Choose a topic that focuses on principles in physical chemistry. 2) The paper should have a length of 5-10 pages, 12 point font, Times New Roman, and double spaced. 3) The paper should have discussi

Choose a topic that focuses on principles in physical chemistry. 

2) The paper should have a length of 5-10 pages, 12 point font, Times New Roman, and double spaced. 

3) The paper should have discussions focused on the chemical aspects of the topic. 

4) The paper should have at least 15 academic peer review journals cited. Anything less will be not acceptable. 

5) The citing format should be American Chemical Society style.

Create User Story Included my proposal Building on your proposal from the first assignment, you’ll break down the functional requirements of each component of your project in a project specification

Create User Story 

Included my proposal

Building on your proposal from the first assignment, you’ll break down the functional requirements of each component of your project in a project specification document.

ScheduleIntroductionTue, Sep 15, 2020Discussion/Lab Class PeriodTue, Sep 22, 2020Office hoursBy appointmentAssignment DueThu, Oct 1, 2020 Requirements for the Assignment

Your specification should define the scope of the course-connected portion of your project and should contain a number of user stories that each identify the who, what, and why of each piece of functionality.

User Stories

A user story is a requirement statement that identifies the basic characteristics of a piece of functionality: the role of a user with an activity or goal in mind, the desired action they would like to take, and their motivation for using that functionality.

A user story usually initially takes the form

As a _________________ (who: user role)

I want to _________________ (what: capability/activity/goal)

so that I can _________________ (why: motivation).

Once you’ve written a number of user stories, you can collect them into groups to identify the different user roles your application should support, the major types of activity your application should support, and the different types of motivations users bring to your application. You can add these categories to each of your user stories in order to identify themes you can focus on independently while working on the application. This will help you to focus your efforts and complete working software in small increments.

You can capture these user stories and organize them in many different ways, but often the easiest method is to write each story on a 3”x5” index card with a marker or thick pen. This way, you can easily read what’s on the card, and can easily shuffle them and re-shuffle them into categories and themes, noting their categorizations and themes with annotations in the margins or on the backs of the cards.

Prioritization and the MVA

Once you’ve developed your collection of user stories and identified the categories and themes among them, you will want to prioritize those themes and decide which of them need to be part of your minimum viable application (MVA). You may decide that some themes can easily be split into multiple phases of implementation, allowing you to prioritize a portion of that theme for early development and other portions of that theme later.

Once prioritized, identify among the highest prioritized themes those that are important to include in the minimum viable application. Then, for those themes, identify whether each user story involves creating new capabilities in the browser-based client application, in the server application that supports it, or in both. If there are portions of the same user story that involve creating new capabilities in both applications, you will need to make a note on the story of what portion of the functionality belongs in the server and what portion belongs in the client.

These MVA-relevant themes and their user stories should then be captured in a project board in your project Github repository. You can find the project board feature under the Projects tab of your project repo. For more information on project boards, see the Github documentation here.

Your project board will serve as a guide for you during development of the next three assignments, so it’s very important that you create the relevant cards there.

The Specification Document

Once all that is done, you will need to write a specification document identifying the goal and synopsis of the project based on your proposal and discussion with the instructor, the major user roles, themes, and other categorizations identified, and the portion of the work identified for the MVA with reasons for that prioritization.

Your specification document should reference your project board and should contain a link to the project repostory within the document.


The project board must be completed in your project Github repository.

Your proposal document can be written in whatever software you wish, but must be submitted as a PDF format document.

(short essay) Licensing Standardization: Based on the SAFE Act and the role of the NMLS, how has the SAFE Act and NMLS organization helped in the recovery and revitalization of American’s housing mark

(short essay) Licensing Standardization:

Based on the SAFE Act and the role of the NMLS, how has the SAFE Act and NMLS organization helped in the recovery and revitalization of American’s housing market? 


  • What requirements set forth by the SAFE Act had a direct and positive impact on the housing market?
  • Do you think the formation of the NMLS was necessary? Why or why not?
  • What are some of the positive ways that the NMLS/SAFE Act has impacted the industry?
  • Have there been any negative impacts?

