Objective: Understand how to create user accounts Understand how to create group accounts Creating good password policies Understanding permissions and file sharing Setup: You will need a Ubuntu Serve


Understand how to create user accountsUnderstand how to create group accountsCreating good password policiesUnderstanding permissions and file sharing


You will need a Ubuntu Server VM

Walk Through:

You are a system administrator who has been tasked to create user accounts for new users on your system. You can pick whatever theme you like as long as there are protagonist and antagonist users: i.e. Super Hero’s and Villains, Harry Potter Characters, or other interests of yours.

Create 2 groups:One for the ProtagonistsOne for the Antagonists

Create 5 users:2 Protagonists2 Antagonists1 Neutral – Can access both group’s files

User Configuration:Each user will have their own home directory that only they can access.Users must change their password when they first log in.Users are required to change their password after 6 months.

Required Directories in /home:1. Share – Anyone can access this directory to add or remove2. Protagonists – Only the protagonists group can add or remove3. Antagonists – Only the antagonists group can add or remove***Directory names can be named based on your current theme***

Ensure that you test that each account is working by either switching users, or logging in as different users.

What to Submit:

Submit a lab report documenting your process.Make sure to include:

  • A screenshot of the listing of the /home directory of the system showing the users home directories and the additional group directories.
  • A screenshot showing the listing of the file /etc/groups.
  • Screenshots that shows the permissions of the protagonists and antagonists directories.
  • Output from the chage -l  for each of the five users.

Upon Completion You Should:

  • Be able to use user management commands to create and modify users
  • Be able to use group management commands to create and modify groups
  • Be able to modify permission to allow individuals access based on group or permissions level

the task is to write a research paper discussing the concept of risk modeling. Please also evaluate the importance of risk models. Lastly, construct an approach to modeling various risks and evaluate

the task is to write a research paper discussing the concept of risk modeling. Please also evaluate the importance of risk models. Lastly, construct an approach to modeling various risks and evaluate how an organization may make decisions about techniques to model, measure, and aggregate risks.

Your paper should meet the following requirements:

  • Be approximately four to six pages in length, not including the required cover page and reference page.
  • Follow APA7 guidelines. Your paper should include an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.
  • Support your answers with the readings from the course and at least two scholarly journal articles to support your positions, claims, and observations, in addition to your textbook. 
  • Be clearly and well-written, concise, and logical, using excellent grammar and style techniques. You are being graded in part on the quality of your writing.

Part 1. The need for change must be differentiated from the ability to change for it to be successful. Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: Discuss the requisite skills a person needs

Part 1.

The need for change must be differentiated from the ability to change for it to be successful.

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: 

  • Discuss the requisite skills a person needs to lead change for a chosen organization.
  • How can the organization’s structure accommodate change?

Part 2.

Respond to the following discussion post in a minimum of 100 words:

Change is a vital factor in the success of any individual, institution, organization or business. It may be difficult to bring about change in a business where employees, upper management, board members and customers must be taken into consideration in implementing changes. Those leading through times of change must develop skills to successfully oversee that change.

To successfully lead an organization through a process of change, a leader must be able to keep in mind the goal and mission of the changes. Seeing the big picture, he must be able to set goals and deadlines to accomplish the vision for change. A good leader must develop the ability to see how the small pieces work together to fulfill the larger purposes and inspire employees to join in the effort.

The organizational structure of a company forms the base on the basis of which the policies of the company are formulated. The structure of an organization or the company plays an important role in influencing and maintaining the competitiveness of the organization. – Mike A

Part 3.

Reply to the following classmate in a minimum of words:

“According to the McBer Competency Model for the “Top Notch Change Manager”, it identifies a combination of competencies such as interpersonal, diagnostic, initiation, and organizational skills. A similar model was also developed by David Buchanan and David Boddy which details 15 competencies in 5 areas: goals, roles, communication, negotiation, and managing up. Both models claim to be comprehensive, however it is recommended that organizations need to customize the model to what is relevant and needed by the organization. (Palmer, Dunford, & Buchanan, 2017)

When our company went through a reorganization, I was part of the senior leadership that had to execute the change. Based on my experience, having effective communication is crucial to change management. This means having the ability to: clearly communicate the mission, vision & objectives of the plan, motivate and solicit/listen to feedback from employees, mitigate roadblocks or resistance. Without effective communication, the trust from the employees will be impacted. Initially we experience resistance from some employees who did not clearly understand why the change was needed.  To help alleviate such, we conducted employee forums such company wide open dialogues, department meeting, round table meetings, and focus group meetings. This gave the employees the opportunity to voice their concern and learn more about the change. Another skill is being politically savvy. In most organizations there are politics and hidden agendas involved. Being aware of such and having the ability to influence others can help overcome the resistance to change.

·        How can the organization’s structure accommodate change?

An organization can adapt to the change by having clear mission (what the organization is and does), vision (description of future scenario), and goal (identifying desired results). Creating a change management framework consisting of goals, structures (i.e. clearly defined initiatives, roles and responsibilities), involvement (i.e. high level engaging and collaborating, communication and involvement at all stages, giving frontline ownership to help drive change), and leadership (i.e. visible involvement and personal commitment from Chief Executive, Leaders reflect the mindset and become a role model for the desired changes). (Palmer, Dunford, & Buchanan, 2017)

In my week 1 post, I mentioned that “effective communication and involving members of our staff as a resource to help champion the process”.  This is vital component for any organization to adapt to the changes. Getting the employee “buy-in” is a huge step that needs to be achieved in order successfully change the culture and behavior of the organization. Once this occurs, the rest should fall into place.” Agnes P.


