Instructions – Case Study Outline 1. Read the following case study. Week 9 Case Study: Gender Identity – Transgender – Gender Dysphoria Week 9 Obstacles to Care TGNC (Transgender Non-Conforming) Sam t

Instructions – Case Study Outline

1. Read the following case study.

Week 9 Case Study: Gender Identity – Transgender – Gender Dysphoria

Week 9 Obstacles to Care TGNC (Transgender Non-Conforming) Sam to Samantha (Pseudo-names)

Sam to Samantha

Sam starting coming out and questioning his gender identity in high school wearing full makeup to school. He was interested in fashion design. He started cross dressing in high school as well. His mom was incarcerated for drugs when he was 10 years old and had limited contact with her until he was an adult. His father remarried shortly after that and him and his new wife were members of conservative Christian church which did not accept or support the LGBT community. When he left home his parents had a difficult time accepting his changing look and full make up, but were relieved he was not living with them or in the community because they were ashamed and embarrassed by him. He moved to NYC and got a job at one of the leading cosmetics companies and was one of their top performers. At night he MC’d the drag shows in the New York City for years. He was in a relationship with a man who was beginning to medically transition, Sam decided he did not want to go through with the full surgery and began to identify himself as non-binary. That is when he changed his name from Sam to Samantha and wanted to be addressed as “They” or “Them”. Them did not want to be called “his son” by his father, which created a rift between them. Their father has never accepted Them as a transgender person. Them is now in his late 30’s, in a long-term relationship, Their religion is Wiccan, and has limited contact with family except for an aunt who accepts Them unconditionally. How could you provide support to Samantha and educate Samantha’s family on Their Transgender/Non-Conforming/Non binary identity?

Use this as guide to write up an assessment and treatment plan for this case study – “Samantha”

Primary mental health needs of transgender people

Transgender and gender nonconforming people, in general, have three types of need for mental health.

a. Exploration of gender identity. This includes determining exactly what one’s gender identity is, coming to terms with this gender identity, self-acceptance and individuation, and exploring individual–level ways to actualize this identity in the world. This may also include preparation and assessment for various gender affirming treatments and procedures.

b. Coming out and social transition. This includes coming out to family, friends, and coworkers, dating and relationships, and developing tools to cope with being transgender in a sometimes transphobic world.

c. General mental health issues, possibly unrelated to gender identity. The variety of mental health concerns experienced by transgender people include mood disorders, generalized anxiety, substance abuse, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

2. Complete the Case Study Outline (review the mental health needs listed below for transgender people).

Case Study Outline

1. Background information and Socio-cultural considerations.

2. Assessment (assessment methods must be consistent with the theory you have read for this week’s assignments, video clips or theory mentioned in the vignette).

3. Treatment plans, must list 3 treatment goals that follow logical problem solving.

4. Interventions (Interventions must be consistent from theory/ theories you are using for the case study) include collateral stakeholders as part of the interventions as needed.

5. Discuss future research that may be needed.

3. Your Case Study Outline should be attached as a Word .doc file (.doc, .docx) or PDF.

Video links

· How to talk (and listen) to transgender people | Jackson Bird (Links to an external site.)

Transgender: a mother’s story | Susie Green | TEDxTruro (Links to an external site.)

Goldenberg, H., & Goldenberg, I. (2013): Chapter 17, Appendices A and B (Comparative View of Family Theories and Therapies and the AAMFT Code of Ethics)

