Compose a 1750 words assignment on sacrifice is a part of life. Needs to be plagiarism free!

Compose a 1750 words assignment on sacrifice is a part of life. Needs to be plagiarism free! Despite there might be manifold opinions on the matter, such as unconventional understanding of sacrifice as a result of the struggle of primal impulses i.e. balancing between selfishness and benefaction (Desar 2013), there is still a preconceived idea about the sacrifice as of summum bonum, the highest good.

As we all know from the novel, the protagonist called Eddie executes a classical sacrifice: he saves a little girl’s life losing his own. Although this particular episode does not represent the core of the entire novel being nothing but a turning point of the plot, it serves as a perfect example of what we call giving up something valued for the cause. It would be rather a decision without much foresight of us to say that was the one and only sacrifice made in the novel. It seems an evident author’s intention in showing that another person to sacrifice his own life for the sake of saving somebody else’s is Eddie’s father who saves Mickey’s life after an unsuccessful suicide attempt. Captain’s deed shows how worthy and lofty the cause may be as saving the lives of his soldiers for the cost of his own life obviously is a genuine sacrifice and thus requires no justification as relatively opposed to Eddie’s. Eddie being indirectly involved in the death of young Tala eventually atones for the crime, or to be more correct, to the sin. Not surprisingly it turns out that we operate with merely religious terms. The category of lofty matters does call for it. sacrifice is a matter of mind in a spiritual sense rather than psychological motivation or whatever in sense of rationality, which would require scientific terms. Redemption and sacrifice are undoubtedly among the principal concepts to be encountered throughout the novel.

As it was mentioned before, sacrifice is accepted as an exceptional phenomenon in society since it originates in unusual to human nature aspiration for benefiting others to the detriment of self. A rather important remark to be made, selflessness is often claimed as an alternative name for sacrifice, thus partially explaining its deep-rooted&nbsp.psychological motivation. The existence of sacrifice is likely to be sustained by valid unwritten ethic rules and to a certain extent by virtues prescribed by a gargantuan number of religions throughout the world.

Hi, need to submit a 1250 words paper on the topic Social Psychology in Real Life.

Hi, need to submit a 1250 words paper on the topic Social Psychology in Real Life. Just so, there is a tragic death of the 18-years old unarmed black teenager Michael Brown, which has happened in St. Louis in August of 2014 (Reuters). This event can be viewed as a casualty, a reckless homicide, or a cold-blooded murder. If to take into consideration not so rare cases of Afro-Americans’ murders, this one is seemed not to stay apart of them. Naturally, particular reasons for such actions account for specific social aspects of people’s subjective negative attitudes towards blacks just because of their skin color. The thing is about humans’ practice of building up of forwarding conclusions about people and intentions of their behavior far too often being based only on hearsay unchecked and probably false information. As a matter of fact, the case of Michael Brown’s murder evidences strongly pronounced impact of racial prejudices of society. The officer who has killed the teenager is likely to transfer his negative vision of African Americans in general to the personality of the black boy in particular. This may be due to the policeman’s own professional experience of black people’s involvement in some crimes solved by him or due to his baseless totally negative attitude towards them. Whatever has happened in the head of the officer, Michael Brown is killed being unarmed or so to speak being armed with his skin color, which, unfortunately, may be seen by many men as an almost direct warning of the possible implicit threat. To all intents and purposes, the case is extremely tangled, as even witness testimony and statements of officials are of a contrary nature. Thus, “St. Louis Police Chief Sam Dotson said the officer, who was working for a private security company when Wednesday’s shooting took place in the St. Louis neighborhood of Shaw, had shot at the 18-year-old in self-defense after the teen opened fire on him” (Reuters). At the same time, “People in the neighborhood have told&nbsp.reporters that they remember what happened next as a series of movements: the officer, it seemed to them, trying& put Brown into a car. Brown running&nbsp.with his hands in the air. the policeman shooting. Brown falling” (Davidson).

Write 9 pages thesis on the topic is american society getting better or worse. The state has brainwashed Americans into tolerating mediocrity and hold others guilty. Today it is believed that mediocri

Write 9 pages thesis on the topic is american society getting better or worse. The state has brainwashed Americans into tolerating mediocrity and hold others guilty. Today it is believed that mediocrity is neither the person’s mistake nor the government rather the culprit is someone who is doing well.

Obama’s justification of why the economy is still in a recession is a prime illustration of the aforementioned point. He has accused tsunami, Japanese nuclear plant explosions, natural catastrophes, the former president, tax reductions, tax increases, the indolent American public, the stock exchange, Wall Street, capitalist economies, burdens of war, Chinese currency, and countless other factors. However, he never held himself accountable. He never admitted to the bare truths. In reality, it is their economic strategies and disruptive political activities, which have directly ensued in rising unemployment and economic disasters.

Another integral reason for the degeneration of American society is the lack of true education based on morality and ethics. Humankind has not registered any considerable changes over the years. Humans have always been inclined towards humanity, generosity, and surrendered personal needs for the well-being of others. Undeniably, humans are more capable of feeling, caring, and empathizing with others. However, like all creatures, humans need to be taught the difference between right and wrong.

