Write 1 page thesis on the topic personal response on the story three cups of tea.

Write 1 page thesis on the topic personal response on the story three cups of tea. Based on a real-life experience, the story, Three Cups of Tea exhibits one of the most unique&nbsp.operations of the era.&nbsp.

Greg’s determination to provide balanced and impartial education to both boys and girls equally followed by the ongoing construction of an umpteenth number of schools in Central Asia deserves a ‘several times-praise’ (Mortenson & Relin).

The story does bring into light Greg’s negative factors too, for instance, his flawed nature, his disregard for friends and family and his restlessness as well (Mortenson & Relin). Not only was he disorganized and sleepless but also unpunctual (Mortenson & Relin). We cannot deny that most of us are actually victims of almost all these weaknesses.

Some of the breathtaking issues encompassed within the story such as haunted glaciers, snow leopards, unimaginably dangerous landscapes, and extinctions of an umpteenth number of climbers, stimulate us to be stronger and more courageous than ever (Mortenson & Relin).

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Innovation Organisation. It needs to be at least 2500 words.

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Innovation Organisation. It needs to be at least 2500 words. Various tables and figures have been employed in order to justify the objectives of this research, and to provide evidence of the company’s operational excellence.

Present day business environment is very dynamic in nature which keeps on changing frequently with the changing market conditions at domestic and international level. Organisations existing in the present day business environment have sufficiently understood this fact and perform their market analysis and research activities to identify the changes. It is very essential for present day organisations to get adapted to the changes and maintain their business operations. To attain the level of flexibility required for adapting to the changes organisations develop innovative approaches to modify their business structure and systems as per the changes. This report discusses the theories of innovation and its real application in present day organisations. Irrespective of industry type every organisation is required to identify the changes and resist them. This report has considered the construction industry and its performance in the international market. BAM Construct UK Ltd. is one of the leading construction companies in UK and is a part of the European construction enterprise. The study has considered the company BAM Construct UK Ltd. as its sample organisation for analyzing the innovative practices performed within present day organisations. The study emphasizes various innovative approaches which are practiced in the sample organisation and also provides with suggestions on improving their innovation practices in regards to their product development activities. Organisations come up with innovative products which are developed as per the changing demands of the customers’.

The article readings this week give a good discussion and look at some of the frameworks that are used to manage risk within organizations and enterprises. One of the readings this week provided an in

The article readings this week give a good discussion and look at some of the frameworks that are used to manage risk within organizations and enterprises. One of the readings this week provided an introduction and comparison of different frameworks. As with anything, there are going to be strengths and weaknesses to all approaches.

For your week 6 research paper, please address the following in a properly formatted research paper:

  • Do you think that ISO 27001 standard would work well in the organization that you currently or previously have worked for? If you are currently using ISO 27001 as an ISMS framework, analyze its effectiveness as you perceive in the organization.
  • Are there other frameworks mentioned has been discussed in the article that might be more effective?
  • Has any other research you uncover suggest there are better frameworks to use for addressing risks?

Your paper should meet the following requirements:

  • Be approximately four to six pages in length, not including the required cover page and reference page.
  • Follow APA 7 guidelines. Your paper should include an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.
  • Support your answers with the readings from the course and at least two scholarly journal articles to support your positions, claims, and observations, in addition to your textbook.
  • Be clearly and well-written, concise, and logical, using excellent grammar and style techniques. You are being graded in part on the quality of your writing.

Need help with my writing homework on Hypotheses, Causal Model, and Operationalization Form. Write a 1000 word paper answering;

Need help with my writing homework on Hypotheses, Causal Model, and Operationalization Form. Write a 1000 word paper answering; Thus, anyone who eats a balanced diet or eats well will have to live longer than those who do not.

C) Draw a causal model of your hypotheses—using textboxes, arrows, and proper notation. If you do not already know how to create textboxes, or resize textboxes, or draw and move arrow, or align plusses and minuses along the lines, or make all of the lines and arrows black— this is when to learn. In terms of layout and formatting, your model ought to look like those in the samples and exercises from class. (Simply bump it all to the next page if you need additional space.)

5. Where You Have Access to Data for Your Time Period and Cases to Actually Measure the Variable as Operationalized Above (NOT ‘hope’ to find and have access to, or ‘might’ find and have access to, or ‘will start to look for’ or anything other than KNOW where the needed info/data is and KNOW you have access to it.)