o PowerPoint Handout: Chapter 17 pdf

Transgender, Non-Conforming, Non- Binary People

A triangle is is a polygon with three edges and three vertices. It

12:14 AM Sat Jun* 0 37%Not Secure – mylinux.langara.bc.capoints ,ABC.You may only accept the points located on the 40 X 40 grid (min :0, max 40).Your program should be repeated as long as the user wishes.You need to create and use the following methods in your implementation besides any othermethods that is needed for this lab assignment.Takes coordinates of (x,y) and returns true, if they are positive, and they are in range [0 – 40], othersieit returns falsepublic static boolean verify_input (int x, int y)Takes coordinates of two points (x1,y1), (x2,y2), then calculates and returns their distancepublic static double distance (int x1, int yl, int x2, int y2)Takes the three coordinates of the triangle, (xA, yA), (xB, yB), (xC, yC), and returns its permeterpublic static double perimeter (int xA, int yA, int xB, int yB, int xC, int yC)Takes the three coordinates of the triangle, (xA, yA), (xB, yB), (xC, yC), and returns its areapublic static double area (int XA, int yA, int xB, int yB, int xC, int yC)The sample run of the program follows. The values indicated as bold are the values entered by the user.Enter the coordinates of triangle ABCx- coordinate of A: 5y-coordinate of A:x- coordinate of B: 6y- coordinate of B:x- coordinate of C:y- coordinate of C:Triangle: A(5, 5), B(6, 7), and C(8, 5)Perimeter = 8. 064495Area= 2. 999999Would you like to repeat the program (1 for yes, 2 for no) ? 1Enter the coordinates of triangle ABCx- coordinate of A: 5y- coordinate of A: 50x- coordinate of B: 6y- coordinate of B: -7x- coordinate of C: 8y – coordinate of C: !coordinate (5,50) is not in acceptable rangecoordinate (6, -7) is not in acceptable rangeWould you like to repeat the program (1 for yes, 2 for no)? 2End of the program.

Critical Lens: “A work of literature must provide more than factual accuracy or vivid physical reality… it must tell us more than we already know.” – E. M. Forster Consider the quotation above and

Critical Lens: “A work of literature must provide more than factual accuracy or vivid physical reality… it must tell us more than we already know.” – E. M. ForsterConsider the quotation above and decide whether you agree or disagree with it. Then, write an essay in which you support your assessment of the quotation through analysis of one or two of the literary texts you have read. Be sure to support your argument with specific details from the literary text(s) you have chosen . Your analysis should include consideration of formal features of the text(s), such as plot, setting, theme, and characterization.

Write a three page, double-spaced analysis for the case study “Skills for Tomorrow: A Management Team in Crisis,” that is a plan for the Executive Director moving forward. In your analysis of the prob

Write a three page, double-spaced analysis for the case study “Skills for Tomorrow: A Management Team in Crisis,” that is a plan for the Executive Director moving forward. In your analysis of the problem, describe for the leader the skills that will be required to “fix” the problems. You should review Katz’s skills as presented in the text, and those discussed in the article before you make your recommendations. The composition should follow conventions of standard American English appropriate for a professional and scholarly audience using APA format (6th Ed.). Do not exceed the 3-page limit and do not use personal pronouns, i.e first-person narration. All work should be in the third person. Papers that exceed page limit and that use the first person will not be accepted. Submit your paper in Microsoft Word format via the dropbox by the deadline identified above. The composition should follow conventions of standard American English appropriate for a professional and scholarly audience using APA format (6th Ed.).

Write a 250- to 500-word argumentative essay. on Why are there laws limiting the freedom of speech.Process Follow the steps below to complete your essay, and use the links provided to assist with you

Write a 250- to 500-word argumentative essay. on 

  • Why are there laws limiting the freedom of speech.


Follow the steps below to complete your essay, and use the links provided to assist with your research and writing. 

  1. Gather sources. Begin by gathering additional sources—either online or otherwise—to support the views you present in your essay. For each source, consider these questions:
  2. Read and evaluate sources. Examine each source and think about how you will use it to support a thesis. Be an active researcher by asking the following questions about each source you reference:
  3. Write your essay. Refer to your notes and the provided documents to write a short essay. Be careful to keep the following ideas in mind: To avoid plagiarism, make sure to cite your sources properly with in text citations and a works cited page

1) *********Minimum 6 full pages You must submit 3 documents (each one of 2 pages) Minimum 2 pages per document- not words Cover or reference page not included 2)¨**********APA norms All paragraphs

1) *********Minimum 6 full pages

You must submit 3 documents (each one of 2 pages)

Minimum 2 pages per document- not words

Cover or reference page not included

2)¨**********APA norms

All paragraphs must be narrative and cited in the text- each paragraphs

Bulleted responses are not accepted

No write in the first person.

