You will prepare and submit a term paper on Indigenous Knowledge and Community Development Planning. Your paper should be a minimum of 2750 words in length.

You will prepare and submit a term paper on Indigenous Knowledge and Community Development Planning. Your paper should be a minimum of 2750 words in length. In the past, Indonesia used to have a centralized approach to delivering development packages in designated communities and regions. However, these development initiatives had little relevance to local needs. This centralized, top-down approach has not fostered a sense of belonging and accountability among the beneficiaries. Furthermore, it has the challenge of inadequate participation at the grassroots level by the local community members in the development activities and projects. Therefore, following the demise of the New Order and President Soeharto and the onset of ‘Reformasi’, an extensive decentralization process was initiated in 1999 through the enactment of Law Number 22/1999 which transferred significant authority and power from the central government in Jakarta to the district/municipal government. This legislation significantly empowered the local government (provincial and district) to take a leading role in local development planning and budgeting processes.

Decentralization is one of the most important reforms the Indonesian government has undertaken since the democratic elections of June 1999. Under Laws 22 and 25, which provide the framework for political and financial devolution, the districts and cities are assuming new responsibilities that were previously covered by the national government as well as managing new financial resources that have been transferred from the central government or raised within their own localities (Bappenas 2004). Since the decentralization process, the number of municipalities (Kota) and districts (Kabupaten) has increased by about half, from 292 before decentralization to 434 in 2003 (Fitrani et al. 2005). Most of the notable increase has been witnessed outside Java. The above statistics clearly indicate that the enactment of laws number 22 and 25 empowered authorities at lower levels to be responsible for managing their own affairs locally.&nbsp.&nbsp.

I need help creating a thesis and an outline on The Sub-Cultures of the Star Trek Fans. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required.

I need help creating a thesis and an outline on The Sub-Cultures of the Star Trek Fans. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. The studies have equally examined the methods in which fans interact with the text. In anthropological studies, comparisons have been made between Star Trek fan body and religious Movements (Jindra, 1994). On another account, cultural studies have made comparisons of fan organizations and cults (Hills, 200). This article seeks to examine and give a comprehensive report on the ordinary Star Trek fans.

The original Star Trek was the creation of Gene Roddenberry (1921-1991), a United States Television producer and author. His idea was to develop a Television series involving the futuristic prospects of science fiction with the stage show and enthusiasm of TV westerns his original heading for the television series was the Wagon Train to the Stars. Star Trek was initially aired on American Television in 1966 and continued for three series. Each chapter was in itself an adventure, but then they were all connected together by the premise of a huge spacecraft that was crewed by a various range of individuals, traveling around the galaxy on a mission that took five years to explore different life and new evolutions, to confidently visit a place where no human being has gone in the past. Even though, not expressly successful it attracted a devoted fan-base that was partially made up of male fans that were interested in the scientific and exceptional effects essentials of the show. On the other hand, the show also enticed many female fans.

Over the past three decades, Star Trek has been using the term mega-text. Star Treks mega-text involves much more than the innumerable studio-based television series and films. it also consists of novels, Internet chat groups, treaties, and fanzines among others. That Star Treks idea of space examination is a lightly hidden metaphor for imperialism has extensively undergone analysis (Bernardi, 1998). Exploration, occupation, and incorporation are not far from the surface of the Star Trek New Generation text. Less ostensible, nonetheless, are features of the series that challenge the hegemonic understanding of this story and which current a post-colonial appraisal.

Complete 6 pages APA formatted article: UK fashion market. Various British designers are accredited with the reputation and image par excellence and would create opportunities for augmenting the possi

Complete 6 pages APA formatted article: UK fashion market. Various British designers are accredited with the reputation and image par excellence and would create opportunities for augmenting the possibilities of being inducted in reputed professional companies overseas or abroad (Andriopoulos, C., & Dawson, P. 2009).