Palmer, I., Dunford, R., & Buchanan, D. (2017). Managing organizational change: A multiple perspectives approach (3rd ed.). McGraw-Hill Higher Education.

Semiotics of the chairs of ionesco

Semiotics of the chairs of ionesco

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on ‘In mind and deed, citizens today are less engaged in politics than they used to be’. Using evidence, evaluate this claim, and explore the theori

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on ‘In mind and deed, citizens today are less engaged in politics than they used to be’. Using evidence, evaluate this claim, and explore the theories presented in the literature that account for growing political disengagement. It needs to be at least 2500 words. the research studies conducted on participation in the electoral process was unanimous in declaring that the socio – economic status was strongly associated with participation. Moreover, it was seen that age, income and education were some of the most important issues that influenced an individual’s proclivity to exercise his franchise2.

As such, voter turnout has been interpreted as an indicator of the commitment of the public towards the existing political system. Consequently, the drastic reduction in the number of voters is indicative of a significant emasculation of such commitment3. Thus, voter apathy is an indication of the reduced concern of the public, towards political processes, and this could affect the democratic system in the long run.

Voter turnout in the UK has generated a large number of debates. In 2001 voter turnout was 59.1%, which increased marginally to 61.3% in the year 2005. The hectic election campaigns brought forth several predictions regarding huge voter turnouts. Some of these predictions were on the basis of poll respondents who declared that they would exercise their franchise without fail. In addition, the Electoral Commission revealed that a very large number of people were downloading registration forms from its website4.

This proved to be incorrect, as no explanation was forthcoming regarding the dismal voter turnout on the day of polling. Furthermore, several reports emerged regarding the formation of large queues at a few polling centres, and some of the polling centres ran out of ballot papers. However, the bitter truth finally emerged, and it became clear that these incidents were the result of the inefficiency of the concerned officials, and not due to a large turnout of voters5. The inefficiency of the authorities is also one of the reasons for low voter turnouts in the UK.

Although the parliamentary democracy of the UK can function, despite public apathy.

Evaluate the choices faced by Steve Lewis, Peter Adario, and Eduoard Sakiz (in Badaracco’s article) from the standpoints of the generalizability, utilitarian, and virtue ethics tests. Does Badaracco’s

Evaluate the choices faced by Steve Lewis, Peter Adario, and Eduoard Sakiz (in Badaracco’s article) from the standpoints of the generalizability, utilitarian, and virtue ethics tests. Does Badaracco’s concept of character illuminate Hooker’s discussion of integrity? Can organizations exhibit character, integrity and virtue? [5-7 pages, typed.  

Reflection and DiscussionTopic – Channels Of Distribution – 600 words Learning Objectives: Become familiar with the terms “channels of distribution” and “supply chain logistics.” Understand distributi

Reflection and Discussion

Topic – Channels Of Distribution – 600 words

Learning Objectives:

Become familiar with the terms “channels of distribution” and “supply chain logistics.”

  1. Understand distribution/channel intensity.
  2. Acknowledge channel conflict and resolution.
  3. Recognize the impact of channel power on channel behavior.
  4. Stress the importance of retailing and its various forms.

Reflect on the assigned readings for the week. Identify what you thought was the most important concept(s), method(s), term(s), and/or any other thing that you felt was worthy of your understanding.

Also, provide a graduate-level response to each of the following questions:

Go online and compare three franchises (e.g., franchise.org, americasbestfranchises.com, or whichfranchise.com). Choose two franchises in the same industry (e.g., fast food) and the third franchise from another industry (e.g., hair cutting). Make a table to report the fee structures (upfront, continued licensing), as well as benefits touted for franchisees of each franchise system. What would tempt you to pitch in with some friends and buy a franchise when you finish your degree?

If you were to take your company global, which 3 countries would be your first targets and why? What kinds of strategies and products fit with those countries’ segments of customers?


Activity: Review Figures 10.2 (Manufacturers Direct to Consumers) and Figure 10.3 (Manufacturers through a Channel) in chapter 10, discuss the pros and cons of each scenario

The assignment is to answer the question provided above in essay form. This is to be in narrative form and should be as thorough as possible. Bullet points should not to be used. The paper should be at least 2 – 2.5 pages in length, Times New Roman 12-pt font, double-spaced, 1 inch margins and utilizing at least one outside scholarly or professional source related to marketing management. The textbook should also be utilized. Do not insert excess line spacing. APA formatting and citation should be used.

This research-based assignment focuses on the latest available information about creating, organizing, and managing a total rewards program. Envision a service-based (insurance, telemarketing, or othe

This research-based assignment focuses on the latest available information about creating, organizing, and managing a total rewards program. Envision a service-based (insurance, telemarketing, or other) profit organization that employs 20,000 employees in 17 different countries. There are 2,000 management-level individuals who speak a variety of languages. The company employs diverse individuals who are governed by multiple regulatory environments. Write an eight- to ten-page paper in which you:

1. Create a brief overview of the company requirements for a total rewards system.

2. Formulate a total rewards strategy to encompass the fundamentals of compensation and the regulatory environments.

3. Explain the advantages of the total rewards strategy you are proposing and how it might satisfy the employees’ needs.

4. Determine the key communication components of the total rewards system.

5. Indicate your strategy for devising a competitive pay structure.

6. Use at least five quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other websites do not quality as academic resources.