Write 12 pages with APA style on The Models or Schools Of Thought to the Management of Business Strategy.

Write 12 pages with APA style on The Models or Schools Of Thought to the Management of Business Strategy. The present research has identified that the strategic models during the 1980s were predominantly premised upon factors external to the organization. They pertained to elements in the business environment which shaped the manner in which the corporation responded. The advantage of these strategies is that they are market-oriented and therefore are keen to capture opportunities and avoid threats. however, they largely ignore or overlook the internal resources and capabilities of the company and its strengths and weaknesses. As a result, the strategic plans are not always feasible for the company to implement, or the firm may be ill-equipped or their personnel ill-trained to properly execute it. &nbsp.Porter’s model focuses on five forces that are external to the firm but internal to the industry to which it belongs. The stronger these forces are, the more limited a firm is in building profits. on the other, weak forces indicate that there are more opportunities to earn profits. Over time, the strength of each of the forces may change, together with changing industry conditions. It is the manager’s task to take cognizance of these risks and opportunities and to formulate an appropriate strategy in response to these forces. Each of the generic strategies adopts a fundamentally different approach in “creating, sustaining, and combining a firm’s competitive advantage” and deciding on what its specific target shall be. The clear-cut distinctions the model makes among the strategies tend to be simplistic and misleading because a cost leader cannot ignore the basis of differentiation – that is, the cost leader must at least achieve parity or proximity on the basis of differentiation as its competitors for it to realize an advantage over them in cost. Conversely, the firm relying on differentiation must attain a cost structure at parity or proximity to its competitors, by reigning in costs that do not impact on differentiation.

Need help with my writing homework on The Three Components of Community Policing. Write a 750 word paper answering;

Need help with my writing homework on The Three Components of Community Policing. Write a 750 word paper answering; Established in 1994 by then-President Bill Clinton and created as a component under the US Department of Justice, COPS made available billions of federal funds to law enforcement agencies throughout the US to fund programs aimed at the eradication of violent crimes. More importantly, COPS serves as the vehicle for the shift of law enforcement from its traditional form to a more proactive form known as community policing, which focuses more on crime prevention by putting police officers on beats where they can mingle and interact more with the members of the communities (Myers, 19).

The community partnership component of community policing is an acknowledgment that law enforcers alone cannot prevent crimes, but need the involvement of the community and other stakeholders. Thus, community partnership aims at the “collaborative partnerships” between the law enforcement agents and members of the community such as the community members and groups, other government agencies, providers of services and non-profit organizations, private businesses and the media. Other government agencies may refer to federal and state legislatures and other law-making bodies, prosecutors, probation and parole boards and officers, public works departments, law enforcement agencies of neighboring communities, health, and human services, child support services, ordinance enforcement schools. Community members and groups, on the other hand, refer to the residents within the law enforcer’s area as well as visitors or tourists to that area and commuters, which law enforcers can meet during town hall meetings, neighborhood association meetings and beat assignments. Nonprofit/service providers are those who provide services to the residents and other persons in the area for free, while businesses are those engaged in profit-earning enterprises in the area such as the members of the local chamber of commerce (COPS 2009, pp. 5-6).

Partnerships appreciate that the police cannot be able to face crime without the involvement of the public, and it encourages relationships among the different stakeholders to fight crime. Collaborative partnerships between law enforcement agencies, organizations and individuals will increase the levels of trust that people will have on the police. This implies that catching up with criminals will be easy since information is voluntarily available and there is mutual trust between the police and people.

Organizational transformation refers to the changes to be made to the structure of law enforcement agencies, including the adoption of sound management philosophies to make them more adapted to and supportive of the principles of community policing. The goal is a structure that is both efficient and effective while institutionalizing the principles of community policing. Included in this concept are changes in agency management, strategic assignment of police officers, personnel handling from recruitment, selection to training and the use of technology to assist law enforcement in deterring, preventing and solving crimes (COPS 2009, pp. 7-11).

The organizational transformation will incorporate the necessary infrastructure required to make the partnerships of people, organizations, and policy effective. The police agencies will change their culture, leadership, labor relations, and policies so that they can be able to manage the partnerships with the community effectively.

The change to community policing will need police management to be altered to support the shift from the normal procedures to community policing. It will include the changes that will have to be made on the management and personnel so that the policy is effectual. Personnel training will have to be included so that the police are able to relate to the community in ways that increase the efficiency of the process. The organizational transformation will require the police to change the way they carry out their activities because they will now be in partnership with the community, and they will require a means for supporting the community-oriented policies.

