Need help with my writing homework on Racism in the United States. Write a 500 word paper answering;

Need help with my writing homework on Racism in the United States. Write a 500 word paper answering; Racism in the United States

As a high school student, who did not have vast knowledge about racism, I have learnt that race is just an outfit some selfish people guise themselves in an attempt to fulfil their economic and social needs. Indeed, as a young person growing up, I thought people from other races were inherently different in their makeup and their way of thinking. At the moment, however, my understanding of race has broadened. For instance, I think race is used to justify inequality in the job market, and it is an excuse to deny other race opportunities for growth. To demonstrate this, in retrospect, I think racist stereotypes namely, blacks and Latinos are lazy, and American Indians are drunkards, are some of the ways I think race is being used to rationalize inequality.

I have observed that in the job market, the same racial attributes have been used by employees to rationalize that doing business with white Americans is preferably better than blacks or Latinos. I think this is because of a perceived superiority of white Americans in terms of IQ or aptitude that rationalizes inequality. As a result, I think the blame has been shifted from the white oppressors to the blacks or Latinos in a number of ways. To illustrate this, I feel that low income for people of black or Latino race, on the pretext of low qualification or intelligence, is one of the ways of shifting the attention from oppressors and blaming it on the oppressed. I have also noticed that the belief that white Americans are superior only justifies them as noble beings. that are showing the way forward for the inferior black Americans who need patronage in order to act as human beings at least.

I have learned that it is not slavery that evoked the moral contradiction in American colonies. For instance, America was established on the principle of “all men are created equal.” However, it has dawned on me that American colonies were dependent on slavery for economic reasons. My knowledge regarding the role of the principle of “all men are created equal” has developed to a level that I now understand Slavery was just a major economic driving force, as opposed to a basis for identifying what was morally wrong in the American colonies. It is not slavery, but the issue of race that helped solve the moral contradiction characterized by American colonies at the time. To illustrate this, it is the race that explained the reason some group of people was denied their rights, whilst others enjoyed theirs and took them for granted.

I have learned that there was a similarity in the Thomas Jefferson’s policy of encouraging the assimilation of American Indians with President Andrew Jackson’s removal policy. The similarity is that both leaders sought out for the interests of the white American in the policies they advocated. Further, it dawns on me that the policy supported the propagation of the so-called “Civilized” ways- Agriculture. I conclude, could that the policies of both leaders were aimed at imposing the American culture on the Native Americans at any cost. However, I find Thomas Jefferson different from Andrew Jackson in terms of the approach he took while in the process of furthering the interest of white Americans. To demonstrate this, Jefferson advocated the assimilation of Cherokees to the ways of Americans while Jackson displayed apathy by enforcing the removal of Cherokees (Manweller 240). Finally, I feel that there is no gap in my knowledge regarding race because I have learnt a lot.

Works cited

Manweller, Matthew. Chronology of the U.S. Presidency [Volume One]. Santa Barbara: ABC- CLIO, 2012.

Write 2 pages with APA style on CIS 599. The Chief Information Officers Body of Knowledge al Affiliation The Chief Information Officers Body of Knowledge The published book, the chief information offi

Write 2 pages with APA style on CIS 599. The Chief Information Officers Body of Knowledge al Affiliation The Chief Information Officers Body of Knowledge The published book, the chief information officers body of knowledge is the most exciting collection of ideas and insights worthy of a place in a CIO office. The right word that describes the book is a collection since the book is an assemblage of writing from 30 independent contributors organized around three central themes. technology, process and people. The book written by Dean Lane is full of great material offered up in very applicable terms offering the reader every confidence they can borrow or copy the ideas themselves.

The author’s idea on the IT role and that of the CIO in the industry is that it is rapidly changing. The CIO days as the principal manager are long gone. Currently, both the IT manager and CIO need to be productive business leaders who are conversant with technology. Grasping the strategically aligned organization framework and applying its ideas will assist in releasing the management’s full potential as leaders (Lane, 2011).

