Provide a 2 pages analysis while answering the following question: FAMILY HOUSEHOLD. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required.

Provide a 2 pages analysis while answering the following question: FAMILY HOUSEHOLD. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. Marriage: Better for Men or Women? Married men are better off than married women when it comes to satisfaction, health, and work. in todays society. While society has redefined gender roles today, other gender stereotypes remain. Married women are supposed to keep up traditional roles like housework, childcare, bear children, and generally oversee a household, but they must also take on a mans role and have a career too. Men are not expected by society to pick up new duties. A mans role and responsibilities have remained stagnant for a while. Married men definitely have it better.

Women have come a long way, except when it comes to marriage. To begin with, not all married men are better off, only because humans can never be classified in one way or another definitively. However most men do get a better life in marriage than women. First, one must look at traditional chores men and women have in a marriage. In a traditional marriage of a century ago, a man worked and a women kept house. Mens chores around the house consisted of fixing leaking sinks, taking out garbage, and mowing the lawn once a week in the summer time. Women cleaned the house, gave birth, and took care of the children. Now women clean the house, give birth, take care of children, mow the law, and have a career. Men still take out garbage and mow the law, if they feel like it. Since women can do it all, if the lawn doesnt get mowed, they will do it. This is what becoming equal to men has gotten women, less respect and more responsibilities. Some men help divide the household chores 50/50, but that is rare. The result is “great frustration in trying to balance wage-work responsibilities and the demands of housework and motherhood”(Lancaster, 120). This is the first reason married men have it better than married women.

Even if a married man is not employed, he rarely takes on the responsibility of a household like a woman. One author reports, “interviews was that women still had major responsibility for housework and child-care – even where husbands were unemployed” (Dryden, 17). The traditional roles of marriage still remain, despite reversal of roles in a marriage. The responsibilities of the household still fall on the married women. Men consider cleaning, doing dishes, and changing babies as womens work. This gives them an out on household duties. Yet another reason married men have it better than married women.

Beyond housework and chores, married women will always bear the children. Married men take for granted their wives reproductive responsibilities. In fact, some married men resent their wives having children and the attention their wives devote to the children. One writer explains, “the fact that they had been unable to give their husbands quite so much attention after the birth of their babies than when the couple were without children”(Dryden, 62). Married women must pay enough attention to their husbands, take care of their children, plus the other household duties. Married men get a better deal than married women when it comes to having and rearing children.

The reason men have it better than women in marriage is simple. Women without careers, that are homemakers have been labeled by todays generation as lazy. The myth of a woman having it all includes a family, children, and a career is perpetrated by the media to married women . What has been forgotten is the work it takes to run a household with children. Not all feminist believe that homemakers are weak. One report states, “A feminist movement that respected the achievements of women in the past would not disparage housework, motherhood , or unpaid civic and neighborly services” (Lasch, 119). If taking care of a home would be regarded as equal to a job, maybe men and women would receive equal treatment in a marriage.

Men that are married receive a better deal because of gender expectations. One author writes, “womens and mens expectations about family formation against a background of ideas about masculinity and femininity, fatherhood and motherhood” (Maynes, 8). Since men will always be men and women will always be women, men will always be better off than married women. Gender cannot change. Although gender expectations can change, the fact is married men will never bear children or become mothers. Gender expectations dont need to change, but the appreciation of the accomplishments of both married men and women can change. It is not a matter of work, but a matter of appreciation. Maybe in the future, married men and women can benefit equally from marriage.


Dryden, C. (1999) Being Married, Doing Gender: A Critical Analysis of Gender Relationships in

Marriage. New York: Routledge.

Lancaster, R. (1997) The Gender/Sexuality Reader: Culture, History, Political Economy. New York:


Lasch, C. (1997) Women and the Common Life. USA: Norton.

Maynes, M. J. (1996) Gender, Kinship and Power. New York: Routledge.

Need an research paper on steve reich. Needs to be 4 pages. Please no plagiarism.

Need an research paper on steve reich. Needs to be 4 pages. Please no plagiarism. 6. Steve Reich reportedly applied diverse styles of music through minimalism and innovative genres such as Avant Garde music, chamber music, tape music, and vocal music. His formal studies from different cultures and places were instrumental in influencing disparities in styles of writing and paved the way in generating compositions that were distinctly unique and exemplary.

7. The method of composing for Steve Reich involved the audible process, where it was stressed that music was “composed using no form of traditional score. rather the composer lists the instructions that the performers must use in order to create the music” (The Audible Process in the Music of Steve Reich: Music as an Audible Process par. 3).