The last core component of community policing is problem-solving. This refers to the ability and capability of law enforcement to effectively respond to crime. The underlying principle here is pro-activity, which means the development of various solutions for various situations involving crimes even before they actually occur. Moreover, COPS encourages police agencies to use the SARA problem-solving model. SARA stands for Scanning, Analysis, Response, and Assessment. Scanning refers to the identification of specific problems such as type of person, a certain area, an event, time or any of their combinations and classifying the nature, severity, scope and possible responses to that problem. Analysis entails thorough research of the problem identified while Response evidently means the use of an effective solution to eliminate or reduce the problem and Assessment to the evaluation of its success (COPS 2009, pp. 12-13).

The community will be beneficial in this process since they will provide police with the information required to carry out SARA problem-solving. Scanning will enable police to prioritize their operations since they get information from the public on time. The analysis will be crucial in helping the police to know what they are likely to face when responding to situations from information from the community, and this will enable them to be prepared. A response will make the police solve the problem efficiently after they have gotten the information they need from the public. The public will be instrumental in assessment since they will inform the police if a crime has been stopped or not. Therefore, information from the community will be crucial in fighting crime since the police will be able to gather all the data they require and fight crime efficiently.

Write 2 pages thesis on the topic pac resources and downsizing. The saved costs in this manner will help to save maximum jobs possible. On the other hand, labor costs can even be reduced by providing

Write 2 pages thesis on the topic pac resources and downsizing. The saved costs in this manner will help to save maximum jobs possible. On the other hand, labor costs can even be reduced by providing limited training and focusing more on factors which are resisting team members from enhancing sales volume.&nbsp.The saved costs in this manner will help to save maximum jobs possible. On the other hand, labor costs can even be reduced by providing limited training and focusing more on factors which are resisting team members from enhancing sales volume.&nbsp.

Downsizing is a common phenomenon which is adopted by an organization when it needs to reduce the total labor costs. However, there are certain short term and long term implications of downsizing. In the context of short term, such factor facilitates layoffs and enables management to focus on those employees who are productive by nature. The major short term implication of downsizing is that it helps to eliminate unnecessary costs from the system. On the other hand, the long term implication of such a procedure is that it initiates insecurity within other team members. The employees might feel that if their performance level declines in any month then even they would lose their jobs. Downsizing in the long term makes an organization less productive as it loses the capability to retain employees in the organization. The other long term implications are usually in the form of lack in motivation or enthusiasm within the firm which has a direct impact on end results. Often firms focus on short term implications of downsizing but long term implications are not given much importance.&nbsp.

Downsizing is one of the essential steps that need to be taken by PAC resources so as to sustain its overall operations. In order to enable a 10 percent overall reduction in the workforce, it is recommended to analyze the performance of team members. This would help in determining which of the employees are not performing up to the set standard in the past few years. On the other hand, a monitoring and evaluation technique can even be implemented to identify the effectiveness of the training session. That personnel who have been able to maintain their performance standard and performed well in training programs will be retained in the organization. There are certain discrimination issues associated with downsizing as some employees might feel that experienced candidates were given more preference in relation to those who have currently joined the system. A discriminating factor can also be related to gender, as males can be majorly retained in the system in comparison to females since the job was of sales profile.&nbsp.

Hi, need to submit a 750 words paper on the topic Genre analysis. At the same time it has made my reflexes so much better, I can feel the difference for myself. Earlier, I was really slow and my refle

Hi, need to submit a 750 words paper on the topic Genre analysis. At the same time it has made my reflexes so much better, I can feel the difference for myself. Earlier, I was really slow and my reflexes were extremely slow but thanks to the game, I have become much faster now. My hand-eye coordination has also improved tremendously.

In addition to this playing online has helped me a lot, I have made so many friends and I constantly play against them to see how good I really am. We also meet outside and spend time together. I became excessively involved and that was when I asked myself some really important questions?

Questions like what is the future on gaming and how can I benefit from it? I am investing so much time into it what will I get out of it? These were some extremely important questions that I asked myself and it was very important for me to ask myself these questions and I am delighted I asked these questions just at the right time.

“To narrow my analysis I stumbled upon the Virgin Gaming website.” (Virgin Gaming) The Virgin Gaming website has been developed by the Virgin group and it provides an ideal platform for gamers to grow and develop.

I also came across twitch TV website. The Twitch TV website allows gamers to stream gaming videos and attract audience. That was when I started believing that one can make a career out of gaming and I started working towards it.