Answer the question objectively, do not make introductions to your answers, answer it when you start the paragraph

3)********** It will be verified by Turnitin and SafeAssign

4) **********Minimum 9 References from the last 5 years

Minimum 3 different references for each document


You must answer the question 3 times.

You must submit 3 documents (each one of 2 pages)

Copy and paste will not be admitted.

You should address the questions with different wording, different references, but always, objectively answering the questions.


Make a reflection on Kolcaba’s Comfort Theory and Duffy’s Quality Caring Model.

You must make a minimum of 1 page for each theory.

Page 1: Katharine Kolcaba’s Comfort Theory theory.

Basic concepts

4 metaparadigms

Theoretical proposal

Page 2: Jane Duffy’s Quality Caring Model

Basic concepts

4 metaparadigms

Theoretical proposal

Blockchain Industry experts believe blockchain is a technology that has the potential to affect the business of most IT professionals in the next five years. Pick an industry you feel will be most aff


Industry experts believe blockchain is a technology that has the potential to affect the business of most IT professionals in the next five years. Pick an industry you feel will be most affected by blockchain and how blockchain may be used in that industry. As an IT manager, how would you embrace blockchain? For instance, how would training occur for your team, what strategies might you use, what security methods may you recommend be used?

Your paper should meet the following requirements:

• Be approximately four to six pages in length, not including the required cover page and reference page.

• Follow APA6 guidelines. Your paper should include an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.

• Support your answers with the readings from the course and at least two scholarly journal articles to support your positions, claims, and observations, in addition to your textbook. The UC Library is a great place to find resources.

• Be clearly and well-written, concise, and logical, using excellent grammar and style techniques. You are being graded in part on the quality of your writing.

Colina Hill RE: Discussion – Week 6 Initial responseCOLLAPSE Discussion week 6 Initial Response Telehealth is a trend that has been evolving for several years and recent events have become a predomina

Colina Hill RE: Discussion – Week 6 Initial responseCOLLAPSE

Discussion week 6 Initial Response

Telehealth is a trend that has been evolving for several years and recent events have become a predominant use in healthcare visits.Telehealthis a potential tool to deliver health care and decrease exposure risk (Goodman-Casanova et al., 2020).Telehealth is a tool that people with limited resources have to access healthcare when they otherwise would not have been able to.As defined by theAmerican Telemedicine Association (ATA)“telemedicine is the use of medical information exchanged from one site to another via electronic communications to improve a patient’s clinical health status” (What is Telehealth, 2020).

A remote system means the usual methods of counter-checking are missing. The identity of both, the patient as well as the provider, may be unclear to each other. There are security issues related to patient data especially of the patient’s personal information. Lastly, distance can remain a barrier for effective education and training of remote staff, posing a threat to evidence-based up-to-date delivery of care(Maeder et al., 2016). As well there areother disadvantages toTeladoc such as the ability of a physician to do a hands-on assessment there is also the need for thepatient to have the readiness and ability to learn in this manner.On the other hand, there are many potential benefits thattelehealth has to offer.One of these benefitscanbe ongoing monitoring for patients in their homes instead of an observation hospital stay. Furthermore,on-demand remote medical care via telephone and video conferencing technology giving patients the opportunity to speak with aphysicianthat can diagnose problems such as respiratory infections, flu, allergy, or skin issues anytime or place increasingaccess to healthcare while lowering costs.

Telehealth will give aquicker,cost-effective, and more accessiblecare. Having 24/7 direct access to healthcare willenhance patient control, autonomy, and overall healththis will contribute to improvements in patientoutcomes, efficiencies, and data management.