On covering people, the author’s contributors stress on the relevance of recruiting and collaboration supported by some great notions on talent management and employee development. The chapter on people also contains a vast amount of detail on the CIO role in each section as well as the career needs of the CIO (Lane, 2011).

The book brilliantly handles the technology part by focusing on how better to handle the technology folder. Strategies such as assessing an organization IT portfolio effectiveness using on-budget and on-time percentages of projects to correspond with the needs to the actual functionality could be effective performance strategies. Other more efficient implementations of IT portfolio management is to assist the organization to prioritize IT projects so that fewer assets could be managed guaranteeing IT’s placement with maximizing IT investment and business priorities.

In terms of compliance, the IT professionals need to be conscious of the compliance need with many different kinds of laws. Definite rules have to be used, and they may need supervisory reporting to agencies that control such compliance. There are different company policies necessary so as to heighten the effectiveness of the company profit making efforts.

The book states that in the CIO world there is nothing more important than project quality. If one identifies himself or herself as a quality fanatic, they should put CIO weight behind project quality and adopt some simple strategies that project leaders, quality leaders, PMO, and business partners will gain tremendous rewards. Although quite simple, some of these recommendations may be hard to implement, but they are what are necessary for the necessary quality pursuit.

The book also shows that IT is essential in balancing the workload and its one of the most required materials in a contemporary business. The idea of a balanced workload may seem like a hard reality, no matter the size. The average response to working hard causes costly errors and burnouts. As shown in this analysis, managing resource distribution through different IT departments and on a daily project basis will not solve the issue. However, once this obstacle is seen as an important IT-comprehensive demand/supply problem, the solution becomes more direct.

In conclusion, the book is informative in terms of the different aspects with respect to IT and the knowledge owned by the CIO to the delivery of quality service and output. It is, therefore, imperative to state that the author has done an excellent job in writing the book.


Lane, D. (2011). The chief information officers body of knowledge. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Directions: Using information you have read related to your branch of psychology and dissertation topic, write a brief paper -1,000 words that identifies theories and problems specifically related to

Directions:Using information you have read related to your branch of psychology and dissertation topic, write a brief paper  -1,000 words that identifies theories and problems specifically related to your branch of psychology. Address the following in your paper:

  1. Identify your emphasis area and dissertation topic. see attachment
  2. Explain the need for your research.
  3. Identify the main theorists or researchers associated with your research topic.
  4. Discuss at least one theoretical framework you are considering for your research. How does it relate to the need for your research topic?
  5. Identify at least one academic journal that specializes in research related to your topic. How will the journal benefit your research?

I need some assistance with these assignment. family law problem question Thank you in advance for the help!

I need some assistance with these assignment. family law problem question Thank you in advance for the help! Although, Lucy contributed half of Jack’s contribution towards the purchase, her name is not among the co-owners because theirs was an informal arrangement. Therefore, she cannot validly claim a portion of the property based on her contribution upon their divorce2. Regardless, her interest to stay in the house is protected by the principle of joint tenancy, in which case, her shares are limited to the 25% of what Jack contributed towards the purchase the house3. What she needs is present written evidence showing her contribution in the purchase4. As such, Lucy she would be entitled to half of Jack’s appreciated entitlements upon divorce, considering that she did take part in improving the value of the Lees by setting up and maintaining the garden.

Jean is a valid co-owner of the property alongside Jack and Nick. Jean’s case is a bit different, however. She entered into an agreement to buy the house as a separate party before joining Nick in marriage. Jean’s attempt to sever the joint tenancy is valid as was held in Re 88 Berkeley Road, NW9 [1971] 1 All ER 254, where anything which provides the slightest indication of an intention to partition the property should be construed as a termination of the joint tenancy5. Unlike Lucy, Jean has a clearly distinct proportion of the property in her name6. She would forfeit any additional value of the house arising from the renovations, because she did not actively take part in it7.

