Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on the emergence of modernism.

Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on the emergence of modernism. The Emergence of Modernism Introduction Latin American heritage dictionary defines modernism as the period ofleaving the traditional life styles and adapting present and modern ones (Malcolm and McFarlane 68). It is further defined as the premeditated departure by people from the use of tradition as well as forms of expression in the society. Emergence of modernism was witnessed in the end of 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century distinguishing different styles in literature and arts in the larger Latin America (Malcolm and McFarlane 163). However, in order for various artists and writers to adapt to the new styles, it required them to adhere to diverse motivating factors. All in all, everyone involved needed commitment and dedication towards literary and artistic styles.

Motivating factors

Latin American artists and writers were encouraged and motivated in the emergence of new literary and artistic styles in the end of the 19th century. Nevertheless, this could not be realized without proper utilization and accommodation to the available factors at that period of time. Industrialization is one of the major contributors towards modernism. The urge by various emerging nations to become industrialized, felt that traditional forms of literature, arts, social organizations, religious activities and their daily lives were becoming outdated (Malcolm and McFarlane 102). Thus, the need for new and modern social, economic, political and environmental conditions was required so as to cater for the emerging markets and increased demands. However, various movement approaches from different artists and writers emerged during this period to make possible towards meeting the rising needs and wants by the industrial world players. Industrialization created room for improvements, development and reshaping of existing forms of literature and arts to the people.

On the other end, technology goes hand in hand with modernism. Therefore, technological advancements led to enhanced modernization through democratic revolutions. Technology acted and still acts as a motivating factor in the emergence of new artistic and literally styles. It is through it that we have seen more and increased production of arts and literature. The rate to access raw materials as well as getting them was made easier and comfortable, thus, allowing both artists and writers produce good and quality products. As a result, new methods towards producing new results were realized by the use of different technologies and advancements (Frascina and Charles 142).

According to Frascina and Charles (90), civilization is believed to have led to modernism in one way or another. History of Latin American literature and arts is as a result of developments of civilizations into rich and complex diversity of creative arts and idioms, themes, forms and styles. During this period of time, different Latin American cultures evolved and developed through arts and literature. However, as the societies grew, demand for more literary and artistic styles increased, thus, also increasing the number of artists and writers. The motivation to create, modify or discover new and modern ways as well as styles became the day to day activities in this era (Frascina and Charles 92).

Artistic and literary styles

As people exited 19th century and welcomed 20th century, new artistic and literary styles were witnessed. Early traditional conceptual art developed to a modern process art which used the encyclopedia style to inspire more artists. These included performing arts, visual arts, and language and physical arts among others. Visual arts refer to the art forms like fine arts, crafts, paintings and decorative arts. Whereas performing arts includes activities that deal with theatre and ballet. Moreover, the 20th century concept mainly witnessed use of diversity of arts and literature resulting from various styles which were provided by artists and writers from all regions. The demand for calligraphy increased during this period and advanced from general writing style to a modern art form (Eysteinsson 92).

Most notable painting style was fauvism by Henri Matisse at the begging of the 20th century. Its pioneers believed that colour could be used at its highest pitch for expressing feelings about something by artists. According to this style, paintings are characterized by extreme simplified drawing or intensely overstated colour. Impressionism style on the other hand was used at the end of 19th century for analyzing the effects of colour as well as light in nature to art forms (Eysteinsson 98).


Realization of modernism has been made possible by improvements and introduction of new technologies. For the past centuries the aspect of modern movement was the most controversial one and still remains in the modern world. It is the rejection of tradition by people. Therefore, modernism stresses on freedom of expression, radicalism, experimentation, primitivism while disregarding conventional expectations. The journey of making good and quality art or literature work is as important as the art/literature work itself.

Works cited

Eysteinsson, Astradur. The Concept of Modernism. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1992.

Frascina, Francis, and Charles Harrison. Modern Art and Modernism: A Critical Anthology. London: Paul Chapman Publishing, Ltd., 1982.

Malcolm, charisma and McFarlane, Daniels. Modernism. London: Penguin Books, 1978.

Reflection on Essay #1

Reflection on Essay #1

Did I start doing this properly ? I am confused and want to know if I’m on the right track

Did I start doing this properly ? I am confused and want to know if I’m on the right track 

Week 3: General Quality Strategies and Tools (400–500 words)Create a comparative table that shows the various definitions, risks, and value of each of the following quality management tactics:Establis

  • Week 3: General Quality Strategies and Tools (400–500 words)
    • Create a comparative table that shows the various definitions, risks, and value of each of the following quality management tactics:
      • Establishing customer expectations
      • Designing quality
      • Defining metrics
      • Mistake-proofing
      • Kaizen
      • Six Sigma
  • If there are other tactics you would prefer to address, feel free to switch out up to two of the above with others you find.
  • Be sure you are adding at least three new cited references with this submission.

