Need help with my writing homework on The Lifespan of Personality Development. Write a 1250 word paper answering;

Need help with my writing homework on The Lifespan of Personality Development. Write a 1250 word paper answering; The factors can control the social, moral and personality development. This article will discuss the influences of adolescences in regard to physical and cognitive development. Furthermore, this paper will describe at least two theoretical perspectives associated with moral, social, and personality development in relation to lifespan development and personality.

There are many hereditary aspects that affect physical growth and development during adolescence. Heredity is a biological mechanism through which the transmission of physical and social individuality is transferred from parents to their offsprings (Shaffer & Kipp, 2013). A child is born with a unique set of hereditary instructions that influence his physical growth and appearance. According to the University of Minnesota heredity has a strong outcome on the rate of growth this is because it greatly influences different factors of growth and development (Shaffer & Kipp, 2013). The scientists are able to approximate the height and weight of an adolescent by measuring the height and weight of his or her parents. Another parental influence a child inherits from his parents is blood pressure and body fat proportion as well as body structure, mass, intelligence, aptitude and instincts (Oakley, 2004).

Evidently, genetics plays a critical role in the adolescent’s physical appearance and cognitive developments, for instance, a study that was conducted on the influence of genetics on physical development revealed that genetics as a component has a strong effect on the growth rate. Because of this fact, many scientists have been able to use parental measurements to predict the physical measurements of adolescents when they approach thirty years (Shaffer & Kipp, 2013). Other hereditary factors that have been linked to genetics are the body fat percentage, muscles, blood pressure besides the total body mass.&nbsp.

Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on myths in media reporting on sexual violence against women.

Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on myths in media reporting on sexual violence against women. The reporting on sexual violence in women has been shadowed by existing myths on the definition, nature, and intent of sexual violence. These myths hinder the way in which the sexual violence against women is viewed as relevant or significant in regards to understanding the impact it has on the victims. This paper will analyze the harmful myths that affect the effectiveness of the media reporting on sexual violence against women.

Myth I: Sexual Assault is not about Violence but the Lust in Men that cannot be controlled

In an argument by Grubb & Turner (2012) men are mythically viewed as sexually-oriented beings to a larger extent more than women. For this reason, men are viewed to have a difficulty in controlling their sexual urge. This myth eliminates violence as an effect of sexual assault as sex is the main intent of sexual assault. This is, however, not the case as most victims of sexual assault are diagnosed with bodily harms that are not sex-oriented. For instance, women are usually battered before they are assaulted. In severe cases, many women have lost their lives as caused by violent approaches leading to sexual assault. The myth is also highlighted by Gill (2007) who is of the assumption that violence in sexual assault is not viewed as a significant issue as sexual activity. The author further points out that the myth hinders the effective understanding of the intent of the offender (Gill, 2007).

The effect of the myth in reporting on sexual assault is significant. The media mostly focuses on the sexual part of the assault and ignore the violence involved. The signs of violence are cited as part of the bigger picture which is the uncontrollable lust in men (Gill, 2007). The media also portrays men as sexual figures other than driven by the need to violently assault women. From these assumptions, the violence associated with sexual assault is not represented as relevant a feature of sexual violence against women.

Myth II: The Victim, Women, Provoke and Influence Sexual Assault

This myth is created from the depiction of women as sexual targets. Kitzinger (2009) asserts that the myth sexualizes women and portray men as unable to control their sexual lust may justify the offense of sexual assault.

I need some assistance with these assignment. how systems thinking approach can be used to break down the success to successful archetype Thank you in advance for the help!

I need some assistance with these assignment. how systems thinking approach can be used to break down the success to successful archetype Thank you in advance for the help! An example of a system is an organism whereby it has many different organs but all of them are interrelated and must work together for the whole organism to live. If one part is removed, then the organism may not function normally. A System is triggered or influenced by outside forces but its response is a characteristic of itself hence it is not simple in the real world. Furthermore, it is the system itself that causes own behavior hence solutions must be found within the system itself. Systems do have structures that enable it to function and these are the ones that produce behavior. These structures are referred to as archetypes or system traps by meadows (2009, p. 6). She also refers to them as opportunities since they can be transformed to produce more desirable behavior.&nbsp.