The variables will be measured using the most appropriate methods for each of them. Since they have a direct influence on the findings, the choice of the variable will have to be made after considering its effectiveness. For instance, while dealing with eating habits as one of the variables in the research, the researcher will have to conduct a thorough survey to ensure that the most appropriate and proportionate population sample is studied and analyzed.

Need help with my writing homework on Analyzing Pro Forma Statements. Write a 500 word paper answering;

Need help with my writing homework on Analyzing Pro Forma Statements. Write a 500 word paper answering; Analyzing Pro forma ment al affiliation: Financial forecasting involves determination of the future financial requirements of the firm and is achieved through financial planning which includes use of budgets. The significance of financial forecasting include. it facilitates financial planning which is the determination of cash surplus or deficit likely to be faced in the near future, it facilitates control of entity expenditure so as to significantly reduce wastage of financial resources. It also serves as a motivation to employees who aim at achieving set targets if the forecasting has used targets and budgets. The methods used in financial forecasting are use of cash budgets, regression analysis and percentage of sale method which is going to be applicable for ABC Ltd.

The new initiative would be to market another product of the company. This would lead to an increase in the company’s sales over the forecasted period. Due to increased number of sales, the net fixed assets by acquisition of new machinery to increase production will also increase. For current assets, an increase in sales will be as a result of increased stock of raw materials, work in progress and finished goods. An increase in credit sales will also increase debtors while more cash will be required to buy more inventories in cash. The retained earnings will also increase with sales if the firm is operating at a profit. The current liabilities will increase because the increased sales will lead to the purchase of more inventories. Long term capital items such as common stock and additional paid in capital will not change or increase because they are not directly impacted by an increase in sales as they are always used to finance long term projects (Robert, 2009).

For ABC Ltd, the assumption of marketing of a new product will result to an increase in sales by 20%. The other items affected will also increase by the same percentage. The property, plant and equipment will increase due to the increased capacity and hence will use up capital. The sources of capital will the increase in accounts receivables and other liabilities and the cash. Assuming that the company retains 6% of its profits in its structure, the retained earnings will also increase. Over the five year period, there will be sources of capital and also uses of capital and any deficit is catered for by the 5 year loan which is 49303 in this case. The loan will need to be obtained by the company in order to fulfil its financial forecast in the five years because it is a source of capital though its interest has not been catered for which would be an additional expense of periodical nature to the company. For its achievements, the capital sources should be equal to the uses of capital (Robert, 2009).

The proforma balance sheet for the five year period shows the balance sheet items after their percentage change with respect to sales. The current portion of the long term loan will not be reflected after the five year period because it is a current liability payable in the current year and the cash amount is present fully in the fifth year so the whole amount has to be reflected. The percentage of retention is at the hands of the management to determine their retention percentage.

The five year forecast is good for ABC Ltd because it is attainable and is for the better good of the company. It leaves ABC with a greater amount of retained earnings and assets though with a loan to repay back with interest.


Robert Allan. (2009) “Strategic Financial Management.

Create a 7 pages page paper that discusses effects of new trends on advertising.

Create a 7 pages page paper that discusses effects of new trends on advertising. Division of audience into small groups because of the increasing number of media outlets is called audience fragmentation. The increasing number of television channels, internet-related ad technologies, digital signage etc have opened new opportunities for the advertising people and it is difficult for them to attract a wide range of people towards their ads because of the audience fragmentation. Most of the television like media depends on their ad revenues and in order to get substantial revenue from ads they need to attract as much as audiences or viewers as possible. Audience fragmentation is a major threat for such television as media.

Business media consolidation is a term used to refer to the phenomenon of a majority of the media outlets being owned by a small number of corporations. For example, Keith Rupert Murdoch has almost monopolized world of entertainments by introducing a variety of print and television media like New York Post, The Herald and Weekly Times Ltd, The Times, The Sunday Times, The Sun, American satellite TV systems, Star networks, Fox networks, etc. In order to conquer the internet, he started the social networking website like myspace.com. Such media consolidation is a big threat to the advertising world since these corporate which controls the majority of the media will try to execute their missions and visions through these media in order to safeguard their interests.

