book itself is considered to be the first book on psychology in America. In particular, James is credited with being the early champion of the functionalist school, which in contrast to the structuralist school argued that consciousness is not something that can be partitioned into components. In opposition to a structural interpretation of consciousness, James argued that consciousness is unity, that is characterized by the continuity of flow, as well as by transitions. As opposed to discrete elements, consciousness is a flow or a stream (Gordon, 1995).

There is consensus that prior to William James’ work, American psychology simply did not exist, but that psychology as it was practiced in the United States mainly was transplanted from European conceptions about the nature of the human psyche and the theoretical underpinnings of psychological science as it was espoused in Europe. It was only during&nbsp.the time of William James, on the other hand, that a truly organic form of psychology that was rooted in the original ideas of the man, relating to his now widely cited and used concepts relating to the emotions and to “stream of consciousness”, came to life.

I need help creating a thesis and an outline on Arab Spring: Inter-Paradigm Debate. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required.

I need help creating a thesis and an outline on Arab Spring: Inter-Paradigm Debate. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. The protests and uprisings that took place in the Middle East throughout the twentieth century not only brought about the fall of governments, but they also led to the rise of authoritarian governments whose aim was to prevent such uprisings from taking place within their jurisdictions. Therefore, when the Arab Spring began, it was not taken as seriously as was later the case because it was believed that the protests would eventually die out as they had in previous years. Furthermore, it was believed that the resilience of the authoritarian governments in the Middle East had made them so stable that no protest would be able to overcome their secret police as well as their military apparatus. The paradigm of authoritarian resilience turned out not to be the case and the uprisings that took place in some of the most important Middle Eastern countries with authoritarian regimes came about as a surprise.

The protests that were the beginning of the Arab Spring took place in Tunisia after the self-immolation of Mohammed Bouazizi as a protest against the ill-treatment that he had received from corrupt policemen. This action created a sense of outrage in a country that had for decades been ruled by authoritarian figures. Such strong protests against the government, while they were unexpected, were not believed to pose a threat to the government of Zine Ben Ali’s twenty-three-year-old government because protests had taken place before and these had been put down effectively. The lack of recognition for the threat that these protests posed to his government and his belief that his massive police would be able to put it down ensured the demise of Ben Ali’s regime. The level of protests was so massive that twenty-eight days after they began, Ben Ali resigned the&nbsp.presidency and fled to Saudi Arabia. The fall of this regime was quite surprised not only because of the rapidness of its demise but also in the manner through which it took place.&nbsp.

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on how a minority group of women are portrayed in the media Paper must be at least 1750 words. Please, no plagiarized work!

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on how a minority group of women are portrayed in the media Paper must be at least 1750 words. Please, no plagiarized work! The worst aspect of the world of media, however, is that women are first seen as a body, not as a person. At the Oscars 2013, Seth Macfarlane hosted the show and sang a song pointing out different actresses whose breasts had been exposed on TV, called, “I saw your boobs”. &nbsp.No song for the male actors and their anatomy was sung. Because still, all we see first in women is their body. If a man exposes his body on the screen. that is called art. If a woman does the same, it becomes a matter of crude statements. Take advertisements for instance. When promoting a bike, a woman is always shown to be splaying over the bike or something that is equally cheesy. Why? What does a woman’s body have to do with the motorbike? For this paper, I have decided to write on the role of Asian American women portrayed in media. The USA carries a large population of Asian American women. They are from all parts of Asia. China, Philippines, Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Korea, Vietnam, etc. Many, especially in my generation, were born in the US and live as per her culture, and yet still they face bias, promoted mostly by the media. There are numerous stereotypes surrounding Asians. Indians are computer maestros, Pakistanis are terrorists, Koreans and Chinese are great with numbers and etc. East Asian women are seen as gold diggers, aggressive and opportunistic by the media. They are portrayed as cunning creatures, masters in sexual arts and ruthless/insensitive in all areas of life. But most importantly, Asian American women are shown as exotic, submissive, and sexually deviant creatures by the media, nothing more. They ergo, not only face gender bias but ethnic as well. Take the famous Bollywood actresses, Aishwariya Rai Bachan and Frieda Pinto. Both were able to break into Hollywood not because of their actions but because of the exotic element of their race and ethnicities. Movies like Mistress of Spices, Immortals, etc all stress the exotic nature of these women.

Hi, need to submit a 1250 words paper on the topic Causes of Check-in Addiction.