The most effective way of granting Jean and Lucy their rightful shares of the property is to determine whether matrimonial property exists in each of the marriages. For Lucy, a court would disregard Jack’s attempts to end the relationship and possibly divide his shares equally between them whether or not she shows proofs of her shares as was evidenced in in the case of Jones v Jones [2011] EWCA Civ 418.

Create a 5 pages page paper that discusses groups for organizational decision making.

Create a 5 pages page paper that discusses groups for organizational decision making. This technique does not allow any group discussion. This is prevalent in the military set up where the highest ranking officer of the group makes a decision to either attack the enemy or wait for the enemy to attack the soldier group. Another popular example is when a group of Grade 4 pupils are led by the class teacher on Disneyland field trip. The pupils eagerly obey the group teacher’s every instruction, without question.

Second, the group implements the decision of the expert (Chelst 144). When a group of tourist visits a new tourist destination, the group eagerly accepts the recommendations of the group’s expert, the tourist guide. The group easily accepts the tourist guide’s recommended hotel, restaurant, sites, and other recommended tourism activities.

Third, the group will implement the most popular (majority) recommendation or alternative (Levi 160). For example, the group decided to vote on whether to visit the White House, Disneyland, or Hollywood. If Hollywood gets the highest number of group member votes, everyone in the group will visit Hollywood. The members of the group who voted to visit Disneyland must disregard their preferred choices and abide by the group decision.

Fourth, the group will implement the decision of the group leader after gathering the group members’ comments, suggestions, complaints, and other inputs (Chelst 144). The leader makes the decision by incorporating the group members’ comments, suggestions, complaints, and other inputs. The method normally pleases the group members. The members are happy that their diverse inputs are being included in the group leader’s decision making process.

Fifth, group may decide to implement the average votes of the group (Stair 425). This completely differs from the prior third group decision technique. The average vote may not be the most popular vote.

Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on literature searches. Literature Searches December 27, The topic I selected was work-related stress in Nursing. The database CINAHL was used for filt

Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on literature searches. Literature Searches December 27, The topic I selected was work-related stress in Nursing. The database CINAHL was used for filtered information. I chose MEDLINE database for unfiltered information. For both databases the search term used was nursing related stress. Two resources were found within systematic reviews. Each source concluded that interventions for this stress were lacking, though the reasons, responses and outcomes of this stress are well defined.

19 results were found that were critically appraised or expert peer reviewed. Information found at this level of the hierarchy focused on specialty areas, such as work stress and physical assault in nursing homes. This level identified and individualized factors which were very specific and also analyzed specially care units and the dynamics within which contribute to work related stress.

Critically appraised individual articles are written by authors who evaluate and provide a brief synopsize of the individual research studies. There were five results found with this criteria. These articles identified studies with implications related to the topic and provided a brief summary of the study without opinion or conclusions of their own.

For unfiltered information I used MEDLINE. For RCT’s only one result was found with the search term nursing related stress. This evaluated nursing students stress level at the bachelor’s level and was a quantitative study. Cohort studies involve groups of individuals who are linked in some way and observed. 2 results were found with this criteria. Only one was relevant which observed Chinese nurses to determine factors related to stress. This linked individuals of a certain ethnic group.

Case controlled studies are merely observational with no intervention attempted and compares individuals with certain characteristics with those who do not have those characteristics, such as a disease. For this group I used cancer as the differing factors and 212 results were found. These results weren’t very useful as most focused on the patient rather than the stress of the caregiver. These studies would not be my first choice in researching nursing related stress.

For background information or expert opinion I focused on validation studies. There were 502 results though most were not focused on my particular topic or phrase which I used. These results actually provided physical and biological evidence of nursing related stress. These studies were very in depth and specific, some measuring levels of stress hormones or using defined scales to determine levels of stress. These studies would be most useful if my topic were narrowed, such as ,’possible effects of stress on nurses.’