The Consumer Credit (Advertisements) Regulations aim to ensure that credit advertisements give a clear and balanced view of the nature and costs of the credit on offer. The Regulations extend to all forms of advertising, including in print (for example, newspapers, circular letters, flyers, catalogues or billboards), on television or radio, on the internet, on Teletext or by way of telephone canvassing (Credit advertising).

Write 8 pages thesis on the topic the resiliency of elders of the asian cultrue.

Write 8 pages thesis on the topic the resiliency of elders of the asian cultrue. Conversely, the recent indication is provoking the supposition that elderly people are solely recipients of support, or that they obtain more assistance from their adult children than they give to them. Older people though are crucial sponsors of assistance to their children as well as their grandchildren, together with providing financial aid, babysitting assistance, housing, advice, and emotional support. Older people nowadays are more probable to afford accommodation for their sons and daughters, than they are to afford accommodation for them. This tendency has developed in recent years as older folks have turned out to be more financially secure while their children are less stable. Most lately, the fact of “boomerang” children — going back to the parent nest because of unemployment and divorce — is somewhat accountable for this development.

An outline of give-and-take exchange where aging parents obtain more assistance from their adult children than they offer to their adult children–or responsibility reversal–naturally upturns with age, yet it cannot be assumed a characteristic of older parents in general. Findings have revealed that older parents are essentially net suppliers of assistance up to their 80s. Additionally, when responsibility reversal ensues, the swap tends to ensue for contributory more than responsive types of assistance. Several viewpoints on the elderly family indicate that getting too much assistance (over-support) from children or getting assistance from children, which cannot be countered may trigger distress among older people. Most African American older people choose to stay functionally independent for as much as it is conceivable before depending on children for assistance. Findings display that the aging generally anticipates less assistance from their own children than they (children) are eager to offer.&nbsp.

I need some assistance with these assignment. advertising: formula 1 racing would be impossible without it Thank you in advance for the help!

I need some assistance with these assignment. advertising: formula 1 racing would be impossible without it Thank you in advance for the help! Summary of Advertising. formula racing would be impossible without it (and so would Interruption of Advertisements during Grand- Prix race is highly annoying and breaks the tempo of enthusiast. But, keeping Formula 1 race team is extremely costly and requires substantial capital to be invested, which can only be capitalized through abundance of advertisements. Multiple multinational sponsors bear the expense of Formula 1race car’s annual and moving costs, which is yearly an average of 2 million. Therefore, this sport product is entirely dependent on advertising for its extensive cost. Hence, one should be gratified of these sponsors and advertisers, who reduce the cost of actual product and thus participate in their expenditure, which eventually become cheaper and accessible for audience (Anonymous).

News papers, Television and Internet would not be able to sustain their unbounded cost, if they are not supported by sponsors and advertisers, which provide substantial revenue to cover basic cost of production and maintenance. Furthermore, Bus services are also reliant upon advertising to divide their expenses and generate extra revenue for their services.


Anonymous. (n.d.). Advertising. formula 1 racing would be impossible without it (and so would).

Complete 1 page APA formatted article: The Issues of Prostitution. If prostitution can be stopped, one can see that men will have more respect for women and at the same time, women will also respect t

Complete 1 page APA formatted article: The Issues of Prostitution. If prostitution can be stopped, one can see that men will have more respect for women and at the same time, women will also respect themselves more. A halt in the practice of prostitution will mean a halt in sexual exploitation and sexual harassment (Farley, 2010). Crimes such as physical assault and rape of women prostitutes may also be reduced. Stopping prostitution can reduce the proliferation of organized crimes which operate prostitution dens. Another consequence of halting the practice of prostitution is that women trafficking may also be controlled (Hughes, 1999).

b. Should we do this even if we could?

Yes, one believes that prostitution should be stopped because it ruins the morals and values of society. The presence of prostitution does not in any way uplift society. It may provide jobs for poor and uneducated women but that should not be the kind of job that a country’s government should offer. Better alternatives must be given by the government to these poor women.

One does not believe that prostitution could ever be organized without resulting in the exploitation of women. The very essence of prostitution is exploitation of women. It is immoral and unethical. Even if it was legalized, women will still be considered as sex objects.&nbsp.