The ‘success to successful’ paradigm is a system trap or archetype involving circles of causality whereby limited resources are to be shared by two people or groups. In this case, competition for the resources is high and the winner or the most successful gets the largest share. In turn, he uses these resources to produce more and be more successful. The one who loses does not have resources to enable him to achieve his goals hence remains unsuccessful. This means that in the next round, the most successful (the one who got resources first round) is given more and the other is assumed to be underperforming since he does not achieve his objective hence is denied resources and the cycle continues (Meadows, 2009). This is why the rich get richer and the poor poorer. it is a self-fulfilling prophecy or “competitive exclusion” as Meadows calls it (2009, p. 3). The reinforcement feedback loop rewards the winners of a competition to win further competition resulting in the elimination of all competitors save for a few. This unhealthy competition is bound to interfere with the goals of the whole system unless the loop is broken.

Need help with my writing homework on Role of Privacy in Search Engines. Write a 2000 word paper answering;

Need help with my writing homework on Role of Privacy in Search Engines. Write a 2000 word paper answering; It may be possible that many internet users both old and young can not consciously differentiate between search engines and web browsers. Especially now that web browsers incorporate the search engines as their user interface. Nevertheless, many internets users appreciate and depend on the outcomes they get from their different search queries.

A universally accepted definition of search engines has never been agreed upon and many scholars tend to define it differently. For this paper, Halavais (2009, 5-6) definition of search engines will be followed which is “an information retrieval system that allows for keyword searches of distributed digital text.”

From this definition, it is apparent that it also contains some technical concepts and terms that need further elucidation. An analysis of the underlying technical concepts of search engines is going to help analyze the context of the role of privacy in search engines. Search engines allow different internet users to access crucial information through links that direct them to resources online covering a plethora of topics. Thus, many people are tending to view the technology of search engines in a positive light and others as “value-neutral.” However, search engines can cause a number of privacy controversies.

The issue of privacy has gained much public awareness and raised debates on what is private and what is not in society today. The infringement of people’s privacy has been escalated with the rise of new technologies. The world has now shifted from the use of stand-alone computers to the sharing of information overworld linked computer networks such as the computer-enabled biometric systems, World Wide Web, video, and radio-frequency surveillance systems, and networked mobile devices. Among the controversial privacy concerns, public surveillance is the most vexing as the government regularly collects information about its citizens. Governments often do this with the argument that they are protecting their citizens from terrorist attacks and criminal activities. Businesses also collect their customers’ information through cookies left by customers when they visit their websites (Nissenbaum, 2004).

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on The Common Problem of Ankle Strain. It needs to be at least 1500 words.

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on The Common Problem of Ankle Strain. It needs to be at least 1500 words. Instability to the joint occurs whenever there is a fracture of any of the bones of the joint or when there is a sprain. A sprain means damage to the ligament. It can be just stretching of the ligament or tearing or rupture of the ligament. Ankle sprains are the most common injuries to the ankle. In fact, they account for 85% of the injuries to the ankle (1). Most of the time the sprains are inversion sprains where the lateral ligaments are damaged.&nbsp.&nbsp.This is because of the bony and soft tissue anatomy of the ankle and the fact that the lateral malleolus extends further inferiorly than the medial malleolus (2). Other types include syndesmotic sprains and eversion sprains. It is important to diagnose and treat ankle sprains appropriately to prevent symptoms of chronic instability like loss of motion, strength, and proprioception (1).

Sprains of the ankle account for 38-45% of all injuries in sports (1). It is more common in those who are less active and in the elderly (1). No sex predominance has been noted (1). In about 40% of those who have suffered ankle sprains, chronic instability is a sequel (1).

19-year-old James was brought to the emergency department on a Saturday morning at 4 am following an injury to the right ankle as he tumbled over the steps while he was returning from a party. He looked intoxicated. On admission to the casualty, he was found to be in intense pain. Examination of the right ankle revealed moderate swelling at the joint with no external bruises and decreased movements at the joint. The pain was mainly localized to the lateral side. He could bear weight on that joint but with pain. Palpation ruled out the possibility of any fractures. There was no evidence of neurovascular compromise either. Past medical history was unremarkable. A diagnosis of grade-II ankle lateral ligament sprain was made in this patient. Ice with the help of an ice bag was applied locally.&nbsp.