The value of the information located in expert opinion sources help to identify possible health risks which can be avoided with stress reduction methods. Though these are unproven they provide insight into areas which are worth further study. The most valuable level were systematic reviews though they did not provide way to avoid this stress or reduce this stress. they merely identified that this was a topic that needed further study to determine how this stress can be reduced.

Cohort studies were more difficult to actually locate a resources which focused on my topic, as nurses stress aren’t comparative to that of the patient. Critically appraised individual articles merely restate what is known without suggesting solutions or criteria for further study.

A useful tip for conducting a literature search which provides you with relevant and useful research studies would be to define your topic or phrase several different ways and to use advanced search options to narrow down the type of research you are wanting to locate such as RCT’s, or systematic reviews.


Systematic Review

Moustaka, Ã., & Constantinidis, T. C. (2010). Sources and effects of Work-related stress in nursing.&nbsp.Health Science Journal,&nbsp.4(4), 210-216. Retrieved from

Mimura, C., & Griffiths, P. (2003). The effectiveness of current approaches to workplace stress management in the nursing profession: an evidence based literature review.&nbsp.Occupational & Environmental Medicine,&nbsp.60(1), 10-15. Retrieved from

Critically Appraised Topics

Brokalaki, H., Matziou, V., Thanou, J., Zirogiannis, P., Dafni, U., & Papadatou, D. (2001). Job-related stress among nursing personnel in Greek dialysis units.&nbsp.EDTNA/ERCA Journal Of Renal Care,&nbsp.27(4), 181-186. Retrieved from

Sullivan, P. (1993). Stress and burnout in psychiatric nursing.&nbsp.Nursing Standard,&nbsp.8(2), 36-39. Retrieved from

Critically Appraised Individual Articles

Rosella, J., & Albrecht, S. (1993). Toward an understanding of the health status of Black adolescents: an application of the stress-coping framework.&nbsp.Issues In Comprehensive Pediatric Nursing,&nbsp.16(4), 193-205. Retrieved from

Pades Jiménez, A., & Homar Amengual, C. (2006). Work-related stress and burnout in nursing [Spanish].&nbsp.Metas De Enfermería,&nbsp.9(3), 67-72. Retrieved from

Randomized Controlled Trials

Hughes LC. Romick P. Sandor MK. Phillips CA. Glaister J. Levy K. Rock, J. (2003). Evaluation of an informal peer group experience on baccalaureate nursing students emotional well-being and professional socialization.&nbsp.Journal Of Professional Nursing: Official Journal Of The American Association Of Colleges Of Nursing,&nbsp.19(1), 38-48. Retrieved from

Cohort Studies

Callaghan P. Tak-Ying SA. Wyatt, P. (2000). Factors related to stress and coping among Chinese nurses in Hong Kong.&nbsp.Journal Of Advanced Nursing,&nbsp.31(6), 1518-1527. Retrieved from

Case-Controlled Studies

Dettmore D. Gabriele, L. (2011). Dont just do something, stand there: responding to unrelieved patient suffering.&nbsp.Journal Of Psychosocial Nursing And Mental Health Services,&nbsp.49(4), 34-38. doi:10.3928/02793695-20110302-01 Retrieved from

Expert Opinion

Metzenthin P. Helfricht S. Loerbroks A. Terris DD. Haug HJ. Subramanian SV. Fischer, J. (2009). A one-item subjective work stress assessment tool is associated with cortisol secretion levels in critical care nurses.&nbsp.Preventive Medicine,&nbsp.48(5), 462-466. Retrieved from

Adachi H. Inoue M. Inaba, R. (2005). [Stress management among hospital nurses–stress & stress-coping scale (SSCQ) as applied to nurses].&nbsp.Sangyō Eiseigaku Zasshi = Journal Of Occupational Health,&nbsp.47(1), 1-10. Retrieved from Directions are also in read me file. Some code is already completed. Must know Javascript and some Networking

Directions are also in read me file.

Some code is already completed.  