8. There were a variety of innovations that Steve Reich did in his musical composition, including: the use of the audible process. the emergence of chamber music. and “realms of serialism. music using a fixed order of elements. “Chance Music” used random elements in either the composition or performance of a piece. “Aleatory” techniques also involved chance but with the use of selective aspects of control, predetermination or limits. “Indeterminacy” refers to a performance or composition where the outcome is unkown” (The Audible Process in the Music of Steve Reich: Reaction Against Serialism par.

Write a 7 pages paper on the concept of bureaucracy as an effective system of organization.

Write a 7 pages paper on the concept of bureaucracy as an effective system of organization. This research will begin with the statement that various descriptions and concepts have been developed regarding bureaucracy. From the definition, bureaucracy can be described as a management system intended to handle the affairs of the state and organize the relationship between the state and the citizens. Max Weber, a sociologist, described bureaucracy extensively, and his ideas are more or less acceptable. Some of his works include the Rational Efficient Organization. While political scientists describe bureaucracy as state administration, the economists use the term in describing the non-market organizations. &nbsp.To some extent, most organizations have been bureaucratized. Our mechanistic thinking mode has shaped the basic concepts of what entails a good organization. Such thinking has played a major role in defining how an organization defines its responsibilities and accountability involved. According to theorists, institutions, and organizations, bureaucracy can adversely affect strategies regarding the way through which they want to achieve their objectives. However, at times, those organizations and institutions may tend to disagree on how to shape and reshape their interests and goals. From an organizational perspective, institutions and organizations can easily endow the individual actors with interests and goals on condition that some specific features of an organization remain in place. Bureaucracy gives bosses control over their subordinates and subordinates should, in turn, follow the instructions. As a result, subordination and control form the major section of a bureaucratic system to form the organizing principles guiding decisions, directing actions and determining the outcomes. Each employee should follow the instructions given to them by their seniors. Research shows that bureaucratic practices create in peoples’ mind lack of curiosity, making them function only within some limits based on set rules and regulations. The bureaucratic mind will, therefore, being in control, use the authority to control reformation ability of the system. In such a system, no person has the power of initiating any changes or proposing drastic changes that can disrupt prevailing peace and order.

Write a 2 pages paper on american writers and cultural transition. The eighteenth century came with many different cultural transitions since it was a period of great change and development. These cha

Write a 2 pages paper on american writers and cultural transition. The eighteenth century came with many different cultural transitions since it was a period of great change and development. These changes not only came to the governments and social structures of the time but also in the ideas and concepts that were long held as sacred before the 18th century. The work of the writers of the time reflects this transition quite clearly as the revolutionary inspired writings of Thomas Paine and the calm suggestions of Benjamin Franklin both represent how the world was changing (Branham, 1998). However, the process of the change clearly lasted only during the revolution since the writers who came after they were more focused on creating order in society rather than bringing about change to a given system (Brinkley et. al., 2006).

For example, Thomas Paine talks in a passionate manner about seeking freedom and looking for ways for the American people to overthrow the authority of the king by offering people a viewpoint which comes from Common Sense. However, he does not condone the overthrow of all forms of government which could lead to simple anarchy since some manner of order and protection of the people remains a requirement of him as well as many other writers. Helping the weak and the needy is a given dictate of Benjamin Franklin, however, he does not condone that people should seek out help but rather that they should stand on their own feet to help themselves (Brinkley et. al., 2006).

This was indeed a cultural transition since before the revolution American interests and the interests of the colonies were the same as British interests (Larkin, 2005). After the revolution, America had to seek its own identity and establish itself as a willing partner who wanted peace amongst the brotherhood of nations.

Write 12 pages with APA style on Management thories. This research will explore the contribution of Hofestede to our understanding of the effect of culture to international management practices of org

Write 12 pages with APA style on Management thories. This research will explore the contribution of Hofestede to our understanding of the effect of culture to international management practices of organisations.

Through utilisation of a huge database of statistics on culture, Hofestede managed to come up with an analysis of the patterns describing the similarities and differences of cultures in five main dimensions. His research focused only on international business managers, which enabled him to come up with a true picture of how culture influences management of international organisations. These five dimensions include power distance, individualism, masculinity, uncertainty and long-term orientation (Smith, Peterson & Schwartz 2002, p. 235).

Power distance refers to the level of inequality that prevails among people (Smith, Dugan & Trompenaars 1996, p. 241). This inequality is acceptable by all people, both those with power and those without power. A high power distance society accepts inequality in the distribution of power and the members have a good understanding of their position in the system. With a low power distance society, there are an equal sharing of power and a high dispersion of power. The members in a low power society consider themselves equal. This idea means that in a high power nation such as Malaysia, reports will only reach the topmost managers who will hold meetings in a closed room with only the presence of powerful leaders (Smith, Dugan & Trompenaars 1996, p. 246).