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on effect of first world war on the psychoanalytic movement Paper must be at least 1250 words. Please, no plagiarized work!

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on effect of first world war on the psychoanalytic movement Paper must be at least 1250 words. Please, no plagiarized work! The individuals involved in the treatment process engage each other in an in-depth conversation in order to elaborate on various factors that influence their mental condition. The patients are mainly individuals suffering from different mental disorders, and the doctor is a psychoanalyst. The patients discuss their social and personal issues with the doctor, which forms the foundation for establishing an appropriate treatment criterion (Gellner 30). An Austrian doctor, Sigmund Freud in 1900, discovered psychoanalysis. Sigmund performed various experimental psychoanalysis treatments on his close friends and families in order to establish the effectiveness of the techniques in the treatment of various mental conditions. In addition, the initiatives by Sigmund to resolve mental issues using psychoanalysis led to the establishment of the psychoanalysis movement in Austria. The movement aimed at educating various learners across the world on the approaches of psychoanalysis in the treatment of mental disorders. In addition, the members of the movement initiated various activities and rallies across Europe to promote the achievements of the technique (Kutter 22).

The movement originated from the clinical formulations and observations of Sigmund Freud, an Austrian psychiatrist. Freud alongside Josef Breuer engaged in various studies involving neurotic patients who were undergoing hypnosis. Josef and Freud observed that the state of the patients improved when the sources of their impulses and ideas were established under consciousness while in a hypnotic state. The patients communicated freely regarding their social conditions without the influence of hypnosis, which enhanced the treatment process. The technique of establishing a free association with the patients enhanced the findings of Freud’s experiments, which was critical in the success of psychoanalytic treatment. In this approach, the patients communicate freely regarding various issues that arise from the brains, which enables the doctor to develop an effective approach to the treatment (Gellner 28). The First World War began in Austria in 1914 due to the declaration of war by Austria against Serbia.

Provide a 5 pages analysis while answering the following question: The Essence of Stress and Perceived Faculty Support. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide

Provide a 5 pages analysis while answering the following question: The Essence of Stress and Perceived Faculty Support. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. Research indicates that minority nursing students are at high risk for failure and attrition (Choi, 2005. Gardner, 2005a. Jeffreys, 2007b). Research on stress in nursing students indicates these students experience a variety of stressors, such as fear of failure, financial issues, patient care responsibilities, and balancing school work with personal life (Jones & Johnston, 1997, 1999). Furthermore, the greater the stress experienced, the greater the negative effects it has on student learning and success (Gwele & Uys, 1998. Jones & Johnston, 1997).

A conceptual model is used in forms of diagrams and scales and it is used to help us understand the subject matter. This model includes 11 teaching strategies, such as preparing learning objectives related to communication, permitting expression of identity and cultural sharing, providing bilingual and bicultural opportunities, modelling the use of texts and resources, and continuous assessment.

The findings of this study reflect previous literature indicating that foreign-born nursing students report issues of discrimination, stereotyping, and cultural incompetence or incongruence (Gardner, 2005b. Jeffreys, 2007a).

An interpretive phenomenological design was used to examine stress experiences and perceptions of faculty support among foreign-born generic baccalaureate nursing students. Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis&nbsp.(IPA) is an approach to psychological&nbsp.qualitative research&nbsp.with an idiographic focus, which means that it aims to offer insights into how a given person, in a given context, makes sense of a given&nbsp.phenomenon. Usually, these phenomena relate to experiences of some personal significance – such as a major life event, or the development of an important relationship. It has its theoretical origins in&nbsp.phenomenology&nbsp.and&nbsp.hermeneutics, and key ideas from&nbsp.Husserl,&nbsp.Heidegger, and&nbsp.Merleau-Ponty&nbsp.are often cited. IPA is one of several approaches to qualitative, phenomenological psychology.

