Question 1: What changes should be made to the Accounting Professional & Ethical Standards (APES) to ensure forensic accountants remain at the forefront of their profession [400 words] (1

Question 1:         What changes should be made to the  Accounting Professional & Ethical Standards (APES) to ensure forensic accountants remain at the forefront of their profession [400 words] (15 Marks) 

Question 2:        A whistleblower has called the hotline to advise that a manager in the payroll section of HiLyfe Sportwear Pty (HiLyfe) has created fictional employees and is stealing those wages from the company.  What forensic accounting steps could you take to  identify possible red flags relevant to this allegation and explain your reasoning [ 400 words] (15 Marks)

(Note to students: No calculations are required)

Please look at the word document to see changes in the income statement for q2.

HI so i am looking for help for my assignmen. it is a question answer based assignment. the instructions are below I’ll attach the information later

HI so i am looking for help for my assignmen. it is a question answer based  assignment. the instructions are below I’ll attach the information later 

I need help creating a thesis and an outline on Leadership and mangement. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required.

I need help creating a thesis and an outline on Leadership and mangement. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. Since the concept of patient-centered care is increasingly emphasized in today’s healthcare environment, responding to patient feedback, grievances, and complaints are very important. Under this patient care model, patients have the right to file complaints and grievances if they are not satisfied with the health services received (Kaplan, 2014). Healthcare organizations are legally obliged to comply with federal regulations and Joint Commission standards while dealing with patient grievances and complaints (Dearmon, n.d.). This is inevitable for nurses to promote patient safety and to reduce their liability risk. Generally, patient grievances may be about unmet care expectations, offensive staff behavior, immediate discharges, compromising of confidentiality, treatment without informed consent, or any other unethical healthcare practice (ECRI Institute, 2010). According to Duxbury and Wittington (2005), addressing grievances involves difficult tasks as patients’ grievances can be different. An inexperienced nurse cannot easily handle the situation as there may not be a particular procedure for dealing with each type of patient grievances. As Devers, Pham and Liu point out (2004), even experienced nursing staff are not completely informed of the regulations and standards set by Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, the Joint Commission, and other government entities. Hence they become confused when they are required to handle situations of patient grievances. Generally patients may not be familiar with the grievance process, and therefore it is the duty of the nursing staff to assist clients to file their grievances.

Hi, need to submit a 2000 words paper on the topic Porter’s Generic Competitive Strategies.

Hi, need to submit a 2000 words paper on the topic Porter’s Generic Competitive Strategies. Yellow Tail operates in an environment where there are also competitors who offer the same products and in this case, a SWOT analysis is more appropriate for this task of analyzing the environmental factors that affect the organization’s operations. It defines the relationship between the internal and external environmental factors that can affect an organization in a bid to deal with its strategic analysis (Robinson 1997). Basically, SWOT stands for strengths, weaknesses which represent the internal environment of the firm while opportunities and threats are external environmental factors. The major strengths of the company include the following: The name is unique and interesting, the packaging depicts the famous kangaroo and the pricing is low among other factors. The company is able to offer satisfactory products to its customers abroad as well. Its weaknesses are. it heavily relies on the export market, it has limited brands and cannot continue attracting customers over a long period and the fact that it uses limited advertisements is another major weakness which can negatively impact on the organization.

There are different opportunities for the company. The distribution pattern in global markets is a very big opportunity for the company compared to other locally-based players in the industry. Using new technology in brewing wine is another opportunity for the company. The other opportunity is the need for the adoption of new information and communication technology tools such as the internet to effectively market its products. It can utilize the internet to reach customers who are beyond the local markets. Through specially designed websites, it can also be possible to market other products that are not found in the local stores.&nbsp.However, the growth of Casella Wines’ Yellow Tail has been one of the greatest successes of the wine industry and of branding as a result of many factors.

I will pay for the following article Are People Better Informed in the Information Society (responses). The work is to be 1 page with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page

I will pay for the following article Are People Better Informed in the Information Society (responses). The work is to be 1 page with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page. College: Are People Better Informed in the Information Society? There are two principal arguments that characterize the debate on whether people are better informed in the information society. It is evident that technology is constantly advancing and this implies that he internet contributes in enhancing people’s academic accomplishments. Nevertheless, some people disagree with the issue by providing dissimilar prove.

The arguments presented by Linda Jackson depicts that internet use makes people smarter. This conclusion was arrived at after a study of how test scores are affected when kids from ten to eighteen years use internet more frequently. The results from the study showed that children who utilized the internet performed better in their standardized tests, as well as, achieving higher GPA’a. Therefore, it would be wrong to argue that media and the internet have negative effects on individuals. Evidently, as technology is evolving, people will be able to better accommodate communication aspects, as well as, other preferences.

Contrarily, Bauerlein Mark believes that the internet has numerous negative effects on children. This is because of the fact that kids are becoming addicted to the internet. This is attributable to the fact that almost ninety percent of the students utilize five hours and below reading books in one week. However, 30% of these students use six hours every week surfing and communicating online. This argument shows that the internet is not

From the arguments presented, it is apparent that the internet offers a lot of facts to children thus making them better informed. Despite the agreements and disagreements presented, technology will continue t advance and are the people utilizing it. This means that better technology will lead to accessibility of more information. This is because of the fact that technology challenges people to improve their lives thus getting better informed.