Individualism is a reflection of the strength of the relationships possessed by the people concerning others in the entire community. A high level of individualism means that there are no tight connections among them. It also means that there is a low degree of sharing of responsibilities except for family members that can only include the few closest friends.

Read this selection from “What I Hope to Leave Behind.” A man said to me recently, “I would like before I die to live in a community where no individual has an income that could not provide his family

Read this selection from “What I Hope to Leave Behind.”

A man said to me recently, “I would like before I die to live in a community where no individual has an income that could not provide his family with the ordinary comforts and pleasures of life, and where no individual has an income so large that he did not have to think about his expenditures, and where the spread between is not so great but that the essentials of life may lie within the possession of all concerned. There could be no give and take in many ways for pleasure, but there need be no acceptance of charity.”

What is the main idea of this selection?

Is there anyone who could help me do my assignmen?

Is there anyone who could help me do my assignmen?

Directions: Using all of the material you read in the first four modules, any academic resources from outside of course material, and the outline provided below and duplicated in “Template: Origins of

Directions:Using all of the material you read in the first four modules, any academic resources from outside of course material, and the outline provided below and duplicated in “Template: Origins of Behaviorism Paper”, write a paper (2,250 words) in which you synthesize articles and do the following:

  1. Trace the origins of behaviorism and the impetus for its development.
  2. Discuss behaviorism as the 2nd major force in psychology and why is behaviorism a “better” alternative than the first force of psychology which was the Freudian psychoanalytic theory.
  3. Identify three crucial researchers in the school of behaviorism and analyze the contributions of these researchers to the development of behaviorism. Make sure to cite at least three different articles during your discussion on this first researcher.
  • Use academic sources, including peer-reviewed journal articles, government reports, and other instructor-approved texts. Make sure to cite at least four different articles during your discussion on this first researcher.

Origins of Behaviorism

I. Introduction

a. Engage the reader here with an interesting hook.b. Provide context for the paper by generally discussing behaviorism and the three crucial researchers. c. Include APA style in-text citations here when appropriate. d. Provide a clear thesis statement here in a full sentence. In your thesis statement, make sure to integrate your choice of three researchers and how they relate to behaviorism.

II. Development of Behaviorism – Behaviorism as the 2nd major force in psychology

a. Discuss earlier schools of thought

i. Functionalism

1. What significant points does each article make about this subtheme?

ii. Animal psychology

1. What significant points does each article make about this subtheme?

b. Limitations of introspection and study of the consciousness

i. Why is behaviorism a “better” alternative than the first force of psychology (Freudian psychoanalytic theory)?

c. Beginnings of the study of behavior

i. Pavlov

1. Briefly discuss Pavlov’s contributions to the study of behavior.2. Cite material from assigned articles for this researcher.

ii. Watson

1. Briefly discuss Watson’s contributions to the study of behavior.2. Cite material from assigned articles for this researcher.

d. Emergence of Behaviorisme. Distinguishing of Behaviorism from other schools of thought

III. Researcher #1 (IMPORTANT NOTE: Pavlov, Watson, and Skinner may not be used as a topics in this section.)

a. What did Researcher #1 study?b. What were this researcher’s key contributions to behaviorism?

i. Cite at least three different articles during your discussion of this first researcher.

c. How did this researcher’s contributions shape the emerging school of behaviorism? d. What lasting effect did this person/research have on psychology?

IV. Researcher #2 (IMPORTANT NOTE: Pavlov, Watson, and Skinner may not be used as a topics in this section.)

a. What did Researcher #2 study?b. What were this researcher’s key contributions to behaviorism?

i. Cite at least three different articles during your discussion of this second researcher.

c. How did this researcher’s contributions shape the emerging school of behaviorism? d. What lasting effect did this person/research have on psychology?

V. Researcher #3 (IMPORTANT NOTE: Pavlov, Watson, and Skinner may not be used as a topics in this section.)

a. What did Researcher #3 study?b. What were this researcher’s key contributions to behaviorism?

i. Cite at least three different articles during your discussion on this third researcher.

c. How did this researcher’s contributions shape the emerging school of behaviorism? d. What lasting effect did this person/research have on psychology?

VI. Conclusion

a. Summarize key take-aways from each of the three researchers 

i. Use APA style in-text citations.

b. Restate the thesis statement in a novel way to bring the paper full circle and tie it back to the introduction. c. Draw conclusions considering the current literature as a single unit.

i. What is the overall message of the research/literature at hand?

I need help answering 1-4 this is discrete structures.

I need help answering 1-4 this is discrete structures.