Strategic Change CycleAssume that you are a program coordinator for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, and you have been asked to participate in developing a strategic plan to develop and imple

Strategic Change Cycle

Assume that you are a program coordinator for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, and you have been asked to participate in developing a strategic plan to develop and implement a new method to screen potential entrants to the United States. Your supervisor has suggested that the department utilize the Strategy Change Cycle to strategically plan for the best practices/methods of deciding upon and implementing the new plan.

You will create a PowerPoint presentation to present your plan to the department. Your presentation will include the following items:

  • the Strategic Change Cycle’s components and key objectives,
  • key considerations that are unique to public and third sector organizations when developing and implementing strategic planning, and
  • reasons for why you would or would not suggest incorporating the Strategic Change Cycle into the strategic planning process.

Your PowerPoint presentation should consist of at least 10 slides, not counting the title slide and reference slide. Please be sure to use the textbook and at least three additional sources, citing all using APA style.

Technology and Cost ContainmentIn response to continually rising health care costs, the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) provision was created to promote the mea

Technology and Cost ContainmentIn response to continually rising health care costs, the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) provision was created to promote the meaningful use of health care information technology through numerous incentive programs for health care providers. By enhancing data collection, streamlining electronic medical records, and increasing transparency, it is believed that significant cost savings can be realized as well as other positive outcomes. What are some of the tradeoffs involved in this type of policy?To prepare:• Reflect on the challenges of containing health care costs in the U.S.• Consider how information technology may be used to address health care issues related to cost.• Examine the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) provision and its goals.

Scarcity Problems Watch this short video (Scarcity: The Basic Economic Problem) to help you think about this week’s discussion: Start your discussion by responding to these questions: Introduce yourse

Scarcity Problems

Watch this short video (Scarcity: The Basic Economic Problem) to help you think about this week’s discussion:

Start your discussion by responding to these questions:

  • Introduce yourself to your professor and peers. Tell your classmates about the career you are in or for which you’re preparing.(Jame Samuels 28 from new york enrolled in my bachelor’s degree.)
  • Describe a scarcity problem involving natural resources, time, or employees. What was scarce? Why was it scarce? Remember, it probably involved a tradeoff.

Continue the conversation with your peers:

  • Read one of your peer’s scarcity problems and provide an additional idea for a system to help solve their problem.

For more information, see my video on Scarcity:

For more information, see my video on Scarcity:

Describe in 500 words the disaster recovery plan and who is responsible at your place of employment. Considerthe critical business functions and your recovery point objectives and recovery time object

Describe in 500 words the disaster recovery plan and who is responsible at your place of employment. Considerthe critical business functions and your recovery point objectives and recovery time objectives.

Use at least three sources. Use theResearch Databases available from the DanforthLibrary,not Google. Include at least 3 quotes from your sources enclosed in quotation marks and cited in-line by reference to your reference list. Example: “words you copied” (citation) These quotes should be one full sentence not altered or paraphrased. Cite your sources using APA format. Use the quotes in your paragaphs.

Write in essay format not in bulleted, numbered or other list format.

Watch this video about Joseph Shumpeter’sconcept of Creative Destruction. For example, many think that the introduction of self-driving cars will disrupt the job market for drivers. Use at least three

Watch this video about Joseph Shumpeter’sconcept of Creative Destruction. For example, many think that the introduction of self-driving cars will disrupt the job market for drivers.

Use at least three sources. Use theResearch Databases available from the DanforthLibrary,not Google. Include at least 3 quotes from your sources enclosed in quotation marks and cited in-line by reference to your reference list. Example: “words you copied” (citation) These quotes should be one full sentence not altered or paraphrased. Cite your sources using APA format. Use the quotes in your paragaphs.

Copying without attribution orthe use ofspinbotor other word substitution software will result in a grade of 0.

Write in essay format not in bulleted, numbered or other list format.

Extensively research a topic related to disability (Dyslexia) that we have not covered in class, or that you would like to study in-depth. Disability (Dyslexia) Issues: (A minimum of six references an

Extensively research a topic related to disability (Dyslexia) that we have not covered in class, or that you would like to study in-depth.

Disability (Dyslexia) Issues: (A minimum of six references and eight pages)

The purpose of your exploration of specific issues about disability is to allow more in-depth exploration that is covered by course content, and to provide an opportunity to explore an issue of personal interest that may not be addressed in the course.

After working with your preceptor to assess organizational policies, create a list of measurable outcomes for your capstone project intervention. Write a list of three to five outcomes for your propos

After working with your preceptor to assess organizational policies, create a list of measurable outcomes for your capstone project intervention. Write a list of three to five outcomes for your proposed intervention. Below each outcome, provide a one or two sentence rationale.

The assignment will be used to develop a written implementation plan.

APA style is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.

You are not required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite.

You will be choosing a total of 4 pieces per module for the playlists assignment. The specifics for each module are below. For Middle Ages & Renaissance 2 must be from Middle Ages & 2 from Renaissance

You will be choosing a total of 4 pieces per module for the playlists assignment. The specifics for each module are below. For Middle Ages & Renaissance 2 must be from Middle Ages & 2 from Renaissance. For each piece within a module submission, you will include the name, composer, and link to a performance along with writing a paragraph that includes why you chose that piece and why/how it fits the music characteristics of that time period. Make sure to include terminology from the class and music characteristics of the period. A reference list is required, but youtube links or other links to where you heard the music will not count as references. The characteristics for each time period can be found in the Background/Characteristics powerpoint and/or script within that time period’s module.

Writing a Letter to Congress. Illinois Senator Dick Durbin Make sure your letter includes an explanation of the issue you’ve picked and why it is important to you. Suggest at least one way you thin

Write a Letter to Congress. about the Killing of George Floyd and other blacks like him.   Make sure your letter includes an explanation of the issue you’ve picked and why it is important to you. Suggest at least one way you think the issue could be addressed by your congressperson or by the government.


Follow the steps below to complete your essay, and use the links provided to assist with your research and writing. 

Gather sources. Begin by gathering additional sources—either online or otherwise—to support the views you present in your essay. For each source, consider these questions:

  1. Read and evaluate sources. Examine each source and think about how you will use it to support a thesis. Be an active researcher by asking the following questions about each source you reference:
  2. Write your essay. Refer to your notes and the provided documents to write a short essay. Be careful to keep the following ideas in mind: