Need someone who is good at javascript and networking I have some code completed in the UDP ETHERNET PARSER – the directions are in the read me file I have included semi- completed code that needs t

Need someone who is good at javascript and networking 

I have some code completed in the UDP ETHERNET PARSER – the directions are in the read me file 

I have included semi- completed code that needs to be put in to work thats part of the index.js.txt file (it wont let me upload the js file so i put it within a text file so you can have the code. 

it has 20/27 test running 

please read directions and get it running 

Hi, need to submit a 250 words paper on the topic Southern Society. Southern Society Module Minorities in the culture were African Americans. The population of African Americans was about 760, 000, wh

Hi, need to submit a 250 words paper on the topic Southern Society. Southern Society Module Minorities in the culture were African Americans. The population of African Americans was about 760, 000, which represented 19 percent of the total population. This made them a minority in a society which was dominated by Whites. From the early 17th to the late 19th centuries, when slavery was predominant in the Southern United States, African Americans lived under bondage. They had little to no liberties and freedoms and were treated like personal properties of their masters1. African Americans were not allowed to express themselves, share facilities with their masters, vote, or participate in social activities like public events. In addition, they were not allowed to attend school, and those who had access to educational facilities were segregated so that they could not share the same facilities with Whites2. Although there were some free slaves who enjoyed more privileges compared to their completely enslaved counterparts, they were also limited to the fringes of the society. In other words, they were basically regarded as slightly privileged slaves.

At the height of slavery, African Americans were considered inferior members of the society who, despite having been denied the most fundamental of rights and liberties, were also denied recognition for any notable achievements3. For example, in spite of the fact that many African American soldiers fought in the American Civil War and made vital contributions to the Southern cause, most of their achievements were concealed from mainstream knowledge until such a time that they could be revealed without much publicity4. Finally, African Americans also suffered brutality and mistreatment at the hands of their masters.


Berkin, Carol, Christopher L. Miller, Robert Cherny, Douglas Egerton, & James Gormly. Making America: A History of the United States. 6th ed. Mason, Ohio: Cengage Learning, 2013. Print.

English Assignment

English Assignment

Please complete the worksheet attached below. Thanks!

Please complete the worksheet attached below. Thanks!

Need help with my writing homework on Controversial Images in Art. Write a 500 word paper answering;

Need help with my writing homework on Controversial Images in Art. Write a 500 word paper answering; PISS CHRIST: CONTROVERSIAL IMAGES IN ART due: Andres Serranos 1987 photo “Piss Christ” has been a benchmark of debate since its establishment. Andres Serrano glowed outrage when one of his art photos went on exhibition that included a crucifix flooded in his own urine. The stimulating part of this whole “Piss Christ” debate is that those people who feel insulted are being upset for the wrong intention. People think that their religion is being “pissed on,” after what the artist projected to express was that many current Christians do precisely that every freaking day. Andres Serrano tries to convey that Christians piss on Christs teachings and on what is at the very central of their faith at every turn (Leppert, 2007).

This art seems to have created a standoff between the Catholic League and “Piss Christ” artist Andres Serrano that may have come to impermanent and anticlimactic silence. This image should not be viewed by small children since they can grow up with some wrong information which is not as per their respective religion (Leppert, 2007). The image in terms of private versus public sector, it can be viewed freely by those in the private sector as it does not involve the large crowd of people who in turn may cause chaos as different people have a different perception. Based on religion the image tends to be more against the Catholics as they make more use of the crucifix though this affects Christians in general.

Serrano protected his artwork by saying that it was a critique of the “billion-dollar Christ-for-profit industry” and “condemnation of those who abuse the teachings of Christ for their own ignoble ends.” The artiste as far he has the freedom of expression he also has responsibility of coming up with art that controversy free. The artwork should not be complex to interpret especially to the young ones. The viewers too have the responsibility to interpret and enquire of any type of art before either opposing or proposing of the same. This will aid in a smooth relationship between the artistes and the whole community at large (Mazur, 2002).

Gender relates to this image in that it seems to victimize the moral behavior of male gender. This is by having the image merged in urine. All in all, Jesus Christ portrayed in the crucifix was a man. The artiste Serrano did show the image of a man, not because he was male gender but because Jesus Christ was of the said gender (Mazur, 2002).

I am willing to fully support Serrano’s artwork. this is because it has a positive message to the Christian fraternity. His message is directed to those people who “piss” Christ’s teaching. Ive severally looked at the “Piss Christ” image for many years and I favor it as good-looking and reminiscent artwork. This also encourages and motivates upcoming artistes. I don’t see any slightest impudence to Jesus in the image, “Piss Christ”. I appreciate the mechanical workmanship and structure of the image. Some drawings are designed to task the viewer to think. This piece of artwork is in this regard (Balkema, 1997).


Balkema, A. W. (1997).&nbsp.The photographic paradigm. Amsterdam: Lier & Boog.

Leppert, R. (2007). Chapter 2. Representing the young. Innocence, nakedness, and the adult

imaginary.The nude (pp. 27-79). Cambridge, MA: Westview Press.

Mazur, E. M. (2002).&nbsp.Art and the religious impulse. Lewisburg, Pa: Bucknell University Press.

Write 1 page thesis on the topic editorial portrait. number Editorial portrait An editorial portrait that is eye catching is an essential aspect in photography. A supersimple background that show case

Write 1 page thesis on the topic editorial portrait. number Editorial portrait An editorial portrait that is eye catching is an essential aspect in photography. A supersimple background that show case the best quality of the portrait should be a point of consideration in editorial portraits. This paper outlines the three most essential aspects that make up an editorial portrait. Also, it outlines perfect examples of the works of different photographers across the globe.

Choosing an appropriate location is fundamental in photography. For editorial illustrative portraits, photographers need to light the interior with the subject at hand. This is determined by indoor or outdoor situations where the approach is to light the interior and subject and calculate the exposure based on the interior and exterior lighting. A perfect example is the work of Art P Suwansang on the bridal image with outdoor lighting. This enables the photographer to take perfect photos valid for editorial portrait (Rand & Meyer, 125).

The beauty of an editorial portrait is also determined by the wardrobe of the correspondents. This implies that clothes are essential factor in setting the scene and outlining hidden information behind the portrait. Many viewers and readers determine the feel of the portrait using clothes worn by correspondents. It places a subject in specific time to match the situation and motive of the portrait. For instance, renowned photographer Anna Williams believes that having the best wardrobe combination is a perfect idea in photography. That is why shirt or any piece of clothing may inspire viewers and readers in a photo. At the same time, a black leather jacket may inspire a rebel without cause themed shoot (Garret 1).

Props also play an important role in telling a story in editorial portraits. An individual can use props to accentuate their message to their viewers and readers. According to Benning Arjan, a popular photographer, taking portraits entails gathering simple objects. When taking pictures, photographers should incorporate an interesting chair, an old clock or unique pair of glass to inspire an entire shoot. Keep the props in mind to fit the concept that has been developed for an entire shoot (Adler, 9).

In conclusion, it is evident that environment, wardrobe and props are essential factors in creating a perfect editorial portrait. The photographers should be cautious in the entire shoot in order to come up with an interesting and fascinating picture for the readers and viewers.

Work cited

Adler, L. Fashion Flair for Portrait and Wedding Photography. USA: Cengage Learning, 2012. Print.

Garret, J. Portraits of People Camping in Walmart Parking Lots. Bullet Web Studio, 2013. Retrieved on 17th November 2013 from

Rand, G & Meyer, T. The Portrait:&nbsp.Understanding Portrait Photography. Santa Barbara: O’Reilly Media Inc, 2009. Print.

Provide a 3 pages analysis while answering the following question: Legal Memorandum (The case of Kevin Ward Jr. and Tony Stewart). Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA

Provide a 3 pages analysis while answering the following question: Legal Memorandum (The case of Kevin Ward Jr. and Tony Stewart). Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. According to a law suit presented by the family of Kevin Ward Jr., they claimed that Tony Stewart was the person directly in charge of causing Kevin Ward Jr. death.

According to the law, since Tony Stewart is the one who drove the car that crushed into Kevin Ward knocking him down and killing him, the law had to accept accusation of Tony being the cause of Kevin’s death, until further investigations. According to Wisconsin Statutes, Tony Stewart had stood to be accused of the following. murder, manslaughter, and homicide or innocent. Based on how the evidence would have been presented, Tony Stewart had the above options to defend himself. If evidence are so implicit, he could have stood accused of either murder, manslaughter or homicide and punishment accorded. Tony Stewart hence had a role of defending himself against the three accusations in order to be proved innocent.

In the case of Tony Stewart versus Kevin Ward Jr. a jury had to be selected in the case. The criteria for selection of the jury in this case will be based on people who have had prior experiences with such cases. In addition, the jury had to be chosen based on people who were neutral on both sides, and had to make rational decisions based on the facts presented on the case. The jury is supposed not to appear biased based on their representation.

Based on the evidence seen on the video, the decision reached found John Stewart not guilty. This can be attributed to the carelessness at which Kevin Ward Jr. demonstrated after the crash incident. Instead of Kevin Ward Jr. waiting for the accident response team to come remove him from the crash site and take him to a safe place, he decided to remove himself from the crash site. The second mistake that Kevin Ward Jr. did was to enter the race field in rage while knowing that the race drivers were still on speed.

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on HR and CSR connection (Project Proposal). It needs to be at least 1000 words.

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on HR and CSR connection (Project Proposal). It needs to be at least 1000 words. The human resource departments within Qatar Shell are responsible for ensuring that their employee’s rights, development along with personal wants. This has brought about an increase in the moral responsibility in the corporation. The human resource department’s within Qatar Shell are credited with bringing success in the form of competitive advantages along with their international businesses (Linnenluecke &Griffiths, 2009).

Qatar Shell’s CSR involves building the rights along with duties that exist between it and their neighboring families. The omission of observing corporate rules within Qatar Shell is not punishable by the law in the land but brings adverse effects to the organization. The responsibilities in Qatar Shell have had major impacts on areas such as the business missions, their operations, management along with marketing fields. In addition, Qatar Shell’s participation in corporate social responsibilities helps in making improvements in their corporate reputations (Jackson, 2011). The key to success in the implementation of an organizations corporate social responsibility is dependent on the policies along with practices that their human resource departments have adopted. The policies that the human resource departments within an organization which engage their CSR’s usually give positive impacts on the attitudes, their work performances along with behaviors. Such moves usually have positive impacts on an organizations performance (Linnenluecke & Griffiths, 2009).

The human resource departments within Qatar Shell usually play an important part in improving the performance and image of an organization. The departments are responsible for deploying sufficient staff. participate in the planning along with the implementation of an organizations CSR policies and programs.

Directions are in the read me of the zip file. Need who knows basic javascript and networking. The professor partially wrote the code needed to complete. We just need to finish it.

Directions are in the read me of the zip file. 

Need who knows basic javascript and networking. 

The professor partially wrote the code needed to complete. We just need to finish it.