Need help with my writing homework on Cause and Effect of Crisis in the US Social Security System. Write a 250 word paper answering;

Need help with my writing homework on Cause and Effect of Crisis in the US Social Security System. Write a 250 word paper answering; Cause & Effect of Crisis in Americas Social Security System Social Security was created by Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1935, and since then has acted as a focus of the country’s social bond, and has provided income to the most susceptible of citizens. It covers almost twenty percent of the federal budget and is the most popular government plan in the world. (Social Security (US)

In 2005, President George W. Bush declared that a crisis was coming which will affect the American Social Security System. But it has been reported that this was probably a fake crisis, which was risen so that government officials could earn an extra bit of money. The situation facing the social security is pretty clear. It has enough income to last for about thirty years, and it does not seem that it will be running out anytime soon. The program was created to provide benefits to the retired and old age people, and the benefits were said to rise with the growing increase in wages of the people. The fact that the economy is producing more than enough funds to offer an increasing standard of living for the future generations, while also honoring its commitment to the Social Security, comes as a shock to some people. As a matter of fact, the only threat that the social security is facing is from the politicians who are trying to ‘alter’ the system and bring drastic changes by faking a crisis. (The introduction to

Social Security: The Phony Crisis).

The changes that Bush wanted to bring would have actually put the Social Security System in crisis. His privatization plan would have half ruled half of the Social Security funds into private accounts. This would have made the Social Security dependent on the Trust Funds, which would have emptied the Trust Funds twenty years sooner, and as a result payments to the people would have reduced by seventy percent. This would have created a real crisis.

The Social Security Trust Fund has been in operation for about seventy years. There was a much worse crisis in 1983. The Trust Fund was about to drain then, but the problem as brought under control, and it worked for over fifty years. The Social Security system has been altered a few times, to keep it stable. Even if the government just sits idle and does nothing, then the Trust Fund is said to run out in 2035. But even then the Social Security would not be broke. So the so called crisis said to have occurred, is not much of a threat. The Social Security is well established and is said to run effectively for the next many years. If it is threatened by anything, it is the ‘reforms’ of the politicians and their attacks on then system. Their drive to save the system by creating a crisis will put the Social Security system under more jeopardy. (Is There a Social Security Crisis?)


Is There a Social Security Crisis?.” zFacts on Controversial Topics. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Apr. 2012. .

JR., JOHN H. CUSHMAN, and ROBERT PEAR. “Social Security (US) – News – Times Topics – The New York Times.” Times Topics – The New York Times. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Apr. 2012. .

“Social Security: The Phony Crisis, Introduction — Dean Baker and Mark Weisbrot.” The University of Chicago Press | Home . N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Apr. 2012.

Directions: Using the resource “Social Issue as the Behaviorist Sees It,” construct an outline for a paper that will analyze a social concern through the lens of behaviorism. To complete the outline,

Directions:Using the resource “Social Issue as the Behaviorist Sees It,” construct an outline for a paper that will analyze a social concern through the lens of behaviorism. To complete the outline, you will do the following: 

  1. Choose a social concern (parent incarcenration- see attachments) and analyze it through a behavioral framework. What solutions can behaviorism offer? What limitations exist in a behavioral interpretation of the issue?
  2. Use the template provided (“Social Issue as the Behaviorist Sees It”) to develop an outline. Add sub-categories to the outline as necessary. The completed outline should identify your clear intent to synthesize information from the resources

Read at least 10 peer-reviewed articles in your general dissertation field that you have not read previously. I have attached the previously listed. provide the following for each source that you are

Read at least 10 peer-reviewed articles in your general dissertation field that you have not read previously. I have attached the previously listed. 

provide the following for each source that you are adding to the document:

  1. The APA-formatted citation.
  2. A brief annotation of the key points of the source.
  3. An indication of whether the source has been added to (Y) or excluded from (N) your tracking software (i.e., Refworks) list.

Using the outline you developed and the feedback provided by your instructor, write a paper (2,250 words) that synthesizes information from resources you identified. Do that by including the following

Using the outline you developed and the feedback provided by your instructor, write a paper (2,250 words) that synthesizes information from resources you identified. Do that by including the following:

  1. A description of a current social issue – parent incarceration (see attachment). What is the problem to be researched?
  2. A behavioral analysis of the issue. Ask yourself, how would a behavioral theorist view the creation and persistence of this issue?
  3. A behavioral solution to the issue. How can behavioral theories be applied to solve this issue? Determine a plan of action, even if it is hypothetical.
  4. Describe the limitations of the behavioral interpretation of the issue, as well as any limitations to the behavioral solution. How might you resolve those limitations?

Individual Topic Proposal for Researched Argument Essay my research is about how social media is affecting teenagers.

Individual Topic Proposal for Researched Argument Essay

my research is about how social media is affecting teenagers.