Nowadays, people have grown distant from religions, the purity and commitment of marriages have vanished, vows can be conveniently broken and children are mercilessly aborted. Our morals have deteriorated to the point that individuals kill without any guilt or second thoughts. Instead of taking advantage of modern technologies, people are ruining themselves. For instance, the number of pedophiles has never been this high. The Internet has shown the true side of society.&nbsp.Never have children been so ignored, as parents are extremely busy making money.

No generation had as many resources as ours but they are only destroying our lives. With the internet, we can ruin our lives with a single mouse click.&nbsp.

I will pay for the following article Differential Impact of Information Communication Technology on Employees. The work is to be 9 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a refere

I will pay for the following article Differential Impact of Information Communication Technology on Employees. The work is to be 9 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page. Social constructivism forms the theoretical background for the analysis in this study, where the theory holds that meanings and knowledge is created through a process of micro-social interactions between different people, where interactions and negotiations eventually form a social understanding (Barnes, 2012:122). Thus, in the same way, technology is an aspect of the society that ought to be negotiated, as does the issues of culture and other social-cultural factors. In this respect, technology and technological change are the outcomes of a complex process of negotiations, which will, in the end, create a common understanding amongst the different stakeholders (Barnes, 2012:127). However, the most important aspect of technology is the fact that technology is a component that comprises of varied applications, which are socially constructed by individuals, and thus cannot simply be generalized. What this means is that. while a new technology might be introduced in the organization for all the employees to apply in their different job responsibilities, each particular individual understands technology on their own accord (Barnes, 2012:123). Therefore, the adoption of new technology within an organization does not have to follow a predetermined path but must be allowed to pass through the process of negotiated interactions, until all the stakeholders are capable of forming the requisite knowledge and shared meaning.

Nevertheless, the theory of determinism has been applied to criticize the position held by the Social constructivism theory, by holding that for every different technology that an organization introduces, there must be some different effects on the individual stakeholders, which cannot be controlled through the creation of a mutual understanding (Barnes, 2012:123). Thus, this theory holds that technology needs to be studied on the basis of how individuals interact with it.

I will pay for the following article Global Marketing-Strategy and Practice 1. The work is to be 12 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.

I will pay for the following article Global Marketing-Strategy and Practice 1. The work is to be 12 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page. Chili’s Grill and Bar offers its customers with exotic Mexican and Texan food through a chain of restaurant outlets all over America. The business development strategies consider exploring the UK markets in future. While the restaurant chain has been successful in establishing a strong market presence in the States, the UK market presents new challenges in the form of food culture and consumer habits. The report analyzes the market strategies of the retailer and recommends fresh strategic moves that can help Chili’s explore the UK markets with specific focus on the city of London.

Organizations constantly seek new market opportunities for pursuing its growth objectives. However, international marketing strategies face the primary challenge of entering new markets and this challenge involves the vital decision of where, how, and when to enter. Decisions related to global marketing strategies are often complex considering the wide range of social, economic, political, and technology based factors that impact market viability and approach. Doole and Lowe (2008) in their works on international marketing strategy observed that globalization for firms “should be the route to maximizing performance by introducing, where possible, standardized marketing programmes and processes, but at the same time, adapting certain operational activities to local needs in order to maximize short term revenue generation” (p187). The vital strategic consideration while entering a new market is deciding on how and where to adapt as per the needs of the local market segments.

London presents a lucrative market for those in the food business owing to its demand for fast food and restaurant services (Horizon News, 2011). London is a vital business destination attracting large numbers of tourists every day.

Hi, need to submit a 250 words paper on the topic Education Should be privatized as it is a privilege not a right.

Hi, need to submit a 250 words paper on the topic Education Should be privatized as it is a privilege not a right. Education should be privatized, as it is a Privilege not a Right Supervisor: October 8, I. Education should be privatized as it is a Privilege not a Right

II. This paper argues that education should be privatized and therefore, treats education as a privilege rather than a right.

III. Body

1. Poor quality education in public schools has necessitated privatization of education.

i. “In the United States, lament about the poor quality of public schools has been an integral part of the economics of education…” (Meryzn & Ursprung, 2005, p. 34).

ii. Scholars have proposed that privatizing education would improve the quality of education in schools considering the high regulation experienced in private schools (Meryzn & Ursprung, 2005).

2. Privatizing education provides healthy competition among higher learning institutions, and consequently increases education quality in these institutions.

i. “The changes introduced in the early 1980s were reinforced by a system that encouraged institutions to be self-financing, by charging tuition and enrollment fees…” (Espinoza & Gonzalez, 2013, p. 200).

ii. This move has been identified as key to improving enrollment in higher education institutions that in turn has been necessitated by the growing demand for higher education among secondary school graduates (Espinoza & Gonzalez, 2013).

3. Misappropriation of funds by public universities has also necessitated the need to privatize education.

i. “Public universities have gotten sandbagged by frustrating and confusing debates about financial resources, administrative bloat, tuition bubbles…” (Newfield, 2014, p. 1).

ii. Public universities have for a long time been associated with fund misuse, a factor that has made them unable to match their private counterparts in terms of quality education delivery (Newfield, 2014). Privatizing education would mean that all institutions of learning generate their own funds and this would increase accountability.