There are so many gamers who have made a career out of gaming and this is certainly possible. So many of them have already been immensely successful. Twitch TV is similar to Youtube and they pay content producers for involving more and more people, this is very similar to Youtube partner program.

The audience can contribute greatly, they can chip in with their comments and the types of series they would want to see and the content producers can produce exactly what is required and demanded by the audience.

Virgin Gaming is a different ball game altogether.

Provide a 1 page analysis while answering the following question: Environmentalism Religion. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required.

Provide a 1 page analysis while answering the following question: Environmentalism Religion. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. Environmentalism Religion Environmentalism can be defined as. theory that views environment rather than heredity as the important factor in the development and especially the cultural and intellectual development of an individual or group. Many researchers have indicated that environmentalism is almost close to religious belief system, since it includes creation and ideas of origin of sin. As we try to look into environmentalism religion we as well trying to answer the question. what are the relationships between humans, their divers’ religions, and the Earth’s living systems? The answers to it, however, are difficult, complex, and complicated by a host of cultural, environmental, and religious variables.

Lynn Whites argues that those Biblical precepts made Christianity, “especially in its Western form, “the most anthropocentric religion the world has seen, “ In contrast to paganisms, Christianity posited “a dualism of man and nature” and “insisted that it is God’s will that man exploit nature for his proper ends.” Whereas ancient pagans’ creeds gave a cyclical account of time, Christianity assumes a teleogical way to history and with it the possibility of progress. The belief in progress was adopted in modern science, which, amounted to technology, and the results was the industrial revolution. Thus the power to control nature was achieved by a civilization that inherited the license to exploit it. According to White this was not a positive historical development, therefore, he believes that science technology could be the best ecological problems they had created.

In my opinion science and religion may have a connection at some point, since civilization was inherited at some point from the belief of exploiting God’s creation. However, this connection is not clear because science and religion are at loggerheads and none accepts the theories brought forth by the other.

In summary religion and environment maybe related in one way or another, but there is need for an extensive research to justify that. Researchers have indicated that environmentalism is close to religion. However, people argue that the two are different and science and technology is not only an advantage but an artificial problem. Finally, the subject is prone to further and extensive research that would come to a common ground regarding the issue.

For what reasons was new Netherland establishe?

For what reasons was new Netherland establishe?

I will pay for the following article MBA Capstone Part 1. The work is to be 12 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page.

I will pay for the following article MBA Capstone Part 1. The work is to be 12 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page. ership is regarded as such sort of leadership quality based on which the business leaders often use several plans and strategies for accomplishing desired business or operational targets. In this form of leadership, the leaders provide certain vision to the organizations and accordingly strategies are built. This form of leadership skill enables in making effective decisions for the organizations. It also leads towards appropriate use of human resources by understanding the potential skill of the employees. Moreover, strategic leadership often acts as a driving force for the organizations to reach their ultimate goals and objectives. Thus, this form of leadership proves to be highly effective for any organization. It can be apparently observed in this similar concern that Tesla Motors is one of such organizations, which implemented strategic leadership in its business operations for reaping several significant benefits (Harrison & John, 2013. Hill & John, 2012. Drucker, 2008. Collins, 2001).

Sustainable strategic management refers to the situation, wherein organizations possess an objective for gaining long-term sustainability in the business markets. In this regard, the organizations also seek for gaining long term competitive advantage through the implementation of strategic management. In this form of management, organizations undertake periodical evaluation and understand the prevailing business market conditions. Sustainable strategic management is quite essential from the perspective of an organization, as this leads in attaining predetermined business or operational targets. Specially mentioning, this sort of management can also be found applicable in Tesla Motors, which supported the company to form, develop as well as maintain long-term sustainable growth in alignment with the prevailing business market settings (Tesla Motors Inc., 2014. Drucker, 2008. Collins, 2001).

I need help creating a thesis and an outline on Chemical Industry Safety in Saudi Arabia. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required.

I need help creating a thesis and an outline on Chemical Industry Safety in Saudi Arabia. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. After review of the availed data, safety parameters in a chemical industry was reached at as the main project goal. The analysis of these parameters was divided into four categories. These are risks the chemicals impose on human lives, measures necessary to avoid chemical risks, fire and explosion prevention and general safety within the factories. The recommendation from the study was a challenge to the Saudi government to ensure relevant industrial laws are enforced.