There is a leading company in the United Kingdom that is privately owned and involved in clothing as its primary business. The company is also designing and an expert in retailing its brands of label range wears of various segments regardless of age. Mr. David Reiss, the owner of the company Reiss took over from his father and created an opportunity of narrowing the gap in mass-market clothes of the high street as well as designer wears. It is pertinent to note that narrowing down the gap translates into the provision of good quality as well as stylish clothes for prices that are amazingly affordable. The strategy following the aftermath of success creates vistas for opening up expansion in Dublin the capital of Ireland. The strategy can be created by launching a wide range of women’s wear and globalize the business along with Dublin. Even though the efforts are on for making penetration into various countries the headway has been successful in claiming the establishment of 27 outlets of retail as well as concessions numbering to three in the United Kingdom until now. Mr. Reiss continues to be endowed with the capacity of a guiding influence with the strength that is all-pervasive in the company.

The company Reiss is capable of creating a good brand value and an entry by creating an opportunity to internationalize the company in a manner that would be conducive for strategizing the brands and the segments. There has been successful expansion into the fields of new segments of wear including opportunities for children’s wear. This strategy should be further improved to create a wide range of brands for encompassing a new&nbsp.scenario that would pave the way for newer vistas.&nbsp.

Need an research paper on adolescent egocentrism, imaginary audience and personal fable. Needs to be 5 pages. Please no plagiarism.

Need an research paper on adolescent egocentrism, imaginary audience and personal fable. Needs to be 5 pages. Please no plagiarism. Only when children turn 11 or 12, for example, they impulsively initiate concepts of faith, aptitude, and conviction into the classification of their spiritual value. Yet again, on the other hand, this original psychological scheme which liberates the adolescent from the egocentrism of upbringing entraps him in a fresh outline of egocentrism typical of adolescence. (Maynard & Uzelac, 2008)

Recognized functional contemplation not only lets the adolescent conceptualize his reflection, but it also allows him to conceptualize the idea of others. It is this aptitude relate to other people’s thoughts, conversely, which is the root of adolescent egocentrism. This egocentrism sets in as, although the adolescent can at this time cognize the judgment of others, he is unsuccessful to distinguish between the bits and pieces toward which the judgment of others is aimed at and those which are the center of his individual concern. Currently, it is prominent that the juvenile adolescent, due to this physiological transformation he is experiencing, is chiefly worried about himself. As a result, as he is unsuccessful to discriminate between what others are bearing in mind about him and his own emotional issues, he presupposes that other groups of people are as fanatical with his actions and manifestation as he is himself. It is this notion that others are thinking about his facade and conduct that adds up to the adolescent egocentrism.

One outcome of adolescent egocentrism is that, in current or approaching communal surroundings, the juvenile individual expects the feedback of other people to himself. These anxieties nevertheless are founded on the principle that others are as appreciative or as critical of him as he is of himself. (Vartanian, 2000)

Logically, at that time, the adolescent is repeatedly building or responding to, an imaginary audience. They are his audience as the adolescent deems that he will be the center of attention. and it is imaginary due to the fact that in real social circumstances, this is not customary (except he arranges to appear it so).

The song is attached and there are 18 questions to answer. I answered some, but would like your input on those as well.

The song is attached and there are 18 questions to answer. I answered some, but would like your input on those as well. 

Write a 2 pages paper on the true nature of the kung bushmen. Task: Responsive Essay This article is all about a social scientist that is out to study the behavior of the Bushmen in Kalahari Desert Co

Write a 2 pages paper on the true nature of the kung bushmen. Task: Responsive Essay This article is all about a social scientist that is out to study the behavior of the Bushmen in Kalahari Desert Community. He was on a mission, to study and analyze their physical, social and cultural development majorly in hunting and gathering subsistence economy. As it is depicted in the article, this man is given a bush name that suits him and describes his physical looks. He is called Ontah, which means whitey. As a matter of fact, Ontah was on a mission together with his wife mentioned in the article as Nancy.

As we can read in the article, so many issues come up for the anthropologist. He has stayed amongst the Kung Bushmen of the Kalahari Desert for a number of years, but he barely knows them in totality. The best time that he learns something substantial about their behavior is when he has only one Christmas to celebrate in their land. This is a group of people that are of a funny character. They make us marvel at values of their society. These include their togetherness that they uphold in the society. In so many ways, they used to enjoy in unity through sharing their hunt almost in each and every single day.