IV. References

1. Espinoza, O. & Gonzalez, E. (2013). Access to higher education in Chile: A public vs. private analysis. Academic Journal, 43(2):199-214

2. Meryzn, W. & Ursprung, H. (2005). Voter support for privatizing education: evidence on self-interest and ideology. European Journal of Political Economy, 21:33-58

3. Newfield, C. (2014). The Chronicle of Higher Education.

Provide a 5 pages analysis while answering the following question: Benchmark Assessment. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required.

Provide a 5 pages analysis while answering the following question: Benchmark Assessment. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. She has not expressed any concerns with these issues for this year. On the part of the teacher, this was negligence of duty since it should be her duty to supervise fully the work of all the students and not only a section of the class.

Paulson may face interdiction as she ignored the rule of ethical behavior while on duty. She has completely ignored her duty of supervision and allowed the students to have access to pornographic photos that is completely acceptable both in the schools and even lawfully in the society. Though she knew it was difficult to manage and supervise the class, she did not express any concerns with these issues for this year meaning this was a total neglect of duty on her part. However, Ms. Paulson has a right to fair trial before the disciplinary committee since even the principal was aware of the difficult situation Paulson was passing through as he had dropped in on two separate occasions and observed her working with individual students while the rest of the class was left largely unsupervised

Instructional leadership is a very important factor that the principals should consider facilitating, improve and even promote the academic performance of their students. As an instructional leader most principals have failed to evaluate and assess effectively most of the students at risk situations, they also fail to show focus on how to exhibit expectations or in displaying the instructional commands (Daniel, Sornette & Woehrmann, 2009). For the schools where the students at risk are making academic gains, principals do for the teachers what effective teachers do for their student and constantly monitor the progress of their teachers and their students.

Compose a 2000 words assignment on marketing strategies for london eye. Needs to be plagiarism free!

Compose a 2000 words assignment on marketing strategies for london eye. Needs to be plagiarism free! All these questions can be answered with the help of marketing research that is irreplaceable in business strategy.

If we try to look at the modern economic sector more attentively, we can state that indeed marketing is everywhere. It is rather hard to imagine a firm that proposes new products to the market without using any marketing principles and after all, successfully operates in the conditions of free competition. Today a wide range of goods and services compel to care about advertising elements more meticulously, making any attempt to attract consumers’ attention and persuade them to purchase a product of your brand. Only a detailed analysis of the market situation is able to lead the entrepreneur in the right direction. In this respect, it is vital to use marketing strategies that contain several interconnected elements and elaborate a clear step-by-step scheme concerning each of them.

Historically marketing appeared a long time ago. In 1960 American professor and marketer, McCarthy has formulated the concept of Marketing Mix, which consists of four elements called simply Four Ps. It is fair to admit that each factor of the mentioned concept is vital for the life circle of the product because the consequences of one element are able to influence the work of others, which in own turn affects the financial results of the company’s performance. Therefore nowadays small and large enterprises assign a big role to the marketing department, which conducts marketing surveys, researches, analyses and creates stimulus for the work of other departments. For a further and deeper understanding of the Marketing Mix principles, the London Eye has been chosen as an example of favorable marketing performance. With the help of information about the observation wheel’s performance, it is easy to see the Four Ps on stream and draw up recommendations concerning the future development of the company.

Write 8 pages thesis on the topic critique of thomas friedman its a flat world, after all.

Write 8 pages thesis on the topic critique of thomas friedman its a flat world, after all. During his visit, he met Nandan Nilekani, then CEO of Infosys, one of India’s major IT companies and after one such meeting with him understood how the world has become a “level playing field” and thus flatter. “Alas, I encountered the flattening of the world quite by accident…I was visiting the Indian high-tech capital, Bangalore…At one point, summing up the implications of all this, Nilekani uttered a phrase that rang in my ear…Tom, the playing field is being leveled.” (Friedman 2005). Globalization in hand with technology particularly IT has first ‘flattened’ the competitive field in the IT sector and in other business sectors, secondly, made geographical boundaries invisible and thirdly, aided many Third World countries to elevate their economic status.&nbsp.

Friedman divides globalization into three historical phases and also points out the key force which influenced globalization in each phase, and how the world became smaller after each phase. He terms the first phase as Globalization 1.0 and states that starting from the year 1492 and till 1800, the world shrunk from a large size to medium size, with the mindset of people of those times to discover new places, search for places with resources and imperialistic tendencies, acting as the influencing force. Then, Globalization 2.0 was visible from 1800 to 2000, during which companies due to opening up of markets by various countries and importantly due to the advancement of technologies, started globalizing and accessing new countries, thereby reducing the size of the world even further. Finally, Friedman writes about Globalization 3.0, which started around 2000 and is still continuing with more development. He states that in this present&nbsp.phase of globalization3.0, the convergence of fiber-optic micro cables and computers has made the world even smaller and importantly flatter place.