Hi, need to submit a 1250 words paper on the topic Causes of Check-in Addiction. The negative effect of addiction to the devices is the problem of changes and destruction of language (Kim 393). This is whereby the adolescents excessively use shortened language to facilitate faster typing of text messages which end up changing and destroying the normal language.

Check-in addiction, therefore, is significant to people of different ages but more significant in adolescents where it results to high levels of schizophrenia and where the addicted adolescents tend to show high levels depression and impulsive symptoms (Kim 394). Check-in addiction thus has emerged to be a current social phenomenon.

Various aspects and behaviors lead to check-in addiction whereby individuals get to a situation where they usually feel the urge to check their cell phones and computer for new messages and emails even at times when there are no messages. The main cause of check-in addiction is the fulfillment and achievement of emotional goals. People are usually compelled to fulfill different emotions including thrill, irrational behavior, anxiety and panic (Kim 392). Out of these emotions, people find themselves getting addicted to a tendency of checking their devices regularly. In addition to fulfillment of emotions, check-in addiction may as well be caused by a number of interrelated factors which include using the cell phones and computers as a form of communication and using them without having an actual intention (Kim 392). Availability of extensive options in these devices and the fear of missing out as well may lead to check-in addiction.

Check-in addiction may be caused by using cell phones and computers as a communication medium. When a person is, for instance, expecting to get certain information from another person in form of a text message or email, the person keeps checking their phones to see whether they receive any messages concerning the message.

I need help creating a thesis and an outline on The Story of Stuff by Annie Leonard. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required.

I need help creating a thesis and an outline on The Story of Stuff by Annie Leonard. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. Through playful cartoons, Leonard points out the culture of consumption fueled by fashion, advertisement, and media has resulted in the accumulation of garbage that pollutes the water and air during disposal. Nonetheless, the author believes that the world can embrace responsible production by employing “green chemistry, zero waste, closed-loop production, renewable energy, and a local living economy” (Leonard).

Leonard’s video clip reminds the readers that they have the responsibility to ensure that the world is a safer and healthier place to live in. I have grown up in a culture that promotes consumption but is less concerned about the responsible ways of disposing of the garbage. I agree with Leonard that reclining and burning the garbage cannot solve the problem that has plagued the planet. The failure to utilize the right channels to dispose of the waste pollutes the environment and poses a health challenge to humanity. After listening to Leonard’s clip, I can now start embracing responsible consumption, as well as, disposal of wastes. The production methods, consumption patterns, and disposal must consider the implications they have on the planet. The government has a role to explore the ways of improving the production systems.

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on The Importance Of Packaging In Building. It needs to be at least 2000 words.

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on The Importance Of Packaging In Building. It needs to be at least 2000 words. Product packaging is strongly linked to consumer perceptions about specific brands (Smith & Hui 2004).

Branding is exceptionally vital in all aspects of marketing, and brand name/image becomes a dominant variable in a firm’s prospects for a continuing success. A business’s brand image is a sort of feelings provoked in consumers by a particular brand name (Grunert & Traill 1997). For example, one of the most well-known dog food brands, Pedigree, has a long-running promotion endorsing the adoption of stray dogs in animal shelters. This endows the brand a kind-hearted image and provokes a feeling among consumers that Pedigree has a sincere sympathy for ‘homeless’ animals (Hawkins & Gilson 1992). This costs the organization relatively little, only a morsel of package design, and can remarkably help in encouraging consumers to buy (Hawkins & Gilson 1992).

Similarly, the packaging is specifically an integral component of frozen products (Kupiec & Revell 2001). This essay will focus on the influence of product packaging on consumers’ buying behavior, with a special emphasis on deeply frozen food packaging. The essence of creative product packaging will also be discussed, as well as the best way to package deep frozen food products. And the essay will sum up everything by formulating a conclusion regarding the role of product packaging in maintaining brand name or image.

Understanding the value of product features affecting food preference at the perspective of sale is mainly essential to the success of the current competitive food industry (Vasquez, Bruce & Studd 2003). Conjoint analysis, for several years, has been employed to measure the significance of different product components for consumer’s buying preferences (Vasquez et al. 2003). The packaging appears to be one of the most significant aspects of buying decisions made from the perspective of sale. In addition, the packaging is a major food product component perceived by consumers (Paine & Paine 1993). It is impossible to avoid the fact that packaging plays a marketing role, although a business does not openly acknowledge the marketing features of packaging.