The story in this article exposes the true nature of the Kung Bushmen. As a matter of fact, they are a group of people in the society that enforces humility in people who do not have it at hand. They try as much as possible to resist pride that may crop up in someone after a little achievement of victory. For instance, it is seen in the text how people hunted and brought fatty meat at home, but in rejoinder received the least of appreciation. The anthropologist himself wondered why gratitude was barely shown to those who went hunting and gathering. To set the facts right, a member of the Kung Bushmen community gives a hidden answer, all about arrogance! This is what I realize that the Bushmen Community try as much as possible to resist for its existence would only lead to a feeling of superiority over the others. In short, members of society at large prefer to be equal to one another.

In this article, what comes out more vividly is mockery of the highest order. In the first instance, it took a lot of sacrifice for Ontah, the anthropologist to have the fattest ox for his last Christmas celebration amongst the Kung. In return, what he receives before that big day is ridicule and travesty. It is amazing how each person confronts him with a similar scorn. Exposing his folly, he hardly realizes the pure intentions of these people and to make him do, he has to inquire and seek judgment from a few people.

Hunting and gathering is the game that the Bushmen of Kung embrace for their livelihood. So much of hunting and gathering take place in this remote land of Kalahari Desert. Alongside these, they have got social activities that bind them together day by day. When they get involved in food and dance that includes all members of the society, it shows how much they embrace their culture. As it is written in the article, this is something that they do more frequently, a sole reason for them to have a strong bond amongst all of them.

In conclusion, I totally agree with the author on how he has exposed the nature of the Kung community. He is taught a lesson that caught him unaware and which for some extent hurt him accordingly. All in all, there are totally no acts of generosity. If this was his way of showing it, humility is instilled in him instead. He receives it through farce just like it would be done to any other member of the Kung society.


Borshay Lee. Natural History: Eating Christmas in the Kalahari. American Museum of Natural History, 1969. Print.

Write 3 pages thesis on the topic analysis of psychological background in rodgers case, the character of sykes from sweat by zora neale hurston.

Write 3 pages thesis on the topic analysis of psychological background in rodgers case, the character of sykes from sweat by zora neale hurston. Taking out teens’ frustration on others is their way of communication. To blame a person as solely responsible for a hate-act is the norm, ‘he/she could have coped with it better’. Looking into the reasons behind violent incidents is as much important as apprehending the perpetrator. Sometimes there are instances when mental disorder drives patients to commit murders, Elliot Roger was one such patient. Rodger’s case is one event that has shocked the whole world because he was the son of a famous director. He could be going to celebrity parties and hanging out with girls but he was uploading hate speeches on YouTube expressing his rage and anger against girls who had allegedly dumped him (Hamad, 2014). His parents had already arranged a personal therapist for Roger. Feeling jealousy, rejection and/or depression is almost a normal thing in every teenager’s life. ‘Geeks’ or ‘nerds’ are usually prone to these feelings because they are the ones usually picked on by bullies. But taking out this frustration by killing people is nothing but mental sickness. ‘Jeopardy’ champion, Arthur Chu appeared on Good Morning America and told the world that Roger’s emotional state was ‘normal’ for any nerd except for the murderous actions (Murray, 2014), yet he was severely mentally ill. There is hardly any doubt about Rodger’s motives for his murderous actions. he sent 107,000-word story to his parents, therapist and some others right before he carried out the shooting (Duke, 2014). The debate about his father (famous director) giving him a nice lifestyle is unclear because in his ‘story’ he writes of his financial suffering. He wished he were wealthier.&nbsp.Sometimes wishes can be too far-fetched and other times they are just needs. A prisoner wanting freedom is not really wanted, it’s a need. The want for wealth, money, opposite sex and popularity is never-ending. There’s no comparison between a prisoner wanting freedom and a person wanting more money.&nbsp.

Compose a 500 words assignment on it infrastructure of virgin atlantic airways. Needs to be plagiarism free!