Works Cited

Jackson, Linda et al. Does Home Internet Use Influence the Academic Performance of Low-Income Children? Developmental Psychology 42.3(2006).

Bauerlein, Mark. The Dumbest Generation: How the Digital Age Stupefies Young Americans and Jeopardize our Future. New York, NY: Penguin.

Please see the file

Please see the file 

Provide a 1 page analysis while answering the following question: Training and development 6. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required.

Provide a 1 page analysis while answering the following question: Training and development 6. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. Introduction What is a Protean Career? A protean career can basically be defined as a career which breaks away from the normal tradition of a career being solely driven by the company or organization to a modern notion where the career is now driven by the person. A protean career is also characterized by its ability to constantly reinvent itself as both the current environment and the person continue to change (Kakabadse et al 49).

How the emerging trend of protean Careers will affect my Personal Career Development

As the emerging trend of protean careers continues to take root, it is becoming quite imperative for individuals to assume full responsibility for the total management and control of their careers as well as their livelihoods (Kakabadse et al 49).

With this in mind, this trend will affect my personal career development as I would have to take several measures to promote my own career development. Some of these steps would include, I would need to develop several sources of income to supplement my main income. I would also need to attend career improvement and development conferences, seminars, workshops and symposiums to ensure that I am always abreast with the current developments in my chosen career and hence always remain ahead of most competitors.

In an attempt to be able to be favorably placed in the event that new opportunities happen to arise, I would need to ensure that I diversify the range and breath of my experience by ensuring that I always engage in new projects when given the chance to do so (Kakabadse et al 50).

As the protean career trend continues to develop, job security is fast becoming a thing of the past and I would need to ensure that I extensively network with other professionals in an attempt to ensure that I am always kept in the loop on the events taking place in my industry. Networking will also potentially provide new employment opportunities.

Works Cited:

Kakabadse Andrew, Bank John and Vinnicombe Susan. Working in organisations. Burlington, Vt. : Gower. 2004, Print.

Complete 4 pages APA formatted article: McDonald’s Corporation: Recasting Unallocated Costs.

Complete 4 pages APA formatted article: McDonald’s Corporation: Recasting Unallocated Costs. The researcher of this paper talks about one the most widely used technique to apportion the costs among various departments and units of production on the basis of activity of the firm. This method has removed any discrepancy that the previous accounting methods have and now because of this method we have been able to comply with the accounting principle of “PRUDENCE”. In this paper the researcher has crafted a strategy how McDonalds, which is one of the biggest fast-food chain, could use this method in their financial statement and how could they use this method to effectively calculate the cost of each product. In the end the researcher also has concluded that this method will be very useful for the company in apportioning overheads among various different products that McDonald’s outlets sell. The overheads that McDonald restaurants incur are telephone bill, security costs, electricity bill and wages. It is also stated that since all businesses apportion these overheads on the basis of past data, there are chances that in a certain month these apportions are under-estimated or overstated. If these apportions are over-estimated it is a good thing and increase the company’s profit on the ground that it has managed to use its resources efficiently. However, if these estimates are under-estimated then the company has to allocate these costs elsewhere. These are usually included in the item of unrecognized losses or material wastage. They present a loss to the company and decrease the profitability of McDonalds Corporation.

I need some assistance with these assignment. how do infrastructures sape cultures of consumption Thank you in advance for the help!

I need some assistance with these assignment. how do infrastructures sape cultures of consumption Thank you in advance for the help! The systems of provision again drive the consumer behavior towards waste reduction and also protection of the larger goal of water conservation. Normally, energy, water & waste management are carried out by centralized monopolies governed by the Government because they need to be run more as organizations promoting conservation rather than profit centers. In fact, their key result area would be to ensure minimum “revenues” as possible. However, if the same is privatized, the focus of the companies would be to promote as much consumption as possible to generate high revenues. Although the privatization may have been allowed by the government with an agreement of supporting conservation, the overall objective gets diluted because, from the perspective of the private infrastructure services organizations, conservation is in direct conflict with their interest which is the revenues. Hence in such a model, the consumers would also not bother about any green commitments to ecological balance as such.

This essay stresses that the government of a country provides Infrastructure Services like Transport, Water & Electricity to promote well being of the citizens and hence will be committed to subsidizing the cost to the consumers in order to make them reachable to the most unprivileged in the society. However, it needs to be clearly communicated that Infrastructure Services resulting in the consumption of natural resources (like water) that is of utmost environmental importance should not be treated as a product that can be availed as per personal choice without any commitment to the larger community & the environment. The consumers would have to be educated on the bigger picture such that they assume larger accountabilities of preservation of the natural resources thus helping in reducing wastage. This can be done by promoting products & services that help in a waste reduction without compromising on the day to day lifestyle goals of the individuals. Moreover, the services are allowed to be controlled by non-profit organizations such that the cause of environmental protection is higher on the agenda than the revenues from services.

The design of end-user utility services in large buildings & households should be done in such a way that manual avenues of saving natural resources (like water) should be provided along with signage or short instructions rather than controlling wastage through automatic means. Human behavior would override the automatic systems more often thus resulting in more wastage than conservation.