A purposeful sample of foreign-born baccalaureate senior-level nursing students participated in the study (n=10) and that is what makes the sample large enough.&nbsp.&nbsp.

Provide a 5 pages analysis while answering the following question: Dreams and Daydreams Image Determination. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstra

Provide a 5 pages analysis while answering the following question: Dreams and Daydreams Image Determination. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. The study involved college students, a target population of 208 in number. The research study was conducted in different phases in which three General Psychology classes run through the study to come up with a detailed study. The 208 students had different traits. From this target population, a sample study of 40 students was selected using a random sampling technique. The students had different ages that were ranging from 18 years to 25 years, but the specifics on ages and ages were not revealed to the researchers. The students with thin and thick boundaries were put understudy for two hours to determine the goal and objective of the study, which had to answer the research question (Hall, 1983).

The researchers used quasi-experimental design in the study and had two hypotheses for the study: “1) the college students dreams would differ from their daydreams in that they would have more CIs and more intense CIs. We also expected that the contextualized emotions in dreams would include more fear/terror and helplessness/ vulnerability than in daydreams” (Grace et al., 2001, p. 98). The second hypothesis stated and tested by the researchers in the article is that the “students who score relatively “thin” on the Boundary Questionnaire would have more CIs and more intense CIs than those who score “thick”-in both dreams and daydreams” (Grace et al., 2001, p. 98). The study had one independent variable being tested against one independent variable. The independent variable on the topic under study was the possible images experienced by college students on different experiences, in relation to their dreams according to their personality traits while the dependent variable, which is the availability of dreams in different occasion such as trauma in different personalities.&nbsp.

EXAMINATION # 3PSY 1012: General Psychology Dr. Liebert/Fall 2020Instructions: The purpose for this exam is to demonstrate your critical thinking as it applies to the topics discussed so far in class.

EXAMINATION # 3PSY 1012: General Psychology Dr. Liebert/Fall 2020Instructions: The purpose for this exam is to demonstrate your critical thinking as it applies to the topics discussed so far in class. This is a “take-home” exam; students may use any academic-level reference necessary to develop an appropriate, robust response to the questions below. Remember, the goal is not to merely answer each question using the least amount of words possible. Rather, the goal is to be robust, showcasing the depth of knowledge that’s been obtained from one’s study on the topic so far. All work must reflect the student’s individual efforts. The completed exam needs to be submitted to the designated Drop Box in MyCourses no later than 11:59 pm on the due date. Question 1: Critical Movie Analysis (50 pts) Students need to arrange on their own to watch The Prince of Tides(1991), directed by Barbara Streisand and starring B arbara Streisand and Nick Nolte, who plays the role of Tom Wingo, whose twin-sister is a famous poet and has recently suffered a psychotic break. Streisand is her psychiatrist (Dr. Lowestein)who asks if Tom will serve as his sister’s memory.Question: Provide a psychoanalytic analysis for this film. Your analysis should first identify the psychoanalytic elements present in the movie, followed by a critical analysis addressing the extent to which these elements are accurately portrayed in the movie. The response needs to be limited to 500-words (10% over/under) and include at least two college-level references. The response needs to address the question posed above and avoid any movie summary. Grading Rubric: 40 points = Critical Analysis, 5 points = Correct Use of APA citation, 5 points = grammar.Note: The movie is available for rent (about $3) on Amazon Prime. Reach out to your professor if there is any challenge locating the film. Question 2: Research Analysis (30 pts) Read the short story “For it is just this question of pain that parts us?” (attached PDF). Using the APPI Psychiatry Online Premium data base from the SPC Library (which is the 10th database down on the list), (1) provide a DSM diagnosis for Jerry. (2) In a short paragraph provide the basis for the diagnosis. (3) Using a college-level reference, in no more than two sentences, suggest an effective treatment for Jerry.Be sure to list all references in correct APA format. The response needs to be limited to 250-words (10% over/under). Grading Rubric: 20 points = Diagnosis/rationale, 5 points = treatment recommendation, and 5 points = grammar/APA format. Reference: Liebert, D. (2014). Shrink wrapped: Stories from a psychologist’s unconscious.Moonshine Cover Press.