It is important to note that Saudi Arabia has made significant growth economic wise, an important aspect which can be attributed to the firm industrial base. Saudi Arabia has emerged to be among the few countries in the region that are in full support of its industrial sector. One of the beneficiaries of this support is the chemical industries that have significantly grown throughout the years courtesy of a supportive Saudi government. In spite of all these, the chemical industries have posed to be among the most delicate industries in terms of safety due to the various hazardous chemicals dealt with. Apart from this being a major concern, research has proven that accidents in industries are being caused by human errors, working environment and poor management in terms of safety. It is conclusive to say that the productivity of various industries is largely dependent on the safety of employees. Safety is therefore paramount and should be handled above any other thing.

Chemical industries have been reported over the years as having the worst accidents as compared to other industries due to the intensity of the chemicals handled there. Injuries from these accidents can either result in death or permanently cripple an individual. It is the severity of these accidents that should make a wakeup call to all stakeholders in the chemical industries to safety a priority. It is important to note that all accidents have a root cause and there is something that can be done to prevent future occurrences. The boldest step in averting the rate of accidents is to try and identify the leads to such accident occurrences with the sole intention of minimizing the frequency of happening.

It should be the obligation of all the stakeholders involved in the chemical industries to offer regular dissemination of information regarding the safety of all workers. Concerned governments should make it their priority in availing resources channeled towards educating all persons employed in the chemical industry.

The government should be more concerned when it comes to the safety of her workforce. Injuries sustained can lead to a significant drop in an individual’s productivity and the most worrying part is that unproductivity in the industrial sector is likely to hurt the economy slowly but steadily. It is important to note that the worker cannot be blamed for the accidents that are likely to occur at the workplace. Most workers lack proper knowledge of how to handle their safety while at the workplace. The manner in which workers are supervised is likely to influence the occurrence of particular accidents if the supervisor or employer does not follow some of the safety rules and regulations. Safety cannot be left to one party but should be considered as a collective responsibility and proper measures should be adopted for purposes of safety education and awareness.

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Reading Responses:Dalit Women Talk Differently. It needs to be at least 500 words.

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Reading Responses:Dalit Women Talk Differently. It needs to be at least 500 words. Part A In the Dalit Women Talk Differently, the argues out that women have stopped being dormant in the society. The author says that the Dalit women’s history is taken to be the basis of the standpoint of the feminism. The author supports the argument by saying that, in the era of rebuilding of patriarchy which was based on social reforms and women being guarded as the custodians of the culture of the Indians which was regarded high, was also the era of urgency of the movements which was conscientized by Ambedkar and Phule which resulted to participation of Dalit women in social change and politics shooting to the peak, implying that Dalit women stopped being dormant in the society and became active (Gupta, 2014, p. 663). Both the direct and indirect struggles that the Dalit women went through for a long time was very crucial in understanding their rights to talk differently as the women of Dalit. This implies that there was a shift in epistemology of social protest based on historiography. All these imply the authenticity of the standpoint of the Dalit feminism.

The author also argues out that in Dalit, women theory of standpoint is highly determined by the politics based on the tradition of the Satya Shodhak and also the perspective of Ambedkarite. Due to this reason, the author says that there is an urge of reclaiming Ambedkar by using his analysis based on the facts of theory so as to understand the concept of patriarchy based on the patriarchy of the Brahmanical and how efficient it works. The author also argues out that Ambedkar approach is very crucial since it assists in producing a creative structure that an alliance with liberatory political missions between the women or rather the feminism and anticaste gatherings can be engaged within the vicinity.

The key concepts that are being used include the best practice that shows that there is an existence of evidence that supports a certain decision, practice and so forth. It also reflects a certain idea. Like in the case of Dalit Women Talk Differently, the author says that women stopped being dormant in the society and became so active. This is evident by the era of rebuilding the patriarchy which was based on social reforms as feminist were regarded as custodians of the culture and the participation of Dalit women was peak in the era of movements conscientized by Ambedkar and Phule.

The writing strategy that is used in Dalit Women Talk Differently includes the use of historical archives. This is the use of historical records to refer certain activities. Like in the case of Dalit, by the use of Ambedkar analysis based on his theory, is a good example of historical archives.

Part B

The reading contribute to the understanding of the key question since it gives detailed information about Dalit women, it supports the key point by referring to the past activity like in the case of Ambedkar which is referred to the politics, it gives out comprehensive information about the Dalit women and hence, making the argument to be convincing.


Gupta, C. (2014). Intimate Desires: Dalit Women and Religious Conversions in Colonial India. Journal of Asian Studies, 73(3), 661-687. doi:10.