Must know Javascript and some Networking

Create a 6 pages page paper that discusses the moment of truth. and extending the service life of the long-term assets of the infrastructure, which are essential in maintaining quality of life in a so

Create a 6 pages page paper that discusses the moment of truth. and extending the service life of the long-term assets of the infrastructure, which are essential in maintaining quality of life in a society, as well as mainstreaming the economy. There are various studies that have indicated that the implementation of the Municipal Infrastructure Asset management System in the UAE faces a myriad of challenges. However, these studies did not seek to provide a backup for this connotation. Perhaps, their failure to do this might be attributed to the fact that the complexity and magnitude of challenges that face the financial and physical aspects of the civil infrastructure systems, which have been supporting the traditional lifestyles of communities in the world is quite complex and significant. Considering the fact that the historical management practices have failed to support the expected levels of infrastructural services on sustainable basis, there is need to consider improving approaches for managing the infrastructure perhaps through implementing systems such as the Municipal Infrastructure Asset Management. However, the biggest challenge as far as the UAE is concerned has not been on the employability of this systems and whether or not the system can work. The challenge has been identifying all the possible changes but rather the inherent factors that come into play making the implementation process to be somewhat challenging.

After many years of capital investment in the infrastructure in Europe, as well as in the United States, the need to make sure such infrastructure are sustained has not worked following the many mounting challenges attributed to it. Among the current duress include political pressures to have the public spending reduced, tight local and state budget, and the deferral of the required maintenance funding. It has been noted that progressive aging capital, the parochial statuses, as well as the interest groups have become a major hindrance to flexible procurement strategies.

Your specification should define the scope of the course-connected portion of your project and should contain a number of user stories that each identify the who, what, and why of each piece of functi

Your specification should define the scope of the course-connected portion of your project and should contain a number of user stories that each identify the who, what, and why of each piece of functionality.

(I included my project proposal) This just needs to be very simple not include everything! Includes 2 assignments….

User Stories

A user story is a requirement statement that identifies the basic characteristics of a piece of functionality: the role of a user with an activity or goal in mind, the desired action they would like to take, and their motivation for using that functionality.

A user story usually initially takes the form

As a _________________ (who: user role)

I want to _________________ (what: capability/activity/goal)

so that I can _________________ (why: motivation).

Once you’ve written a number of user stories, you can collect them into groups to identify the different user roles your application should support, the major types of activity your application should support, and the different types of motivations users bring to your application. You can add these categories to each of your user stories in order to identify themes you can focus on independently while working on the application. This will help you to focus your efforts and complete working software in small increments.

You can capture these user stories and organize them in many different ways, but often the easiest method is to write each story on a 3”x5” index card with a marker or thick pen. This way, you can easily read what’s on the card, and can easily shuffle them and re-shuffle them into categories and themes, noting their categorizations and themes with annotations in the margins or on the backs of the cards.

Prioritization and the MVA

Once you’ve developed your collection of user stories and identified the categories and themes among them, you will want to prioritize those themes and decide which of them need to be part of your minimum viable application (MVA). You may decide that some themes can easily be split into multiple phases of implementation, allowing you to prioritize a portion of that theme for early development and other portions of that theme later.

Once prioritized, identify among the highest prioritized themes those that are important to include in the minimum viable application. Then, for those themes, identify whether each user story involves creating new capabilities in the browser-based client application, in the server application that supports it, or in both. If there are portions of the same user story that involve creating new capabilities in both applications, you will need to make a note on the story of what portion of the functionality belongs in the server and what portion belongs in the client.

These MVA-relevant themes and their user stories should then be captured in a project board in your project Github repository. You can find the project board feature under the Projects tab of your project repo. For more information on project boards, see the Github documentation here.

Your project board will serve as a guide for you during development of the next three assignments, so it’s very important that you create the relevant cards there.

The Specification Document

Once all that is done, you will need to write a specification document identifying the goal and synopsis of the project based on your proposal and discussion with the instructor, the major user roles, themes, and other categorizations identified, and the portion of the work identified for the MVA with reasons for that prioritization.

Your specification document should reference your project board and should contain a link to the project repostory within the document.