Goodman-Casanova, J., Dura-Perez, E., Guzman-Parra, J., Cuesta-Vargas, A., & Mayoral-Cleries, F. (2020). Telehealth home support during covid-19 confinement for community-dwelling older adults with mild cognitive impairment or mild dementia: Survey study. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 22(5), e19434.

Maeder, A., Mars, M., Hartvigsen, G., Basu, A., Abbott, P., & Gogia, S. B. (2016). Unintended consequences of tele health and their possible solutions. Yearbook of Medical Informatics, 25(01), 41–46.

What is telehealth. (2020).

Kyle Johnson RE: Discussion – Week 6COLLAPSE

Healthcare technology is constantly advancing and improving the way health care is delivered. The goal with a lot of healthcare trends is to make patient health information readily available such as with the electronic health record, patient portal systems, and monitoring devices such as the Apple Watch with technologies capable of performing an EKG. One of the biggest health care trends was the creation of the electronic health record (EHR). The EHR contains patient information from demographics to health issues. The EHR increased the portability of patient health information from facility to facility (, 2019). The EHR also helped to make finding patient health information easier on health care workers when looking for focused information instead of having to read through a paper chart (Laureate Education, 2018). Even with the many benefits that the EHR offers some facilities still use paper charting. For example, Catawaba Hospital in Virginia, a state psychiatric facility, still uses paper charting.

One down fall to the EHR is not all EHRs can communicate with each other (Palma, n.d.). This makes it hard for physicians to follow patients throughout their life span unless the patient reports that they had a visit to urgent care or the hospital. For psychiatric visits, patients might not even want their psychiatric records associated with their health records, especially with substance abuse. The electronic record allows physicians to be more detailed to prove the need for a higher level of billing, but this can make documenting time-consuming (Palma, n.d.). HIPAA violations are also a possibility with EHR such as wanting to look into family members’ care.

One potential security risk associated with the EHR would be data breaches. Potential hackers or non-law abiding citizens might seek to gain access to the EHR to gain personal information for identity fraud (IPRO, 2018). This can be prevented by only accessing the EHR on secure networks, and not giving out your user credentials. In 1996 the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act was created to protect patient information (, 2013). This law ensures the safety and security of patient information holding those who break the law accountable with fines or jail time.

Benefits to the EHR include portability, accessibility, and improved quality of patient care. The EHR allows access to patient information anywhere in the healthcare facility to those with access. The EHR increases communication throughout the healthcare team allowing notes from the night team to be viewed by the day team increasing patients’ quality of care. The EHR contributes to big data leading to better patient outcomes. A nursing informatics specialist can use this data to create new technology that can be lifesaving.

The EHR continues to be a huge impact in healthcare and nursing practice. This increases communication between nursing staff and allows for a place to document care provided by nurses. It also allows for information to be captured and shared with patients in the form of a patient portal system. This allows patients to be a part of their health care. The EHR was a great starting point for other technologies such as transmitters that sends vital signs from the machine into the EHR.

References (2019). What is an Electronic Health Record (EHR)? Retrieved from. (2013). Summary of the HIPAA Security Rule. Retrieved from.

IPRO. (2018). 4 Top EHR Security Concerns and How to Address them. Retrieved from. is particularly vulnerable to,access to a company’s data.

Laureate Education (Producer). (2018). Electronic Records and Managing IT Change [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.

Palma, G. (n.d.). Electronic Health Records: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly. Becker’s Health IT. Retrieved from. EHRs allow for easier,accessed when and by whom.

In a corporate, networked setting, should end users be allowed to install applications on their company workstations, whether the applications are on a DVD or downloaded from the Internet? Be sure to

In a corporate, networked setting, should end users be allowed to install applications on their company workstations, whether the applications are on a DVD or downloaded from the Internet? Be sure to weigh security against usability.(250-Words) & For this Work, you are asked to locate any company privacy policy. Some of the more popular ones might include GOOGLE, APPLE, or MICROSOFT, but you may elect to review another agency. In 3 paragraphs, explain what you find to be the most interesting information contained in that privacy policy. At the end of your report, please include a LINK to the policy you have reviewed.