Term Paper Assignment rough draft by Saturday at 5pm Advocacy Paper Topic: Elder Abuse Please read through and make sure you fully understand before you send me a proposal. Thanks.

Term Paper Assignment rough draft by Saturday at 5pm 

Advocacy Paper

Topic: Elder Abuse

Please read through and make sure you fully understand before you send me a proposal.


Complete 5 pages APA formatted article: Dispersed Team Dynamics. The effectiveness of studies on the dynamics of the teams has influential merits for the management students as they can convert their

Complete 5 pages APA formatted article: Dispersed Team Dynamics. The effectiveness of studies on the dynamics of the teams has influential merits for the management students as they can convert their individual skills to collective enthusiasm at their prospective workplace. This essay will focus on the summative evaluation of the different elements of virtual team management and the practical utility of the methods applied in the course structure and identify the questions for future exploration.

The course design for the topic of dispersed team dynamics has successfully covered the different theoretical aspects associated with the virtual team management applications. The basic learning from the course encompasses the technical and scientific knowledge associated with the formation of virtual teams and their functions. The lectures and practical sessions of the course effectively address the essential features of operational management, communication and the principles of collaboration in order to empower the learners to develop their employability at the challenging job market conditions. The course literature evidently focuses on the technical and personal competencies required for the virtual team managers. The current tendencies of the global HR environment of collectively demand the management students and leadership aspirants to explore their own potentials on the basis of the required adaptability skills essential for coping up the change-inflicted challenges. According to Lpesinger and DeRosa (2010), the emphasis of envisioning the changes as part of virtual team management functioning is essential for team leaders because of the importance of visions in strategic planning and decision making (p.93).

Finance assignment Please read carefully and understand before you send me proposal please. Thanks in advance

Finance assignment 

Please read carefully and understand before you send me proposal please.

Thanks in advance

ollows: You will first review the data available and summarize the data points as specified for this presentation by placing them in an Excel spreadsheet.Calculate descriptive statistics for the data,


  1. You will first review the data available and summarize the data points as specified for this presentation by placing them in an Excel spreadsheet.
  2. Calculate descriptive statistics for the data, as specified below.
  3. Prepare an Excel spreadsheet of the data.
  4. Review the data in the spreadsheet, and prepare a discussion of the data for Colorado hospitals compared to the data for Choice Hospital.
  5. The table below includes the data for Choice Hospital:HospitalLicensed BedsTotal DischargesTotal Patient DaysInpatient SurgeriesBirthsInpatient Admissions for Emergency DepartmentsEmergency Department VisitsTotal Outpatient VisitsChoice Hospital









  1. From these data, calculate the average length of stay (ALOS) for Choice Hospital.

Now look at the data for Colorado Hospitals at the link provided. Because Choice Hospital is a 300-bed facility, identify the hospitals that have between 200 and 400 licensed beds. Those are the hospitals that you will use for your comparison to Choice Hospital. In your Excel spreadsheet, do the following:

  1. List the hospitals that have 200–400 licensed beds in the first column, with 1 hospital listed per row.
  2. Next, for each of those hospitals, enter the data in separate columns for Total Patient Days and Total Discharges.
  3. In the next column, enter your calculation for ALOS using the data for Total Patient Days and Total Discharges.
    • At the bottom of the column for ALOS, calculate the mean and standard deviation for the average length of stay for all of the hospitals.
    • Enter the mean and standard deviation in the cells below in that column, and be sure to identify which value is the mean and which is the standard deviation.
  4. You will submit your Excel spreadsheet along with your 600-800 word summary.

Now that you have the data on ALOS for your comparison hospitals, write 600-800 word summary, not including the title page or reference page, and discuss the following:

  • Consider the average length of stay for Choice Hospital that you calculated using the data for Choice Hospital. How does that compare to the ALOS on average for the hospitals in Colorado with similar numbers of licensed beds from your calculation?
  • Identify the range of ALOS for the hospitals, and consider the standard deviation value.
    • Did you calculate the standard deviation of a sample or of the entire population?
    • What is the difference?
    • Explain why you chose the one that you did.
  • Research the ALOS for the United States, and find a statistic that is within the last 5 years. The ALOS may be an overall average or based on the number of beds.
    • State the ALOS for the United States that you found in your research, and be sure to cite the reference source.
    • How does the ALOS for Choice Hospital compare to the national average?

Please submit both your Excel spreadsheet and your paper.