The project board must be completed in your project Github repository.

Your proposal document can be written in whatever software you wish, but must be submitted as a PDF format document.

Your proposal document must be submitted via the Canvas assignment, and must be submitted at least once before the deadline (along with organizing and collecting your story themes relevant to the MVA in your Github repo) in order to be marked complete.


I will review and provide feedback on both the project board and the document.

You will receive feedback as I receive your proposals. I will provide feedback as soon as possible, and at a minimum within 72 hours of submission.

As before, if you submit early, you will receive feedback early, and may have the opportunity to act on feedback and resubmit a revised work prior to the deadline.

P2: Web Client

Once you have completed the project specification and project board, it’s time to start working on your application. To start, we’ll look at the browser-based, client side of the work.

ScheduleIntroductionThu, Oct 8, 2020Discussion/Lab Class PeriodThu, Oct 8, 2020Discussion/Lab Class PeriodTue, Oct 20, 2020Discussion/Lab Class PeriodTue, Oct 27, 2020Office hoursBy appointmentAssignment DueThu, Oct 29, 2020 The Tools

To do this, we’ll use JavaScript with HTML and CSS, as you might expect, but we’ll also use three key JavaScript libraries and three infrastructure tools/services:

JavaScript Libraries

  • React – a library for building dynamic web interfaces using JavaScript in a componentized and manageable way. Along with React, create-react-app is a companion library that scaffolds a web-based application for you using React for components. (This scaffolding piece will be demonstrated for you in class.)
  • Jest – a testing library included with the project scaffold created by create-react-app that allows testing your code. Along with Jest, react-testing-library is a companion library that provides easy ways to render components and assert properties on them when writing automated tests for your user interface.
  • JSdoc – an automated documentation generation library that reads formatted comments and creates a documentation website for your application.

Infrastructure Services

  • Github – a web service providing hosting and additional features for the git distributed version control system. You’ll be using git and Github to manage your codebase.
  • Travis CI – a continuous integration platform that you’ll use to ensure every commit you push to Github passes all automated tests.
  • Heroku – a platform-as-a-service that allows easy deployment of web-based applications that you’ll used to deploy your application so that it’s viewable from anywhere.

Requirements for the Assignment

You will start by negotiating the set of requirements you will attempt to implement for this portion of the project with the instructor.

Once these are decided and you have committed to a specific set of user stories to work through, you will implement as many of them as you can before the deadline.

️ Functional Requirements

  1. The application must be viewable through a web browser.
  2. The application should enable as many of the user stories you committed to as possible, ensuring that each is implemented in alignment with the user role and motivation behind them.

Source Code, Process & Deployment Requirements

  1. Code for the application should be well-organized, using components and folders to keep related code together.
  2. The application should make use of Github for version control. Commits should be small, be well-described in their commit messages, and contain a single change to the application.
  3. All code for the application should be well-tested. (This means that for each function you write, you should write at least one, and possibly several, tests.) Automated tests should run on every commit and pull request to the repo (see Travis CI in the Tools section above).
  4. The application should be well-documented (see JSdoc in the Tools section above).
  5. The application should be deployed to the Internet (see Heroku in the Tools section above), and should be live (that is, publicly viewable via the Internet in a browser).


This assignment must be submitted as a link to your project board in the Canvas Assignment. (You may also submit a link to a filtered view of your project board containing only relevant user stories, if you wish.)

While working through your project board, I recommend you convert each user story card to an issue on the repo. Then, as you write code to implement the user story, you can do that on a new branch in the repo and submit that branch as a Github Pull Request. Your PR will provide a good mechanism for feedback on your work, and can be linked back to the issue to provide for easy tracking of what code changes implemented what features in your application.

If you don’t feel the code in your PR is ready, but still need early feedback, you have the option to create your PR in Draft mode, which will indicate to your reviewer(s) that you are requesting feedback at an early stage of implementation (as well as prevent accidental merging to the main branch of the repo).