Compose a 500 words assignment on it infrastructure of virgin atlantic airways. Needs to be plagiarism free! In 2009, Virgin Atlantic Airways (VAA) faced significant information and technology problem that reduced customer satisfaction and operations among employees. According to Mark Cameron, the head of IT infrastructure in VAA, the airline lacked an updated and proactive IT system that monitored clients on the plane and employees in their various departments (par 2). The air travel market was very competitive, and VAA desperately needed efficient and effective IT systems that link airport operations, data centers and other contact centers across the world. The system would solve problems relating to business applications thus facilitating quick and effective service to clients and meeting their demands.

The major issue that affected VAA in 2001 was the poor identification and visibility of major IT infrastructure glitches, low client satisfaction, upsurge in service disruptions and finally, the influence on the required IT system availability (Cameron par 4). The visibility of the airplanes’ IT performance was limited because of poor performance data and monitoring systems.

The solution to the IT issue

The first step in solving the IT infrastructure issue was deploying different system managers such as UNIX, Windows and HP Network Node (Cameron par 11). These systems facilitate VAA with a centralized console that monitors all servers, network infrastructure and applications. A system that reports all VAA’s processes were installed to improve performance. The second step and last steps were the improvement and integration of services in VAA (Cameron par 12).

Virgin Atlantic sought the help of Hewlett-Packard (HP), a prominent and effective IT company that develops computer software and hardware (Cameron par 5). Cameron explains that Hewlett-Packard team made various IT improvements in VAA’s IT infrastructure such as an access management platform and increased the IT system performance (par 6). The team of specialized computer software and hardware engineers created a centralized toolset that not only monitors VAA’s global server automatically but also boosts the visibility of the airline’s infrastructure problems (Cameron par 6).


The outcome of the service management system in VAA improved customer satisfaction across the world. Virgin Atlantic experienced a proactive rather than a reactive IT infrastructure monitoring (Cameron par 13). The workflows improved by enhancing productivity and service delivery to all clients. Virgin Atlantic retained their leading position in providing top services and products to clients. The service management enabled VAA’s IT team to interact with both employees and clients, monitor operations and deliver quality services. Virgin Atlantic was able to reduce the number of customers complains through monitoring any infrastructure problems by the integrated IT system that links the airport operations to all data centers and contact centers in all destinations and markets served by the company. The company has attained market leadership position through the implementation of the integrated IT systems that improve the operational efficiency in the airports.

Need an research paper on the nature of maternal love. Needs to be 7 pages. Please no plagiarism.

Need an research paper on the nature of maternal love. Needs to be 7 pages. Please no plagiarism. Despite the indefinable and unexplainable nature of maternal love, there is not even a single piece of atom in this universe that can deny the statement that maternal love is the most resilient and irrevocable form of love.

According to “The Nature of Love”, “Love is a wondrous state, deep, tender, and rewarding”. In this, psychologists have admitted the fact that emotions are meant to be felt and experienced rather than talked of and discussed. “The little we know about love does not transcend simple observation, and the little we write about it has been written better by poets and novelists..” In simple words, we can define love as something unselfish willingly done for our loved ones without expecting any favor in return. (Harlow)

The early signs of love in a human being is seen when a newborn infant responds to his mother or surrogate mother. Apart from this intimate behavior of a child to his mother and of a mother to his child, psychologists have failed to discover the underlying causes for the formation of love and affection towards each other. Psychologists do not know which mechanisms are responsible for this development of love and affection in an infant towards his mother.

According to the observations of the psychologists, they have derived that hunger, thirst, elimination. pain, and sex come under primary drives whereas all other motives including love and affection are known as secondary drives. A mother is an exception to this observation as it has been perceived that a mother always reduces her primary drives in order to fulfill her secondary drives for her child. Such maternal ties with children are not seen for a temporary time period but are known to endure for a life long time.

God gifted Eve with the mysterious, magical phenomena of conceiving and re-conceiving and giving birth to another human being after going through the process of nine months and then delivering the baby suffering so much pain. There is no other so special and such a beautiful relationship in the world than of a mom with her child.